Publications 1930–2019

Here you find publications that have been authored by researchers at the Division of Electricity and that have been published in the years 1934–2019. In 2020, the Department of Electrical Engineering was founded and our publications at the Division of Electricity are thereafter automatically retrieved from the university's publication database DiVA.

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Abstracts Diss. Science = Abstracts of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science
AE = AB Atomenergi
Arkiv mat. astron. fys. = Arkiv för matematik, astronomi och fysik
AUU = Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis
CIGRE = Conference Internationale des Grands Reseaux Electrics a Haute Tension
ETZ = Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift
IVA = Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien
UURIE = Uppsala University Research Institute of Electricity

Norinder, H. 1934, Katodstråleoscillografer och deras användning för undersökning av blixturladdningar. Kosmos11. Stockholm

Norinder, H. 1934. Åskledare för lantbruksbyggnader i Danmark och Schleswig-Holstein. Brandskydd,Stockholm 1934.

Norinder, H. 1934. On the Nature of Lightning Discharges. J. Franklin Institute 218:6, Lancaster, USA.

Norinder, H. 1935. Untersuchungen von Blitzentladungen und atmosphärischen Rundfunkstörungen in Schweden mit dem Kathodenstrahloszillographen. ETZ 56:14, .p. 393, Berlin SW 19.

Norinder, H. 1935. Lightning Currents and their Variations. J. Franklin Institute 220:1. Lancaster, USA.

Norinder, H. 1935. Undersökningar över de atmosfäriska radiostörningarnas natur. Tekn. Medd. från Kungl. Telegrafstyrelsen, 1935:7-8. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Nordell, R. 1935. Vergleichende Untersuchungen von Rundfunkstörungen von längerer und kürzerer Dauer. Elektrische Nachrichten-Technik 12:10. Berlin.

Elgenber, A. & Nordell, R. 1936. Impulsprov på isolation för högspänningslinjer. Tekn. Tidskr. 1935:49, Elektroteknik 12.

Norinder, H. 1936. Cathode Ray Oscillographic Investigations on Atmospherics. Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers 24:2. USA.

Norinder, H. & Nordell, R. 1936. Variationsformer hos radiostörningar från elektriska apparater. Tekn. Tidskr. 1936:10, Elektroteknik 3.

Norinder, H. 1936. Blixtens urladdningsegenskaper. Kosmos 13. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1936. Die Beziehung zwischen Rundfunkstörungen und Blitzentladungen. Elektrische Nachrichten-Technik 13:4. Berlin.

Norinder, H. 1936. The Relation between Lightning Discharges and Atmospherics in Radio Receiving. J. Franklin Institute 221:5.

Norinder, H. 1936. Atmosfäriska radiostörningar upptagna från en provningsledning för hög spänning. Tekn. Medd. från Kungl. Telegrafstyrelsen 1936:3-4. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1936. Radio Atmospherics from a High-Tension Line. The Wireless Engineer, August. London 1936.

Norinder, H. 1937. Lantgårdarnas åskskyddsfråga. Svenska brandskyddsföreningen. Stockholm 1937.

Norinder, H. 1937. Indirekta blixtöverspänningar på kraftledningar. Tekn. Tidskr. 1937:10, Elektroteknik 3.

Norinder, H. 1937. Rapid Variations in the Magnetic Field Produced by Lightning Discharges. Proceedings of the Physical Society 49, p. 364. Cambridge.

Norinder, H. 1937. Les surtensions causees indirectement par les coups de foudre. CIGRE Session 1937, 24 juin - 2 juillet. Paris.

Norinder, H. & Nordell, R. 1937. Impulsmotståndet hos jordarter. Tekn. Tidskr. 1937:27, Elektroteknik 7.

Norinder, H. 1938. Indirekte Blitzüberspannungen auf Kraftleitungen. ETZ 1938:5, p. 105. Berlin.

Norinder, H. 1938. Byggnadsåskledare för lantgårdar. Landsbygdens ömsesidiga brandför säkr. bol. Förening, Stockholm 1938.

Norinder, H. 1938. Impulsgenerator för höga spänningar och stora strömstyrkor. Sieverts kabelverks jubileumsskrift 1888-1938. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1938. Strömstyrkan i blixten. Nordisk familjeboks månadskrönika 1938:8. Stock holm.

Norinder, H. 1939. Institutet för högspänningsforskning vid Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala. - 1939. B. John F. Andersson, Några Minnesord. Tekn. Tidskr. 1939:6.

Norinder, H. & Nordell, R. 1939. Impulsmotståndet hos jordkontakter. Ibid. 1939:5, Elektroteknik 2.

Norinder, H. & Nordell, R. 1939. Influence de la nature de la terre et de la disposition des electrodes sur la resistance des prises de terre aux courants d'impulsion. CIGRE Session 1939, 29 juin - 8 juillet, p. 302. Paris.

Norinder, H. 1939, Quelques essais recents relatifs ä la determination des surten sions indirectes. CIGRE Session 1939, 29 juin - 8 juillet, p. 303. Paris.

Norinder, H. 1939. Förutsättningar för utveckling och anpassning av överspänningsskydd i kraftverksföretag. Ingenjörsklubben i Falun förhandlingar 1938. Falun.

Norinder, H. 1939. Atmosfäriska radiostörningar. Nordisk familjeboks månadskrönika 1939:7. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1939. Undersökningar av indirekta blixtöverspänningar på kraftledningar.
Tekn. Tidskr. 1939:26, Elektroteknik 7.

Norinder, H. 1939. Undersökningar av överspänningar på kraftledningar och deras betydelse för utveckling av överspänningsskydd. Kraft och ljus 1939:7-8. Helsingfors.

Norinder, H. 1939. Om blixtens natur. Kungl. vetenskapssocietetens årsbok 1939, Uppsala.

Norinder, H. 1941. Blitzforschung. Fortschritte der Hochspannungstechnik I, p. 67-94. Leipzig.

Norinder, H. 1941. Kathodenstrahloszilographische Untersuchung eines Blitzes. ETZ 62:28, p. 617. Berlin.

Dahle, O. 1941. Ferromagnetiska följdföreteelser vid växelströmsbelastad järntråd. Arkiv mat. astron. fys. 28 A:2. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1942. Åskskyddsfrågan med hänsyn till landsbygdens intressen. Landskrona.

Norinder, H. & Olsson, C. E. 1944. Blixtströmmar i lågspänningsanläggningar. Tekn. Tidskr. 1944:18.

Stoffregen, W. 1944. Ionospheric Measurements in Connection with Thunderstorm Research. Arkiv mat. astron. fys. 30 A: 19. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1944. Åskskydd för Södersjukhuset. Tekn. Tidskr. 1944:31 .

Norinder, H. 1944. A New Method to Measure Crest Values of Impulse Currents. Arkiv mat. astron. fys. 31 A:13. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1944 Bidrag till mätmetodiken med stålstavar för impulsströmmar. IVA 1944:6. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Dahle, O. 1945. Measurements by Frame Aerials of Currents. Arkiv mat. astron. fys. 32 A:S. Stockholm.

Stoffregen, W. 1945. Ionosphere Observations during the Solar Eclipse on September 10, 1942. Ibid. 32 B:9.

Malmquist, K. G., Norinder, H. & Stoffregen, W. 1945. On the Registration of the Exact Time of Each Exposure by Cinematographic Photography. Ibid. 33 B:3.

Norinder, H. 1946. Undersökningar av överspänningar på några svenska högspänningsledningar. IVA 1945:6. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Stoffregen, W. 1946. The Nature and Variation of Atmospherics Caused by Lightning Discharges. Arkiv mat. astron.fys. 33 A: 16. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1946. Den moderna åskforskningen. Vetenskapen just nu. Stockholm.

Stoffregen, W. 1946. Records of the Ionosphere during the total Eclipse in the North of Sweden on July 9, 1945. Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity 1946: December. Baltimore.

Karsten, O. 1947. Smälttrådars och ledningars hållfasthet mot atmosfäriska strömimpulser. Tekn. Tidskr. 1947:14.

Norinder, H. 1947. Some Aspects and Recent Results of Electromagnetic Effects of Thunderstorms. J. Franklin Institute 244:2.

Stoffregen. W. 1947. Distant Localization of Individual Atmospherics with a Cathode-Ray Direction-Finder of Unidirectional Type. Arkiv mat. astron. fys. 34 A:26. Stockholm. .

Norinder, H. & Petropoulos, G. 1948. Impulse Characteristics of the Ground under Direct Discharges and with Pointed Electrodes. Ibid. 35 A:26.

Norinder, H. 1947. Gewitterforschung in Schweden, Entwicklung und neuere Resul tate. Vortrag für den SEV am 15. Oktober 1946 in Zürich. Bulletin des SEV 1947. Zürich.

Norinder, H. 1948. Undersökningar av överspänningar på några svenska högspänningsledningar åsksäsongen 1946. IVA 1948:3. Stockholm.

Stoffregen, W. 1948. En helautomatisk apparat för kontinuerlig registrering av jonosfären. IVA 1948:3. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Petropoulos, G. 1948. Characteristics of Pointed Electrodes and Direct Strokes in Surge Currents to Ground. CIGRE Session 1948, 24 juin - 3 juillet. Paris.

Norinder, H. 1948. Propagation of Atmospherics. Atti del Congresso Internazionale per il Cinquantenario della scoperta Marconiana della Radio, Roma 28 settembre - S ottobre 1947. Rom.

Norinder, H. 1948. Mätningar av strömstyrkan vid åskslag till höga svenska fabriksskorstenar jämte några nya mätmetoder för snabb registrering av impulsströmstyrkor vid blixturladdningar. IVA 1948:3. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Karsten, O. 1948. Undersökningar av artificiella överspänningsimpulser på en telefonledning. Tekn. Medd. från Kungl. Telegrafstyrelsen 1948:2. Stockholm.

Lundquist, S. 1948. On the Angular Momentum of the Sun. Arkiv mat. astron. fys. 35 A:27. Uppsala.

Norinder, H. & Karsten, O. 1949. Experimental Investigations of Resistance and Power within Artificial Lightning Currents Paths. Ibid. 36 A:16.

Norinder, H. 1949: On the Measurements and Nature of Atmospherics Produced by Electric Discharges in Snow Squalls and from Other Sources. Tellus 1:2. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1949. Varizione del campo elettromagnetico dovute a scariche atmosferiche e relativi metodi di studio. Annali di Geofisica 2:2, p. 167. Rom.

Norinder, H. & Siksna, R. 1949. The Measurements of the Variation Characteristics of the Density of Small-Ions. Arkiv för Geofysik 1: 1. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Salka, O. 1949. The Effect of Geologic Inequalities on the Path of Lightning, as Indicated by Model Experiments. Tellus 1:4. Stockholm.

Lundquist, S. 1949. Experimental Investigations of Magneto-Hydrodynamic Waves.
The Physical Reviews 76: 12, pp. 1805-1809.

Norinder, H. & Salka, O. 1950. The Properties of Artificial Lightning Discharges against a Geologically Heterogeneous Surface. CIGRE Session 1950, 29 juin - 8 juillet. Paris.

Norinder, H. 1950. Total Duration of Lightning Strokes and Occurrence of Multiple Strokes. Tellus 2:1. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Salka, O. 1950. The Effect of Geological Discontinuities of Artificial Lightning Discharges as Studied in a Model Test Arrangement. Arkiv för geofy sik 1:3. Stockholm.

Siksna, R. 1950. Photographic Emulsion Method Applied to the Investigation of Radioactive Deposits from Atmospheric Air. Tellus 2:2. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Siksna, R. 1950. Continued Measurements of the Variation Charac teristics of the Density of Small-Ions. Arkiv för geofysik 1:7. Stockholm.

Siksna, R. 1950. Radioactivity Induced from the Atmospheric Air, Investigated with the Photographic Emulsion Method. Arkiv för geofysik 1:6, Stockholm.

Siksna, R. 1950. Variations of Large Ions, in the Atmospheric Air during Disturbed Weather Conditions. Ibid. 1: 10.

Norinder, H. & Siksna, R. 1950. Variation in the Density of Small-Ions Caused by the Accumulation of Emanation Exhaled from the Soil. Tellus 2:3. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Siksna, R. 1950. Variationen des Ionengehaltes in der bondennahen Luftschicht (Herrn Prof. Dr. H. Benndorf zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet). Archiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie, Serie A: Meteorologie und Geophysik 3:1-2. Wien.

Norinder, H. 1951. Distanslokalisering av åskväder. Kungl. vetenskapssocietetens årsbok 1950. Uppsala.

Lundquist, S. 1950. Magneto-Hydrostatic Fields. Arkiv för fysik 2:35. Stockholm.

Lundquist, S. 1951. On the Stability of Magneto-Hydrostatic Fields. The Physical Review 83:2, pp. 307-31 1.

Norinder, H. & Salka, O. 1951. Stosswiderstände der verschiedenen Erdelektroden und Einbettungsmaterialien. Bulletin des SEV 1951:10.

Norinder, H. & Salka, O. 1951. Mechanism of Positive Spark Discharges with Long Gaps in Air at Atmo spheric Pressure. Arkiv för fysik 3:19.

Norinder, H. & Salka, O. 1951. Ionic Density of the Atmospheric Air near the Ground during Thunder Storm Conditions. Arkiv för geofysik l:16.

Norinder, H. & Salka, O. 1952. Height Variations in the Concentration of Ions near the Ground during Quiet Nights at Uppsala. Tellus 3:4. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1952. Recherches effectuees en Suede sur les perturbations des Lignes electriques produites par la foudre. Bulletin de la Societe franaise des Electri ciens, 7e Serie 2: 17. Paris.

Norinder, H. 1951. Thunderstorms. The Electric Field Variations Radiated from Lightning Discharges. Deuxieme reunion de la Commission mixte de Radio-Meteorologie, 16 au 18 aoüt 19S 1.

Lundquist, S. 1952. Studies in magneto-hydrodynamics. Arkiv för fysik 5: 15.

Vassy, A., Norinder, H. & Vassy, E. 1952. Spectres d'etincelles sous tres haute tension dans 1'air et temperatures de couleur. Comptes rendus des seances de 1'Academie des Sciences 1952:234, pp. 1957-1959. Paris.

Siksna, R. 1952. Measurements of Large Ions in the Atmospheric Air at Uppsala. Arkiv för geofysik 1: 18, Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Siksna, R. 19S2. Ions Produced in a Room by Ultraviolet Light from a Quartz-Mercury Arc and by an Open Electric Heater. IVA 23:2. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1952. Experimental Lightning Research. J. Franklin Institute 253:5.

Norinder, H. 1952. Variations of the Electric Field in the Vicinity of Lightning Discharges. Arkiv för geofysik 1:20, Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Karsten, O. 1952. Investigations of Resistance and Power in Experimental Lightning Diseharges. J. Franklin Institute 253:3.

Norinder, H. & Siksna, R. 1952. Variations of the Concentration of Ions at Different Heights near the Ground during Quiet Summer Nights at Uppsala. Arkiv för geofysik 1:19. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Salka, O. 1952. Mechanism of Long-Gap Negative Spark Discharges in Air at Atmospheric Pressure. Arkiv för fysik 5:24. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Siksna, R. 1952. Ions Produced in the Air at Atmospheric Pressure by Ultra-Violet Light from a Quartz-Mercury Arc. Arkiv för fysik 5:23. Stock holm.

Siksna, R. 1952. Positive Ions Formed by an Open Electric Heater. Ibid. 5:25.

Siksna, R. 1952. Mobility Spectra of Ions Formed in a Room by Negative Corona Discharge. Ibid. 5:26.

Norinder, H. & Salka, O. 1953. Screens in Long Discharges Gaps. Ibid. 6: 17.

Norinder, H. & Siksna, R. 19S2. Ions Formed by Corona Discharges. IVA 23:6.

Norinder, H. & Siksna, R. 1952. Ions Formed in a Room by Negative Wire Corona. Arkiv för fysik 6:14. Stockholm.

Norinder, H., Metnieks, A. & Siksna, R. 1952. Radon Content of the Air in the Soil at Uppsala. Arkiv för geofysik 1:21. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1952. Le bicentenaire de 1'invention du paratonnerre par Benjamin Franklin. Revue generale de 1'Electricite 61:11.

Norinder, H. 1952. Franklins uppfinning av åskledaren - ett 200-års minne. Kungl. veten skapsakademiens årsbok 1952. Industritidningen Norden 1952: 10. Stockholm.

Norinder, H., Siksna, R. & Metnieks, A. 1952. Radon and Thoron of the Soil-Air at Almunge. Geologiska föreningens i Stockholm förhandlingar 74:4.

Müller-Hillebrand, D. 1953. Die Influenztheorie über die Aufladung von Wasser tropfen im elektrischen Feld. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Siksna, R. 1953. Ions Formed in a Room by Positive Wire Corona. Arkiv för fysik 6:35. Stockholm.

Siksna, R. 1953. Mobility Spectra of Ions Formed by Positive Corona Discharge. Ibid. 6:28, pp. 279-286.

Pucher, W. 1953. Form der negativen Vorentladung in Luft bei Atmosphärendruck für Stosspannungen. Ibid. 6:37, pp. 383-393.

Pucher, W. 1953. Negativer Durchschlag von Luft in der Funkenstrecke Kugel-Platte bei Stosspannungen. Ibid. 6:36, pp. 375-382.

Vassy, A., Norinder, H. & Vassy, E. 1953. Etude spectrophotometrique d'etincelles de grande longueur dans 1'air. Ibid. 6:42, pp. 437-50.

Salka, O. 1953. Berechnung des Stosskreises. Archiv für Elektroteknik 41: 1, pp. 18-27.

Norinder, H. & Siksna, R. 1953. On the Electrification of Snow. Tellus 5:3, pp. 260-268.

Siksna, R. & Metnieks, A. 1953. Aufladung eines isolierten Rohrs bei Durchströmen von ionisierter Luft und Absorption der Ionen. Zeitschrift für angewandte Physik 5: 12, pp. 45461.

Norinder, H. & Siksna, R. 1953. Mobility of Atmospheric Small Ions during Summer Nights at Uppsala. J. Atmospheric and Terrestral Physics 1953:4, pp. 93-105.

Siksna, R. 1953. Mobility of Small Atmospheric Ions in the Air from the Ground at Uppsala. Ibid. 1953:4, pp. 106-1I l.

Lundquist, S. 1953. Stability of Orbits in a Strong-Focusing Synchrotron. Physical Review 91:4, pp. 981-983.

Norinder, H. & Siksna, R. 1954. Experiments Concerning Electrification of Snow. Arkiv för geofysik 2:3, pp. 59-89, Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Pucher, W. 1954. Field Intensities and Charge Densities in Thunderclouds. Ibid. 2:5, pp. 97-107.

Norinder, H. 1954. Lightning Research. Fortschritte der Hochspannungstechnik 2. Leipzig.

Norinder, H., Israel, H. & Siksna, R. 1954. Das luftelektrische Potentialgefälle und der Vertikalstrom in Uppsala. Arkiv för geofysik 2:6. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Salka, O. 1954. The Determination of Electric Discharge Fields with a Special Klydonograph. Arkiv för fysik 8:35. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1954. The Wave-Forms of the Electric Field in Atmospherics Recorded Simultaneously by Two Distant Stations. Arkiv för geofysik 2:9. Stockholm.

Müller-Hillebrand, D. 1954. The Ion Capture on Polarised Drops.
Ibid. 2:10, pp. 197-225.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1954. Limitations of the Wilson Thunderstorm Theory. Ibid. 2-1 1.

Siksna, R. 1954. Two Different Breakdowns between a Positive Electrode with Small Curvature and a Plane. Arkiv för fysik 9:6. Stockholm.

Siksna, R. 1954. Some Peculiarities of the Current-Potential Characteristics of Positive Corona Discharge. Ibid. 9:7.

Norinder, H. & Siksna, R. 1955. Electric Charges Measured in the Air when Blowing Snow. Arkiv för geofysik 2: 14. Stockholm.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1954. Charge Generation in Thunderstorms by Collision of Ice Crystals with Graupel. Falling Through a Vertical Electric Field. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Siksna, R. 1955. Indication of the Development Stages of Positive Corona Discharge in the Atmospheric Air. IVA 26.

Norinder, H. & Salka, O. 1955. Klydonograf för massmätningar av överspänningar. Tekn. Tidskr. juni 1955.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1955. Kemiska och elektriska explosioner. Tekn. Tidskr. 85. Norinder, H. 1955. Bilen och blixten. Ratten 1955:3.

Siksna, R. 1955. Photographs of the Light Phenomena of Positive Corona. Arkiv för fysik 9:34. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Siksna, R. 1955. Atmospheric-Electric Elements Measured at Uppsala during the Solar Eclipse of June 30, 1954. Arkiv för geofysik 2:19. Stockholm.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1955. Zur Frage des Ursprunges der Gewitterelektrizität. Ibid. 2:18.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1955. Untersuchungen über die im Blitzplasma umgesetzte elektrische Energie und über den übertragenen Impuls. (Lic. arb.).

Siksna, R. 1955. Einige konstruktive Einzelheiten eines photoelektrischen Konden sationskernzählers. Zeitschrift Geofisica pura e Applicata. Milano.

Siksna, R. 1955. Charged Condensation Nuclei Formed in a Room by Corona Discharge when Alternating the Polarity of the Corona Potential and by Using Alternating Corona Potential. Ibid.

Lundquist, S. 1955. Subharmonic Oscillations in a Nonlinear System with Positive Damping. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 13 .3.

Norinder, H. & Siksna, R. 1956. Continued Measurements of Ions Formed by Corona Discharge. Arkiv för fysik 10:23. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1956. Magnetic Field Variation of Lightning Strokes. Research of Lightning Discharges. Technical Scientific Report 1956: l.

Norinder, H. 1956. Magnetic Field Variations from Lightning Strokes in Vicinity of Thunder storms. Arkiv för geofysik 2:20. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Salka, O. 1956. Long Sparks from Negative Electrode with Limited Current in Air at Atmospheric Pressure. Arkiv för fysik 10:30. Stockholm.

Norinder, H., Salka, O. & Thoren, M. 1956. Åsköverspänningar i lågspänningsnät. Tekn. Tidskr. okt. 1956.

Norinder, O. & Knudsen, E. 1956. A New Method of Measuring Rapid Magnetic Field Variations from Atmospheric Electric Discharge by Using a Loop System on the Earths Surface. Arkiv för geofysik 2:23. Stockholm.

Siksna, R. 1957. On the Condensation Nuclei about the Time of Sunrise. Geofisica pura et applicata. Milano.

Metnieks, A. 1957. Ions Produced by X-Rays in the Air at Atmospheric Pressure. Arkiv för fysik 11:42. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1957. Magnetic Field Variations of Lightning. Research of Lig.htning Discharges. Technical Scientific Report 1957:2. Uppsala.

Siksna, R. 1957. Conduction of Electricity through Ice and Snow. 1. Discharge of a Condenser through Ice Crystals. Arkiv för fysik 1 1:43. Stockholm.

Siksna, R. 1957. Conduction of Electricity through Ice and Snow. 2. Current through a Circuit with Ice Crystal Inserted. Ibid. 11:44.

Siksna, R. & Metnieks, A. 1957. Conduction of Electricity through Ice and Snow. Ibid. 11:46.

Siksna, R. 1957. Conduction of Electricity through Ice and Snow. 3. Time Variations of the Current through a Snow-Ice Sandwich and Potential Distribution in it in Dependence on the Electric Treatment with Unipolar Potential. Ibid. 1 1:47.

