Increased efficiency of hydropower production by improved snow monitoring
- Period: 2021-09-01 – 2024-12-31
- Budget: 4,000,000 SEK
- Funder: Swedish Energy Agency
- Type of funding: Project support
The project will study how drone propelled observations can be used to replace manually probed snow observations for the methodology developed in the project SNODDAS - Snow Distribution and Data Assimilation for improved spring flood forecasts and sustainable hydropower reservoir regulation. The project aims to reduce uncertainties in the snow volumes in a mountain catchment below 10%.
SMHI, Vattenregleringsföretagen
Project members
Project leader: Veijo Pohjola
Co-investigators: Rickard Pettersson, Jie Zhang, Björn Norell (Vattenregleringsföretagen), Daniel Wennberg (SMHI), David Gustafsson (SMHI), Ilaria Clemenzi (SMHI), Viktor Fagerström (SMHI)