Previous commissions

Here you will find NCK's Government commissions which are completed. The commissions are listed by the year in which they were finalised.

NCK's consultation responses are available in Swedish and can be obtained by e-mailing

Commission on national telephone support for victims of violence
(Ministry of Employment A2021/02054)

Uppsala University (The National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women, NCK) has been commissioned by the Government to start a pilot project to provide a national support telephone line for men who have been subjected to domestic violence. The commission also includes offering a similar helpline for non-binary people and people with transgender experience.

Government commission on national telephone support for victims of violence (pdf in Swedish) Pdf, 2 MB.

Report on the Government commission on national telephone support for victims of violence (A2021/02054) (pdf in Swedish) Pdf, 809 kB.

Commission for a feasibility study on the introduction of an EU harmonised telephone number for victims of violence in Sweden. (Ministry of Employment: A2023/01355)

Uppsala University (The National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women, NCK) has been commissioned to conduct a feasibility study to introduce a harmonised EU telephone number for victims of gender-based violence at national level. Uppsala University is to submit a written report on the assignment to the Government Offices (Ministry of Employment, with a copy to the Ministry of Education) by 10 January 2024.

Commission for a feasibility study on the introduction of an EU harmonised telephone number for victimes of violence in Sweden (pdf in Swedish) Pdf, 110 kB.

Commission to allocate development funds and provide competence support for work against violence in close relationships. (S2020/01591/SOF) (partly)

The Government is instructing the National Board of Health and Welfare to allocate funds in 2020-2022 to develop the work of social services and health care services against domestic violence, sexual violence, honour-related violence and oppression, and to support work with adults and children in prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes. The National Board of Health and Welfare shall also provide and assure the quality of knowledge and method support, known as competence support.

Uppsala University (NCK) is commissioned, in collaboration with the National Board of Health and Welfare, to further develop and offer skill-support for adults exposed to violence, with a focus on web-based support for relevant professionals. The work will facilitate the implementation of knowledge and stimulate long-term development work.

Government commission to allocate development funds and provide competence support for work against domestic violence, etc. (pdf in Swedish) Pdf, 326 kB.

Commission on national telephone support for victims of violence.
(Ministry of Employment A2021/02054)

Uppsala University (The National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women, NCK) has been commissioned by the government to start a pilot project to provide a national helpline for men who are victims of violence in close relationships. The assignment also includes offering a similar helpline for non-binary people and people with transgender experience.

Government commission on national telephone support for victims of violence (pdf in Swedish) Pdf, 98 kB.

Report of Government commission on national telephone support for victims of violence (A2021/02054) (pdf in Swedish). Pdf, 2 MB.

Further development of the Women's Helpline, Kvinnofridslinjen, in 2020. (Ministry of Employment A2020/00866/JÄM)

Uppsala University (The National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women, NCK) may use SEK 10,000,000 to strengthen and develop the work with the national helpline for victims of violence in accordance with the government decision of 27 June 2019 (A2019/021272/JÄM).

Amendement to the letter of appropriation for the financial year 2020 regarding appropriation 3:1 Special gender equality measures (pdf in Swedish) Pdf, 3 MB.

Report of the commission to strengthen and develp the national helpline for victims of violence (A2020/00866/JÄM) (pdf in Swedish) Pdf, 1 MB.


Teaching guide and distribution of serialised novels on sexual abuse. (Ministry of Employment A2020/02380)

Uppsala University (The National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women, NCK) may use SEK 1,500,000 to produce and distribute teacher's guides to two serial novels on sexual abuse produced by NCK in a previous Government commission (Ju2007/2177). The commission also includes reprinting and distributing the serial novels.

Amendment to the letter on appropriation for the financial year 2020 regarding appropriation 3:1 Special gender equality measures (pdf in Swedish) Pdf, 3 MB.

Report on the commission to produce and distribute teachers' guides for serialised novels on sexual abuse (A2020/02380) (pdf in Swedish) Pdf, 8 MB.