Norinder, H. & Siksna, R. 1957. Ions Formed in a Room by a Polonium Ion-Genera tor. Arkiv för geofysik 2:24. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1957. Blixten som brandanstiftare. Brandnytt 1957:3.

Norinder, H. & Vollmer, B. 1957. Variation Form and Time Sequence of Multiple Lightning Strokes. Arkiv för geofysik 2:25. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Knudsen, E. 1957. Atmospheric Electric Discharges from Distant Snow Squalls and Occlusion Fronts. Ibid. 2:26.

Norinder, H. & Knudsen, E. 1957. Pre-Discharges in Relation to Subsequent Lightning Strokes. Ibid. 2:27.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1957. Rückwärtiger Blitzeinschlag in Häuser und Energieumsatz im eingeengten Blitzkanal. ETZ-A78 15, pp. 548-553.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1957. Om uppkomsten av elektriska fält i åskmoln. IVA 28:6, pp. 263-273. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1958. Development of Lightning and Thunderstorm Research in Sweden. Research Work Published in Sweden 36.

Papet-Lepine, J. 1958. La loi de decharge des nuages orageux par coup de foudre. Arkiv för geofysik 3:5.

Siksna, R. 1959. The Electrolytical Conductivity of Precipitation, Water as an Aid to the Chemical Analysis. Geofisica pura et applicata 42:1, pp. 32-41. Milano.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1958. Statisk elektricitet och explosioner. Explosionsavlastning. Tekn. tidskr. 88, pp. 1261-1269.

Heidelberg, E. 1958. Entstehung statischer Elektrizität und Vermeidung der durch sie bedingten Gefahren. (Stencil)

Hillebrand, D. M. 1959. Lightning Counter and Results Obtained in Sweden, during the Thunderstorm Period 1958. Teknisk-vetenskaplig forskning 30:6. Stockholm.

Siksna, R. & Lindsay, R. 1959. Air Ions Produced by a Tritium-Ion Generator. I. Ion Generators. Arkiv för geofysik 3:8. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1959. Lightning Discharges in Relation to Whistlers. Researches of Whistlers. Technical Scientific Report 3. Uppsala.

Norinder, H., Knudsen, E. & Vollmer, B. 1959. Multiple Strokes in Lightning Channels. Recent Advances in Atmospheric Electricity.

Norinder, H. & Knudsen, E. 1959. The Relation between lightning discharges and whistlers. Planet. Space Science. Pergamon Press 1 , pp. 173-183.

Siksna, R. & Lindsay, R. 1959. Air Ions Produced by a tritium-ion generator. II. Measurement of ions in a room. Mobility. Arkiv för geofysik 3:9. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Knudsen, E. 1959. Combined analysis of daylight photographs of lightning paths and simultaneous oscillographic records. Recent Advances in Atmospheric Electricity.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1959. Der elektrische Sandstorm und verwandte Erscheinungen. ETZ 24, pp. 837-844. Berlin.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1960. Corona Discharges in Explosive Gas-Air Mixtures. The Fourth Internatio nal Conference on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Uppsala 17-21 August 1959. Amsterdam.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1960. Kann die Blitzbahn beeinflusst werden? Die Umschau 10, pp. 310-313. Frankfurt am Main.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1960. Åskrisk och åskskydd. Tekn. Tidskr. 90, pp. 625-631.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1960. Åskans skadeverkningar. Brandskydd 1960:4, pp. 55-60.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1960. Åskintensiteten i Sverige. Elteknik 1960, pp. 59-65.

Hillebrand, D. M., Johansen, O. & Soraoja 1960. Results of Lightning Counter Measurements in Sweden, Norway and Finland. CIGRE 330. Paris.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1960. Über die Beanspruchung und Bemessung von Blitzschutz anlagen. Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau 1960:15/ 16.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1960. Åskan och kyrkan. Tidskrift för pastoratsförvaltning 14:7.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1960. Blitzableiter für kleinere Gebäude. Uppsala. (Stencil)

Hillebrand, D. M. 1960. Byggnadsåskledare och elektriska ledningar. (Stencil)

Hillebrand, D. M. 1960. Åskledare för mindre byggnader. (Broschyr)

Hillebrand, D. M. 1960. Gör ett blixtskydd för 50 kronor. Expressen.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1960. Blitzforschung am Monte San Salvatore.
ETZ-A 81:23, pp. 822-824. Berlin.

Papet-Lepine. J. 1960. Contribution au calcul des surtensions induites par la foudre dans les lignes de transport d'energie electrique. Paris.

Siksna, R. & Eichmeier, J. 1960. Fluctuations in the concentration of artificially produced air ions in a closed room. Arkiv för geofysik 3:13.

Norinder, H. & Knudsen, E. 1961. Recent results in the investigation of the relation between lightning discharges and whistlers. Planet. Space Science 5, pp. 46-49.

Norinder, H. & Knudsen, E. 1960. Multiple Lightning discharges followed by whistlers. Arkiv för geofysik 3:12.

Siksna, R. & Schmeer, J. 1960. On the recording of rapidly fluctuation concentration of air ions. Ibid. 3:14.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1960. On the frequency of lightning flashes to high objects - a study on the Gulf of Bothnia. Tellus 12:4. Stockholm.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1960. Measurements of Rapid Magnetic Field Changes in Lightning Discharges. Elteknik 1960:7, pp. 110-112.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1961. Zur Physik der Blitzentladung. ETZ-A 82:8, pp. 232-249. Berlin.

Norinder, H. & Knudsen, E. 1961. Lightning discharge paths photographed in daylight and analysed by simultaneous variations of magnetic field components. Arkiv för geofysik 3: 19. Stockholm.

Papet-Lepine, J. 1961. Sur le calcul du taux d'ionisation dans un gaz faiblement ionize en presence d'un champ electrique. Arkiv för fysik 19:4. Stockholm.

Papet-Lepine, J. 1961. Contribution to the calculation of lightning surges induced in electric transmission lines. Uppsala. (Stencil)

Norinder, H. & Knudsen, E. 1961. Some features of thunderstorm activity. Arkiv för geofysik 3: l8. Stockholm.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1961. The Physics of the Lightning Discharges. ETZ-A 82:8, pp. 232, 249. Berlin.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1961. Atmospheric Electricity. Reflections upon a book. Elteknik 1961:4. Stock holm.

Papet-Lepine, J. 1961 . Electromagnetic radiation and physical structure of lightning discharges. Arkiv för geofysik 3:20. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Knudsen, E. 1961. Occurrence of different kinds of whistlers activity. Ibid. 3: 17.

Norinder, H. & Knudsen, E. 1963. Comments on distinct types of musical atmospherics in their relation to thunder storm activity. Planet. Space Science 1963.

Ryzko, H. & Hillebrand, D. M. 1961. The Influence of Chemical Products left by spark in the air on the Impulse Breakdown Voltage of Enclosed Air Gap. Fifth International Conference on Phenomena in Gazes, Munich 1961. Amsterdam.

Gruden, M. 1961. Some properties of harmonic bivectors and their application to the theory of electromagnetic waves. Arkiv för fysik 20:32. Stockholm.

Lampe, W. & Hillebrand, D. M. 1961. Measurements of the Electric Field in Hazardous Atmospheres. Elteknik 1961:8.

Lampe, W. 1962. Triggerung von Stossgeneratoren mit weitem Arbeitsbereich. ETZ-A 83: 18.

Knudsen, E. & Norinder, H. 1962. Different types of musical atmospherics and their relations to lightning discharges. Arkiv för geofysik 4:5. Stockholm.

Siksna, R. 1962. Variation of the Thermal Noise Produced in a Resistor with Respect to its Resistance. Elteknik 1962:5, pp. 13-15. Norrköping.

Siksna, R. 1961. An Ionometric Counter for Condensation Nuclei. Geofisica pura e applica ta 50, pp. 23-36. Milano.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1962. Zur Frage wirtschaftlicher Probleme des Blitzschutzes. Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau 7. Wien.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1962. The Collection of lightning flashes by towers and high-tension lines. (Stencil)

Hillebrand, D. M. 1962. The Magnetic Field of the Lightning Discharge. Central electricity genera ting board. Central Electricity Research Laboratories. Leatherhead Internatio nal Conference 7th-l lth May, Gas Discharges and the Electricity Supply Indus try. Uppsala. (Stencil)

Papet-Lepine, J. 1962. Ionization conditions in a lightning channel in relation to multiple strokes. Arkiv för geofysik 4:4. Stockholm.

Papet-Lepine, J. 1962. Analysis of the variations of the magnetic field of lightning discharges and variations of the electromagnetic field at distances from lightning discharges. Second Summary Report. (Stencil)

Papet-Lepine, J. 1962. Circuit Description of the Thunderstorm Warning Apparatus. (Stencil) - 1962. Åskvarnare. Montage och arbetssätt. (Stencil)

Ryzko, H. 1962. Impulse breakdown voltages of sphere-plane gaps in air containing ozone and nitric oxides. Central electricity generating board. Central Electricity Research Laboratories, Leatherhead. International Conference 7th-llth May, Gas Discharges and the Electricity Supply Industry. (Stencil)

Hillebrand, D. M. 1962. Beeinflussung der Blitzbahn durch radioaktive Strahlen und durch Raumladungen. ETZ-A 83, pp. 152-157.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1962. The protection of houses by lightning conductors. An historical review. J. Franklin Institute 274: l.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1963. Die Bemessung von Blitzableitern aufgrund geschichtlicher Betrachtungen. ETZ-B 15: 10, pp. 273-279.

Vlastos, A. 1962. Measurements of the electric field in hazardous atmospheres by means of an electrode and a static voltmeter. (Stencil)

Hillebrand, D. M. 1962. Gebäudeblitzschutz im Spiegel der Blitzforschung. VFDB Zeitschrift 1962:3.

Siksna, R. & Westermark, T. 1962. Några aktuella problem rörande luftburna joner. Svensk naturvetenskap. Stockholm.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1963. Practical Experience with the CCIR Lightning Counter. Xth Plenary Assembly CCIR, New Delhi. (Stencil)

Hillebrand, D. M. 1963. Lightning Counters. CIGRE Study Committee 8. (Stencil)

Hillebrand, D. M. 1963. Lightning Counters I. The Change in electric field due to lightning strokes, with reference to its effects on lightning counters.
Lightning Counters II. The effect of changes of electric field on counter circuits. Arkiv för geofysik 4: 10 och 11.

Norinder, H. 1963. Relations between lightning discharges and different types of musical atmospheres. Report at Third International Conference on Atmospheric and Space Electricity. Montreux, Switzerland. (Stencil)

Norinder, H. 1963. Magnetic field variations in vicinity of lightning discharges. Final scientific report. Uppsala. (Stencil)

Norinder, H. 1963. Researches of whistlers phenomena. Final report. Uppsala. (Stencil)

Norinder, H. & Knudsen, E. 1963. Some different types of whistlers in relation to simultaneous thunderstorm activity. Arkiv för geofysik 4: 14. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Knudsen, E. 1962. Magnetic field variations in the vicinity of lightning discharges in relation to their channels. Proceedings of the International Conference Held at the Central Electricity Research Laboratories, Leatherhead. Gas Discharges and the Elec tricity Supply Industry. London.

Siksna, R. 1961. Some Topics concerning Experimental Investigation of Air Ions. Proceedings of International Conference on Ionization of the Air. Philadelphia. October 16-17, 1961.

Lampe, W. 1963. Der Durchschlagmechanismus positiver, langer Funken in atmo sphärischer Luft bei Stosspannung. Archiv für Elektrotechnik 47:6, pp. 38808. Berlin.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1963. Lightning-protection. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Atmospheric and Space Electricity, Session 8. l.1963. Montreux. (Stencil)

Hillebrand, D. M. 1963. Zur Frage des Kugelblitzes. Elektrie 1963:7.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1963. The reliability of the counter, the interpretation of counting-results. International Conference on Large Electric Systems in Trondheim 1963. Study Committee 8 (Lightning and surges). Working Group: Lightning counter. (Stencil)

Hillebrand, D. M. 1963. Testing of lightning counters. (Stencil)

Siksna, R. 1963. On the Charging of Condensation Nuclei by Air Ions. J. Recherches Atmospheriques 1963.

Siksna, R. 1963. Air Ions Measured in Rooms with Enhanced Counters of Naturally Produ ced Radon. Arkiv för geofysik 4:15.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1963. 1963 års rapport om blixträknare, 6 års blixträkning i Sverige. Uppsala. (Stencil)

Hillebrand, D. M. 1963. IVA Åskkommitte 1958-1962, Rapport över blixträknare.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1963. IVA. 1959 års rapport över blixträknare.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1963. IVA. 1960 års rapport över blixträknare.

Salka, O. 1963. Av mantelströmmar alstrade överspänningar i jordkablar. Tele 1963:4.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1963. Torbern Bergman as a Lightning Scientist. Tekniska museets årsbok, Daedalus.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1964. Probleme der Gewitterforschung des Blitzschutzes. ETZ-B 16.

Scuka, V. 1963. Results Obtained with the Malan Counter in the 1963 Thunderstorm Season in Switzerland. (Stencil)

Vlastos, A. 1963. Determination of the Response of High-voltage Measuring Systems. (Stencil)

Vlastos, A. 1963. Field-strenght Ratios in an Electrostatic Field. (Stencil)

Hillebrand, D. M. 1963. Electrostatically Initiated Explosion of Sugar Dust in Air Investigations at Köpingsbro in 1961. (Stencil)

Hillebrand, D. M. 1964. Experiments with Lightning Ground-Flash Counters. Elteknik 1964:7, pp. 59-68.

Scuka, V. 1965, Measurements of the Electric Fields of Thunderstorms in the ELF and VLF Ranges in Connection with Lightning-counter Investigations. Uppsala.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1965. Lightning Protection. Proceedings from the Conference in Montreux 1965: Problems of Atmospheric and Space Electricity. Amsterdam.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1965. Ball Lightning. Ibid.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1965. Comment. Ibid.

Hillebrand, D. M. 1965. Theory of the Stepped and the Dart Leader. Ibid.

Siksna, R. 1964. Coefficients of Volume Recombination and Some Derived Charac teristics of Air Ions. Pure and Applied Geophysics 59:3, pp. 234-255.

Siksna, R. 1966. The recombination or combination time in expressions for volume recom bination and Tellus 18:2.

Siksna, R. 1964. The Mean free Path in the Recombination of Air Ions. Arkiv för geofysik 4:23.

Siksna, R. 1964. Continuous recording of small air ions in closed rooms. Arkiv för fysik 4:29.

Siksna, R. 1964. The lifetime of the air ions and other aerosol part.

Lundquist, S., 1965. Some Observations Concerning High Current Channels in Air. VII International Conference on Phenomena Ionized in Gases. Belgrad. (Stencil)

Lundquist, S. 1965. Utredning angående vissa verkningar av blixtnedslag på minor i havet. (Stencil)

Lundquist, S. & Weissglas, P. 1965. Några plasmafenomen i fasta kroppar.

Lundquist, S. & Scuka, V. 1965. Measurements of the near IR radiation of the lightning flashes. VIIth International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Ga ses. Belgrad. (Stencil)

Lindeberg, S. 1965. Experimentell undersökning av urladdning i saltvatten. (Stencil)

Vlastos, A. 1964. The Breakdown of the Atmospheric Non-Homogeneous Field under Impulse Voltage. (Stencil)

Vlastos, A. 1964. On the Influence of D. C. Corona Discharges on the Breakdown Probability in the Non-Homogeneous Field. (Stencil)

Vlastos, A. 1965. Laboratorieövning. Mätning av stöthögspänningar i Mikrosekundtidskala. (Stencil)

Lundquist, S. 1966. Some Observations on High Current Channels in Air with Application to the Lightning Discharge. Arkiv för fysik 31:12.

Herlitz, S. Magnetohydrodynamic Stability of the pinch. (Stencil)

Scuka, V. 1966. Electromagnetic Radiation of Lightning Flashes and Atmospheric Noise at 27 kc/sec. in Europe. RVK 66, Göteborg B 14. (Stencil)

Ryzko, H. 1964. Transition from multipleavalanche to singleavalanche mechanism in the breakdown of air in a homogeneous field. Arkiv för fysik 25:35.

Ryzko, H. 1965. Drift velocity of electrons and ions in dry and humid air and in water vapour. Proceedings of the Physical Society 85. Bristol.

Ryzko, H. 1966. Measurements of Ionization and electron-attachement coefficients in hu mid air. Proceedings of VII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. Belgrad.

Norinder, H. & Knudsen, E. 1966. Simultaneous analyses of whistlers at three adjacent recording stations at high magnetic latitudes in Sweden. Arkiv för geofysik 5:14. Stockholm.

Willby, B. 1966. Very low frequency radiation from lightning discharges. Arkiv för geofysik 5:7. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. 1966. Thunderstorm and Lightning Research in Sweden. The Bulletin. 1966.

Norinder, H. & Knudsen, E. 1966. Some antenna effects from lightning discharges in different channels. Arkiv för geofysik 5:12. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Knudsen, E. 1966. Frequency analysis of the magnetic-field components of vertical lightning discharges in the vicinity of their channels. I. Ibid. 5: 13. Stockholm.

Ryzko, H. 1966. Ionization, attachement and drift velocity of electrons and ions in dry air, humid air and water vapor. AUU, Abstracts Diss. Science 67. Uppsala.

Ryzko, H. 1966. Ionization, attachement and drift velocity of electrons in water vapor and dry air. Arkiv för fysik 32: 1.

Norinder, H. & Knudsen, E. 1966. The existence of echoes from unusual whistlers. Arkiv för geofysik 5:8. Stockholm.

Norinder, H. & Knudsen, E. 1966. Frequency spectrum of atmospherics generated by multiple lightning dis charges. Ibid. 5:6.

Vlastos, A. 1966. Breakdown of air in the nonhomogeneous field. Proceedings IEE 113:5, p. 921.

Lundquist, S. 1966. Some observations concerning high current channels in air. Proceedings of International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases l, p. 797. Belgrad.

Lundquist, S. & Weissglas, P. 1964. En elementär diskussion av några plasmafeno men i fasta kroppar. (Stencil)

Institutet för högspänningsforskning. 1965. Inledning till högspänningstekniken, kompendium. (Stencil)

Institutet för högspänningsforskning. (Broschyr)

Hillebrand, D. M., Johansen, O. & Saraoja. 1965. Lightning-counter measurements in Scandinavia. Proceedings IEE 112:1.

Sjölund, A. & Stenflo, L. 1967. Parametric Coupling Between Ion Waves and Electromagnetic Waves. Applied Physics Letters 10:7.

Siksna, R. 1967. The role of the water substance in the structure and by production of ions in the ambient atmospheric air. (Stencil)

Ryzko, H. & Åström, E. 1967. Electron Attachment-Detachment Processes in Dry Air. J. of Applied Physics 38: l, pp. 328-330.

Lundquist, S. 1967. Plasmafysik och Elektriska urladdningar. Svensk Naturvetenskap 1967.

Lundquist, S, & Vlastos, A. Åskledare för kyrkor. (Stencil)

Lundquist, S, & Vlastos, A. 1967. Åskskydd för mindre byggnader. Uppsala.

Vlastos, A. 1967. On Electrically Exploding Conductor Discharges. AUU, Abstracts Diss. Science 103. Uppsala.

Vlastos, A. 1967. The use Exploded Wire in Detecting Spark-gap; switch de-ionization. Arkiv för fysik 35:23. Stockholm.

Vlastos, A. 1967. On Electrically Exploded Wire Discharges. Ibid. 35:24.

Vlastos, A. 1967. Current pause in Exploding-Wire Discharges.
J. of Applied Physics 38: 13.

Herlitz, S. 1968. Deformation of Liquid Drops and Gas Bubbles in an Electrostatic field. UURIE 5.

Månsson, S. O. 1968. Åskskydd för lantbruksbyggnader. Sammanställning och ana lys av ekonomiska och statistiska uppgifter. UURIE 6.

Stevefelt, J. 1968. Spectroscopic Study of Recombination in the Rarly Afterglow of a Helium Plasma. (Lic. avhandling)

Salka, O. 1968. Direct-Voltage Lichtenberg Figures. Arkiv för fysik 38:4. Stock holm.

Pettersson, A. & Öhlund, L. 1968. En spektroskopisk undersökning av exploderande trådar. (Stencil)

Salka, O. En översikt över urladdningar i långa gap vid stötspänningar. (Stencil)

Ödlund, L. 1966. Mätningar av luftjonkoncentration vid coronaurladdningar. (Stencil)

Ödlund, L. 1968. Some measurements done with ion counters built at the Institute for High Voltage Research, Uppsala. (Stencil)

Ödlund, L. 1966. Laddade partiklar i bilavgaser. UURIE 7.

Bohlin, C. 1966. Några preliminära studier av höga strömmars inverkan på byggnadskonstruktioner. (Stencil)

Braun, J. 1967. Auxiliary ionization: A low conductivity approach in closed cycle MHD research. Plasma Physics 9, pp. 93-94.

Ödlund, L. 1967. Elektrodeffekten. (Stencil)

Vlastos, A. 1968. Restrike Mechanisms of Exploding Wire Discharge. J. of Applied Physics 39:7, pp. 3081-3087.

Lundquist, S. & Eschricht, Å. 1969. Åskskydd för moderna byggnadskonstruktioner. Etapp Ia: Plåtkonstruktioner. UURIE 10.

Vlastos, A. 1968. The re-strike channels of exploding wires. UURIE 8. - 1968. Artificial lightning. (Stencil)

Vlastos, A 1969. Transients in series circuits. UURIE 9.

Vlastos, A 1968. The re-restrike channel resistance of thin exploding wires. UURIE 7.

Schäning, B. & Scuka, V. 1968. Results of Measurements of the Atmospheric Radio Noise at 27 kc/V at Fixed Measuring Stations in northern, central and south eastern Europe. Tellus 21: l.

Siksna, R. 1969. Hydrogen Bonds in the Structure of Liquid water. UURIE 11. (Stencil)

Pisler, E. 1969. The Electrical Discharge of Isolated Water Drops. Lic. avhandling. (Stencil)

Adhikari, T. 1969. Atmospheric Model. UURIE 12.

Lundquist, S. & Salka, O. 1969. Statisk Elektricitet - En översikt.

Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1969. Operationsförstärkare, en introduktion,

Lundquist, S. & Scuka, V. 1967. Time-resolved radiation from lightning. (Stencil)

Öhlund, L. 1969. Mätningar av luftjonkoncentration i Gärdesskolan, Stockholm.

Lundquist, S., Pisler, E., Scuka, V. & Öhlund, L. 1969. On the spectral emission from lightning and similar electrical discharges. UURIE 15.

Öhlund, L. 1969. Några försök med Lichtenbergsfigurer mot vattendroppar. (Stencil)

Pisler, E. & Scuka, V. 1969. Recent Developments in Lightning Research. (Stencil)

Scuka, V. 1969. An optical ground flash counter. UURIE 16.

Lundquist, S. & Scuka, V. 1969/1970. Some time correlated measurements of optical and electromagnetic radiation from lightning flashes. UURIE 18 och Arkiv för geofysik 5:39.

Scuka, V. 1969. Blixt och Åskvarning. UURIE 17.

Lundquist, S. 1969. On the Hydromagnetic Viscous Flow generated by a Diverging Electric Current. Arkiv för fysik. Stockholm.

Scuka, V. 1969. On the Radiation from Lightning Flashes. AUU, Abstracts Diss. Science 142. Uppsala.

Lundquist, S. 1969. Harald Norinder, Minnesteckning. Kgl Vetenskaps-Societetens Årsbok. Uppsala.

Atkinson, W. & Pisler, E. 1969. The Participation of Water Particles in Atmospheric Discharges. UURIE 19.

