Anita Hussénius
Researcher at Centre for Gender Research
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 57 95
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- Villavägen 6A
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- Box 527
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Short presentation
From a disciplinary background in organic chemistry, my research interest today has a much wider interdisciplinary platform; in its broadest sense, it deals with gender/feminist perspectives on natural science activities, especially science education. More specifically, it concerns how an increased gender awareness and knowledge about science 'culture', as historically and socially situated, can affect teachers’ teaching in these subjects.
Selection of publications
- Interstitial spaces: A model for transgressive processes (2016)
- Science Education for all, some or just a few? (2014)
- Integrated gender teaching – within subject courses in teacher education (2013)
- Ignoring half the sky (2013)
- Transgressive identities and interstitial spaces (2013)
- Interweaving feminist critique into science, education, and teaching for preservice teachers. (2013)
- Witches,alchemists, poisoners and scientists (2011)
- En plastisk sak som lär nytt hela livet (2010)
- Gender Theory as a Tool for Analysing Science Teaching (2009)
Recent publications
- Mobiltelefonen och elevers agens i experimentella aktiviteter (2024)
- Det mest angelägna (2023)
- The researcher’s inherent bias – ”we are part of that nature we seek to understand” (2023)
- Genus, emotioner och material i laborativ undervisning. (2023)
- Making a fuss and taking it slow: re-working science education theory, method and research practices (2023)
All publications
- Chafing borderlands (2020)
- Trouble the gap (2020)
- Naturvetenskap för yngre barn – vilket kunskapsinnehåll (o)synliggörs i lärarstudenters beskrivningar av sin framtida undervisning (2018)
- Pre-service teachers' views of the child (2018)
- Bland provrör och spektrometrar. (2018)
- Feministisk pedagogik som skaver? (2018)
- Naturvetenskap och utbildning. En materiell, skev, "sexig" och skavande historia? (2018)
- "Are we to become a gender university?' (2018)
- Chemistry inside an Epistemological Community Box! (2017)
- “In biology class we would just sit indoors…” (2016)
- Spotting the science culture – Integrating gender perspectives into science courses. (2015)
- Science Education for all, some or just a few? (2014)
- Ämnesinnehåll och genusmedvetenhet i samspel för en mer inkluderande naturvetenskap (2014)
- Ämnesinnehåll och genusmedvetenhet i samspel för en mer inkluderande naturvetenskap (2014)
- "Här håller vi inte på med genus, här håller vi på med naturvetenskap" (2014)
- En plastisk sak som lär nytt hela livet (2010)
- Gender Theory as a Tool for Analysing Science Teaching (2009)
- Carbon electrode morphology and thermal stability of the passivation layer. (2001)
- Theoretical studies of proton transfer reactions in 1-methylindene (1998)
- 1,3-hydron transfer in some 5- or 7-substituted 1-methylindenes. Reaction rates and kinetic isotope effects (1998)
- Experimental evidence of partially rate limiting ion-pair interconversion in a base catalyzed 1,3-proton transfer reaction (1998)
- Kinetic study of a homodienyl-[1,5]-hydrogen shift in a vinylzaziridine (1996)
- Tidskrift för genusvetenskap (2018)
- Feminist and Gender Studies of Science Education (2014)
- Kinetic isotope effect and 1H/2H exchange studies of stereospecific 1,3-hydron transfer in the indene system (1990)
- Det mest angelägna (2023)
- Transition states: Chemistry educators engaging with and being challenged by matter, materiality and what may come to be (2020)
- Lärarutbildares naturvetenskap under lupp - (2019)
- Using Spacetimemattering to Engage Science Education with Matter and Material Feminism (2019)
- Communicating through silence (2019)
- Learning about the material, struggling with entanglement and staying with the trouble (2019)
- In what way does the culture of science and images of science affect the science educational process? (2018)
- Interstitial spaces: A model for transgressive processes (2016)
- "Här håller vi inte på med genus, här håller vi på med naturvetenskap" (2014)
- Integrated gender teaching – within subject courses in teacher education (2013)
- Ignoring half the sky (2013)
