Sustainability and Ethics

Research on sustainable transition, social marketing and business models for sustainability, sustainable entrepreneurship.

Within the research area of Sustainability and Ethics, we study sustainable transitions, social marketing and business models for sustainability, sustainable entrepreneurship, and the ethics of technological development and maintenance.

LEAPFROG - innovation management for societal transition

Leapfrog runs several research projects in collaboration with societal actors to contribute to an innovative transformation of society - towards greater sustainability.

See the research projects included in LEAPFROG

Ethics across the curriculum: This project aims at developing, reflecting upon, and integrating “ethics streams”, which merge existing course specific material with current engineering ethics pedagogy and research, across the curriculum. Beginning with the Industrial engineering and management and Industrial analytics programmes primarily, the project aims for a long-term development of ethics within the faculty.

Fishing for sustainability: This project investigates the conditions for sustainable fishing tourism on Gotland. Ulrika Persson-Fischier explores how other stakeholders than commercial tourism actors (subsistence fishers) view fishing, to understand the conditions for social acceptance of commercial recreational fishing, and hence sustainable fishing tourism on Gotland.

Alternative Entrepreneurship:What paths will future innovative business and technology development take? This question is answered by research on alternative forms of entrepreneurship, such as sustainable, green and social entrepreneurship.
Principal Investigator: Annika Skoglund

Ethics and Sustainability in the Peer-to-Peer Economy:The P2P economy, including the sharing economy, has potential to contribute to sustainable development. This project is focusing on how organisations within the P2P economy work with questions related to sustainability and ethics.
Research leader: Per Fors

