Building individual and community RESilience thrOugh NATurE-based therapies (RESONATE)
RESONATE will bring together a consortium of world leaders in Nature-based Therapy (NbT) research, practice, policy, and innovation with stakeholders in the health, environmental, economic, and societal sectors to:
- build a stronger causal evidence base of the links between nature, health, and well-being by demonstrating nature’s biopsychosocial resilience building capacities
- demonstrate how multi-sectoral stakeholders can collaborate to implement locally acceptable and inclusive NbTs
- increase awareness and acceptance of these benefits among the public, multi-sectoral stakeholders, and policy makers
- ensure wider utilisation of cost-effective NbTs, to help build more resilient individuals and communities in urban, rural, and coastal settings
This will be achieved through an on-line Global Systematic Map of existing NbTs, and nine Case Studies (CSs) using longitudinal cohorts, Randomised Controlled Trials, and a Community of Practice trial, spanning 8 countries, urban, rural, and coastal settings, and all three levels of the health promotion/disease prevention pyramid.
CSs will collect sector-specific and process-related data spanning four sectors: health, environment, economy, and society. Outcomes will include effectiveness, mechanisms, equity (fairness/inclusivity), environmental sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and social acceptability. Selected CSs will develop Social Innovation Action “Nature-based Resilience Hubs” to demonstrate best practice cross-sectoral collaboration and market potential.
Results will be synthesised to give insights into scaling-up/scaling-out potential, and summarised in a Toolbox of practical Guides and Tutorials aimed at different end-users, as well as an overall “What Works Nature-based Therapy Guide” for NbT implementation at scale (i.e. Impact). An International Expert Advisory Board of world leaders in NbTs will support integrated communication, dissemination, and exploitation activities for maximum reach.
European Commission (Horizon Europe)
RESONATE är ett stort internationellt projekt med deltagande universitet från ett flertal olika länder. Från IBF deltar:
Freddie Lymeus, forskare i miljöpsykologi, IBF
Laura Toth, forskningsassistent, IBF