Atkinson, W., Lundquist, S. & Fahleson, U. 1969. The Electric Field Existing at Stratospheric Elevations as Determined by Tropospheric and Ionispheric Boundary Conditions. KTH 69:35. (Stencil)

Vlastos, A. 1969. The resistance of thin exploding wires. IX International Conferen ce on Ionized Gases 346. Bukarest.

Vlastos, A.1969. Restrike Channel Resistance of thin Exploding Wires.
J. of Applied Physics 40, p. 4752.

Vlastos, A. & Wük, B.-Å. 1969. Ir-Termogram av nedsmutsade isolatorer vid lik-och växelström. UURIE 20.

Scuka, V. 1969. Electronic optical system for lightning research. Arkiv för geofysik 5:38. Stockholm.

Vlastos, A. 1969. A study of a surge-current generator and its voltage and current measuring circuits. (Stencil)

Lundquist, S. 1970. Åskskydd för moderna byggnadskonstruktioner. UURIE 21.

Lundquist, S., Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1970. Undersökning av elektrostatisk uppladdning vid högtrycksmålning. UURIE 22.

Pisler, E. & Adhikari, T. 1970. Numerical calculation of mutual capacitance between two equal metal spheres. Physica Scripta 2:3.

Uppsala universitet. Institutet för högspänningsforskning, Husbyborg. (Broschyr)

Lundquist, S., Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1970. Statisk elektricitet. Maskinbefälet 4.

Lundquist, S. 1970. Atmosfärisk elektricitet och Blixt och dunder. Forskning och Framsteg 1970:4.

Siksna, R. 1970. Relation between general and atmospheric physics particularly concerning atmospheric ions. UURIE 23.

Siksna, R. 1970. Triplet (3) and singlet (10g, l+) states of the oxygen molecules OZ and related molecular ions. UURIE 24.

Öhlund, L. 1971. En optisk undersökning längs isolatorytor. UURIE 25. Institutet för högspänningsforskning. Årsrapport 60-70. (Stencil)

Pisler, E. 1971. Breakdown voltage between 1.5 mm diameter metal spheres.

Scuka, V. 1971 . Atmosfärisk elektricitet och atmosfäriska urladdningar. (Stencil)

Lundquist, S. & Vlastos, A. 1970. Temperature of the Restrike Channels of Exploding Wires. J. of Applied Physics 41:12.

Pisler, E. & Adhikari, T. 1971. The electric field on the axis of symmetrical sphere gap. UURIE 27.

Lundquist, S. 1971. Elektriska klimatet i bostäder. Byggmästaren febr. 1971.

Siksna, R. 1970. Relation between general and atmospheric physics particularly concerning atmospheric ions. UURIE 23.

Siksna, R. 1971. A symmetrical aspiration condenser for the simultaneous recording of atmospheric ions of both polarities. UURIE 28.

Lundquist, S., Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1971. Dangerous electrostatic charging at airless spray-painting. UURIE 29. Statisk Electricitet. 1971.

Atkinson, W., Lundquist, S. & Fahleson, U. 1971. The Electric Field Existing at Stratospheric Elevations as Determined by Tropospheric and Ionospheric Boundary Conditions. The Review Pure and Applied Geophysics 84, pp. 46-56.

Lundquist, S. 1971. Bilavgaserna ökar luftelektriciteten. Forskning och Framsteg 1971:2.

Pisler, E., and W.R. Atkinson, "Atmospheric Electrical Discharges in the Presence of Water and Ice Particles," Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 76, No. 12, April 20, 1971.

Johansson, R., Lundquist, S. & Scuka, V. 1971. Finns det samband mellan elektricitet (atmosfärisk) och människans funktion? FOA Rapport C2461-70.

Lundquist, S. 1971. Den mystiska kulblixten. Forskning och Framsteg 1971:4.

Pisler, E. 1971. Atmospheric Electrical Discharges in the Presence of Water. AUU, Abstrcts Diss. Science 179.

Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1971. Elektrostatisk uppladdning av spray.

Lundquist, S., Laufke, H., Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1971. Statisk elektricitet i industrimiljö. Skåne. UURIE 32.

Lundquist, S., Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. Statisk elektricitet. I samarbete med Svenska Brandförsvarsföreningen. (Kurskompendium.)

Siksna, R. 1971. The Structure of the Aggregates formed by Means of Hydrogen Bonds between Molecules of some Organic Substances and Water. UURIE 33.

Lundquist, S., Murty, R., Rosen, V. & Scuka, V. 1971. Theoretical Model Studies of Small and Large Ion Fluctuations in the Atmosphere. UURIE 35, Physica Scripta 4:6.

Lundquist, S. & Pisler, E. Elektrostatiska filter. Teori I.

Lötberg, E. & Högberg, R. 1972. Redovisning av bildmaterial från undersökning av långa gnistor med hjälp av bildvandlarkamera. UURIE 36.

Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1972. On the Discharge of Static Electricity from an Insulator Surface. Field and Energy Calculations. UURIE 37.

Asp, G. 1972. Ett automatiskt åskpejlingssystem. Examensarbete vid civ. ing. ut bildn. UURIE 38.

Lundquist, S., Scuka, V. & Adhikari, T. 1972. On the Dynamic Behaviour of Thunderstorm Clouds. UURIE 39.

Awunor-Renner, E., Scuka, V. & Siksna, R. 1971. Transient phenomena in the aspiration condenser, l. UURIE 41.

Lundquist, S., Laufke, H., Lövstrand, K. G. & Fredholm, O. 1972. Statisk elektrici tet i industrimiljö, 2. Orienterande undersökningar, Mellansverige. UURIE 42.

Scuka, V. 1972. The Lightning-Flash Counter recommended by CIGRE. UURIE 43.

Salka, O. & Lundquist, S. Sammanbrott i gasmättad transformatorolja med varierande renhet och fuktighet. (Stencil)

Ström, L. 1972. Deposition of Aerosol Particles in Electrically Charged Membrane Filters. AB Atomenergi AE-450. Akad. avh.

Fredholm, O. 1972. Människans känslighet för elektrostatiska gnistor. Kortfattad litteratursammanställning. UURIE 44.

Lundquist, S. 1972. Vad händer när åskan går? Försäkringstidningen 1972:7.

Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1972. Front mot gnistan som tänder. Nordsjödag om stat. el. (Broschyr)

Lundquist, S., Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1972. Statisk elektricitet som orsak till tankexplosioner. Maskinbefälet 1972:6.

Lundquist, S., Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1972. Undersökning av antändningsrisken på grund av elektrostatisk uppladdning av ånga från ångejektorer. UURIE 45.

Lundquist, S., Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1972. Statisk elektricitet.Brandförsvar 1972: 12.

Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1972. On the discharge of static electricity from an insulator surface. J. of Physics E:Scientific Instruments 5.

Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1973. Ledande skor. Information: Statisk elektricitet 1973:1, UURIE 51.

Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1973. Han är så laddad att han tänder bensin. Saxons 1973: I 1 .

Lundquist, S. 1972. Åskskydd - principer och behov. Byggforskningens informa tionsblad B 1 1.

Lövstrand, K. G. 1973. Elimination of Static Electricity from Insulator Surface with Influence Eliminators. UURIE 47.

Fredholm, O. 1973. En studie av eliminatorer för statisk elektricitet. UURIE 46.

Fredholm, O. 1973. On hazards in industry caused by static electricity and methods for their elimination. AUU, Abstracts Diss. Science 251. Uppsala.

Lövstrand, K. G. 1973. Studies of generation and dissipation of static electricity in industry. AUU, Abstracts Diss. Science 250. Uppsala.

Siksna, R. 1973. Water clathrates I. UURIE 48.

Lövstrand, K. G. & Fredholm, O. 1973. Elektrostatisk uppladdning av personer vid urstigning ur bil. UURIE 49.

Fredholm, O. 1973. A study of Eliminators for Static Electricity. UURIE S2.

Mode, A., Person, P.-O., Pettersson, G. A., Söderlund, L. & Wyke, K. 1973. Åsköverspänningar och deras inverkan på teleanläggningar. Tele 1973: 1.

Lundquist, S. 1973. Blitzschutz für das Schwedische Kernkraftwerk "Ringhals". Konferens i Portoroz, Jugoslavien.

Johansson, R., Lundquist, S. & Scuka, V. 1973. Finns det samband mellan atmosfärisk elektricitet och människans funktion? FOA 2 rapport C2651-HS.

Siksna, R. 1973. Water Clathrates II. UURIE S3.

Lundquist, S., Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1973. Statisk elektricitet. Skandinavisk tidskrift för färg och lack 1973:9.

Awunor-Renner, E. 1973. Transient phenomena in the aspiration condenser. 2.

Johansson, R., Lundquist, A. G., Lundquist, S. & Scuka, V. 1973. Finns det samband mellan atmosfärisk elektricitet och människans funktion? 3, SO Hz Fältvariationer. FOA 2 rapport C2627-HS.

Institutet för högspänningsforskning. 1973. Informationsblad Statisk elektricitet: "Öppen hantering av brandfarliga varor" . 1973-09-26.

Johansson, R., Lundquist, A. G., Lundquist, S. & Scuka, V. 1973. Informationsblad Statisk elektricitet: "Ledande golv". 1973-09-2S.

Johansson, R., Lundquist, A. G., Lundquist, S. & Scuka, V. 1973. Informationsblad Statisk elektricitet: "Urladdningar vid pejling i tankar och cisterner". 1973-09-26.

Johansson, R., Lundquist, A. G., Lundquist, S. & Scuka, V. 1973. Informationsblad Statisk elektricitet: "Uppladdning av personer i brand farlig miljö" . 1973-10-29.

Lundquist, S. 1973. Blixt och blixtskydd. (Stencil)

Fredholm, O. 1973. Människans känslighet för elektrostatiska gnistor. Byggmästaren 1973:9.

Scuka, V. Skydd mot följderna av blixtinslag. (Stencil)

Awunor-Renner, E. 1974. An investigation in to the operation of two small ion counters and the construction of large ion counter. UURIE S4.

Salka, O. Urladdning i olja. Sammanfattning av experimentella undersökningar och teoretiska studier. Rapporter 1-23. (Stencil)

Lundquist, S., Scuka, V. & Vedda, D. 1974. Some statistical features of discharging processes in thunderclouds. CIGRE August 1974, UURIE 67.

Lundquist, S. 1974. Tillämpad elektroteknik. Elektrisk hållfasthetslära med tillförlit lighetsteknik.

Fredholm, O., Lundquist, S. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1974. Statisk elektricitet inom industri och näringsliv - en översikt. (Stencil)

Fredholm, O., Lundquist, S. & Lövstrand, K. G., Åskskydd för byggnader. 1974. Kurskompendium i samarbete med svenska brand försvarsför. (Stencil)

Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1974. Golvresistansmätning och golvresistans. En förenklad mätmetod. UURIE SS.

Siksna, R. 1974. Water Clathrates formed in Supercooled Fog. UURIE S6. Scuka, V. 1974. Lightning strike to a CESSNA-421 aircraft. UURIE S8.

Schäning, B. & Scuka, V. 1973 Results of ship-borne atmospheric radio noise measurements at 27 kHz on the North Atlantic during winter. Tellus 26:4.

Bohlin, C. 1974. Åskskydd och Brandlarm. UURIE S9.

Institutet för högspänningsforskning. 1974. Informationsblad: Åskskydd för Segelbåtar. Maj 1974.

Institutet för högspänningsforskning. 1974. Informationsblad Åskskydd: "När åskan går - regler och råd" . Juli 1974.

Awunor-Renner, E. 1974. The fluctuations in air ion densities viewed from the frequency domain. UURIE 57.

Awunor-Renner, E. 1974. A Study of the Fluctuations in Atmospheric Ion Density. AUU, Abstracts Diss. Science 325. Uppsala.

Bergstrand, B. 1974. Urladdningar av kondensator över gnistgap i vatten. Examensarb.

Institutet för högspänningsforskning. 1975. Sömsvetsad rostfri plåt som blixtskydd. UURIE 62.

Scuka, V. 1975. Åsköverspänningar i metalliska ledare ovan mark vid blixtinslag i omgivande terräng. UURIE 63.

Scuka, V. 1975. Elektriska egenskaper hos ledare på och i mark vid höga frekvenser blixtströmmens front. UURIE 64.

Scuka, V. 1975. Elektrisk påkänning på ledare i mark genom blixturladdningar. Ett statis tiskt betraktelsesätt. UURIE 65.

Scuka, V. 1975. Elektrisk och magnetisk skärmning av ledningar och apparater. UURIE 66. - 1975. Åskskyddsjordning. UURIE 68.

Lundquist, S., Scuka, V., Bohlin, C. & Högberg, R. 1975. Åskskydd för oljelagring i berg. UURIE 69.

Lundquist, S., Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1974-1975. Statisk elektricitet. Elinstallatören 1974:10-12, 1975:1-2.

Scuka, V. 1975. Skydd av elektronisk utrustning mot atmosfäriska överspänningar. UURIE 70.

Scuka, V. & Assis, E. 1975. Stöttålighet för elektroniska styrsystem. UURIE 71. - 1975.

Scuka, V. & Assis, E. , Överspänningsskyddskomponenter. Typ Gasurladdningsrör. I, II, III. UURIE 72.

Scuka, V. & Assis, E. , Institutet för Högspänningsforskning. 1975. Åska och blixturladdning. UURIE 73.

Csenki, W. 1975. Elektriska urladdningars verkan på mikroorganismer i vatten. UURIE 61.

Lundquist, S. 1975. Flitig städning smutsar ner. Forskning och Framsteg 1975:3.

Pisler, E. 1975. Energy Measurements of the Gas Bubble Expanding in the Water.

Pisler, E. 1975. Uppladdning och urladdning av kondensator. UURIE 78.

Aina, I. & Scuka, V. 1975. Metal Roofing as Lightning Protection. UURIE 74.

Aina, I. & Scuka, V. 1975. A Portable Lightning Flash Counter. UURIE 75.

Aina, I. 1975. Lightning Protection and the Effect of Space Charge on Streamer Channels. UURIE 76.

Pisler, E. & Rosen, V. 1975. Grounded Metal Sphere in a uniform Field in front of a Grounded Metal Plane. UURIE 79.

Johansson, S. 1975. Matematisk modell av en kraftledningsstolpe för åsköverspän ningsberäkningar. Civ. ing. arb. Teknikum. UPTEC 75 67E. (Stencil)

Lundquist, S. & Pisler, E. Elektrohydrodynamisk behandling av material. (Stencil)

Pisler, E. Elektrohydraulisk behandling av material. (Stencil)

Csenki, V. Resistansen i vatten vid spetsplan elektrokonfiguration. (Stencil)

Laufke, H. 1975. Statisk elektricitet i industrimiljö. UURIE 60.

Institutet för högspänningsforskning. Åskskydd för villa. Broschyr utgiven av Trygg-Hansa.

Lövstrand, K. G. 1975. On the discharge of static electricity with induction elimina tors. Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 27, Chapter 3.

Lundquist, S. & Laufke, H. A Method for Quantification of Fire Risk in Industry. (Stencil)

Lövstrand, K. G. & Laufke, H. 1975. Utrustning för mätning av brännbara ång-luft blandningar och statisk elektricitet i industriell miljö. UURIE 61.

Fredholm, O., Laufke, H. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1975. Redogörelse för mätning av brännbar atmosfär och statisk elektricitet i industrimiljö. UURIE 62.

Laufke, H. 1976. A Method for the Evaluation of Risks Caused by Electrostatic Charging and Flammable Atmosphere in Industry. AUU, Abstracts Diss. Science 356. Uppsala.

Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1976. Fältkvarn för mätning av statisk elektricitet i brandfarlig eller partikelbemängd miljö. UURIE 80.

Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1976. Statisk elektricitet i industrimiljö elektrostatisk uppladdning av personer. UURIE 81.

Fredholm, O. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1976. Åtgärder för att eliminera riskerna med elektrostatisk uppladdning vid transport, hantering och förvaring av petroleumprodukter. UURIE 82.

Lövstrand, K. G. 1976. Risker vid elektrostatisk uppladdning av små plastkärl.

Lundquist, S. & Vedda, D. 1976. Riskanalys - M1. UURIE 84.

Lundquist, S. 1976. Riskanalys -T1. UURIE 8S.

Lundquist, S. & Scuka, V. 1976. Lightning instrumentation. Proceedings of the European Meeting on Lightning Instrumentation at Institutet för högspännings forskning 1975.

Vedda, D. 1976. A Computer Program for Testing the Goodness-Of Fit of Distribution Models. UURIE 86.

Lundquist, S. & Pisler, E. 1976. Tillämpad elektroteknik: Överspänning, urladdningar och tillförlitlighet inom elektrotekniken. (Stencil)

Backman, C.-M. 1976. A High Pressure Study of the Photolytic Decomposition of Azoethane and Propionyl Peroxide. AUU, Abstracts Diss. Science 1S. Uppsala.

Engdahl, G. 1976. Separation av empiriska fördelningsfunktioner. UURIE 87.

Lövstrand, K. G. 1976. Determination of exposure to electric fields in extra high
voltage substations.
Scand. J. Work Environ. and Health 1976:3, pp. 190-198.

Engdahl, G. & Lundquist, S. 1976. Ljudalstring i elektriska ljusbågar, I. UURIE 88, ASF delrapport 4.

Lövstrand, K. G., Östberg, O. & Knave, B. 1976. Exposition för magnetfält arbetshygienisk utredning vid SAS - Lintaverken. Undersökningsrapport AMMF 197, Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen. Stockholm.

Backman, C.-M., Lundberg, P. O., Lundquist, S., Lövstrand, K. G., Lövsund, P., Muhr, C. & Öberg, Å. 1976. Luftburen laddning i industrimiljö. UURIE 89.

Lundquist, S. 1978. Atmospheric Electricity. The earliest form of a static electrification hasard. J. of Electrostatics 4, pp. 101-107.

Engdahl, G. 1977. Ljudalstring i elektriska ljusbågar TI. UURIE 90, ASF, delrapport S.

Lundquist, S. 1977. Nytt normförslag: Åskskydd för byggnader. Elinstallatören 1977:3.

Lundberg, P. O., Lundquist, S., Lövstrand, K. G. & Muhr, C. 1977. The Effects of Changes in Weather and Indoor Climate on Headache. Drugs, Biogenic Amines and Body Temperature 3rd Symp. on the Pharmacology of Thermoregulation, Banff, Alta 1976, pp. 179-180. Basel.

Backman, C.-M. 1977. Biologiska effekter av luftjoner - En litteraturstudie. l. Serotonin och luftjoner. UURIE 91.

Backman, C.-M. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1977. Mätning av jon och partikelkoncentra tion i samband med svetsning. UURIE 93.

Backman, C.-M. 1977. Biologiska effekter av luftjoner - En litteraturstudie II. Inverkan av luftjoner på bakterier. UURIE 92.

Lundquist, S. 1977. Så farlig är åskan. Tidningen Land 1977:23.

Lövstrand, K. G. Påverkas människan av vistelse i elektriska kraftfält. Ur Sv. elektrikerförbundet.

Engdahl, G. & Pisler, E. 1977. Fotografiskt studium av elektriska ljusbågar mellan elektroder av grafit-stål och grafit-grafit. UURIE 94.

Claesson, S., Backman, C.-M., Khudjakov, I. V., Darmanjan, A. P. & Kuzmin, V. A. 1976. Laser Flash Photolysis under High Pressure. Chemica Scripta 10, pp. 143-144.

Claesson, S., Backman, C.-M., Borisevich, I. E. & Kuzmin, V. A. 1976. Pressure induced changes in light absorption of polymethine dyes with two interacting chromophores. Chemica Scripta 10, pp. 141-142.

Backman, C.-M. 1977. Lätta luftjoner - bildning, egenskaper och effekter. UURIE 95.

Backman, C.-M., Khudjakov, I. V., Levin, P. P. & de Jonge, C. R. F. 1977. Electronic Spectra of Stable Phenyl Substituted Phenoxyls. Izvestia AN SSSR. Ser. khim. Juli 1977, pp. 1655-1658.

Bergström, S. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1977. Exposition för magnetfält. Arbetshygienisk utredning vid svenska träforskningsinstitutet. Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen. Under sökningsrapport 1977:26.

Engdahl, G. & Pisler, E. 1977. Bullerbekämpning i elektrostålverk - en preliminär utvärdering av ett antal bullerbegränsande elektrotekniska åtgärder. UURIE 96.

Backman, C.-M. 1977. Mätningar av det luftelektriska inomhusklimatet på Uddevalla-varvets huvudkontor i Uddevalla. UURIE 97

Backman, C.-M. 1977. Mätning av jon- och partikelkoncentrationen i luften vid en elektrostålugn. UURIE 98.

Pisler, E. 1977. Mätningar av sekundärströmmar vid ljusbågsugnar. UURIE 99.

Lundquist, S., Israelsson, S., Jacobsson, C. & Laitinen, L, 1977. Lightning dis charges under different meteorological conditions. UURIE 100.

Lundquist, S. 1976. Atmospheric Electricity. AUU, Uppsala University 500 Years 8. Uppsala.

Backman, C.-M. 1978. Mätning av koncentrationen lätta luftjoner i plåtslageriverk stad och gjuteri. UURIE 101.

Takeuti, T., Nakano, M., Ishikawa, H. & Israelsson, S. 1977. On the Two Types of Thunderstorms Deduced from Cloud-to-Ground Discharges Observed in Sweden and Japan. J. of the Meteorological Society of Japan 55:6.

Pisler, E. 1978. Description of Lightning Flash Counter V-03. UURIE 102.

Takeuti, T., Nakano, M., Ishikawa, H. & Israelsson, S. 1978. On the anomalous cloud-to-ground discharges observed in Sweden. UURIE 103.

Backman, C.-M. 1978: Biologiska effekter av luftjoner - en litteraturstudie. III. Luftjoners psykokemiska effekt. UURIE 104.

Backman, C.-M. 1978. Biologiska effekter av luftjoner. IV. Luftjoners inverkan på andningsorganen. UURIE 105.

Kannangara, M. L. T., Lundquist, S. & Pisler, E. 1978. The Effective Height of Vertical Aerial of Lightning Flash Counter. UURIE 106, CIGRE 5C3, WG 33-0101.

Kannangara, M. L. T., Lundquist, S. & Pisler, E. 1978. Response to Thunderstorms of Lightning Flash Counters With Different Characteristics. UURIE 107, CIGRE SC, WG 33-0101.

Lundquist, S. Elfilter - synpunkter på teknisk utveckling baserad på elektrotekniska och urladdningstekniska åtgärder. (Stencil)

Engdahl, G. 1978. Analys av registrerade akustiska och elektriska parametrar för en ljusbågsugn under drift. UURIE 109.

Backman, C.-M. 1978. Mätningar av jonkoncentrationen i Piteå stadshus. UURIE 110.

Pisler, E. 1978. A. The effective height of the electrostatic probe. B. Antenna response to the electric field change of double exponential form. UURIE 111.

Institutet för högspänningsforskning. 1978. Åska inte bara blixt och dunder. IVA medd. 217.

Lundquist, S. & Israelsson, S. 1978. Den positiva blixten. Forskning och Framsteg 1978:7.

Ramakrishnan, D. R. & Sekar, S. 1978. Simulation of Electrostatic Precipitator Investigation of the Effect of the Electrode geometry on Current Distribution. UURIE 112.

Birke, E., Jansson, P.-Å., Lövstrand, K. G. & Östman, U. 1978. Möjligheter att eliminera elektriska urladdningar. Arbetsgrupp för eliminering av elektriska ur laddningar.