Commission to strengthen and develop the national helpline for victims of violence. (A2019/021272/JÄM)

The Government instructs Uppsala University to continue to run, strengthen and develop the activities of the national helpline for victims of violence run by The National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women, particularly with regard to women and girls who are victims of honour-related violence and oppression, violence in same-sex relationships or those involved in prostitution or human trafficking for sexual purposes. These groups are covered by the national strategy to prevent and combat men's violence against women (skr.2016/17:10).

Uppsala University shall also submit proposals on how the activities of the national helpline can be developed to also include men and boys who are victims of violence and people who identify themselves in a different way than as women or men, girls or boys. This shall include an assessment of which parts of the proposal can be realised within existing cost frameworks and an assessment of the costs that any other proposals for development would entail. Uppsala University shall also work to increase awareness of the national helpline and monitor the development of the target groups that turn to the helpline.

In the implementation of these parts of the assignment, Uppsala University will obtain perspectives from the Swedish Gender Equality Agency, the National Board of Health and Welfare, the County Administrative Board of Östergötland, the National Agency for Education and the National Crisis Centre.

Government commission to strengthen and develop the national helpline for victims of violence etc. (pdf in Swedish) Pdf, 760 kB.

Report on the Government commission to strengthen and develop the national helpline for victims of violence etc. (pdf in Swedish) Pdf, 693 kB.

Commission to implement training programmes for social services personell on domestic violence and men's violence against women. (S2018/03930/FST partly)

The Government has commissioned the National Board of Health and Welfare to coordinate a special initiative to offer training on domestic violence and men's violence against women to social workers. The starting point is the needs expressed in the #metoo call from vulnerable groups that the social services encounter, and needs linked to violence and sexual abuse against older women, for example.

The initiative, which will continue in 2018, includes training programmes and a joint national assembly. The assignment will be carried out in collaboration with the Swedish Gender Equality Agency, Uppsala University (National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women, NCK) and the county administrative boards.

Government commission to implement training programmes for social services personell on domestic violence and men's violence against women (pdf in Swedish) Pdf, 64 kB.


Commission to offer training programmes and knowledge support to universities and colleges on issues relating to men's violence against women and violence in close relationships (S2018/01831/JÄM partly)

The Government has commissioned the Swedish Gender Equality Agency to offer training programmes and knowledge support for teachers and others responsible for university and college education on issues relating to men's violence against women and violence in close relationships. The commission will be carried out in collaboration with Uppsala University, where NCK is located, and other authorities that the Swedish Gender Equality Agency deems relevant.

Government commission to offer training programmes and knowledge support to universities and colleges on issues relating to men's violence against women and violence in close relationships (pdf in Swedish) Pdf, 188 kB.


Commission to develop national online support for health and medical care as well as the work of dental care against violence in close relationships and support for women and children exposed to violence (S2011/11337/FST, S2016/0063/FST partly).

NCK, in collaboration with the National Board of Health and Welfare, has been commissioned by the Government to provide national and regional competence support during 2016-2018 to improve the quality of work against violence in close relationships. This commission includes developing and disseminating online support for healthcare and dental care at national and regional level.

The national competence support will highlight current regulations, current knowledge and concrete information from the National Board of Health and Welfare and NCK on effective methods for detecting and working with women exposed to violence in healthcare and dental care. It is called web support for healthcare and was launched in spring 2018.

Summary of the feasibility study from autumn 2016 on web support for healthcare (pdf in Swedish) Pdf, 225 kB.

Summary of the feasibility study from autumn 2017 on web support for healthcare, focus on dental care (pdf in Swedish) Pdf, 58 kB.

Government commission to develop a national web support for health care and the work of dental care work against domestic violence (pdf in Swedish) Pdf, 470 kB.

Commission to produce an updated knowledge base on violence against LGBTQ individuals

In the letter of appropriation to Uppsala University for 2017, NCK was commissioned to produce an updated overview of the current knowledge base on violence in same-sex relationships and other violence against LGBTQ individuals. The document was to focus on young bisexual women, transgender people who are subjected to partner violence and young LGBTQ people who are subjected to honour-related violence and oppression.

