24 National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women
Part of Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy
The National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women is a knowledge and resource centre based at Uppsala University and Uppsala University Hospital. The centre has been commissioned by the Swedish Government to increase the knowledge on men's violence against women, violence and oppression in the name of honour and violence in same-sex relationships. The mission also includes offering support to victims of violence.
- Phone:
- +46 18 611 27 93
- Visiting address:
- Akademiska sjukhuset, ingång 17
- Postal address:
- Akademiska sjukhuset
751 85 Uppsala - Web page:
- https://www.uu.se/centrum/nck/
- Head of department:
- Director:
- Ahlgren, Viktoria
- Course Administrator
- +46 70 425 02 67
- viktoria.ahlgren@nck.uu.se
- Andersson, Katarina
- Study administrator
- +46 73 469 79 09
- katarina.andersson@nck.uu.se
- Bek-Arakélow, Hanna
- Communications officer
- +46 73 469 79 05
- hanna.bek-arakelow@nck.uu.se
- Berglund, Isabelle
- Communications officer
- +46 70 425 08 56
- isabelle.berglund@nck.uu.se
- Bergström, Camilla
- Study administrator
- +46 73 469 72 62
- camilla.bergstrom@uu.se
- Blomkvist, Alva
- Assistant Professor
- alva.blomkvist@nck.uu.se
- Bodin, Maja
- Associate senior lecturer/Assistant Professor
- +46 73 469 79 78
- maja.bodin@nck.uu.se
- Brisenmark, Annette
- Finance Officer
- +46 73 469 79 07
- annette.brisenmark@uu.se
- Brummer, Julia
- Human Resources Generalist
- +46 73 469 75 42
- julia.brummer@uu.se
- Hellgren, Agnes
- Project Coordinator
- +46 70 425 03 18
- agnes.hellgren@nck.uu.se
- Nivala, Johanna
- Project Coordinator
- +46 73 469 77 32
- johanna.nivala@nck.uu.se
- Palmblad, Ylva
- Communications officer
- +46 70 167 92 99
- ylva.palmblad@nck.uu.se
- Pihl, Elvira
- Communications officer
- +46 73 469 79 06
- elvira.pihl@nck.uu.se
- Porsklev, Ylva
- Communications officer
- +46 18 611 93 14 +46 72 215 31 42
- ylva.porsklev@nck.uu.se
- Sandberg, Elisabet
- Communications officer
- +46 70 167 98 59
- elisabet.sandberg@nck.uu.se
- Skoog Waller, Sara
- Associate senior lecturer
- +46 73 469 79 76
- sara.skoog.waller@nck.uu.se
- Svanberg, Frida
- Lecturer (leave of absence)
- +46 73 469 75 37
- frida.svanberg@nck.uu.se
- Törnquist, Malin
- Communications officer (leave of absence)
- +46 73 469 79 05
- malin.tornquist@nck.uu.se
- Yates, Cecilia
- Communications officer
- +46 70 425 05 71
- cecilia.yates@uu.se