Ep 26. Mirko Ancillotti & bioethics. Resistance to antibiotics vs. vaccines.

phone with wired headphones showing the first episode of the AMR studio playing in the screen

Starting March the best way, with an AMR Studio episode! This time we bring you an old friend of the podcast, Mirko Ancillotti, right before his doctoral defense, talking to us about his path from philosophy and ethics into biology and public health. We also converse about his latest results on public preferences regarding antibiotic treatment, and about public misconceptions when it comes to antibiotic resistance. In the news section, we chat about why resistance evolves so quickly against antibiotics, but rarely against vaccines, and about how vaccines could help in the quest of keeping antibiotics working. We hope you enjoy this one!

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  • Mirko Ancillotti's website.
  • Ancillotti's latest publication mentioned during the interview.

Further Reading:

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