Minor fields studies (MFS)
Through Minor fields studies (MFS), students have the opportunity to work with ISP's research groups and networks. This applies to both students in the natural sciences (physics, chemistry and mathematics) and social science who are, for example, interested in development aid, development issues and/or gender issues with a focus on higher education and research.
MFS scholarships are administered centrally via the Division for Internationalisation at Uppsala University. ISP can assist with contacts to research groups in low and lower-middle income countries, but has no opportunity to award scholarships.
An example of a social science study is Tatjana Kuhn's study The International Science Programme in Bangladesh: A case of self-interest, interdependence or social? Other examples of completed MFS projects can be found under MFS students.
The following institutions have expressed interest in receiving MFS students for shorter projects. If you are interested in a project in one of the countries and research areas below, you are welcome to contact the listed researchers directly. If you do not find what you are looking for, you can always contact the ISP for further discussion and suggestions.
- Asian Network of Research on Antidiabetic plants (ANRAP), Bangladesh University of Health Sciences, Dhaka. Contact: Professor Begum Rokeya, b_rokeya@yahoo.com
- Department of Biomedical Physics & Technology, University of Dhaka: Biomedical Physics & Technology. Contact: Muhammad Abdul Kadir, kadir@du.ac.bd
- Department of Chemistry, University of Dhaka: Environmental and food contaminant research. Contact: Professor Mohammad Shoeb, shoeb71@yahoo.com
- Department of Physics, University of Dhaka, Nanophysics. Contact: Dr Khandker Saadat Hossain k.s.hossain@du.ac.bd
- Atomic Energy Centre Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Materials Science Division. Contact: Dr S Manjura Hoque, manjura_hoque@yahoo.com
- Centro de Estudios de Postgrado e Investigación, University of San Francisco Xavier, Sucre: Ecological chemistry, Insect ecology. Contact: Dr Carlos F. Pinto, cpintonavia@gmail.com
- Department of Physics, Universidad Mayor de San Simon (UMSS), Cochabamba. Contact: Ivan Efrain Fuentes Miranda, i.fuentes@umss.edu.
Burkina Faso
- Centre de Recherche en Sciences Biologiques, Alimentaires et Nutritionelles (CRSBAN), University Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Ouagadougou: Food Science and Nutrition in Tropical Areas. Contact: Professor Mamoudou H. Dicko, mamoudou.dicko.2013@gmail.com
- Department of Chemistry, University Joseph Ki Zerbo, Ouagadougou. Natural products from local plants, water treatment using clay material, and sensor or biosensor conception for pollutants analysis in water. Contact: Professor Issa Tapsoba, issa.tapsoba@gmail.com
- Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Science, University of Yaounde I. Contact: Dr Bathelemy Ngameni, bath_ngameni@yahoo.fr
- Department of Physics, Royal University of Phnom Penh. Contact: Dr Tharith Sriv, tharith@rupp.edu.kh
- Department of Mathematics, Royal University of Phnom Penh: Contact: Seam Ngonn, seamngonn@yahoo.fr
Congo DR
- Department of Chemistry & Industry/Faculty of Sciences and Technique, University of Kinshasa. Contact: Professor Mavinga Blaise Mbala, mbala@unikin.ac.cd
- Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito. Contact: Professor Jenny Rulaes, jenny.ruales@epn.edu.ec
- Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Beni-Suef University. Contact: Professor Sameh AbouZid, sameh.zaid@pharm.bsu.edu.eg
- Department of Mathematics, Addis Ababa University. Contact: Dr Tilahun Abebaw, tilahunabebaw@yahoo.com
- Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, College of Health Science, Addis Ababa University. Natural products chemistry. Contact: Dr Mariamawit Yonathan Yeshak, mariamawit.yonathan@aau.edu.et
- Geophysical Observatory, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa. Seismology. Contact: Dr Atalay Ayele, atalay@geobs.aau.edu.et
- Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute, Entoto Observatory and Research Center. Contact: Dr Solomon Tessema, tessemabelay@gmail.com
- Department of Physics, Bahir Dar University. Contact: Dr Amare Benor, amarebenor@yahoo.com
Ivory Coast
- Laboratoire Instrumentation Image et Spectroscopie, Institut National Polytechnique, Yamoussoukro. LED microscopy with applications in malaria, agricultural and environmental research. Contact: Professor Jérémie Zoueu, jeremie.zoueu@inphb.edu.ci
- Department of Chemistry, University of Nairobi. Inorganic and coordination chemistry, Environmental chemistry. Contacts: Professor Lydia Njenga lnjenga@uonbi.ac.ke
- Department of Mathematics, University of Nairobi. Contact: Dr Jared Ongaro, ongaro@uonbi.ac.ke
- Department of Physics, Chepkoilel University College, Eldoret. PV-cells and environmental physics (water purification). Contact: Professor Mghendi Mwamburi, mghendi@yahoo.com
