Gunilla Lindmark
Professor emeritus at Department of Women's and Children's Health; International Maternal and Reproductive Health and Migration
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Recent publications
- Effectiveness of emergency obstetric care training at the regional level in Ukraine (2022)
- 'Even though a man takes the major role, he has no right to abuse' (2017)
- Preconception health and care (PHC)a strategy for improved maternal and child health (2016)
- Young people, sexuality, and HIV prevention within Christian faith communities in South Africa (2014)
- Multifaceted intervention to implement indicators of quality of care for severe pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (2014)
All publications
- Effectiveness of emergency obstetric care training at the regional level in Ukraine (2022)
- 'Even though a man takes the major role, he has no right to abuse' (2017)
- Preconception health and care (PHC)a strategy for improved maternal and child health (2016)
- Young people, sexuality, and HIV prevention within Christian faith communities in South Africa (2014)
- Multifaceted intervention to implement indicators of quality of care for severe pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (2014)
- "How Can I Gain Skills if I Don't Practice?'' The Dynamics of Prohibitive Silence against Pre-Marital Pregnancy and Sex in Zimbabwe (2013)
- Faith, Premarital Sex and Relationships: Are Church Messages in Accordance with the Perceived Realities of the Youth? (2013)
- Moving beyond essential interventions for reduction of maternal mortality (the WHO Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health) (2013)
- Development and Assessment of Indicators for Quality of Care in Severe Preeclampsia/Eclampsia and Postpartum Hemorrhage (2013)
- Improved quality of management of eclampsia patients through criteria based audit at Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Bridging the quality gap (2012)
- Quality of detection of pregnancy induced hypertension to reduce maternal mortality to one digit in Sri Lanka (2012)
- Involvement of religious leaders in HIV prevention, South Africa (2011)
- Executive functions and child problem behaviors are sensitive to family disruption (2011)
- Screening of women for intimate partner violence (2011)
- How good is the quality of antenatal care in the Colombo district of Sri Lanka in diagnosing and treating anaemia? (2011)
- Successful implementation of evidence-based routines in Ukrainian maternities (2010)
- Ambivalence, silence and gender differences in church leaders' HIV-prevention messages to young people in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (2010)
- Effect of Supporter Characteristics on Expression of Negative Social Reactions Toward Rape Survivors in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania (2010)
- Effectiveness of maternal referral system in a rural setting (2010)
- Quality of antenatal care in rural Tanzania (2010)
- HIV/AIDS and sexuality (2009)
- Risks for preterm delivery and low birth weight are independently increased by severity of maternal anaemia (2009)
- Introduction of a qualitative perinatal audit at Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (2009)
- Criteria-based audit on management of eclampsia patients at a tertiary hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (2009)
- Striving to make a difference (2009)
- Social reactions to rape (2009)
- Paramedic-conducted Mental Health Counselling for Abused Women in Rural Bangladesh (2009)
- Rural Tanzanian women's awareness of danger signs of obstetric complications (2009)
- Menopausal symptoms and quality of life during the menopausal transition in Sri Lankan women (2009)
- Partogram use in the Dar es Salaam perinatal care study (2008)
- Dar es salaam perinatal care study: Needs assessment for quality of care (2008)
- Staffing needs for quality perinatal care in Tanzania (2008)
- Combining the perspectives of midwives and doctors improves risk assessment early pregnancy (2007)
- Maternal smoking does not affect fetal size as measured in the mid-second trimester (2007)
- Burning "Centre Bolt": Experiences of sexually transmitted infections and health care seeking behaviour described by street boys in Urban Kenya (2007)
- Randomised controlled trial of two antenatal care models in rural Zimbabwe (2007)
- Motivations, Concerns, and Expectations of Scandinavian Health Professionals Volunteering for Humanitarian Assignments (2006)
- Knowing but not knowing: providing maternity care in the contest of HIV/AIDS in rural Zimbabwe (2006)
- Does inadequate maternal iron or DHA status have a negative impact on an infant's functional outcomes? (2006)
- Eclampsia in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania -- incidence, outcome, and the role of antenatal care. (2006)
- [Time for the Medical Society to comment the issue of the apathetic refugee children] (2005)
- Fetal, developmental, and parental influences on childhood systolic blood pressure in 600 sib pairs (2005)
- Does maternity care improve pregnancy outcomes in women with previous complications? (2005)
- Dilemmas and paradoxes in providing and changing antenatal care (2005)
- Competing knowledge claims in the provision of antenatal care (2005)
- Physical symptoms after childbirth (2005)
- Are process indicators adequate to assess essential obstetric care at district level? - A case study from Rufiji District, Tanzania (2005)
- Perceptions of Work in Humanitarian Assistance (2004)
- Regional quality assessment in perinatal care (2004)
- Assessing mothers' concerns in the postpartum period (2004)
- Relation of parity to pregnancy outcome in a rural community in Zimbabwe (2004)
- A qualitative study of women´s perspectives of antenatal care in a rural area of Zimbabwe (2004)
- Symptoms of stress incontinence 1 year after childbirth (2004)
- Childbirth experience in women at high risk (2003)
- Is childbirth experience improved by a birth plan? (2003)
- Field efficiency of syphilis screening in antenatal care (2003)
- Symptoms across pregnancy in relation to psychosocial and biomedical factors (2001)
- Psychosocial predictors of smoking and exercise during pregnancy (2000)
- Socialisation of humanitarian aid workers