As a result of the commission, NCK has produced the report "Violence against LGBTQ people – a research and knowledge overview" (NCK report 2018:1). The report has been designed as a complement to "Violence in same-sex relationships – a knowledge and research overview" (NCK report 2009:2), which was published in 2009.

Publication: "Våld mot hbtq-personer – en kunskaps- och forskningsöversikt" (The National Center for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women 2018) pdf in Swedish Pdf, 923 kB.'

Commission to produce an online course on violence (S2015/04805/FST)

In September 2015, the Government decided that the National Board of Health and Welfare could use SEK 1 million of development funds to develop a web-based basic course in the area of violence in close relationships to support the municipalities' skills development in collaboration with the county administrative boards and the National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women (NCK) at Uppsala University,

NCK was commissioned to produce the online course by the National Board of Health and Welfare. The aim is to raise the level of knowledge in the municipalities and strengthen staff who meet children, women and men living with domestic violence.

The online course on violence was launched on the 20th September 2016 and is free and available for everyone. The county administrative boards are responsible for implementing the online course regionally and this work is ongoing.

Online course on violence webpage

Commission to develop and to assure the quality of the Women's help line, Kvinnofridslinjen (U2011/3939/JÄM)

In 2011, NCK was commissioned by the Government to develop the national helpline Kvinnofridslinjen over a four-year period (U2011/3939/JÄM). The aim of the commission was to assure the quality of the support that Kvinnofridslinjen provides to victims of violence and to reach more victims of threats, violence and/or sexual abuse. The work included developing the technical support for the telephone counselling service, quality assurance of the calls, staff training and information initiatives.

The commission ran from 2011-2014 and was finally reported to the Ministry of Education on the 1st April 2015.

Report on the commission to develop an assure the quality of the Women's national helpline, Kvinnofridslinjen (pdf in Swedish) Pdf, 500 kB.

Commission to evaluate educational programmes on men's violence against women (U2011/5671/JÄM)

In 2011, NCK was commissioned by the Government to follow up and evaluate educational initiatives implemented within the framework of the Government's action plan to combat men's violence against women, honour-related violence and oppression and violence in same-sex relationships (2007/08:39) and the action plan to prevent young people from being married against their will (2009/10:229).

The commission was finally reported on the 15th March 2013.

Report on the commission to evaluate educational initiatives on men's violence against women (pdf in Swedish) Pdf, 794 kB.

Guide on support for girls and women affected by honour related problems

In 2010, NCK was commissioned by the government to develop and disseminate a guide on support for girls and young women affected by honour related problems. The guide was to be specifically designed for the health service and concern the treatment of girls and women who seek help in order to obtain a certificate that they have not had sexual intercourse or for reconstruction of the hymen.

The commission was reported on the 30th June 2011.

Publication: "Att möta patienter som söker för oro kring oskuld och heder" (The National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women 2011) pdf in Swedish Pdf, 791 kB.

Government commission within the framework of the Government's action plan

In the Government´s action plan from 2007 to combat men´s violence against women, honour-related violence and oppression and violence in same-sex relationships (pdf in Swedish) (letter 2007/08:39) NCK was commissioned three tasks:

  1. Extension of the commission to develop programmes for the care of victims of sexual crimes.
  2. Dissemination of information och knowledge on issues concerning honour-related violence and oppression as well as violence in same-sex relationships.
  3. Methods for detecting the presence of exposure to violence


National programme for health care and medical services regarding the care of victims of sexual offences

In February 2007, NCK was commissioned by the Ministry of Justice to draw up a national programme for the health care and medical services regarding the care of victims of sexual offences (Ref. Ju 2007/2177/KRIM).

National programme for the care of victims of sexual assault

Directive (2006:1072) on a national knowledge centre for issues on men's violence against women

In August 2006, an directive was issued establishing a national knowledge centre for issues relating to men's violence against women at Uppsala University.

The directive on a national knowledge centre for issues of men's violence against women (pdf in Swedish)