- Integrerad undervisning om genus - på lärarprogrammets ämneskurser. (2012)
- Witches,alchemists, poisoners and scientists (2011)
- Visualisering av molekyler och kemiska reaktioner med hjälp av datorteknik (2000)
- Mobiltelefonen och elevers agens i experimentella aktiviteter (2024)
- The researcher’s inherent bias – ”we are part of that nature we seek to understand” (2023)
- Genus, emotioner och material i laborativ undervisning. (2023)
- Making a fuss and taking it slow: re-working science education theory, method and research practices (2023)
- Challenging chemistry’s power structures using transdisciplinary material feminist research|practices. (2020)
- “In biology class we would just sit indoors…”: Experiences of insideness and outsideness in the places student teachers’ associate with science. (2017)
- Science faculty as teacher educators (2016)
- In the borderland between academic disciplines and school science – feminist perspectives on science teacher education (2016)
- Transgressing disciplinary borders: position-status-power as feminists within science/scientists within gender studies (2016)
- Reaching out across epistemological borders (2016)
- Reaching out across epistemological borders (2016)
- Apparatus from a Baradian perspective: Implications for practice (2016)
- Communicating through silence: Examining the unspoken and the unsaid in discussions about science (2015)
- Using spacetimemattering to engage science education with matter and material feminism (2015)
- Using spacetimemattering to engage science education with matter and material feminism (2015)
- Communicating through silence: Examining the unspoken and the unsaid in discussions about science (2015)
- Critiquing science, thinking gender in science teacher education (2014)
- Chafing borderlands (2014)
- Critiquing science, thinking gender in science teacher education. (2014)
- Where is Science? An Exploration of the Places Student Teachers Associate with Science Learning. (2014)
- Gender Knowledge as an Important but Neglected Aspect of Pedagogy of Science (2014)
- Can the ambition to individualize pedagogy limit the children in pre-school? (2014)
- Can the Ambition with Individualize Pedagogy Limit the Children in Pre-school? (2014)
- Applying feminist pedagogies in higher education: Tensions and paradoxes (2014)
- Bringing the science culture into account when teaching and learning science (2014)
- Interstitial spaces - a model for challenge and change. (2014)
- Can material feminism make gender matter in 21st science education research? (2014)
- Engaging Science Education with Material Feminism (2014)
- Making matter matter to make feminism and gender matter in science (2014)
- Making matter matter to make feminism and gender matter in science education (2014)
- Can material feminism make gender matter in 21st science education research? (2014)
- Chafing borderlands – Student teachers' meeting with feminist critique in science courses (2013)
- Introducing science faculty to feminist pedagogical practices. (2013)
- Science = nature? An explorationof the places primary school student teachers associate with science (2013)
- Does gender matter? (2013)
- How gender awareness affects pre-service teachers’ teaching knowledge in science and technology. (2013)
- Transgressive identities and interstitial spaces (2013)
- Interweaving feminist critique into science, education, and teaching for preservice teachers. (2013)
- Making gender matter in science education research: Theoretical constructs from material feminism. (2013)
- Teaching science - teaching gender. (2013)
- Chafing borderlands – pre-service teachers' meetings with different cultures in their education. (2012)
- Challenging primary student teachers’ conceptions of gender and science: The initial phases of a research and intervention project (2012)
- Kan en individualiserad barnsyn försämra barns möjlighet att lära sig naturvetenskap? (2012)
- Chafing borderlands (2012)
- Challenging primary student teachers’ conceptions of gender and science (2012)
- Gender awareness in constructing knowledge of science and science teaching (2011)
- Gender awareness in constructing knowledge of science and science teaching. (2011)
- Genusperspektiv i naturvetenskaplig undervisning (2006)
- DiaNa (2003)
- Gender Theory as a Tool for Analysing Science Teaching.