Courses on the undergraduate level

NB! This page is under construction.

Courses and teaching elements related to medical humanities are available both as independent courses and as part of graduate programs. The Centre for Medical Humanities works continuously with educational development to promote interdisciplinary elements between biomedicine, humanities and social sciences.

Medicine in culture and society

This course is elective within the medical programme, nursing programme, physiotherapy programme and pharmacy programmes. The goal of the course is to introduce central concepts about illness and health in a wider cultural and societal context.

More information and syllabus

Läkarstudenter med skyltar med budskap på temat "är det läkarens uppdrag att förlänga livet?"
Studenter håller upp skyltar med budskap

Patienten och vårdmötets dynamik

Patientmöte med vårdpersonal, patient och anhörig

This summer course offers interdisciplinary perspectives on meeting patients from different groups. The topics covered are, for example, the patient's competence, cross-cultural care meetings, language and norms and power. The teachers on the course come from various academic disciplines such as medicine, anthropology and history of science and ideas, as well as from civil society. Several of the teachers also have clinical experience. The course is aimed at people who are professionals in healthcare and medicine, who want the opportunity to reflect on their role and develop their skills.

More information and syllabus

Do you want to collaborate with us?

CMH works continuously to develop new courses and modules in cooperation with other actors. Feel free to contact us if you want to know more about the possibilities of arranging training sessions in the field of medical humanities.


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