Study at Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering

Education at the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering.

Do you want to gain knowledge and skills that drive innovation and development in all industries and other organizations? Then a programme in civil and industrial engineering is for you.

Civil and Industrial engineering

For us, education is a large part of our department´s focus and we educate in a wide range of areas, from construction technology to industrial economics and with sustainable community building as a goal. You can study with us in Uppsala, on Campus Gotland and at a distance.

Here you can read more about the educational programmes that our department, or one of our employees, is responsible for.

We also provide courses on several of Uppsala University's other engineering programmes, as well as bachelor and master programmes within the Faculty of Science and Technology.

Två kvinnor sitter vid en dator och ler.

Already a student at the department?

Information about your studies

Educational programmes at the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering


If you have any questions about our education, please contact the Director of Studies Lars Ericsson, phone 018-471 3383