- Department of Physics, University of Nairobi. LED microscopy, laser physics and remote sensing. Contact: Professor Kenneth Kaduki, Kenkaduki@yahoo.com
- Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, University of Nairobi, Nairobi. Nuclear Science with applications in agricultural and environmental research. Contact: Susan Waiyego Karuga, swkaruga@uonbi.ac.ke
- Department of Chemistry, National University of Laos, Vientiane. Environmental Chemistry. Contact: Dr Kesiny Phomkeona, k.phomkeona@nuol.edu.la. Natural Products Chemistry. Contact: Dr Phenxay Deevanhxay, deevanhxay@nuol.edu.la
- Center of Excellence in Environment, National University of Laos, Vientiane. Contact: Dr Santi Kongmany, s.kongmany@nuol.edu.la
- Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Malawi, Chancellor College, Zomba. Inorganic environmental research and water chemistry. Contact: Dr Timothy Biswick, tbiswick@unima.ac.mw
- Centre for Ionics, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Polymer electrolytes, polymer batteries or dye sensitized solar cells (Grätzel cells). Contact: Professor A K Arof, akarof@um.edu.my
- Department of Physics, University of Bamako. LED microscopy. Contact: Souleymane Sanogo, soulysanogo@gmail.com
- Department of Mathematics, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo. Contact: Professor João Paulo Munembe, jmunembe3@gmail.com
- Department of Physics, Amrit Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu. Contact: Shriram Sharma, ramhome2@hotmail.com
- Department of Environmental Sustainability, in cooperation with the Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi. Sustainable water use and waste management. Contact: Professor Rufus Sha’ato, rshaato@gmail.com
- Faculty of Science, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima. Thin Films and Materials: Energy Efficiency Conversion and Environmental Control Applications. Also Mathematics and Information Technology. Contact: Professor Walter Estrada westrada@uni.edu.pe
- Department of Chemistry, University of Rwanda. Environmental and natural products chemistry. Contact: Dr Theoneste Muhizi, tmuhizi66@gmail.com
- Department of Mathematics, University of Rwanda. Contact: Dr Celestin Kurujyibwami, celeku@yahoo.fr
- Department of Physics, Rwanda Astrophysics, Space and Climate Science Research Group (RASCSRG). Contact: Manasse Mbonye, mmbonye@gmail.com
- Department of Mathematics, Université Gaston Berger, Saint Louis. PDE, Modeling and Control. Contact: Professor Abdou Sene, asene1001@yahoo.fr
Sri Lanka
- University of Colombo, Institute of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IBMBB). Contact: Professor Sameera Samarakoon sam@ibmbb.cmb.ac.lk
- Department of Chemistry, University of Dar es Salaam. Contact: Clarence Mgina, cmgina@yahoo.com
- Department of Mathematics, University of Dar es Salaam. Contact: James Mukungu, james.makungu@udsm.ac.tz
- Department of Physics, University of Dar es Salaam. Materials science and solar energy. Contact: Margaret Samiji, esamiji@gmail.com
- Department of Physics, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai. Plasma & Beam (electron and ion) Physics. Contact: Dheerawan Boonyawan, dheerawan.b@cmu.ac.th
- Department of Physics, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. Thin film physics and semiconductor physics. Contact: Dr Sojiphong Chatraphorn, Sojiphong.C@chula.ac.th
- Department of Physics, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai. Geophysics. Contact: Dr Sawasdee Yordkayhun, sawasdee.y@psu.ac.th or Dr Kamhaeng Wattanasen, kamhaeng.w@psu.ac.th
- Department of Chemistry, Makerere University, Kampala. Coordination Chemistry. Contact: Dr. Emmanuel Tebandeke, emmanuel.tebandeke@mak.ac.ug; Natural Products Chemistry. Contact: Professor Robert Byamukama, maubyamukama@gmail.com
- Department of Mathematics, Makerere University, Kampala. Eastern African Universities Mathematics Programme (EAUMP). Contact: Dr John Mango, mango@cns.mak.ac.ug
- Department of Physics, Makerere University, Kampala. Materials science and solar energy. Contact: Dr Denis Okello, denis.okello@cns.mak.ac.ug
- Department of Physics, Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST). Contact: Dr Edward Jurua, ejurua@gmail.com
- Department of Physics, University of Zambia, Lusaka. Contact: Dr Steven Mudenda, steven.mudenda@unza.zm
- Department of Applied Biology and Biochemistry, National University of Science and Technology, Bulawayo: Ecotoxicology or Environmental Toxicology. Contact: Dr Norah Basopo, norah.basopo@nust.ac.zw
- African Institute of Biomedical Science and Technology, Harare. Bioorganic assays and natural products chemistry. Contact: Professor Stanley Mukanganyama, smukanganyama@yahoo.co.uk; smukanganyama@gmail.com
For questions about projects within the respective ISP subject:
Dr Solomon Tesfalidet
E-mail: solomon.tesfalidet@isp.uu.se
Professor Carla Puglia
E-mail: carla.puglia@isp.uu.se
Dr Bengt Ove Turesson
E-mail: bengtove.turesson@isp.uu.se
Social Science and Gender
Professor Carla Puglia
E-mail: carla.puglia@isp.uu.se