Högberg, R. 1978. Åskskydd för byggnader - nya svenska normer. Elinstallatören 1978:12.

Söderholm, G. 1978. Corona Current Distribution in Electrostatic Precipitators at Different Wire-to-plate Geometrie. Teknikum UPTEC 7894E.

Takeuti, T., Nakano, M., Ishikawa, H., Israelsson, S. & Lundquist, S. 1978. Preliminary Report on Thunderstorms Producing Positive Ground Flashes as Observed in Sweden. UURIE 113.

Lövstrand, K. G., Lundquist, S., Bergström, S. & Birke, E. 1979. Exposure of Personnel to Electric Fields in Swedish Extra-High-Voltage Substations: Field Strength and Dose Measurements. UURIE 114.

Ramakrishnan, D. R. & Sekar, S. 1979. Electric Field Measurements with a Static Volt Meter. UURIE 115.

Kannangara, M. L. T. 1979. Some Preliminary Data on the Operation of a V03 Counter and a V04 Counter in Sri Lanka. UURIE 118.

Backman, C.-M. 1979. Lätta luftjoner i arbetsmiljö - natur, förekomst och betydelse. UURIE 116.

Backman, C.-M. 1979. Electroaerosol Therapy and Biological Effects of Air Ions. Bibliography 1960-1978. UURIE 117.

Högberg, R. & Lövstrand, K. G. 1979. Åska och elektronik. UURIE 1 19.

Engdahl, G. 1979. Sänkning av bullret från ugnen - elektrotekniska åtgärder. UURIE 120.

Sekar, S. & Ramakrishnan, D. 1979. Pulsed Corona with Alternating High Voltage. UURIE 122.

Engdahl, G. 1979. Undersökningar av ljudalstringsmekanismen för fritt brinnande ljusbågar. UURIE 121.

Lövstrand, K. G. 1979. Risker med statisk elektricitet vid hantering av isolerande material i brandfarlig miljö. UURIE 123.

Ramakrishnan, D. 1979. Measurement of Electric Field Strength and Current Den sity for the Evaluation and Development of Electrostatic Precipitators. UURIE 124.

Engdahl, G. 1979. Bullerbekämpning i elektrostålverk - Elektrotekniska åtgärder. UURIE 125.

Engdahl, G. 1979. Bullerbekämpning vid ljusbågsugnar. Slutrapport del l. Sammanställt vid IFM akustikbyrå. UURIE 126.

Osterman, P. O., Lundberg, P. O., Lundquist S., Lövstrand, K. G. & Muhr, C. 1977. Weekly Periodicity of Headache and the Effect of Changes in Weather on Headache. UURIE 127.

Pisler, E. 1979. Acoustic Energy Radiated From the Small Sparks. UURIE 129.

Pisler, E. 1980. Some Analyze of "Error Triangles" when Using Three DF Stations. UURIE 128.

Sekar, S. 1980. Prediction of Corona Current Distribution at Low Current Densities on the Collecting Plate of an Electrostatic Precipitator - a Theoretical Approach. UURIE 130.

Takeuti, T., Israelsson, S., Nakano, M., Ishikawa, H., Lundquist, S. & Åström, E. 1980. On Thunderstorms Producing Positive Ground Flashes. UURIE 131.

Israelsson, S. & Lundquist, S. 1980. Elektriska urladdningar i atmosfären och deras inverkan på flygplan. UURIE 132, Proceedings of the Research Institute of Atmospherics. Nagoya University 27: 17.

Lundquist, S. 1980. Observed radiation pulses from lightning and the localization of thunderstorms in Sweden. UURIE 133.

Lundquist, S. 1980. Atmospheric electricity as an occupational risk. UURIE 134.

Kannangara, M. L. T. 1980. Counting patterns of lightning flash counters operated in Sri Lanka in the tropics and their interpretation. UURIE 135.

Lövstrand, K. G. & Rosen, V. 1980. Störande inverkan av statisk elektricitet vid dammprovtagning med filtermetoder. UURIE 136.

Osterman, P. O., Lundberg, P. O., Lundquist, S., Lövstrand, K. G. & Muhr, C. 1980. Weekly periodicity of headache and the Effect of changes in Weather on Headache. Upsala J. Med. Science 31, pp. 23-26.

Pisler, E. 1981. Operation of the LLP lightning location system in Sweden during 1979/80. UURIE 138.

Salka, O. 1981. Urladdning i transformatorolja. Sammanfattning av resultat redovisade i rapporterna 24-42 (år 1974-1980) ASEA.

Sekar, S. 1981. Backdischarge Studies in Wire-plane Corona. UURIE 137.

Lundquist, S. 1980. Atmospheric Electricity as an Occupational Risk. 6th Interna tional Colloquium on the Prevention of Occupational Risks Due to Electricity. Wien.

Lundquist, S. 1981. Some Models for Electrostatic Spraying, Coating and Precipitation. UURIE 139.

Engdahl, G. 1981. On the Noise Generating Behavior of High Current AC Arcs and the Possibility of Noise Reduction in Electric Arc Furnaces by Electrotechnical Means. AUU, Abstracts Diss. Science 598. Uppsala.

Sekar, S. 1981. A Study of the Effects of Geometry and Energization on Electro static Precipitation. AUU, Abstracts Diss. Science 616. Uppsala.

V. Cooray: Remote Sensing of Lightning Return Strokes through the Electric Radiation Fields. Acta Univ. Upsaliensis, Abstracts of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science, 655, 1982. Doktorsavhandling.

V. Cooray and S. Lundquist: On the Characteristics of Some Radiation Fields From Lightning and Their Possible Origin in Positive Ground Flashes. J. of Geophys. Res., vol. 87, No. C12,
Dec. 20. 1982.

S. Sekar: An Investigation of Pulsed Corona in Cylindrical and Wire-plate Geometries. Journal of Electrostatics, 13, 1982.

F. Rosa De La and A. Rodriguez: Ground Flash Density Measurements in Mexico.
Augusti 1982. CIGRE WG Lightning.

B. Schäning, S. Lundquist and P. Triska: Variations of Atmospheric Radio Noise at 27 K/cs in Northern and Central Europe. During the Period 1965-1975.(Paper prepared for the XXth URSI Gen. Ass., Comm. E, Washington, Aug. 81). Zeitschriftf. Meteor., Bd 32, Heft 5, 1982.

H. Strömberg. and S. Lundquist: Pulsed Radio Frequency Resonance Operation of Electrostatic Precipitators. Electrostatics -83. 1982,

H. Antonsson, S. Israelsson, C. Jacobsson, S. Lundquist and E. Pisler. Undersökningar med automatiskt blixtpejlsystem. UURIE:142-82

C. Bohlin: "Dyrt med bra åskskydd". Ur tidningen Råd & Rön, 6-7, 1982.

V. Cooray: Response of Cigre lightning flash counters to the electric field changes from lightning - A theoretical study. UURIE:145-83.

B. Hakberg and S. Lundquist: A Numerical Model for Electrostatic Spraying. 1982.

S. Lundquist och B. Wijkman: Institutet för högspannings forskning 50 år. Acta Univ. Upsaliensis, C. Organisation och historia, 42. Uppsala 1982.

S. Lundquist, R. Högberg och E. Lötberg: Prov av åskskydd och bedömning av blixt och N E M P - egenskaperna for koaxialantenn M - 1 9 2 1 - 1 3 7 2 1 0 - 3. UURIE:143-822

F. Rosa De La: Lightning induced overvoltages on distribution lines. UURIE:144-82

Pisler, E. and Högberg, R.: Calculation of a Serial RLC Circuit Using a HP - 85 Desk Computer. UURIE:141-82

ÅSKSKYDD. Förf. av Institutet för högspänningsforskning och utgiven av Trygg-Hansa. Omarbetad upplaga. 1982.

V. Cooray. and S. Lundquist: Effects of Propagation on the Rise Times and the Initial Peaks of Radiation Fields from Return Strokes. Reprint from: Radio Science, Vol. 18, Number 3. May-June 1983

B. Hakberg, S. Lundquist, B. Carlsson och T. Högberg: A Theoretical Model for Electrostatic Spraying and Coating. J. of Electrostatics, 14, 1983.

R. Högberg and S. Lundquist: Lightning Protection of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Poles. Konf. Haag. Sept. 1983.

S. Lundquist R. Högberg and E. Lötberg: Protection of A VHF - Antenna. Konf. Haag. Sept. 1983.

R.C. Murty, S. Israelsson, E Pisler and S. Lundquist: Observations of Positive Lightning in Sweden. Reprint from: Fifth Symposium on Meteorological Observ. and Instrument. April 11-15 1983. Toronto, Canada.

R.C. Murty, S. Lundquist: Lightning Flash counters (LFCS) and Lightning Location Systems (LLS) and User Requirements. Reprint from: Fifth Symposium on Meteorological Observ. and Instrumentation. April 11-15 1983. Toronto Canada.

F. Rosa De La : Planned Measurements of Lightning Parameters in an Experimental Distribution Line in Southern Mexico. CIGRE WG Lightning. May 1983.

U. Christensen: Studier av ett värmeåskväder med hjälp av väderradar och blixtpejlsystem.

P-O. Haraldsson: Medvetslöshet och kvarstående tinnitus följden av blixt i örat vid telefonering. Ur Läkartidningen 19/83.

R. Högberg: Elektriska störningar. Störmekanismer, skyddsåtgärder och skyddskomponenter. En översikt. (Kompendium). (UURIE:154-83)

S. Israelsson, M.A Enayatollah, E Pisler, S Michnowski and J Adedpkun: On the Occurrence of Cloud-to-Ground Flashes in Southern Sweden. UURIE:148-83

S. Israelsson and S. Lundquist: Measurements of audible and electromagnetic noises from a 400 kV transmission line. 1983.

S. Lundquist: Åska i bergstrakter. Ur Till Fjälls - Svenska Fjällklubbens årsbok 1982-83.

E Pisler: Calculation of Lightning Positions Using Direction Angles Measured AT DF Stations. UURIE:149-83

S. Michnowski and M.A Enayatollah: On the Estimation of Random Error for the LLP System. UURIE:146-83

E. Pisler: Plotting Lightning Locations on the Lambert Biconical Projection Map. (Appendix to the report: "Calculation of Lightning Positions Using Direction Angles Measured at DF Stations", UURIE: 149-83). (UURIE:150-83)

F. Rosa De La and E. Lötberg: Influence of Humidity on the Breakdown (DC) Voltage of an Air Gap. April 1983.

V. Scuka, S. Lundquist, F.L.H.M. Stumpers and J Wiesinger.: Lasting Effects of Transients on Equipment Performance. Work shop organized by URSI Commission E during the 1983 EMC Symposium and Exhibition, Zürich. Ed.: V. Scuka. UURIE:147-83

Y-F Yu: Electrostatic Hazards in Pneumatic Transport of Powders. A preliminary study. June 1983.

Y-F. Yu: Electrostatic Hazards in pneumatic transport of Powders. (UURIE:152-83)

Elektriska system i störd miljö. Utarbetad av Ernst Åström, Institutet for högspänningsforskning. 1983.

H. Breder: Supervision of gapless surge arresters for power systems. (Lic.summary). (UURIE:164-84 L)

D. Roos.: Applications of microwave heating in cancer treatment. (Lic.summary). (UURIE:166-84 L)

H. Strömberg: The influence of the electrode configuration and energization on electrostatic precipitator performance. (Lic.summary). (UURIE:160-84 L)

C-E. Åkerlund.: On the static field strength in wireplate electrostatic precipitators with profiled collecting electrode by means of an experimental method. (Lic.summary). (UURIE:162-84)

V. Cooray: Further Characteristics of Positive Radiation Fields From Lightning in Sweden. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 89, No. D 7, pp 11807-11-815, Dec. 20, 1984.

S. Israelsson, E. Pisler and M. A Enayatollah: On the occurrence of cloud-to-ground flashes in Southern Sweden. Preprint vol. VII Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Albany, June 3-8, 1984.

S. Lundquist and V. Cooray: Modelling of Lightning. 7th International Wroclaw Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Wroclaw, 1984.

F. Rosa De La : Review of the different ground flash density measuring devices as for the application in power systems. Presented at the VII International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Albany, Ny.Y.,June 4-8, 1984.

F. Rosa, De La and S. Lundquist: Lightning-induced voltages in distribution power lines. Presented at the International Conference on Lightning and Power Systems IEE, London, UK, 5-7 June 1984. Conference Publication Number 236.

V. Scuka: EMI of Lightning with Digital Communication Systems. 7th International Wroclaw Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Wroclaw, 1984.

H. Breder: Supervision of gapless zinc-oxide surge arresters. (Supplement). (UURIE:163-84)

H. Breder, T. Collin: Supervision of gapless zinc-oxide arresters.

C. Jacobsson: Användningen av plottade blixtkartor vid regionala vädertjänsten, Arlanda, sommaren 1983. (UURIE:156-84)

L. Liljestrand.: Measurements of transients on the powerline using a HP-87 computer and DL1080 programmable transient recorder. (UURIE:167-84)

L. Liljestrand.: Undersökning av nätavstörningsmateriel som störskyddstransformator, växelspänningsstabilisator och nätfilter. (UURIE:168-84)

S. Lundquist: Harmful effects by electrostatic discharges in electronic circuits and system. (UURIE:157-84)

S. Lundquist: Studies of lightning discharges. Information for the international valuation of research projects in Inst HVR. Institutet för högspänningsforskning. Uppsala September 1984.

E. Pisler: Registration of lightnings during the winter 79/80 using LLP system. (UURIE:153-84)

T. Schütte: An experimental study of the angle correction of the direction finders of the LLP system in Sweden. (UURIE:158-84)

V. Scuka: Lasting Effects of Transients - II Ed.: V. Scuka (UURIE:165-84)

V. Scuka: Något om elektriskt olycksfall. (UURIE:155-84)

V. Scuka: Performance deterioration of metal oxide varistors by current surges.

L. Stensland och V. Scuka: Optiska fibrer som telekommunikationsmedium. Kosmos 1984, Svenska Fysikersamfundet. 1984

Y.F Yu: Powder electrification in a low speed pneumatic transport system. (UURIE:159-84)

C-E. Åkerlund: Calculation of the static field strength in wireplate electrostatic precipitators with profiled collecting electrode by means of an experimental method. (UURIE:161-84)

F. Rosa De La: Effects of Close Lightning on Electric Power Distribution lines. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science, 8, 1985. Doktorsavhandling.

T. Schütte: Lightning localisation accuracy and thunderstormstatistics - New approaches. (Lic.summary). (UURIE:179-85 L)

V. Cooray and S. Lundquist: Characteristics of the Radiation Fields From Lightning in Sri Lanka in the Tropics. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 90, No. D 4, pp 6099-6109, June 30, 1985.

V. Cooray and V. Scuka: EMP-radiation from lightning and its effects on digital communication equipment. Presented at the 18th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Munich, Sept. 16-20, 1985.

R. Högberg,, E. Lötberg and V. Scuka: Lightning protection of electronic installations - Design considerations. Presented at the 18th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Munich, Sept. 16-20, 1985.

R. Högberg, , S. Lundquist , E. Lötberg and V. Scuka: Vulnerable effects of lightning strikes into stratified ground. Presented at the 18th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Munich, Sept. 16-20, 1985.

L. Liljestrand. and V. Scuka: Impulse characteristics of power network and installations related to electronic system interference. Presented at the 18th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Munich, Sept. 16-20, 1985.

S. Lundquist: Harmful effects of electrostatic discharges on safety installations, Journal of Electrostatics, Vol. 17, 1985.,Proceedings of the V International Conference on Electrostatics, Uppsala, Sweden, June 3-5, 1985.

S. Lundquist: Lightning and sailboats. Presented at the 18th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Munich, Sept. 16-20, 1985.

S. Lundquist: On the discharge of static electricity: Some historic notes with comments and remarks. Journal of Electrostatics, Vol. 16, 1985. Proceedings of the V International Conference on Electrostatics.

E. Pisler and T. Schütte: Eine neue Methode zur Messung des Peilfehlers bei Blitzpeilsystemen - Beschrebung und erste Ergebnisse. Presented at the 18th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Munich, Sept. 16-20, 1985. Äv. eng. vers

F. Rosa, De La: Induced voltage calculations in overhead conductors. Presented at the 18th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Munich, Sept. 16-20, 1985.

V. Scuka: Performance of metal oxide varistors in the submicrosecond time domain. Presented at the 18th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Munich, Sept. 16-20, 1985.

R. Högberg,, E. Lötberg and F. Rosa De La : A simple design of line matching resistor. Part I, Feb. 1983. F. Rosa De La : Line matching resistor tests. Part II, May 1983. (UURIE:172-85)

S. Israelsson, E. Pisler and Th. Schütte: The use of an automatic lightning location system in Sweden. (UURIE:170-85)

E.O Oladrian, E. Pisler and S. Israelsson: The calibration of lightning flash counters using pulses of finite rise rimes. (UURIE:177-85)

E. Pisler and E.O Oladrian: Time registration of event occurrence using SDK-85 kit. (UURIE:175-85)

F. Rosa De La : Inducing effect of lightning in an experimental power distribution line in Mexico. (UURIE:174-85)

F. Rosa De La : Transient Response of the Distribution Transformer to Lightning-Induced Voltages in the Primary Side. (UURIE:173-85)

O. Salka: Reflexioner och överspänningar på teleledningar. (UURIE:171-85)

T. Schütte: The use of the Weibull distribution in thunderstormstatistics. (UURIE:178-85)

V. Scuka: Recent lightning research related to the subject of lightning performance of electric power systems. (UURIE:176-85)

V. Scuka and R. Högberg: Lightning protection of reinforced concrete structures. 1985.

V. Scuka och E. Åström: Elektriska system i störd miljö. Sammanställt kompendium for civ. ing.utbildningen.1985.

Y-F. Yu and A. Magnusson: On the electrostatic charging of some finely divided materials in modern agricultural pneumatic transport systems. (UURIE:169-85)

L. Liljestrand: Electrical transients in low voltage power installations.
(Lie.summary). 1986. (UURIE:193-86 L).

V. Cooray: A Novel Method to Identify the Radiation Fields Produced by Positive Return Strokes and Their Submicrosecond Structure. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 91, No. D7, pp. 7907-7911, June 20, 1986.

V. Cooray: Errors in direction finding due to nonvertical lightning channels: Effect of the finite ground conductivity. Radio Science, vol. 21, No 5, pp 857-862, 1986.

V. Cooray: Response of CIGRE and CCIR Lightning Flash Counters to the Electric Field ChangesFrom Lightning: A Theoretical Study. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 91, No. D2, pp 2835-2842, 1986.

V. Cooray: Temporal behaviour of lightning HF radiation at 3 MHz near the time of first return strokes. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp 73-78, 1986.

V. Cooray and F. Rosa De La : Shapes and amplitudes of the initial peaks of lightning-induced voltage in power lines over finitely conducting earth. Theory and comparison with experiment. Submitted to IEEE (Antennas and propagation). April 1985. Vol. AP-34, No 1 Jan -86. (Särtryck)

I-L. Aronsson: Human response to the lightning hazard in a cultural context. March 1986. (UURIE:201-86).

Blixt (B) - Lyn (L) - Salama (S). BLS-registrering og lokalisering i Norden. Rapport fra nordisk gruppe for utredning av lynregistrering og lokalisering i Danmark, Finland, Norge og Sverige. Juni 1986.

R. Högberg, E. LÖTBERG, und V. SCUKA: Blitzschutz von elektronischen Einrichtungen. Sonderdruck ETZ Bd. 107 (1986), H. 1, s. 24-27. (Jfr 577).

R. Högberg.: Skydd av elektronik mot elektriska transienter. En översikt. Kompendium for utb., 1986.

I F H Reports - 1985. Institutets rapporter fram tom 1985. November 1986. (UURIE:197-86).

I F H Reports 1965 - 85. Institutets rapporter från 1965-85. (UURIE:187-86)

S. Israelsson och T. Schütte: Elektrisk miljö och riskbedömning vid flygning. September 1986. (UURIE:196-86)

Z.-I. Kawasaki and S. Israelsson: Electron fluid model simulations of lightning return strokes.(UURIE:189-86)L.

Z.-I. Kawasaki and S. Israelsson: Spectrum analyses of positive ground strokes during winter in Japan. (UURIE:188-86).

L. Liljestrand and V. Scuka: A 200 kV cable generator with nano seconds rise time. (UURIE:191-86).

L. Liljestrand and V. Scuka: Electromagnetic transients in public low voltage power installations.(UURIE:184-86).

L. Liljestrand: Measurements of power line impedance in low voltage installations. (UURIE:183-86).

L. Liljestrand.: Some useful plot diagrams to be used with HP-computers and HP 7470 plotters. (UURIE:181-86).

L. Liljestrand: Investigations of an experimental low voltage power installation line. (UURIE:192-86).

L. Liljestrand: The electric field strength between electrodes of different shapes used in high voltage engineering. (UURIE:185-86).

A. Norberg: Current waveform and energy in surface discarges. 1986.

A. Norberg: Elektrostatisk miljö vid bildskärmar. 1986.

S. Lundquist: Att leva med blixten. I Upteckaren, nr 1, mars 1986.

S. Lundquist: Negativa effekter av statisk elektricitet vid säkerhetsanordningar. (UURIE:182-86)

S. Lundquist och V. Scuka: Tillförlitlighet av elektriska system. Kompendium for utb., 1986.

E. Pisler and T Schütte: Comments on LLP site error correction of the Swedish lightning location system. (UURIE:190-86)

T. Schütte and V. Cooray: Recalculating of lightning localization system performance using a refined damping model. 1986. (UURIE:200-86)

T. Schütte. and E. Pisler: Some improved evaluations of the performance of lightning detection systems. (UURIE:186-86)

T. Schütte, E. Pisler, D. Filipovic and S. Israelsson: The acceptance of lightning detectors and lightning localization systems under different damping conditions. (UURIE:180-86)

T. Schütte, E. Pisler, and S. Israelsson: Undersökning av rackvidden och förbättring av noggrannheten för det svenska blixtpejlsystemet. (UURIE:195-86)

V. Scuka: EMI Control in low voltage power installations. November 1986. (UURIE:199-86)

V. Scuka and N. Jokanovic: Harmonization of surge suppressors in low voltage power installations. November 1986. (UURIE:198-86)

C-E. Åkerlund: Comparison of two methods for calculation of poten tials in the interelectrode space of wire-plate electrostatic precipitators. (UURIE:194-86)

Thorsten Schütte, "Optimum performance of lightning localization systems" Acta Univ. Ups., Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science, 67. 1987.

S. Israelsson, Th. Schütte, E. Pisler and S. Lundquist: Increased occurrence of lightning flashes in Sweden during 1986. Reprint from J. of Geophysical Research, Vol. 92, No. D9, pp 10996-10998, Sept 1987.

S. Michnowski, S. Israelsson, J. Parfiniewicz, M.A. Enaytollah and E. Pisler: A case of thunderstorm system development inferred from lightning distribution. Publ. Inst Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc, D-26 (198), 1987.

V. Scuka,S. Lundquist, S. Öhlin, H.G. P.O. Persson: Consequences of EMC-requirements on the low voltage power distribution networks and installations. : IEEE Publication CH2477-8/87/000-0480. 1987 IEEE

R. Hoekstra, V. Scuka: Lightning flash detector for second generation Meteosat satellite. To be presented at the 8th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity (ICAE), Uppsala June 1988. Institutet för högspänningsforskning 1987.

