About us

Research team

Stina Bergman Blix

Stina Bergman Blix is Principal Investigator of the JUSTEMOTIONS project. She is Professor of Sociology at the Department of Sociology, Uppsala University. Bergman Blix’ research interests lie in the areas of professionalism, rationality, socio-legal studies, theatre studies and qualitative methods, always with an eye on emotional and emotion management processes. Bergman Blix’ latest research projects investigate emotions in court from several perspectives: how emotions are active and acted upon in and around court hearings, and how objectivity is constructed in judicial decision-making. Bergman Blix is in the Editorial Management Board of Emotions & Society and was the coordinator of the European Sociological Association Emotion Research Network 2015-17

Francesco Contini

Francesco Contini is a senior researcher at the Research Institute on Judicial System of the National Research Council of Italy, where he coordinates the research area “Quality and assessment of justice systems.” He studies the institutional transformations of European judiciaries with a special focus on procedural justice, performance evaluation and quality development, as well as e-justice. He has been PI in different projects such as “Handle with Care: assessing and designing methods for evaluation and development of the quality of justice” and "Building Interoperability for European Civil Proceedings Online". Francesco has written various articles and books on such topics, among which “Judicial Evaluation” with Richard Mohr (VDM 2008), ‘ICT and innovation in the public sector’ (Palgrave 2009) and “The Circulation of Agency in e-Justice” (Springer 2014) both edited with Giovan Francesco Lanzara. He has ongoing collaborations with the COE, UNODC, IADB to judicial reform programs. Selected publications are available here.

Terry Maroney

Terry Maroney is Professor of Law and Professor of Medicine, Health and Society at Vanderbilt University, in the United States. Her research interests are judicial emotional experience and regulation, and the impacts of those processes on judges’ personal wellbeing and professional performance; the interactions of law and emotion more generally; and the relevance of psychological science to legal questions in the context of criminal law. She has been a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University and a Chancellor Faculty Fellow at Vanderbilt University.

Alessandra Minissale

Alessandra Minissale is a PhD candidate in sociology at the Department of Sociology, Uppsala University, since October 2018.Alessandra graduated in law and worked at the Faculty of Law - Alma mater Studiorum (University of Bologna, Italy) as Assistant in Civil Procedural Law. Alessandra research focus on emotions and decision-making in court, as part of the international ERC-Project Justemotions, where she will carry out the fieldwork in Italy. Alongside with sociology of emotions and decision-making, her research interests include narrative analysis, interactions and legal reasoning.

Cecilia Nordqvist

Cecilia Nordquist is a PhD candidate in sociology at the Department of Sociology, Uppsala University since September 2018. Cecilia’s research focuses on emotions and decision-making in court, as part of the international project JUSTEMOTIONS, where she will carry out the fieldwork in Scotland. Alongside with sociology of emotions and decision-making, her research interests include objectivity, discourse, symbolic interactionism, qualitative methods and gender studies. She completed her master’s degree at Gothenburg University.

Nina Törnqvist

Nina Törnqvist is a post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Sociology, Uppsala University since April 2020. She received a PhD in Criminology 2017 from Stockholm University, Sweden (Att göra rätt - En studie om professionell respektabilitet, emotioner och narrative linjer bland relationsvåldsspecialiserade åklagare). Her research is centered on issues of legal actors, professionalism and emotions. Other research interests are qualitative methods, narrative analysis, and theoretical accounts of identity, power and social interactions. In the international project JUSTEMOTIONS she will conduct fieldwork in Sweden.

