Quality Assurance in Software Development

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 2IS224

Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Information Systems G1F
Grading system
Pass with distinction (VG), Pass (G), Fail (U)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 13 April 2023
Responsible department
Department of Informatics and Media

Entry requirements

30 credits in information systems including 7.5 credits in programming.

Learning outcomes

Regarding knowledge and understanding the student is expected to be able to on completion of the course:

  • describe preconditions for quality assurance in software engineering both with regard to information systems and software engineering aspects,
  • account for established models and methods for evaluation of IT-systems and software engineering processes,
  • relate different quality aspects in information systems development to one another.

Regarding competence and skills the student is expected to be able to on completion of the course:

  • configure and carry out automatic testing of software,
  • plan and implement tests in programme code,
  • evaluate information quality, software quality and business value of information systems.

Regarding judgement and approach the student is expected to be able to on completion of the course:

  • evaluate issues in software engineering processes and their implications for people and organisations,
  • evaluate an appropriate amount of testing in systems development.


The aim of the course is to give a broad understanding of the field quality assurance in software engineering. The course takes its starting point in well-established research around information systems quality and highlights information quality, software quality and business value.

The concept of quality within the subject of information systems, as well as different perspectives on quality in conceptual models are addressed. The course deals with overall definitions of quality in information systems, as well as strategies for maintaining quality for systems in daily use. The course also deals with quality assurance from a technical perspective. Different aspects of software quality are covered, as well as tools and strategies (e.g. version management, continuous integration and automated testing) for quality assurance in connection with software development. Business value aims to understand how IT in businesses creates value for the business. Evaluation of how information systems contribute to or (due to deficiencies) oppose business objectives.


Teaching is given as lectures and exercises.


The course is examined through written assignments, project work and examination.

If there are special reasons for doing so, an examiner may make an exception from the method of assessment indicated and allow a student to be assessed by another method. An example of special reasons might be a certificate regarding special pedagogical support from the University's disability coordinator or a decision by the department's working group for study matters.