S. Israelsson, S. Lundquist, and V. Scuka: Energy balance in atmospheric electric discharge channels. Konferensbidrag till 7th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Albany, March, 1984.1987.

S. Lundquist: Electrostatic measurement techniques. Reprint from Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 85: Section 4. Paper presented at Electrostatics '87, Oxford. April 1987.

M.Å.S. Leijon, A.E. Vlastos “Influence of the Voltage Application Time on the Breakdown Voltage of a Particle-contamined SF6 Insulated System”, 5th Int Symp on High Voltage Engineering, Braunschweig Germany 24-28 Aug 1987

M.Å.S. Leijon “Diagnosis and Classification of Metallic Particles in GIS”,Ph.D. Thesis, Chalmers univ. of Technology, Tech report no 175, Dec 1987

S. Namasivayam, V. Scuka, S. Lundquist, N. Jokanovic: The design of an instrument for the continuous recording of transient waveforms utilizing high time resolution. Presented at the 19th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Graz, Austria, April 1988.

Th Schütte, E. Pisler, D. Filipovic and S. Israelsson: Acceptance of lightning detectors and localization systems under different damping conditions. J Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Vol. 4,No. 3, Sept. 1987.

Th Schütte, E. Pisler, and S. Israelsson: A new method for the measurement of the site errors of a lightning direction-finder: Description and first results. Reprint from J. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, vol. 4, No. 2, June 1987.

V. Scuka: Characteristic features of LEMP in relation to their origin and path of propagation.XXIInd Gen. Ass. of the Int. Union of Radio Science, Tel Aviv, 1987. Session EB, Lightning

V. Scuka: Commission E: Electromagnetic noise and interference. Contribution to the review of Radio Science 1984-1986 from the Swedish National Committee of URSI. August 1987.

V. Scuka: Lightning threat to fibre optic cables. Sammanfattning av föredrag vid Radiovetenskapliga Konferensen, Uppsala, April 1987. 652. SCUKA, V.: EMI control in low-voltage power installations. Konferens bidrag. 1987.

V. Scuka: Partial breakdown in metal oxide varistors - Deterioration of surge protection performance of metal oxide varistors (MOV). Presented at URSI XXI GA in Florence, Italy, Aug. 28 - Sept. 5, 1987.

V. Scuka: Performance deterioration processes in VLSI-chips and methods of reliable component testing. Abstract till XXIInd Gen. Ass. of the Int. Union of Radio Science, Tel Aviv, 1987.

V. Scuka, R. Högberg, S. Lundquist: Lightning and transient protection of a satellite control station. Presented at the 19th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Graz, Austria, April 1988. Uppsala 1987.

V. Scuka, S. Lundquist, P.O. Persson, H.G. Öhlin: Electromagnetic interference in electric poser installations. Sammanfattning av föredrag vid Radiovetenskapliga Konferensen, Uppsala, April 1987

V. Scuka, S. Lundquist, P.O. Persson, L. Söderlund: Electromagnetic interference in communication systems caused by cloud flashes. Sammanfattning av föredrag vid Radiovetenskapliga Konferensen,Uppsala, April 1987

V. Scuka, S. Namasivayam, K.P-S. Jayaratne, S. Lundquist and S. Israelsson: Design and construction considerations of an EMI hardened lightning instrumentation. Pesented at the 19th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Graz, Austria, April 1988. Uppsala 1987.

V. Scuka:, S. Sangkasaad, S. Lundquist: Effects of earthing resistance on lightning interception. Discharge phenomena i long laboratory sparks related to the physics of the final jump in a lightning stroke. Presented at the 19th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Graz,Austria, April 1988. Institutet för högspänningsforskning, Uppsala 1987.

U. Christensen and S. Israelsson: Relationships between radar echon characteristics and lightning parameters for a thunderstorm in Sweden. Särtryck The Weather, Vol 42, No 6, 1987.

S. Lundquist and V. Scuka: TIPEK-V. Delrapport 1985-08-27. Institutet för högspänningsforskning, Uppsala. 1987.

S. Namasivayam, N. Jokanovic, S. Scuka, S. Israelsson, S. LUNDQUIST: Design of an instrument for continuous recording of return stroke waveforms and their time of arrival. (UURIE:204-87)

A Norberg: Corona needles for ion generators. 1987

A. Norberg: Electrostatic effects of solid particles in high pressure gas flow in flexible plastic hoses. November 1987. (UURIE:205-87)

A Norberg: Measurements of airborne particleion concentrations in front of a video display terminal. 1987.

E.O Oladiran, S. Scuka, S. Israelsson, and S. Llundquist: A survey of the possibilities of lightning detection from satellites. Institutet för högspänningsforskning, Uppsala. 1987. (UURIE:203-87)

S. Sangkasaad: Effects of grounding resistances on lightning impulse interceptions. March 1987. (UURIE:202-87)

V. Scuka: Atmosfäriska störningar - del I: Blixturladdningen. SIFU, Kursmaterial 1986. Institutet för högspänningsforskning, Uppsala. 1987.

V. Scuka: Atmosfäriska störningar - del II: Konstruktion av askledare. SIFU, Kursmaterial 1986. Institutet för högspänningsforskning, Uppsala.1987.V. SCUKA: Fiber, kabel, skarvteknik. STF ingenjörsutbildning, Kursmaterial 1982, Sieverts Kabelverk. 1987.

V. Scuka: Bilaga till ansökan om medel for nordiskt blixtlokaliseringssystem. 1984. Institutet för högspänningsforskning, Uppsala. 1987.

V. Scuka: EMP - Blixttest av optokabel.1984. Institutet for högspänningsforskning, Uppsala. 1987.

V. Scuka: Classification of different lightning flash processes and parameter definitions. Presented at the 8th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity (ICAE), Uppsala June 1988. Institutet for högspänningsforskning 1987.

V. Scuka: Corrosion of earthing electrodes. IEC - TC 81 , WG 4 -Earthing. Presented at the meeting at UTE in Paris, October 1984. Institutet för högspänningsforskning. 1987.

V. Scuka: Elektriska transienters inverkan pa elektroniska komponenter. STF ingenjörsutbildning, Kursmaterial 1984. Institutet för högspänningsforskning, Uppsala. 1987.

V. Scuka: Fibre optics in nuclaer environment. Kursmaterial 1983. Sieverts Kabelverk. 1987.

V. Scuka: Jordtagssystem. Kursmaterial 1984. Inst f högsp.forskn. 1987.

V. Scuka: Korrosion av koppar och järnlegeringar i svensk mark. Institutet för högspänningsforskning, maj 1986. Uppsala. 1987.

V. Scuka: Light wave communication in electric power systems. Kursmaterial 1982. 1987.

V. Scuka: Observational apsects of lightning. Lightning flash detector and exploration of atmospheric processes. A feasibility study of an optical lightning flash detector for use in a geostationary space craft. Mid-term report, Sept. 1987. Institutet for högspänningsforskning, 1987.

V. Scuka: On the interception of the lightning discharge. Särtryck ur Electromagnetics 7:353-360, 1987

V. Scuka: Potentialutjämning och jordning. STF ingenjörsutbildning, Kursmaterial 1984. Institutet för högspänningsforskning, Uppsala. 1987.

V. Scuka: Störkällor och störproblem - Fiberoptiska Iösningar. STF ingenjörsutbildning, Kursmaterial 1983. Institutet för hög spänningsforskning, Uppsala. 1987.

V. Scuka: Transienters inverkan pa elkraftkomponenter - Transformatoroljor. Delstudie av TIPEK-V. 1985-86. Institutet för högspänningsforskning, Uppsala. 1987.

V. Scuka: Överspänningsskydd, del I. Utvärdering av GUR. Kursmaterial,1985. Institutet for högspänningsforskning. 1987.

V. Scuka: Överspänningsskydd, del V. Systemprov. Kursmaterial 1985,Institutet för högspänningsforskning. 1987.

V. Scuka, S. Lundquist, S. Sangkasaad: On the interception of the lightning discharge. Prepared for the Electromagnetics, August 1987. Institutet for högspänningsforskning, Uppsala. 1987.

VAST-VATTENFALL: Överspänningsskydd 10,4-132 kV anläggningar - Allmänt om åsköverspänningar, utarbetat av V. Scuka. Mars1985. 1987.


Licentiate thesis

V.F. Hermosillo: Induction Effects of Transient Electromagnetic Fields in Structures. (Lic.summary). 1990. (UURIE:232-90)

Reviewed literature

Cooray, V., and R. E. Orville The effects of variation of current amplitude, current rise time and return stroke velocity along the return stroke channel on the electromagnetic fields generated by return strokes, J. Geophys. Res, vol. 95, No. D11, Oct. 1990.

Thottappillil, R., V. A. Rakov, and M. A. Uman, "K and M changes in Close Lightning Ground Flashes in Florida", J. Geophys. Res., 95, 18631-18640, 1990.

Zhang, Diquang and Xu, Dexuan. Analysis of the current for a negative point to plane corona discharge in air. J. of Electrostatics, vol. 25, No 2, p. 221-229. 1990.

International conferences

Cabrera, V.M. Experimental Results of Discharges in Sand under Lightning Impulse Voltages and a Physical Interpretation, Proceeding of the 20th international Conference on Lightning Protection, paper 3.3, Interlaken, Switzerland, 1990.

Cooray, V. Relationship Between Different Return Stroke Parameters as Predicted by a New Return Stroke model, Proceeding of the 20th international Conference on Lightning Protection, 2.11P, Interlaken, Switzerland, 1990.

Cooray, V. and Simonetti, A. An Electrical Crash of a Thunderstorm Cell in Novograd, Proceeding of the 20th international Conference on Lightning Protection, 2.12P, Interlaken, Switzerland, 1990.

Hermosillo V. and Cooray, V. A Worst Case Study on Lightning Induced Voltages on Overhead Lines, Proceeding of the 20th international Conference on Lightning Protection, 4.10P, Interlaken, Switzerland, 1990.

Jayaratne, K.P.S.C. and Cooray, V. Effects of Propagation across a Coast Line on the Electromagnetic Fields from Lightning return Strokes, Proceeding of the 20th international Conference on Lightning Protection,paper 6.1, Interlaken, Switzerland, 1990.

M.Å.S Leijon, S. Halen, H. Kols ”New Laboratory Facilities for Electrical and Acoustic Detection of Discharges in Insulated Materials and Systems” Nord IS 1990, Lyngby Denmark, Paper no 6.1

W.S.G . Lord, P.E. Hoff, M.Å.S. Leijon, L. Sköld “Experience Form On Site Testing with The acoustic Method On GIS” Nord IS 1990, Lyngby, Denmark Paper no 7.3

Namasivayam, S., Lundquist, S. and Scuka, V. Some Characteristics of Electromagnetic Transient Wave forms from Lightning in Sweden, Proceeding of the 20th international Conference on Lightning Protection, paper. 6.5., Interlaken, Switzerland, 1990.

Pisler, E. and Scuka, V. Evaluation of Lightning Parameters using a Territorial Lightning Localization and Recording Network, Proceeding of the 20th international Conference on Lightning Protection, 6.11P, Interlaken, Switzerland, 1990.

B. Wahlström, K. Petterson, W. Lord, M.Å.S. Leijon ”Approaches and Experience in Sweden of Reducing Maintenance cost –especially by application of Periodic acoustic Measurements” CIGRE 1990, Aug 26 – Sept 1, Paris, France, Paper no 23-106


K.N. Baral, V. Scuka and V. Cooray: A comparative study on the occurrence of positive cloud-to-ground lightning discharges as observed in Uppsala (Sweden) and Kathmandu (Nepal). (UURIE:234-90)

K.N. Baral, V. Scuka, V. Cooray and S. Namasivayam: A study on the ratio of cloud flashes to ground flashes as observed in Uppsala (Sweden) and Kathmandu (Nepal). 1990. (UURIE:235-90)

V. Cabrera: Modification of a Marx Generator. April 1990. (UURIE:233-90)

V. Cabrera: The Response of a 1.2 MV damped capacitive voltage divider under a front chopped impulse with a steepness of 2 MV/us. Mars 1990. (UURIE:227-90)

V.F. Hermosillo: Electromagnetic Interference Control in Modern High Voltage Laboratories. 1990. (UURIE:231-90)

V.F. Hermosillo and V.M. Cabrera: Positive Impulse Corona Current and Charge Measurements in Air for a Coaxial Cylindrical Configuration. 1990. (UURIE:228-90)

V.F. Hermosillo and Y. Ming: Lightning Electromagnetic Field Calculations using the Dipole Technique. 1990. (UURIE:229-90)

S. Namasivayam and J. Eriksson: The design and calibration of a broad band antenna system for the measurement of lightning magnetic fields. 1990. (UURIE:237-90).

S. Namasivayam and Y. Ming: Measurements and modeling of lightning electric and magnetic field coupling to structures. 1990. (UURIE:238-90).

A. Norberg: Energy density in surface discharges. 1990. (UURIE:251-90).

Pisler: Lightning flash counters. November 1990. (UURIE:236-90).

D. Windmar: A Study of the 0 1(1) Spectral Line Emission from Long Laboratory Sparks. 1990. (UURIE:230-90).



Namasivayam, Sudalaimuthu, "Studies of electromagnetic fields from first and subsequent strokes of natural lightning", Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science, 0282-7468 ; 320 1991

Reviewed literature

Fisher, R. J., G. H. Schnetzer, R. Thottappillil, V. A. Rakov, and M. A. Uman, "Return Stroke and M Component Current Pulses in Triggered Lightning", (Abstract), Trans. of the Am. Geophys. Union, 72, p. 88, 1991.

Knudsen, E. and S.Israelsson. Proposal for Determination of Representative Recordings During the GAEM Project. Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc.,D-35 (238).1991

Knudsen, E. and S.Israelsson. Proposal for Determination of Representative Recordings During the GAEM Project. Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc.,D-35 (238).1991

Pisler, E. Lightning flash counters. Electrotechnical Review, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1991.

Rakov, V. A., M. A. Uman, R. Thottappillil, and T. Shindo, "Statistical Characteristics of Negative Ground Flashes as Derived from Electric Field and TV Records" (in Russian), Proc. of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Izvestiya ANSSSR, ser. Energetika i Transport), 37, No. 3, 61-71, 1991.

Thottappillil, R., D. K. McLain, M. A. Uman, and G. Diendorfer, "Extension of Diendorfer-Uman Lightning Return Stroke Model to the case of a Variable Upward Return Stroke Speed and a Variable Downward Discharge Current Speed", J. Geophys. Res., 96, 17143-17150, 1991.

International conferences

M. Albiez, M.Å.S. Leijon “PD-Measurements in GIS with Electric Field Sensor and Acoustic Sensor” 7th Int Symp. On High Voltage Engineering, Aug 26-30, 1991, Dresden, Germany, Paper no 75.08

Bergman, A. Traceability for a reference measuring system for impulse measurement, ERA conference on High Voltage measurements and calibration. ERA Report 92-0647.

Victor M. Cabrera M. and Victor F. Hermosillo W. Impulse Positive Corona; Charge Generation and Neutralization [HV Engineering Techniques and Experimental Results], Paper 81.08, 7th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH-91), Technische Universität Dresden, Germany August 26-30, 1991.

Cooray, V. Power and energy dissipation in subsequent return strokes as predicted by a new return stroke model, (abstract) EOS Transactions, vol. 71, 23, 1990 (the full paper is in Proceedings of the International Aerospace and Ground Conference in Lightning and Static Electricity, p 66-1 to 66-6, Florida, 1991.

Israelsson, S. Possible mechanism for the charging of the atmosphere. Report series in Aerosol Science, NOSA and IV Finnish Aerosol Symposium, Helsinki 1991.

Jayaratne, K.P.S.C., E. Knudsen and S. Israelsson. The effect of distored atmospheric electric field lines on the measurements of small ion number density and related electrical parameters. Proc. Electrostatics '91, Institute of Physics, Oxford, England. 1991

M.Å.S. Leijon, Li Ming, P. Hoff ”SF6 Gas Pressure Influence on Acoustic Signals Generated by Partial Discharges in GIS
7th Int Symp. On High Voltage Engineering, Aug 26-30, 1991, Dresden, Germany, Paper no 75.11

Namasivayam, S., Lundquist, S. On the decay of fields and currents in atmospheric electric discharges. Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 118: section 5, Oxford 1991.

Namasivayam, S., Lundquist, S. First and Subsequent Return Stroke Properties of Cloud-to-ground Lightning, International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and static Electricity, Florida, U.S.A., 1991

Norberg, A. and Lundquist, S. A distributed RC transmission line model for electrostatic discharges from insulator surfaces. Ins. Phys. Conf. ser. No. 118: Section 5, Oxford 1991.

Thottappillil, R., M. A. Uman, and G. Diendorfer, "Influence of Channel Base Current and Varying Return Stroke Speed on the Calculated Fields of Three Important Return Stroke Models", Pro. of the Int. Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, Cocoa Beach, Florida, April 16-19, 1991.

Windmar, D., V. Cooray and V. Scuka. Optical radiation generated by 280 mm long laboratory sparks, Proceedings of the International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, p 63-1 to 63-8, Florida, April 1991


V. Cooray: A new return stroke model. 1991. (UURIE:239-91)

Ye, M., V. Cooray and V. Scuka. The analysis of electric fields at ground level measured at Kourou, Lightning electromagnetic environment of hermes space plane on launch site, Contract ESA/CNES/HERMES/ONERA, No. 9095/90/F/FB, Internal report, Oct., 1991.



Víctor M Cabrera M., "Studies of ground ionization and lightning protection of power lines", Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science, 370, 1992.

Licentiate thesis

Y Ming : Generation, propagation and interaction of electromagnetic fields from lightning strokes. 1992. (UURIE:244-92)

D. Windmar: The mechanism of water drop triggered flashovers. 1992. (UURIE:243-92 )

Reviewed literature

Bargigia A., Koltunowicz W., Pigini, A., Mats Leijon, Li Ming, "Detection of parallel discharges in gas insulated substations", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, Volume: 7 Issue: 3 Pages: 1239-1249 (1992).

H. Bernhoff, S. Söderholm, U. O. Karlsson, S. A. Flodström, M. Qvarford, J. N. Andersen, R. Nyholm, and I. Lindau, "Synchrotron-radiation soft-x-ray photoemission study of lead on Bi2CaSr2Cu2O8", Phys. Rev. B 46, 6488-6494 (1992)

Cabrera, V.M. and Cooray, V. On the mechanism of space charge generation and neutralization in a coaxial cylindrical configuration in air. J. electrostatics, Vol. 28, 187-196, 1992.

Cooray, V. Horizontal fields generated by return strokes, Radio Sci., vol. 27, 529 - 537, 1992.

S. Israelsson and E. Knudsen. Recommendations for conditions when recording atmospheric electricity parameters related to the global circuit. In ESN Information Bulletin, pp 30, Ed. H. Dolezalek, Office of Naval Research. 1992.

Knudsen, E. and S. Israelsson. On the effect of space charge generation caused by evaporation. J. Atm. Terr.Phys.Vol.54,No 11/12. 1992.

Norberg, A. Modelling current pulse shape and energy in surface discharges. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 28, No. 3, 498-503, 1992.

Rakov, V. A., R. Thottappillil, and M. A. Uman, "Electric Field Pulses in K and M Changes of Lightning Ground Flashes", J. Geophys. Res., 97, 9935-9950, 1992.

Rakov, V. A., R. Thottappillil, and M. A. Uman, "On the Empirical Formula of Willett et al. (1989) Relating Lightning Return Stroke Peak Current and Peak Electric Field", J. Geophys. Res., 97, 11527-11533, 1992.

Thottappillil, R., V. A. Rakov, M. A. Uman, W. H. Beasley, M. J. Master, and D. V. Shelukhin, "Lightning Subsequent Stroke Electric Field Peak Greater than the First Stroke Peak and Multiple Ground Terminations", J. Geophys. Res., 97, 7503-7509, 1992.

International conferences

Bengtsson, T.; Kols Li Ming, H.; Leijon, M., "Identification of PD sources in solids", Dielectric Materials, Measurements and Applications, 1992., Sixth International Conference on , 1992. Page(s): 29 -32

T. Bengtsson, H. Kols, Li Ming, M.Å.S. Leijon “Identification id Discharging Cavities in Solids” Nord IS 92, Västerås, Sweden, Paper 2.2

Bergman, A. A Constant voltage source based on a mercury battery, Conference on Precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM), 1992.

H. Bergquist, H. kols, T. Bengtsson, Li Ming, M.Å.S. Leijon ”PD Detection and Localisation in EPDM Stress Cones Using Acoustic Technique” Nord IS 92, Västerås, Sweden, Paper 7.6

Cooray, V. A model for the positive return strokes, Proceedings of the International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, p 48-1 to 48-10, Atlantic city, October 1992.

Israelsson, S. and E. Knudsen. A possible mechanism for charging of the atmosphere. Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Atm. Electricity, St Petersburg June 1992.

Fisher, R. J., G. H. Schnetzer, R. Thottappillil, V. A. Rakov, M. A. Uman, D. M. Jordan, and S. Sumi, "Properties of Triggered Lightning Flashes in Florida and Alabama", 9th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 684-687, June 15-19, 1992

Knudsen, E. and S. Israelsson. Mobility spectrum of ions in space charges. Proc. 9thInt. Conf. Atm. Electricity in St Petersburg, June 1992.

Leijon, M.; Ming, L.; Bengtsson, T., "PD-source identification in solids", Electrical Insulation, Conference Record of the 1992 IEEE International Symposium on , 1992, Page(s): 415 -418

Li Ming, M.Å.S. Leijon, A. Hjortsberg, T. Bengtsson ”DC Surface Charging from an electrode Protrusion in SF6” Nord IS 92, Västerås, Sweden, Paper 7.1

Li Ming, M.Å.S. Leijon, A. Hjortsberg, T. Bengtsson ”Surface Charging of A Particle Contaminated Spacer in SF6 under DC Stress
X Int Conf. On Gas Discharges and their Applications, Swansea, UK, 1992, Vol 1 pp 386-390

Norberg, A. On discrete and distributed RC models for electrostatic discharges. Conference Record of IEEE/IAS Annual Meeting, Houston, 1992.

R. Nordin, P. Hoff, M.Å.S. Leijon, Li Ming, J. Karlsson ”A new Tool for Acoustic diagnosis of GIS” Nord IS 92, Västerås, Sweden, Paper 3.4

Perez, H., E. Pisler, V. Cooray, and V. Scuka. Lightning current statistics as compared with the data collected by a lightning localization network, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on lightning protection, paper 6.11, Berlin, 1992.

Rakov, V. A., R. Thottappillil, and M. A. Uman, "First vs. Subsequent Stroke Intensity and Multiple Channel Terminations in Cloud-to-Ground Lightning", 21st Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Berlin, Germany, pp. 13-18, Sept. 22-25, 1992.

Rakov, V. A., M. A. Uman, and R. Thottappillil, "Review of Lightning Properties Determined from Electric Field and TV Observations", 9th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 873-877, June 15-19, 1992.

Uman, M. A., and R. Thottappillil, "Lightning Return Stroke Models (invited paper)", 9th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 230-238, June 15-19, 1992.

Ye, M., and V. Scuka. A LEMP interaction model for concrete steel-reinforced structure, Proceeding of the 21st International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), pp 171-175, Berlin, Germany, 1992.


