Courses and programmes
IBG offers one of the largest range of courses in biology, molecular biology, biotechnology and bioinformatics. We offer programme courses, independent courses, evening classes, general education courses, several fully online courses, a number of summer courses, teacher training, and four advanced programmes. Information about programme courses can be found under each programme respectively.
Find our courses in the Uppsala Unversity course catalogue
Applications for courses
In order to apply for a course, you can visit "All courses" below. There you find information about when the course is given, the course code, and much more. Then visit, enter the course code in the search field and follow the instructions there. You can find more detailed information here.
Our programmes

Programme courses
Course overviews
- Course overview in PDF-format for the Bachelor's programme in Biology 2024/25 Pdf, 88 kB.
- Course overview for the Bachelor's programme in Biology 2024/25 Pdf, 88 kB.
- Course overview for the Master's programme in Biology 2024/25
- Course overview for the Master's programme in Applied Biotechnology 2024/25
- Course overview for the Master's programme in Bioinformatics 2024/25
Summer courses
Bioinformatics on the web, 5 credits, 1BG425
The course consists of five chapters that cover different topics of bioinformatics, such as database searches, comparative genomics, metagenomics and protein structure analysis. Every chapter contains a theory part and practical assignments with different computer exercises.
International summer school in synthetic biology, 5 credits, 1BG232
This is a course for students that have previous knowledge in molecular biology and chemistry, and would like training in experimental molecular biology in an international environment. The course is focused on the basic tools used in synthetic biology and both predesigned experiments and smaller research projects will be performed.

LIfelong learning
The Biology Education Centre offers many courses in life-long learning
Other courses
Evening and part time courses
IBG offers a few evening and part time courses in English. Visit the course page.
Individual courses
IBG offer three different types of individual courses that can be taken at any time during the year. Read more about our individual courses.
Visit the iGEM website for more information