Master's programmes

We offer three different master programmes that are fully adapted to the standards set by the European Bologna model. The programmes are open to both Swedish and international applicants.

Master in Uppsala

Uppsala University has a long tradition of international collaboration in education and research and an excellent reputation worldwide. The teachers are active researchers, and as a student here, you will come into close contact with the frontlines of international science. Biology research and education has been a central part of Uppsala University ever since the 18th century, when the world famous botanist Carl Linnaeus was a teacher and professor at the university. From the days of Linnaeus until the present, Uppsala University has welcomed international students.

A two-year master degree at Uppsala University consists of 120 credits. In total 60 of these credits must be in your main field of study. A degree project of at least 30 credits must be included in the degree. In order to obtain a master within any of our programmes you must also check the requirements for your degree project, since those may differ between different programmes. You can find all the syllabuses and studyplans at the Uppsala University programme pages.


Application to master programmes

Click to view general information regarding applications to master programmes.

If you are a citizen within the EU/EEA region you do not need a visa for studying in Sweden and you can apply from October 18 to January 17. You are eligible to be admitted if you fulfil all requirements, which are listed under the respective programme and specialication, and can show proof of a finished Bachelor´s degree at the latest when the programme starts (in late August).

For Swedish and Nordic students, or international students that already have a permanent residence permit valid in Sweden, application deadlines are the same as for EU/EEA students.

Applications are handled through the Swedish Council for Higher Education via their website

Master's Programme in Applied Biotechnology

The core content of the Master's programme in Applied Biotechnology is the combination of entrepreneurship with modern molecular biology and biotechnology. The programme allows for directing your career either towards the biotechnology industry or academic research.

Uppsala is the premium choice for your biotechnology studies. Located in the major biotechnology cluster of Sweden, this town has been a centre for pioneering and high-quality biotechnological research for many decades, with a great number of small and large biotech companies. Collaborations between Uppsala University, biotech companies and national authorities generate a stimulating educational environment.

Read more about the Master's programme in Applied Biotechnology

Master's programme in Bioinformatics

The master's programme in bioinformatics combines biology, computer science, and mathematics to solve biological questions with the help of cutting edge computing.

Read more about the MSc in bioinformatics (biology background)

Read more about the MSc in bioinformatics (computer science background)

Master's programme in biology - seven specialisations

This master's programme has seven specialisations, from molecular biology to ecology. There are ample opportunities for individual selection of courses, to prepare for a career in e.g. biotech industry, governmental organisations or for academic research.

Read more about the Master's programme in Biology.

Erasmus Mundus master's programme in evolutionary biology (MEME)

The Erasmus Mundus master's programme in evolutionary biology (MEME) is an international edcuation programme in evolutionary biology connected to the EU mundus scholaships. MEME connects areas such as evolutionary ecology, genomics, macro evolution and developmental biology.

NOTE: The programme is not open for applications this year.

Read more about MEME.


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