V. Cabrera and V Cooray: On the mechanism of space charge generation and neutralization in a coaxial cylindrical configuration. 1992. (UURIE:240-92)

V. Cabrera: A photographic investigation of discharges in sand particles. 1992.

V. Cabrera: An electrical model of soil ionizati'on in grounding conductors. 1992. (UURIE : 242-92 )

A. Norberg: Kalibrering av en E-fältmätare från Arbetskyddsstyrelsen. 1986.

Y Ming and V. Cooray: Propagation effects caused, by a rough ocean surface on the electromagnetic fields generated by lightning return strokes. 1992. (UURIE:245-92)

Y Ming and V. Cooray: Propagation effects caused by a stratified ground on the radiation fields from lightning return strokes. 1992. (UURIE:246-92)

Y. Ming. and V. Cooray: Propagation effects on the lightning generated electromagnetic fields for homogeneous and mixed sea-land paths 1992. (UURIE:248-92)

Y. Ming and R. Högberg: Calculation of the magnetic field generated by transient current in crossing loop. 1992. (UURIE:247-92)

A Norberg: Energi i yturladdning.



Anna Norberg, "Electrostatic discharges : energy and incendivity", Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science, 418, 1993

Victor Federico Hermosillo, "Voltages Induced on Overhead Power Distribution Lines by Lightning Return Strokes", Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science, 463, 1993

Licentiate thesis

H. Perez: Study on the interaction of lightning electromagnetic fields with low voltage power installations. (Lic.summary). 1993. (UURIE:254-93L)

Reviewed literature

Victor M. Cabrera M, Stig Lundquist, and Vernon Cooray. On the physical properties of discharge in sand under lightning impulses, Journal of Electrostatics, 30, pp 17-28, 1993

Victor M. Cabrera M. Photographic investigations of electric discharges in sand media, Journal of Electrostatics, 30, pp 47-56, 1993

Cooray, V. A model for the subsequent return strokes, J. Electrostatics, vol. 30, 343-354, 1993.

Fisher, R. J., G. H. Schnetzer, R. Thottappillil, V. A. Rakov, M. A. Uman, and J. Goldberg, "Parameters of Triggered Lightning Flashes in Florida and Alabama", J. Geophys. Res., 98, 22887-22902, 1993.

V.F. Hermosillo and V. Cooray. Space charge generation and neutralisation in coaxial configuration in air under a negative voltage impulse, Journal of Electrostatics, 1993

V.F. Hermosillo and V. Cooray. Calculation of fault rates of overhead power distribution lines due to lightning induced voltages including the effect of ground conductivity, IEEE Transactions on EMC, 1993

Rachidi, F., R. Thottappillil, "Determination of Lightning Currents from Far Electromagnetic Fields", J. Geophys. Res., 98, 18315-18321, 1993.

Thottappillil, R., and M. A. Uman, "Comparison of Lightning Return Stroke Models", J. Geophys. Res., 98, 22903-22914, 1993.

Thottappillil, R., V. A. Rakov, M. A. Uman, J. D. Goldberg, R. J. Fisher, and G. H. Schnetzer, "Comparison of Return Stroke Parameters in Triggered and Natural Lightning (Abstract)", Trans. of Am. Geophys. Union, 74, No. 43, p. 155, Oct. 26, 1993.

Uman, M. A., V. A. Rakov, R. Thottappillil, J. A. Versaggi, A. Eybert-Berard, L. Barret, P. P. Barker, and S. P. Hnat, "Multiple-Station Measurements of Close Electric and Magnetic Fields Produced by Triggered Lightning Discharges (Abstract)", Trans. of the Am. Geophys. Union, 74, No. 43, p. 165, Oct. 26, 1993

International conferences

Bengtsson, T.; Leijon, M.; Ming, L.; Jonsson, B., "Directivity of acoustic signals from partial discharges in oil ", Partial Discharge, 1993., International Conference on , 1993 Page(s): 56 -57

T. Bengtsson, M.Å.S. Leijon, Li Ming “Acoustic Frequencies Emitted by Partial Discharges in Oil” 8th ISH, Aug 22-27 1993, Yokohama, Japan

Cabrera, V.M. and V. Cooray. Space charge neutralization of corona envelopes under lightning impulses, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Yokohama, Japan, 1993.

P. Hoff, R. Nordin, J.Karlsson, M.Å.S. Leijon “A new Portable Acoustic Measurement Equipment for on-site Diagnosis of GIS” CIGRE Symp on Diagnostic maintenance technique, Berlin 19-21 April 1993 Paper no 130-04

S. Israelsson. The effects of wind on the space charge formation. IAMAP-IAHSÎ93, July 1993, Yokohama, Japan, proceedings.

S. Israelsson, E. Knudsen and H. Tammet. An experiment to examine the covariation of atmospheric vertical currents at two separate stations. IAMAP-IAHSÎ93, Yokohama, Japan, proceedings.

Larsson, A. Measurements of discharge suppression in air, Eighth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, paper No 43.05, Yokohama, Japan (1993)

M.Å.S. Leijon, J. Karlsson, Li Ming, T. Bengtsson, P. Hoff, R. Nodin, A. Holm ”The basis for the Development of on-site Failure Preventing technique of GIS in Sweden” CIGRE SC.33.93 COLL 1993, New Dehli , India

M. Å. S. Leijon, Li Ming, T.Bengtsson and O. Kristofersson, "PD detection in cable termination using acoustic technique", CIGRE sump on diagnostic and maintenance technique, Berlin 19-21, April 1993, paper no 140-07

Li Ming, M.Å.S. Leijon, T. Bengtsson ”Barrier Effect in Air Insulated System under DC Voltage” 8th ISH, Aug 22-27 1993, Yokohama, Japan

Ming Ye., Perez H., and V. Scuka. Electromagnetic response of an experimental low voltage power installation, EMC and EMI meeting, CIGRÉ, Lousanne, Switzerland, Sept., 1993

Ye, M., H. Perez and V. Scuka. Electromagnetic characteristics of low voltage power installations, Proceeding of Symposium of CIGRE on Power System Electromagnetic Compatibility, 600-01, Lousanne, Switzerland, Oct., 1993.

Perez, H., M. Ye and V. Scuka. Induced over voltages in low voltage power installations caused by lightning electromagnetic impulse, Proceeding of Symposium of CIGRE on Power System Electromagnetic Compatibility, 500-04, Lousanne, Switzerland, Oct., 1993.

Windmar, D., Scuka, V., Lampe, W. Water drop triggered discharges on hydrophobic surfaces, 8th Int. Symp. on High Voltage Eng., Yokohama, Japan, 1993, 23-27/8, paper 46.07.


V. Hermosillo: Corona Effects on Lightning Induced surges on Power Distribution Lines. 1993. (UURIE:255-93)

A. Larsson: Calculation of steady-state space-charge fields in one-dimensional electrode configurations. 1993. (UURIE:250-93)

A. Larsson: Modern high-voltage DC electricfield measurement techniques,1993. (UURIE:249-93)

A Norberg: A study of discharge electrode surfaces by means of scanning electron microscopy. 1993. (UURIE:252-93)

A. Larsson: Suppression of discharges in a rod -plane electrode gap subjected to SI voltage in atmospheric air. (UURIE:260-93)

A. Larsson: The effect of high-valued front resistor on SI discharge phenomena in a strongly non-uniform electric field. 1993. (UURIE:259-93)

S. Lundquist: Delayed effects of lightning on electric installations. (UURIE:258-93)

B. Schäning and V. Scuka: Geophysical aspects of atmospheric radio noise related to the global lightning activity. 1993

Thottappillil, R., and M. A. Uman, "Advances in Lightning Research, Chapter in the book "Trends in Geophysical Research", Research Trends, Trivandrum, India, 1993.



Windmar, D.: Water Drop Initiated Discharges in Air. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, 1, 1994.

Bergman, A.: In situ Calibration of Voltage Transformers on the Swedish National Grid. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, 3, 1994.

Ye, M.: Lightning Electromagnetic Environment and Interaction to Electrical Systems. Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, 79, 1994.

Pérez, H.R.: Transient Response of Low Voltage Power Installations to Natural and Simulated Lightning Electromagnetic Fields. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, 4, 1994.

Licentiate thesis

Larsson, A.: Inhibited Electrical Discharges in Atmospheric Air. Licentiate Thesis. Institute of High Voltage Research, Uppsala University. UURIE 263-94L.

Reviewed literature

Cooray, V.: Calculating lightning-induced overvoltages in power lines: A comparison of two coupling models. IEEE Transactions (EMC), vol. 36, 179-182, 1994.

Cooray, V. and Ming, Y.: Propagation effects on the lightning generated electromagnetic fields for homogeneous and mixed sea land paths. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 99, 10641-10652, 1994.

Cooray, V. and Pérez, H.: Some features on lightning flashes observed in Sweden. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 99, 10683-10688, 1994.

Cooray, V. and Pérez, H.: HF radiation at 3 MHz associated with positive and negative return strokes. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 99, 10633-10640, 1994.

Jayaratne, K.P.S.C. and Cooray, V.: The lightning HF radiation at 3 MHz during leader and return stroke processes. J. Atmos. Terres. Phys., vol. 56, 493-501, 1994.

Ye, M. and Cooray, V.: Propagation effects caused by a rough ocean surface on the electromagnetic fields generated by lightning return strokes. Radio Science, vol. 29, 73-85, 1994.

Rakov, V. A., M. A. Uman, and R. Thottappillil, "Review of Lightning Properties Determined from Electric Field and TV Observations", J. Geophys. Res., 99, 10745-10750, 1994.

Thottappillil, R., and M. A. Uman, "Lightning Return-Stroke Model With Height Variable Discharge Time Constant", J. Geophys. Res., 99, 22773-22780, 1994.

International conferences

T.Bengtsson, Li Ming, M.Å.S Leijon and B. Jönsson, "Partial discharge studies using acoustic emission", NORD-IS 1994, Vaasa, Finland, June 13-14. paper no 5.4

Cooray, V.: Estimation of peak return stroke currents from measured fields without prior knowledge of the return stroke velocity. Int. Symp. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC'94 Roma, 740-745, 1994.

Cooray, G.V.: A model for first return strokes. 22nd Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, paper R2-02, Budapest, 1994.

Cooray, G.V. and Pérez, H.: Propagation effects on the first return stroke radiation fields: Homogeneous paths and mixed two section paths, Propagation effects on return stroke fields. 22nd Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, paper R1a-06, Budapest, 1994.

Cooray, G.V.: Lightning induced overvoltages in power lines: validity of various approximations made in overvoltage calculations. 22nd Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, paper R4-04, Budapest, 1994.

Fisher, R. J., G. H. Schnetzer, R. Thottappillil, V. A. Rakov, M. A. Uman, and J. Goldberg, "Negative Subsequent Strokes: Natural verses triggered lightning", 22nd Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 19-23, 1994.

Larsson, A.: Suppressed discharges in a negative plane-rod electrode gap subjected to SI voltage in atmospheric air. Nordic Insulation Symposium, Nord-IS 94, paper No 7.8, Vaasa, Finland, 1994.

Li Ming, M.Å.S. Leijon, T. Bengtsson, M. Darveniza ”Barrier Effects in a rod/rod Gap under DC Voltage” 7th Int Symp on Gaseous Dielectrics, Knoxwille, USA, April 24-28 1994

Li Ming, M.Å.S. Leijon, T. Bengtsson ” Barrier Effects in Air-gaps under DC Voltage”,NORD IS 1994, Vaasa, Finland, June 13-14, Paper no 7.2

Li Ming; Leijon, M.; Bengtsson, T., "DC flashover mechanism in a rod/rod gap with clean and contaminated barrier ", Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, 1994., Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on , Volume: 1 , 1994, Page(s): 119 -122 vol.1

Nucci, C.A., Rachidi, F., Ianoz, M., Cooray, V. and Mazzetti, C.: Coupling models for lightning-induced overvoltage calculations: A comparison and consolidation. 22nd Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, paper R3b-06, Budapest, 1994.

Pérez, H., Ming, Y., Cooray, G.V. and Scuka, V.: Response of a low voltage power installation network to the EM-Fields generated by a TEM-Field Simulation Antenna and natural lightning EMP. Int. Symp. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC'94 Roma, 1994.

Rakov, V. A., R. Thottappillil, M. A. Uman, P. P. Barker, "Mechanism of lightning M component (Abstract)", Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, Dec. 1994

Roman, F., Lötberg, E., Högberg, R. and Scuka, V.: Electrical characteristics of insulated metallic bodies in a lightning breakdown field. 22nd Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, ICLP, Technical Univ. of Budapest, ISBN 9634204414, 1994.

Tang, H. and Scuka, V.: Switching Characteristics of a High Speed Trigatron Gap. Nord-IS 94, Vaasa, Finland, 1994.

Ye, M. and Cooray, G.V.: Electromagnetic radiation fields generated by lightning return strokes over stratified ground. 22nd Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, paper R1c-05, Budapest, 1994.

Ye, M., Pérez, H., Cooray, V. and Scuka, V.: Response characteristic of a low voltage power installation network to the EMP irradiation obtained by an impulse current injection method. Int. Symp. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC'94 Roma, 543-548, Rome, 1994.


Larsson, A.: Suppression of discharges in a rod-plane electrode gap subjected to SI voltage in atmospheric air, part II. Institute of High Voltage Research, Uppsala University. UURIE 261-94.

Larsson, A.: Effects of space-charge injection on corona inception and breakddown voltage in a non-uniform DC electric field. Institute of High Voltage Research, Uppsala University. UURIE 262-94.

Larsson, A.: Electrorotation fields using the finite element method. Institute of High Voltage Research, Uppsala University. UURIE 265-94.

Tang, H. and Zitnik, B.: Liquid High Voltage Divider. Institute of High Voltage Research, Uppsala University. UURIE 264-94.

M. Forsth: Calculation of electric field strenght and ion densities between two electrodes in one dimension. Examensarbete vid Institutionen för högspänningsforskning, nov, 1994.


Licentiate thesis

Roman Campos, F.: The influence of a floating electrode on the breakdown voltage of a complex gap. Licentiate Thesis. Institute of High Voltage Research, Uppsala University. UURIE 269-95L.

Tang, H.: The Breakdown Mechanism of a Mid-Plane Triggered Spark Gap Trigatron. Licentiate Thesis. Institute of High Voltage Research, Uppsala University. UURIE 273-95L.

Reviewed literature

Bengtsson, T.; Leijon, M.; Ming, L.; Jonsson, B., "Directivity of acoustic signals from partial discharges in oil ", Science, Measurement and Technology, IEE Proceedings- , Volume: 142 Issue: 1 , Jan. 1995 , Page(s): 85-88.

Ekberg, M.; Gustafsson, A.; Leijon, M.; Bengtsson, T.; Eriksson, T.; Tornkvist, C.; Johansson, K.; Li Ming, "Recent results in HV measurement techniques", Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on [see also Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on] , Volume: 2 Issue: 5 , Oct. 1995, Page(s): 906 -914.

Hermosillo, V.F. and Cooray, V.: Calculation of Fault Rates of Overhead Power Distribution Lines Due to Lightning-Induced Voltages Including the Effect of Ground Conductivity. IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Comp., vol. 37, No. 3, 1995.

Rakov, V.A., R. Thottappillil, M.A. Uman and Barker, P.P.: Mechanism of the lightning M component. J. Geophys. Res., 100, 25701-25710, 1995.

Rubinstein, M., Rachidi, F., Uman, M.A., Thottappillil, R., Rakov, V.A. and Nucci, C.A.: Characterization of vertical electric fields 500 m and 30 m from triggered lightning. J. Geophys. Res., 100, 8863-8872, 1995.

Thottappillil, R., Goldberg, J., Rakov, V.A., Uman M.A., Fisher, R.J. and Schnetzer, G.H.: Properties of lightning M component current pulses. J. Geophys. Res., 100, 25711-25720, 1995.

International conferences

Cooray, V.: A Model for Positive Return Strokes. Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 143. 9th Int. Conf. on Electrostatics, York, 1995.

Cooray, V.: Variation of return stroke velocity over the first few hundred meters and its relationship to the slow front in return stroke radiation field. Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 143. 9th Int. Conf. on Electrostatics, York, 1995.

T. Eriksson, M.Å.S. Leijon, C. Bengtsson ”PD on-line Monitoring of Power Transformers” IEEE Power Tech Conf. Stockholm, Sweden, 18-22 June 1995.

Larsson, A., Tang, H. and Scuka, V.: A Gas Discharge Tube Module based on Discharge Physics for use in ATP-EMTP Simulations. European EMTP-ATP User Group Meeting, Hannover, 1995.

Larsson, A., Tang, H., Scuka, V. and Cooray, V.: The Breakdown Mechanism of a Mid-Plane Triggered Spark Gap Trigatron - Triggering Impulse with different Polarity. 11th Int. Conf. on Gas Discharges and Their Applications, Tokyo, 1995.

Larsson, A., Gutfleisch, F. and Scuka, V.: Calculation of the Positive Lightning Impulse withstand Voltage for Long Air Gaps. 9th Int. Symp. on High Voltage Engineering, Graz, 1995.

Li Ming. M.Å.S. Leijon, T. Bengtsson ”Factors Influence Barrier Effects in Air-Gaps” 9th ISH Graz Austria, Aug 28-Sept 1, 1995, pp 2168-1 – 2168-4

Roman, F. and Scuka, V.: The Influence of a series micro-gap on the breakdown voltage of a complex gap arrangement containing floating electrodes, FE. Paper 2171, 9th Int. Symp. on High Voltage Engineering, Graz, 1995.

Roman, F., Cooray, V. and Scuka, V.: The Corona Onset Voltage as a function of the curvature radius of floating electrodes. Paper I-192, XIth Int. Conf. on Gas Discharges and Their Applications, Tokyo, 1995.

Scuka, V.: EMC-Zürich - Convener of the Open URSI-E-meeting, March 6, 1995. Demoulin, B., Degauque, P. and Scuka, V.: Effects of Electromagnetic Inferference and Transient Disturbances on Electronic Devices and Equipment. 11th Int. Zürich Symposium and Techn. Exhibition on EMC, March 1995.

Tang, H. and Scuka, V.: The Breakdown Mechanism of a Mid-plane Triggered Spark Gap Trigatron. 9th Int. Symp. on High Voltage Engineering, Graz, 1995.

Tang, H., Scuka, V., Cergolj, M. and Trontelj, M.: Transient Control Characteristics of Low Voltage Varistors. VAES-95, Ljubljana, 1995.

D. Windmar, M.Å.S. Leijon, Li Ming, P. Andersson, L-G Dahlberg ”Experimental Breakdown Voltage in Comparison with those Calculated using a 3D Electric Field Calculation Program in Nonuniform Electrode Gap
IEEE Power Tech conf. Stockholm, Sweden 18-22 June 1995.

D. Windmar, U.W. Gedde,M.Å.S. Leijon, A. Björklund, K. Dowling ”The influence of Material Composition on Hydrophobicity of Silicon Rubber”, CIGRE, SC33 Colloquium, 29-30 May, 1995, Harrare, Zimbabwe.


Bendjamin, J.: Lasting effects of electrical transients on electrotechnique materials and components - Accelerated ageing of insulators and electronic components. Institute of High Voltage Research, Uppsala University. UURIE 266-95.

Larsson, A.: Derivation of a Special-Case Surface Voltage Gradient Formula. Institute of High Voltage Research, Uppsala University. UURIE 268-95.

Lundquist, S. and Götschl, T.: Användning av blixtlokalisering för indikering av skogsbrand. Rapport Räddningstjänstavdelningen R53-124/95, 1-34. Statens Räddningsverk, Karlstad, 1995.

Roman Campos, F.: Guide to the Laboratory on insulation co-ordination. Institute of High Voltage Research, Uppsala University. UURIE 267-95.

Tang, H.: Shielding Effectiveness of a Shielded Cable. Institute of High Voltage Research, Uppsala University. UURIE 270-95.



Francisco Román, "Effects of Electric Field Impulses Produced by Electrically Floating Electrodes on the Corona Space Charge Generation and on the Breakdown Voltage of Complex Gaps", Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, 246, 1996.

Reviewed literature

Cooray, V.: A Model for dart leaders in lightning flashes. J. Atmos. Elec., vol. 16, pp. 145-159, 1996.

Cooray, V.: Possible influence on the mechanism of return stroke initiation on the remote sensing of lightning current parameters through first return stroke radiation fields. J. Atmos. Elec., vol. 16, pp. 133-144, 1996.

Gallardo, L. and Cooray, V.: Could cloud discharges be as effective as cloud-to-ground discharges in producing NOx. Thellus, vol. 48B, pp. 641-651, 1996.

Hermosillo, V.F. and Cooray, V.: Space-charge generation and neutralisation in a coaxial cylindrical configuration in air under a negative voltage impulse. J. Electrostatics 37, pp. 139-149, 1996.

Kheirmand, M. Leijon, R Brammer, H. Väliviita, ”Continuous Online Partial Discharges Monitoring of power Generator”, Proceedings of IEEE CEIDP Conference, San Francisco, Vol. 2, p. 5B-7, 1996.

Kheirmand, A.; Leijon, M., "Continuous on-line partial discharge monitoring of power generators ", Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, 1996., IEEE 1996 Annual Report of the Conference on , Volume: 2 , 1996 , Page(s): 496 -499 vol.2.

Larsson, A.: A Special-Case Surface Voltage Gradient Formula. IEEE Power Eng. Rev., 1 p., 1996.

Larsson, A.: A Special-Case Surface Voltage Gradient Formula. IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 11, No 4, pp. 1771-1775, 1996.

D. Purdie, H. Bernhoff and B. Reihl, "The electronic structure of Ag(110)c(4 _ 4)C60 and Au(110)(6 _ 5)C60", Surface Science, Volume 364, Issue 3, 1 September 1996, Pages 279-286.

Roman, F., Cooray, V. and Scuka, V.: Corona from floating electrodes. J. Electrostatics, vol. 37, pp. 67-78, 1996.

Tang, H. and Scuka, V.: The Breakdown Mechanism of a Mid-plane Triggered Spark Gap Trigatron. IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 843-848, 1996.

M. Qvarford, G. Chiaia, H. Nylén, R. Nyholm, I. Lindau, S. Söderholm, O. Tjernberg, U. O. Karlsson and H. Bernhoff, "X-ray absorption study of oxygen in the high-Tc superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 near the interfaces to Cu, Ag and Au, ",
Physica C: Superconductivity, Volume 265, Issues 1-2, 1 July 1996, Pages 113-120.

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

Cooray, V. and Scuka, V.: What attracts a lightning flash to ground. International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, pp. 256-259, Osaka, Japan, 1996.

Cooray, V.: Energy dissipation in lightning flashes. International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, pp. 260-263, Osaka, Japan, 1996.

Cooray, V.: Electric field at the discharge tip couples the speed and current of dart leaders, return strokes and M-components. International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, pp. 125-128, Osaka, Japan, 1996.

Cooray, V.: An overview of the interaction of lightning generated electromagnetic fields with power lines. XXVth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), pp. 250, Lille, France, 1996.

A. Kheirmand, M.Leijon, R. Brammer and H. Väliviita, "Continues On-line partial discharge monitoring of power generators", IEEE CEIDP San Fransisco, Vol 2, pp5B-7, 1996.

Larsson, A. and Cooray, V.: Charge distribution in the lightning leader channel. 23rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, pp. 56-60, Florence, Italy, 1996.

Larsson, A., Tang, H. and Scuka, V.: ATP-EMTP Circuit Simulations of Transients Protector Co-ordination. RVK, Luleå och Kiruna, Sweden, 1996.

Larsson, A., Tang, H. and Scuka, V.: Streamer-to-spark current measurements in short non-uniform air gaps. NORD-IS, Bergen, Norway, 1996.

Larsson, A., Tang, H. and Scuka, V.: Mathematical simulation of a gas discharge protector using ATP-EMTP. International Symposium on EMC, EMC'96, Rom, Italy, 1996.

Li Ming, Rongchen Liu, M. Leijon, D. Windmar ”Application of PWP Techniques for Space charge Measurements on Gas/Solid Interface” NORD IS 1996, Bergen, June 10-12.

Lövstrand, K. G., Scuka, V. and Witalis, E.A.: Experimental investigation of a theoretical model describing long-lived plasmoids in atmospheric air Experimental set-up. XXVth General Assembly of the international union of radio science (URSI), Lille, France, 1996.

Rakov, V.A., Uman, M.A., Thottappillil, R., Eybert-Berard, A., Berlandis, J.P., Rachidi, F., Rubinstein, M., Nucci, C.A. and Guerrieri, S.: Observed electromagnetic environment close to the lightning channel. 23rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, Florence, Italy, 1996.

Rakov, V.A., Uman, M.A., Thottappillil, R., Eybert-Berard, A., Berlandis, J.P., Lalande, P., Laroche, P., Fisher, R.J. and Schnetzer, G.H.: New insights into lightning processes gained from the triggered-lightning experiments in Florida and Alabama. 10th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Osaka, Japan, 1996.

Roman, F., Cooray, V. and Scuka, V.: Breakdown characteristics of rod-to-plane arrangements with floating electrodes on the high voltage side. NORD-IS'96, pp. 355-362, Bergen, Norway, 1996.

Roman, F., Cooray, V. and Scuka, V.: Comparison of the breakdown probability of two sphere-rod gaps, one conventional and other with a floating electrode. 23rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, pp. 569-573, Florence, Italy, 1996.

Roman, F., Cooray, V. and Scuka, V.: Assesement of the electrical breakdown probability of floating rods in a lightning protection system. RVK'96, Luleå och Kiruna, Sweden, 1996.

Silfverskiöld, S., Ye, M. and Scuka, V.: Assessment of the transient response on shipboard signal cable networks to interaction with LEMP. Int. Wroclaw Symp. on Exhibition on Electromagnetic Comp., Polen, 1996.

Silfverskiöld, S., Ye, M. and Scuka, V.: Assessment of the EMC Properties of Shipboard Power Cabling Networks due to Interaction with LEMP. XXVth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Lille, France, 1996.

Silfverskiöld, S., Thottappillil, R., Ye, M., Cooray, V. and Scuka, V.: Induced voltages in a low voltage power installation network due to lightning electromagnetic fields. 23rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, pp 334-339, Florence, Italy, 1996.

Tang, H. and Scuka, V.: Overshoot Voltage of Low Voltage Varistors under Application of Steep-Front Voltage Impulses. RVK, Luleå och Kiruna, Sweden, 1996.

Tang, H., Högberg, R., Lötberg, E. and Scuka, V.: Numerical Simulation of a Low-Voltage Protection Device Using the EMTP Program. 23rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, Florence, Italy, 1996.

Tang, H., Larsson, A. and Scuka, V.: The analysis of streamer-to-spark current measuring system. NORD-IS, Bergen, Norway, 1996.

Tang, H., Larsson, A., Högberg, R. and Scuka, V.: Simulation of transient protectors co-ordination in a low voltage power installation using ATP-EMTP. International Symposium on EMC, EMC'96, Rome, Italy, 1996.

Tang, H., Ye, M. and Scuka, V.: Time Domain Evaluation of Shielding Effectiveness of a Cable Shield. EMC'96, Wroclaw, Polen, 1996.

Thottappillil, R.: Lightning effects on installations. Swedish IEEE/EMC Symposium on EM Immunity, Linköping, Sweden, 1996.

Thottappillil, R., Rakov, V.A. and Uman, M.A.: Time domain expressions for remote electric and magnetic fields in terms of the charge distribution along the lightning channel. 23rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, Florence, Italy, 1996.

Thottappillil, R. and Scuka,V.: Characteristics of lightning electromagnetic pulses (LEMP): a review, RVK, Luleå och Kiruna, Sweden, 1996.

Thottappillil, R., Uman, M.A. and Rakov, V.A.: On the use of so-called F-factor in calculating the electromagnetic fields radiated by an extending lightning discharge, (invited paper). XXVth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Lille, France, 1996.


Högberg, R.: När blixten slog ner sjönk båten. På kryss - Till Rors, 9, 36-43, 1996.

Högberg, R.: Bilaga "Larmanläggningar och åska" ur Räddningsverkets rapport "Åska slår ut lastvagnsproduktion", sid. 87-89. Räddningsverket, Karlstad, 1996.

Larsson, A.: Vattendroppar och kraftledningar - en skadlig kombination. Energiteknik 3, 41-43, oktober, 1996.

Thottappillil, R.: Estimation of far-fields from near-field measurements. A report for Detectus AB, Malung, Sweden, 1996.



Anders Larsson, "Inhibited electrical discharges in air", Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, 12, 1997.

Hong Tang, "Transient Control in Low-Voltage Power Installation Networks and
Electronic Systems",
Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, 297, 1997.

Licentiate thesis

Bendjamin, J.: Time Varying Electromagnetic Fields Generated by Electrostatic Discharges. UURIE 276-97L.

Silfverskiöld, S.: Effects on Lightning Electromagnetic Fields on Electric Systems. UURIE 274-97L.

Reviewed literature

Cooray, V.: Electric Field at the discharge tip couples the speed and currents of dart leaders, return strokes and M-components. J. Electrostatics, vol. 40 & 41, pp 85-90, 1997.

Cooray, V.: A model for negative first return strokes in negative lightning flashes. Phys. Scripta, vol. 55, pp 119-128, 1997.

Cooray, G.V.: Energy dissipation in lightning flashes. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 102,Pp 21,401-21,410, 1997.

Roman, F., Cooray, V. and Scuka, V.: The principle of operation of a simple electrostatic field measuring device based on the properties of floating electrodes. J. Electrostatics, vol. 40 & 41, pp 483-488, 1997.

Thottappillil, R., Rakov, V.A. and Uman, M.A.: Distribution of charge along the lightning channel: Relation to remote electric and magnetic fields and to return-stroke models. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 102, pp 6987-7006, 1997.

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

Cooray, V.: A lightning return stroke model with leader charge distribution and channel base current as the only input parameters. Proc. International Conference on Lightning and Mountains, Chamonix, Mont Blanc, France, 1997. (Now submitted to IEEE (EMC)).

Cooray, V.: Recently introduced return stroke models predict the presence of two current fronts at the initiation of natural return strokes. Proc. International Conference on Lightning and Mountains, Chamonix, Mont Blanc, France, 1997.

Cooray, V.: Electromagnetic Fields Produced by positive return strokes in the upper atmosphere with specific attention on red sprites (abstract). Proceedings of the Fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, 1997.

Cooray, V. and Gomes, C.: Estimation of peak return stroke currents, current derivatives and return stroke speeds from measured fields. 2nd International Symposium on Lightning and Mountains, Chamonix, France, 1.13, 1997.

Fernando, M. and Cooray, V.: The peak risetime and the half-width of lightning generated electric field derivatives over finitely conducting ground. 10th International Conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility, University of Warwick, UK, 1997.

U. Fromm, Li Ming, M. Leijong and D. Windmar, "Behaviour of surface discharges along a polymer foam insulator in air", 10:th ISH, Aug 25-29, 1997, Montreal, Canada.

Galván, A., Cooray, V. and Scuka, V.: Measurements of the voltage induced in an artificial low voltage power installation from both cloud and ground flashes. 2nd International Conference on Lightning and Mountains, Chamonix, Mont Blanc, France, pp 360-367, 1997. (Now submitted to IEEE (EMC)).

Galván, A. and Cooray, V.: Analysis of lightning induced voltages in a network of conductors using the ATP-EMTP program. 10th International Conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility, University of Warwick, UK, pp 152-157, 1997.

Gao, L. and Scuka, V.: Pulsed laser triggered discharge in a homogeneous electric field. 10thInternational Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Montréal, Canada, 1997.

Gao, L., Cooray, V., Thottappillil, R. and Scuka, V.: Study of Cathode-directed Positive Streamers in Air by Streamer Current and Luminosity Measurements. Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 1997.

Gomes, C., Thottappillil, R. and Scuka, V.: Bipolar electric field pulses in Lightning flashes over Sweden. 12th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Paper 31F4, 1997.

Gomes, C. and Cooray, V.: Long impulse currents associated with positive return strokes. 2ndInternational Symposium on Lightning and Mountains, Chamonix, France, B.1.12, 1997.

Gomes, C. and Cooray, V.: The concepts of Lightning return stroke models. 2nd International Symposium on Lightning and Mountains, Chamonix, France, A2.2, 1997.

Gomes, C., Cooray, V. and Jayaratne, C.: Comparison of preliminary breakdown pulses observed in Sweden in the temperate regions and that in Sri Lanka in the tropics. 10th International Symposium onHigh Voltage Engineering, Montreal, Canada, 1997.

Gomes, C. and Cooray, V.: Correlation between the optical signatures and current wave forms of long sparks: Applications in lightning research. 10th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Montreal, Canada, 1997.

Gomes, C. and Cooray, V.: Return stroke models: The concept, Chamonix, Mont Blanc, France, 1997. (Now submitted to IEEE (EMC)).

Kawasaki, Z. and Cooray, V.: Rocket triggered lightning. 12thInternational Symposium on electromagnetic compatibility, pp 387-390 (suppliment), 1997.

Kheirmand, A.; Leijon, M., "Continuous on-line partial discharge monitoring of power generators ", Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, 1996., IEEE 1996 Annual Report of the Conference on , Volume: 2 , 1996 , Page(s): 496 -499 vol.2

Kheirmand, M. Leijon, K. Hurtig, H. Väliviita, "A System for Continuous On-line Monitoring and Localization of Partial Discharges in Power Generators", ISH’ 97 Montreal, Canada, Vol. 4, P 315, 1997.

Larsson, A. and Scuka, V.: Measurement of inhibited positive discharges in atmospheric air. 10thInternational Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Montreal, Canada, 1997.

Larsson, A. and Scuka, V.: Numerical simulation of gas discharge protectors "a concise review". COST Action 243 Workshop on Fast Transients and EMC in Power Systems, Borås, Sweden, 1997.

Li Ming, U. Fromm, M. Leijon, D. Windmar, L. Walfridsson, A.E. Vlastos, M. Darveniza, J. Kucera “Insulation Performance of Covered Rod/plane Air-gap under Lightning Impulse Voltage” 10th ISH, Aug 25-29, 1997, Montreal, Canada.

Li Ming; Rongsheng Liu; Leijon, M.; Windmar, D.; Fromm, U., "Polymer/air interface space charge determined by a pressure wave propagation technique", Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, 1997., Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on , Volume: 1 , 1997, Page(s): 380 -385 vol.1.

Roman, F., Cooray, V. and Scuka, V.: A single stress method to study the physical properties of discharge processes in air. 10th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Montreal, Canada, 1997.

Thottappillil, R., Rakov, V.A. and Uman, M.A.: Comments on the significance of retardation effects in calculating the radiated electromagnetic fields from an extending discharge. 12th International ZurichSymposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Paper 13C3, 1997.

Thottappillil, R., Scuka, V., Eriksson, J., Eriksson, A. and Öhman, P.: Estimation of fields radiated by a PCB from close magnetic field measurements, 10th International Conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Warwick, UK. IEE Conf. Publ. No. 445, pp 89-93, 1997.


V.V Yankov: Creation of spin-magnetized gas by plasma discharge. 1997. (UURIE:275-97).

Popular articles

Larsson, A.: Viktig forskning kring elförsörjning. Tidskriften Ung Forskning, No. 1, 1997.


Licentiate thesis

Gao, L.: Characteristics of streamer discharges in air. UURIE 279-98L.

Reviewed literature

Cooray, V. and Gomes, C.: Estimation of peak return stroke currents, current derivatives and return stroke speeds from measured fields. J. Electrostatics,43/3, 163-172, 1998.

Gomes, C. and Cooray, V.: Long impulse currents associated with positive return strokes. J. Atmospheric Solar-Terrestrial Phys., 60/7, 693-699, 1998.

Gomes, C., Cooray, V. and Jayaratne, C.: Comparison of preliminary breakdown pulses observed in Sweden and in Sri Lanka. J. Atmospheric Solar-Terrestrial Phys., 60/10, 975-979, 1998.

Gomes, C. and Cooray, V.: Correlation between the optical signatures and current wave forms of long sparks: Applications in lightning research. J. Electrostatics, 43/4, 267-274, 1998.

Larsson, A., Bondiou-Clergerie, A. and Gallimberti, I.: Numerical modelling of inhibited electrical discharges in air. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., vol. 31, No 15, pp 1831-1840, 1998.

Larsson, A.: An experimental study of inhibited electrical discharges in air. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., vol. 31, No 15, 1823-1830, 1998.

Larsson, A.: The effect of a large series resistance on the streamer-to-spark transition in dry air. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., vol. 31, No 9, pp 1100-1108, 1998.

M. Leijon, B. Berggren, F. Owman, T. Karlsson, ”High voltage power generators without transformers” Journal of Hydropower and Dams, Issue four: 37-40, 1998.

M. Leijon, F. Owman T. Karlsson, ”Power generation without transformers” Journal of Hydropower and Dams, Issue two: 97-98, 1998.

M. Leijon, "Powerformer – a radically new rotating machine", ABB Review 2/1998 pp 21-26.

M. Leijon et al., "Breaking Conventions in Electrical Power Plants", CIGRÉ 1998 paper 11/37-03 (Prize winner).

M. Leijon, F. Owman and T. Karlsson, "New Electrical Generator Takes a Giant Step Back to Basics", Modern Power Systems Review, May 1998,pp 19-24(Invited paper).

Rakov, V.A, Uman, M.A., Rambo, K.J., Fernandez, M.I., Fischer, R.J., Schnetzer, G.H., Thottappillil, R., Eybert-Berard, A., Berlandis, J.P., Lalande, P., Bonamy, A., Laroche, P. and Bondiou-Clergerie, A.: New insights into lightning processes gained from triggered-lightning experiments in Florida and Alabama. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 14117-14130, 1998.

Thottappillil, R., Uman, M.A. and Rakov, V.A.: Treatment of retardation effects in calculating the radiated electromagnetic fields from the lightning discharge. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 9003-9013, 1998.

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

Bergman, A. and Larsson, A.: Verification of AC measuring system linearity. Measurements and Calibration in High-Voltage Testing. 4th European Conference and Exhibition, London, UK, 1998.

Cooray, V., Berg, M., Akyuz, M., Larsson, A., Zitnik, M. and Scuka, V: Initiation of Ground Flashes: Some microscopic electrical processes associated with precipitation particles. 24th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Birmingham, UK, 1998.

Cooray, V., Fernando, M., Gomes, C., Sorensen, T., Scuka, V. and Pedersen, A.: The fine structure of positive return stroke radiation fields. 24th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Birmingham, UK, 1998.

Fernando, M., Galván, A., Götschl, T., Cooray, V. and Scuka, V.: Analysis of Swedish Lightning Using LLP Data. 24th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Birmingham, UK, pp 150-155, 1998.

Galvan, A., Cooray, V., Thottappillil, R. and Scuka, V. : Effects of Lightning Electromagnetic Field Pulses (LEMP) in Low Voltage Power Installations. 24th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Birmingham, UK, pp 729-734, 1998.

Gomes, C. and Cooray, V.: Radiation field associated with the initiation of positive cloud to ground lightning flashes. 24th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Birmingham, UK, 1998.

Gomes, C., Cooray, V. and Fernando, M.: Chaotic pulse activities mainly associated with negative subsequent return strokes. 24th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Birmingham, UK, 1998.

Holmberg, M.E., Akyuz, M. and Gubanski, S.: Electric Charge and Field at Lift-off for Metallic Particles in GIS. 22nd International Symposium on Electrical Insulation (ISEI), Washington D.C., USA, 1998.

Kheirmand, A.; Leijon, M.; Tornkvist, C., "Detection and localization of partial discharge in high voltage power cable joints ",
Conduction and Breakdown in Solid Dielectrics, 1998. ICSD '98. Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE 6th International Conference on , 1998 , Page(s): 145 -148

Zitnik, M., Thottappillil, R., Larsson, A. and Scuka, V.: Degradation of low-voltage ZnO varistors. 24th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Birmingham, UK, pp 784-789, 1998.

Zitnik, M., Thottappillil, R., Larsson, A. and Scuka, V.: A numerical analysis of unbalanced protection in low-voltage power installation networks. 24th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Birmingham, UK, pp 711-716, 1998.


De Oliviera E Silva, C: Study on the IEC 1.2/50-8/20 us hybrid surge generator, 1998. (UURIE:277-98).

De Oliviera E Silva, C: Report on transfer impedance measurements with general considerations on the limitations of the test setup. 1998.(UURIE:278-98).

Popular articles

R. Högberg och B. Högberg: Skydda din amatör-radiostation mot blixten!, OTC Amatörradio nr 5, sid. 4-6, 1998.

Larsson, A.: Klotblixten - ett fenomen som fortfarande gäckar vetenskapen. Published in the daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter, 1998.


Licentiate thesis

Galvan, A.: Experimental and theoretical study of lightning induced voltages low voltage electrical circuits. UURIE 280-99L.

Zitnik, M.: Transient protection of electrical systems: Development of design tools. UURIE 281-99L.

Berg, M.: Hydrophobicity classification of insulator surfaces using image analysis of water drop patterns. UURIE 282-99L.

Akyuz, M.: Electrical discharges in air and along dielectric surfaces. UURIE 283-99L.

Reviewed literature

Lan Gao, Anders Larsson, Vernon Cooray and Viktor Scuka, Simulation of streamer discharges as finitely conducting channels, IEEE (Dielectrics and Insulation), vol. 6, pp. 35 - 42, 1999.

Galvan, A., V. Cooray and V. Scuka, Interaction of electromagnetic fields from cloud and ground lightning flashes with an artificial low voltage power installation, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2000.

Larsson, A., Tang, H. And Scuka, V.: Numerical simulation of transient protector co-ordination. ETEP, vol. 9, no. 1, pp 57-63, 1999.

Bendjamin, J., Thottappillil, R. and Scuka, V.: Time varying magnetic fields generated by human metal (ESD) electrostatic discharges. J. Electrostatics, 46, pp 259-269, 1999.

Tang, H. and Scuka, V.: Transient Response of low-voltage varistors. ETEP, 9, no 2, pp 109-114, 1999.

Silfverskiöld, S., Thottappillil, R., Ye, M., Cooray, V. and Scuka, V.: Induced voltages in a low-voltage power installation network due to lightning electr-magnetic fields: An experimental study. IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 41, no 3, pp 265-271, 1999.

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

Akyuz, M., M. Berg, A. Larsson, R. Thottappillil, Calculation of the electrostatic force acting on dielectric bodies, 11th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), London, UK, August 23-27 1999.

Akyuz, M., L. Gao, A. Larsson, V. Cooray, The streamer current in three-electrode system, Nordic Insulation Symposium, Technical University of Denmark, 1999.

Berg, M.J., R. Thottappillil, V. Scuka, A digital image processing method for estimating the level of hydrophobicity of high voltage polymeric insulating materials, IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Austin, Texas, USA, October 17-21 1999.

Blennow, H.J.M.; Sjoberg, M.L.-A.; Leijon, M.A.S.; Gubanski, S.M., "Effects of charge accumulation in a dielectric covered electrode system in air", Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, 1999 Annual Report Conference on , Volume: 2 , 1999, Page(s): 484 -487 vol.2.

Cooray, V., Propagation of lightning generated transient electromagnetic fields over finitely conducting ground, presented at the International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Alabama, 1999.

Cooray, V., Propagation of lightning generated electromagnetic fields over finitely conducting ground, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (Supplement), pp. 223 - 228, Zurich, 1999.

Galvan, A., V. Cooray, and V. Scuka, Signal strength of return strokes occurring over the sea and over land: A sensitivity analysis, to be presented at the International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity,Alabama, 1999.

Galvan, A., and V. Cooray, Lightning induced voltages on bare and insulated buried cables, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, February, 1999.

Gao, L., M. Akyuz, A. Larsson, V. Cooray and V. Scuka, Measurement of the positive streamer charge, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, London, August, 1999.

Lan Gao, C. Gomes, V. Cooray, F. Roman, Comparison of Long Sparks in Air and Over an Insulator Surface, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, London,August, 1999.

Gomes, C. and V. Cooray, The dependence of the total leader field change and the ratio of that to the total return stroke field change on the orientation of a segment of the leader channel, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, 1999.

Gomes, C., L. Gao and V. Cooray, Breakdown characteristics of long sparks over insulating surfaces, Nordic Insulation Symposium, Technical University of Denmark, 1999.

Jan Isberg, Per Skytt, Anders Sunesson, Mikael Bergkvist, Arne Gustafsson and Hans Bernhoff, "A Laser triggered plasma switch", 12:th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Digest of Technical Papers, Vol 1, 138-141 (1999).

Jaksts, A.; Forsmark, S.; Leijon, M., "Power transformers for the 21st century", Electric Power Engineering, 1999. PowerTech Budapest 99. International Conference on , 1999, Page(s): 52.

Leijon, M. ,"Novel concept in high voltage generation: Powerformer®/sup TM/ ", High Voltage Engineering, 1999. Eleventh International Symposium on (Conf. Publ. No. 467), Volume: 5 , 1999, Page(s): 379 -382 vol.5.

Leijon, M.; Owman, F.; Sorqvist, T.; Parkegren, C.; Lindahl, S.; Karlsson, T., "Powerformer ®: a giant step in power plant engineering",
Electric Machines and Drives, 1999. International Conference IEMD '99 , 1999, Page(s): 830 -832.

Manyahi, M.J., R. Thottappillil, V. Scuka, Transient Response of Equipment Transformers, 1999 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Technology, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, September 6-7, 1999.

Popov, M., S. He, R. Thottappillil, Reconstruction of lightning currents and return stroke model parameters using remote electromagnetic fields, XXVIth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Toronto, Canada, August 13-21, 1999.

Sjöberg M. L.-Å., Blennow H. J. M., Leijon M. Å.S., “The Electric Field Distribution in a Covered Electrode System Modelled with a Lumped RC Circuit”, Proceedings of Nordic Insulation Symposium (NordIS99), pp. 287-295, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 14-16, 1999.



Bendjamin, John.: Characteristics of Electrostatic Discharges (ESD) Based on Current, Optical and Magnetic Radiation Fields.

Gao, Lan.: Characteristics of Streamer Discharges in Air and along Insulating Surfaces.

Galván Diego, A.: Simulation of Lightning Electromagnetic Fields and Their Interaction with Low VoltagePower Installations.

Holmberg, Pär.: Modelling the Transient Response of Windings, Laminated Steel Cores and Electromagnetic Power Devices by Means of Lumped Circuits. With Special Reference to Windings with a Coaxial Insulation System.

Licentiate thesis

Manyahi, J.M.: Response of Transformers to Lightning Transients and Their Transfer Between the Transformer Circuits. UURIE:284-00L.

Reviewed literature

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, “Fused hollow cathode cold atmospheric plasma“, Appl. Phys. Lett. 76 (2000) 285-287.

L. Bárdoš and H. Baránková, "Radio frequency hollow cathode source for large area cold atmospheric plasma applications", Surf. Coat. Technol. 133-134 (2000) 522-527

Blennow, H.J.M.; Sjoberg, M.L.-A.; Leijon, M.A.S.; Gubanski, S.M., "Electric field reduction due to charge accumulation in a dielectric-covered electrode system", Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on [see also Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on] , Volume: 7 Issue: 3 , June 2000 Page(s): 340 -345

Cooray, V.: The modelling of positive return strokes in lightning flashes. Journal of Atmospheric andSolar-Terrestrial Physics 62 (2000) 169-187.

Cooray, V.: Charge and Voltage Characteristics of Corona Discharges in a Coaxial Geometry. IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2000.

Cooray, V. and Jayaratne, R.: What directs a lightning flash towards ground? Sri Lankan Journal of Physics, Vol. 1 (2000) 1-10.

Cooray, V., Fernando, M., Sörensen, T., Götschl, T and Pedersen, A.: Propagation of lightning generated transient electromagnetic fields over finitely conducting ground. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 62 (2000) 583-600.

Gao, L., Akyuz, M., Larsson, A., Cooray, V. and Scuka, V.: Measurement of the positive streamer charge. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 33 (2000), 1861-1865.

Gomes, C. and Cooray, V.: Concepts of Lightning Return Stroke Models. IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic compatibility, Vol. 42, No. 1, Febr. 2000.

Leijon, M.; Andersson, T., "High and dry [Dryformer power transformer] ", IEE Review , Volume: 46 Issue: 4 , July 2000 Page(s): 9 -15

M.Leijon et al, "A Major Breakthrough in Transformer Technology", CIGRÉ 2000 paper 12-101 (Prize winner)

Leijon, M.; Johansson, S.G.; Owman, F.; Alfredson, S.; Karlsson, T.; Lindahl, S.; Parkegren, C.; Thoren, S., "Powerformer™ -experiences from the application of extruded solid dielectric cables in the stator winding of rotating machines ", Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, 2000. IEEE , Volume: 1 , 2000 Page(s): 736 -744 vol.1

Leijon, M.; Owman, F.; Johansson, S.G.; Karlsson, T.; Lindahl, S.; Parkegren, C.; Thoren, S. "Powerformer™ -the prototype and beyond", Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, 2000. IEEE , Volume: 1 , 2000 Page(s): 139 -144 vol.1

Popov, M., He, S., Thottappillil, R.: Reconstruction of lightning currents and return stroke model parameters using remote electromagnetic fields. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 24469-24481, 2000.

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Fused Hollow Cathode for Cold Atmospheric Plasma Processing", Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Tech. Conf. of the Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC), Denver, April 2000, p. 113-115.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Fused hollow cathode cold atmospheric plasma source for gas treatment", 220th National Meeting of American Chemical Society, Washington DC, August 20-25, 2000, Preprints, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Inc., American Chemical Society, Vol. 45, No. 4, August 2000, p. 671-673

Cooray, V. and Galván, A.: The Stepped Leader As A Source of Interference In Electrical Installations. 25th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Rhodos, Greece, September 18 22, 2000.

Cooray, V. and Galván, A.: A Negative First Return Stroke Model For Engineering Applications. 25th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Rhodos, Greece, 2000.

Galván, A. and Cooray, V.: Analytical Simulation of Lightning Induced Voltages in Low Voltage Power Installations. 25th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Rhodos, Greece, 2000.

J. Isberg, H. Bernhoff, L. Liljestrand, L. Jonsson, J. Karlsson, "A New Powder Based AC/DC Switching Technology", 20th International Conference on Electrical Contacts 19-23 June 2000, Stockholm, Sweden

M. Leijon “Possibilities Development within Large Organizations” Proceedings, Product models 2000, 7-8 November (Invited paper)

Leijon, M., Jaksts, A., Sasse, C., Frank, H.: Fogelberg, T., Andersson, T., Forsmark, S., Nilsson, L. and Sjögren, A.: A major Breakthrough in Transformer Technology. Cigre 2000 report 12-101.

Manyahi, M., Thottappillil, R.: A method for Estimating the LEMP Environment of Facilities Using the Lightning Location System. 25th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Rhodos, Greece, 2000.

Li Ming; Jaksts, A.; Rongsheng Liu; Owmann, F.; Leijon, M., "Recent trends within insulation systems for transmission and distribution apparatus ", Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, 2000. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on , Volume: 2 , 2000 Page(s): 849 -855 vol.2

Sjöberg M. L.-Å., Blennow H. J. M., Leijon M. Å. S., Gubanski S. M., ”Electric Field Reduction in a Covered Electrode Gap due to Ionization and Charge Accumulation”, Proceedings of 6th international DC High Voltage Symposium (IHVDC2000), Hamburg, Germany, Januari 19-20, 2000.

Sjöberg, M., Blennow, J., Gubanski, S. and Leijon, M.: On Discharge Phenomena in a Covered Electrode System in Air. IEEE Int. Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Anaheim, USA, pp 345-348, April 2-5, 2000.

Thottappillil, R.: Electromagnetic environment models for Cloud-To-Ground Lightning. 25th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Rhodos, Greece, 2000.

Zitnik, M., Thottappillil, R. and Scuka, V.: A comparative study of two varistor models. 25th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Rhodos, Greece, 2000.

L. Gao, S. Kröll, A. Larsson and V Cooray, Effect of Absorbed Laser Pulse Energy in Laser Triggered Electrical Breakdown in Air, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications, Glasgow, UK, Sep. 2000.

Non refereed conference article.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Hollow Cathode Plasma Processing", INVITED PAPER at the Conference of European Vacuum Coaters - ANZIO 2000, Italy, September 2000.


M.Dahlgren, H.Frank, M.Leijon, F.Owman and L.Walfridsson, "Windformer – Wind Power Goes Large Scale", ABB Review 3/2000 pp 31-37.

V. Cooray: Blixten - så fungerar naturens fyrverkeri. 2000.

Galvan, A. and Fernando, M.: Operative characteristics of a parallel-plate antenna to measure vertical electric fields from lightning flashes. UURIE:285-00.

M. Leijon “Windformer –ett integrerat systemkoncept för storskalig vindkraft”, Svenska Mekanikers Riksförening 2000:4

Silfverskiöld, S., Bäckström, M. and Lorén, J.: Microwave Field-to-Wire Coupling Measurements in Anechoic and Reverberation Chambers. Scientific Report FOA-R—00-01538-612—SE, ISSN 1104-9154, FOA, Linköping, Sweden, July 2000.

Thottappillil, R.: A review of lightning with emphasis on the properties important for the protection of ground based assets. A document prepared for Försvarets Materielverk (FMV) under contract, January 2000.

Master thesis

M. Rahman: Influence of surface charge on the hydrophobicity of dielectric material surfaces. June 2000. Examensarbete.

G. Strandberg: On The Characteristics of Lightning in Sweden. May 2000. Examensarbete.



Berg, Marcus, Estimation of Hydrophobicity of Insulating Surfaces by Studying Sessile Water Drops. 2001. - (Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Scienceand Technology 33).

Zitnik, Mihael, Numerical Modelling of Transients in Electrical Systems. 2001. - (Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 35).

Reviewed literature

Akyuz, M; Cooray, V, The Franklin lightning conductor: Conditions necessary for the initiation of a connecting leader. Journal of Electrostatics. - 2001 (51-52), s. 319-325.

Akyuz, M; Gao, L; Larsson, A; Cooray, V, Streamer current in a three-electrode system. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. - 2001 (8): 4 , s. 665-672.

Akyuz, M; Gao, L; Larsson, A; Cooray, V; Gustavsson, TG; Gubanski, SM, Positive Streamer Discharges along Insulating Surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. - 2001 (8) : 6 , s. 902-910.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Hollow cathode plasma sources for large area surface treatment", Surf. Coat. Technol. 146-147 (2001) 486-490.

L. Bárdoš and H. Baránková, Th. Welzel, I. Dani, S. Peter, and F. Richter, "Comparison of the radio frequency hollow cathode to the microwave antenna discharge for plasma processing", J. Appl. Phys. 90 (2001) 1703-1709.

L. Bárdoš and H. Baránková, "Hollow cathode PVD of nitride and oxide films at low substrate temperature", Surf. Coat. Technol. 146-147 (2001) 463-468.

L. Bárdoš and H. Baránková, "Processing in Afterglows and Decaying Plasmas", INVITED CONTRIBUTION, Vacuum Technology & Coating, September 2001, 46-56

Berg, M; Thottappillil, R; Scuka, V, Hydrophobicity estimation of HV polymeric insulating materials: Development of a digital image processing method. IEEE Transactions on Dielectric and Electrical Insulation. - 2001 (8) , s. 1098-1107.

Cooray, V, Underground electric fields generated by the return strokes of lightning flashes. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. - 2001 (43), s. 75-84.

J. Hammersberg, J. Isberg, E. Johansson, T. Lundström, O. Hjortstam and H. Bernhoff., Injection dependent long carrier lifetimes in high quality CVD diamond, Diamond and Related Materials, Volume 10, Issues 3-7, March-July 2001, Pages 574-579

Mats Ekberg, Anders Sunesson, Mikael Bergkvist, Arne Gustavsson, Jan Isberg, Hans Bernhoff, Per Skytt, Jörgen Bengtsson, Sverker rd, Michael Larsson, Laser-triggered high-voltage plasma switching with diffractive optics, Applied Optics-OT, Vol. 40 Issue 16 Page 2611 (June 2001)

Galván, A; Cooray, V; Thottappillil, R, A technique for the evaluation of lightning-induced voltages in complex low-voltage power-installation networks. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. - 2001 (43) , s. 402-409.

Leijon, M.; Dahlgren, M.; Walfridsson, L.; Li Ming; Jaksts, A., A recent development in the electrical insulation systems of generators and transformers, IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine , Volume: 17 Issue: 3 , May-June 2001
Page(s): 10 -15

Liu, Y; Zitnik, M; Thottappillil, R, An Improved Transmission-Line Model of Grounding System. IEEE Transactions on EMC. - 2001 (43) : 3 , s. 348-355.

Rakov, VA; Crawford, DE; Rambo, KJ; Schnetzer, GH; Thottappilil, R , M-component mode charge transfer to ground in lightning discharges. Journal of Geophysical Research. - 2001 (106) , s. 22817-22831.

Rehbein, N; Cooray, V, NOx production in spark and corona discharges. Journal of Electrostatics. - 2001 (51-52) , s. 333-339.

Serdyuk, YV; Larsson, A; Gubanski, SM; Akyuz, M, The propagation of positive streamers in a weak and uniform background electric field. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. - 2001 (34) , s. 614-623.

Thottappillil, R; Rakov, VA, On different approaches to calculating lightning electric fields. Journal of Geophysical Research. - 2001 (106) , s. 14191-14205.

Thottappillil, R; Schoene, J; Uman, MA, Return stroke transmission line model for stroke speed near and equal that of light. Geophysical Research Letters. – 2001 (28) , s. 3593-3596.

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

L. Bárdoš and H. Baránková, "Highly Oriented Coatings at Low Substrate Temperatures", Proceedings of the 44th Annual Tech. Conf. of the Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC), Philadelphia, April 2001, p. 125-129.

Darveniza, M.; Saha, T.K.; Berggren, B.; Leijon, M.A.; Wright, P.O., A research project to investigate the impact of electricity system requirements on the design and optimal application of the powerformer, Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, 2001 IEEE/PES , Volume: 1 , 2001, Page(s): 504 -509.

Liu, Y; Zitnik, M; Thottappillil, R, A Time Domain Transmission Line Model of Grounding System. 12th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Bangalore, India 2001.

Manyahi, M; Thottappillil, R; Nzali, A, Some Reflections on the Lightning Protection of Power Distribution Transformers in Tanzania. International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Technology, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2001.

Rahman, M; Thottappillil, R; Berg, M; Hillborg, H, Surface charge and hydrophobicity levels of insulating materials. 12th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Bangalore, India 2001.

Thottappillil, R, Return stroke electric field at ground assuming transmission line model and speed of light as return stroke speed. 12th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Bangalore, India 2001.

Thottappillil, R; Rakov, VA, On the computation of electric fields from a lightning discharge in time domain. 2001 IEEE EMC International Symposium, Montreal, Canada 2001.

Sjöberg M, L.-Å., Rein C., Gubanski S. M., Leijon M. Å. S., Surface Charge Accumulation in a Dielectric-Covered Electrode System in Air, Proceedings of 2001 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials (ISEIM2001), pp. 399-402, Himeji, Japan, November 19-22, 2001.

Non refereed conference article

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Fused hollow cathode cold atmospheric plasma source", 1st Symposium on Cold atmospheric Plasma Technologies, 199th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Washington, March 2001, Abstract No. 194.

H. Baránková, "Status and Trends in Plasma-Assisted Technologies", INVITED Presentation for the Donald M. Mattox Tutorial at the 44th Annual Tech. Conf. of the Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC), Philadelphia, April 2001.

Master thesis

Mats Berglund, "Dielectric Study of Water/Methanol Mixtures for Use in Pulsed Power Water Capacitors", Mater's degree project, UPTEC F 01062, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, Aug. 2001.



Mose Akyuz, "Positive streamer discharges in air and along insulating surfaces: experiment and simulation", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1104-232X; 777.

Mighanda Manyahi, "Characteristic of Surge Transfer Through Transformers: Study of Conventional Distribution Transformer and XLPE Cable Winding Transformer (Dryformer)", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1104-232X ; 750.

Stefan Silfverskiöld, "Effects of Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse and High Power Microwaves on Military Electric Systems", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1104-232X; 734.

Reviewed literature

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Fused hollow cathode cold atmospheric plasma source for gas treatment", Catalysis Today 72 (2002) 237-241.

L. Bárdoš and H. Baránková, "Highly oriented coatings at low substrate temperatures", INVITED CONTRIBUTION, Vacuum Technology & Coating, October 2002.

H. J. M. Blennow, M. Leijon and S. M. Gubanski, "Active high voltage insulation", Journal of Electrostatics,Volume 55, Issue 2, Pages 111-223, June 2002.

Cooray, V., "Some Considerations on the Cooray-RubinsteinFormulation Used in Deriving the Horizontal Electric Field of Lightning Return Strokes Over Finitely Conducting Ground", Proc. IEEE(EMC), vol. 44, pp. 560 - 566 , 2002.

Holmberg, P.; Leijon, M; ”Wide-band lumped circuit model of the terminal and internal electromagnetic response of a coil with a coaxial insulation system
Electric Power Applications, IEE Proceedings-, Volume: 149 Issue: 6, Nov 2002, Page(s): 459-464.

Holmberg Pär, Leijon Mats, Wass Torbjorn, "A Wide-Band Lumped Circuit Model of Eddy Current Losses in a Coil with a Coaxial Insulation System and a Stranded Conductor", IEEE Power Engineering Review, Sept. 2002 Volume: 22 , Issue: 9, pages: 61-62.

Jan Isberg, Johan Hammersberg, Erik Johansson, Tobias Wikström, Daniel J. Twitchen, Andrew J. Whitehead, Steven E. Coe, Geoffrey A. Scarsbrook, “High Carrier Mobility in Single-Crystal Plasma-Deposited Diamond” Science Volume 297, September 2002, Pages 1670-1672.

M. Leijon and R. Liu, "Electric power generators", Energy Technologies, volume 3, subvolume A: Fossil Energy, pp 151-164.

Rahman, M., Thottappillil, R., Berg, M., Hillborg, H., "Comment on 'Effect of surface charge on hydrophobicity levels of insulating materials'", IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 149, 300-304, 2002.

Thottappillil, R., "Electromagnetic Pulse Environment of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning for EMC studies", IEEE Trans. On Electromagnetic Compatibility, 44, 203-213, 2002.

Thottappillil, R., M.A. Uman, "Reply to the ‘Comment on “Return stroke transmission line model for stroke speed near and equal that of light" by R. Thottappillil, J. Schoene, and M.A. Uman’ ” by G. Kordi, R. Moini, and V.A. Rakov, Geophysical Research Letters, 29, May 2002.

Thottappillil, R., "Electromagnetic Pulse Environment of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning for EMC studies", IEEE Trans. On Electromagnetic Compatibility, 44, 203-213, 2002.

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Hollow Cathode Plasma Cleaning and Surface Activation", Proceedings of the 45th Annual Tech. Conf. of the Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC), Orlando , April 2002, p. 109-112.

Cooray, V; Montano, R; Theethayi, N; Zitnik, M; Manyahi, M; Scuka, V, "A channel base current model to represent both negative and positive first return strokes with connecting leaders." Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cracow, Poland 2002 pp. 36-41.

Cooray, V; Zitnik, M; Manyahi, M; Montano, R; Rahman, M; Liu, Y, "Physical model of surge-current characteristics of buried vertical rods in the presence of soil ionisation." Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cracow, Poland 2002 - pp. 357-362.

Cooray, V; Zitnik, M; Strandberg, G; Rahman, M; Montano, R; Scuka, V, "A novel modification of the transmission line model of lightning return strokes." // Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cracow, Poland 2002 - pp. 50-55.

Liu, Y., M. Zitnik, R.M. Gonzalez, R. Thottappillil, "Time-domain model of the grounding system including soil ionization and its application to stratified soil", Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Lightning Protection, page 352-356, Cracow, Poland, Sept. 2-6, 2002.

Manyahi, M.J., R. Thottappillil, "Transfer of lightning transients through distribution transformer circuits", Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Lightning Protection, page 435-440, Cracow, Poland, Sept. 2-6, 2002.

Miki, M., T. Shindo, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, G.H. Schnetzer, G. Diendorfer, M. Mair, F. Heidler, W. Zischank, R. Thottappillil, D. Wang, "Characterisation of the initial stage of upward-initiated lightning", Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Lightning Protection, page 14-19, Cracow, Poland, Sept. 2-6, 2002.

Rahman, M; Cooray, V, "NOx generation in laser-produced plasma as a function of dissipated energy", 26th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cracow, Poland 2002.

Erik Segergren, Björn Bolund, Hans Bernhoff, Mats Leijon, “Rotor concept comparison for underwater power generation”, Conference Proceedings, Marec 2002 , Two day international conference on Marine Renewable Energy. September 2002.

Thottappillil, R., V. Scuka, M. Zitnik, Y. Liu and K-G. Lövstrand, "Grounding of Communication towers for lightning protection", Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Lightning Protection, page 332-337, Cracow, Poland, Sept. 2-6, 2002.

Non refereed conference article

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Cold atmospheric plasma sources based on hollow cathodes", INVITED presentationat 1st Topical Meeting on Pulsed and Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Processing, FMT - Forschungszentrum für Mikrostrukturtechnik, Univestity of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, March 2002.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Cold atmospheric plasma sources", INVITED PAPER, ANZIO 2002, 5th Symp. Europ. Vac. Coaters, September 30, 2002, Rome-Anzio, Italy.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Fused hollow cathode cold atmospheric plasma in monoatomic and molecular gases", 2nd Symposium on Cold Atmospheric Plasma Technologies, 202nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Salt Lake City, October 2002, abstract No. 458.


H. Bernhoff, "Review of electric energy storage", Uppsala University Technical Report UPTEC 2002006 R, issued 26 April2002, Written for the Swedish Energy Agency under contract STEM, P13814-1, 35 pages, EFA-02/2.

Master thesis

Martin Belak och Torbjörn Carlsson, "Konstruktion av generator för vågkraftverk", ISRN UTH-INGUTB-EX-M-2002/02-SE, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, June 2002.

Björn Bolund, "High Field Properties of Pulsed Power Water Capacitor", Master's degree project, UPTEC F 02 003, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, Jan. 2002.

Edvard Englund, "Flywheel torque control for electric energy storage", Master's degree project, UPTEC F 02 060, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, June 2002.

Fredrik Gustafsson och Jens Bryntesson, "Lagring av rotor till linjärgenerator för vågkraftverk", UTH-INGUTB-EX-M-2002/07-SE, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, Sept. 2002.

Anders Heljestrand, "Fast charging of capacitors", Master's degree project, UPTEC Q02 014, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, Aug. 2002.

Daniel Månsson, "Experimental studies and circuit modelling of spark gaps", Master’s project work, UPTEC F02 055, Uppsala University, June 2002.


Licentiate thesis

Yaqing Liu,"Time domain modelling of the response of grounding systems subjected to lightning currents", UURIE 288-03L, Uppsala 2003.

Erik Segergren, "Simulation of Direct Drive Generator for Underwater Power Conversion", UURIE 290-03L, Uppsala 2003.

Gustav Strandberg, "Characterization and Modelling of Lightning Flashes in Sweden",UURIE 289-03L, Uppsala 2003.

Reviewed literature

Akyuz, M., A. Larsson, V. Cooray and G. Strandberg, "3D simulation of streamer branching in air", the J. Electrostatics, vol. 59, 115 141, 2003.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Hollow cathode cold atmospheric plasma sources with monoatomic and molecular gases", Surf. Coat. Technol. 163-164 (2003) 649-653.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Hollow Cathode Plasma Cleaning and Surface Activation", INVITED CONTRIBUTION, Vacuum Technology & Coating, January 2003, 32-36.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Hollow cathode atmospheric pressure plasma sources for surface treatment", Surf. Coat. Technol. 174-175 (2003) 63-67

L. Bárdoš, H. Baránková and Yu.A. Lebedev, "Performance of Radio Frequency Hollow Cathodes at Low Gas Pressures", Surf. Coat. Technol. 163-164 (2003) 654-658.

Björn F. Bolund, Mats Berglund, and Hans Bernhoff, ”Dielectric study of water/methanol mixtures for use in pulsed-power water capacitors”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 93, No. 5, March 2003, Pages 2895-2899.

Cooray, V. "On the concepts used in return stroke models applied in engineering practice", Trans. IEEE (EMC), vol. 45, pp. 101 108, 2003.

Cooray, V., "Authora reply to comments on On the On the concepts used in return stroke models applied in engineering practice", IEEE Transactions on EMC, vol. 45, 2003.

Cooray, V., "Propagation effects on radiation field pulses generated by cloud flashes with special attention to the voltages induced in electrical installations", Accepted to be published in Trans. IEEE(EMC), 2003.

P. Holmberg, M. Leijon "A wide-Band Lumped Circuit Model of the Therminal and Internal Electromagnetic Response of Coaxially Insulated Windings Mounted on a Core" European Transaction on Electric Power Engineering, Vol. 13 No. 3 2003, Pages 141-150.

Holmberg, P.; Leijon, M; "A wideband lumped circuit model of eddy current losses in a coil with coaxial insulation system and a stranded conductor", Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 2003, Page(s): 50-60.

A.Kheirmand, M.Leijon and S.Gubanski, "New Practices for Partial Discharge Detection and Localization in Large Rotating Machines" IEEE Trans on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Dec, Vol 10, No 6, dec 2003 pp1042-1052.

Mats Leijon, Hans Bernhoff, Marcus Berg, Olov Ågren, "Economical considerations of renewable electric energy production -especially development of wave energy" Renewable Energy Volume 28, Issue 8, July 2003, Pages 1201-1209, doi:10.1016/S0960-1481(02)00157-X.

A. Lindblom, P. Appelgren, A. Larsson, S.E. Nyholm, J. Isberg, H. Bernhoff, "Pulsed power transmission line transformer based on modern cable technology", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol 31 no 6 (2003) pp1337- 1343.

Miki, M., T. Shindo, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, G.H. Schnetzer, G. Diendorfer, M. Mair, F. Heidler, W. Zischank, R. Thottappillil, D. Wang, "Die Anfangphase von Aufwärtsblitzen", ETZ, Heft 3-4, 50-55, 2003.

Rahman, M., and V. Cooray, "NOx generation in laser-produced plasma in air as a function of dissipated energy", Optics and Laser Technology, vol. 35, No. 7, p. 543 546, 2003.

Rakov, V.A., R. Thottappillil, J. Schoene, "Comments on 'On the concepts used in return stroke models applied in engineering practice'", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 45, p. 567, Aug. 2003.

M. Sjöberg, Yu. V. Serdyuk, S.M. Gubanski and M.Å.S. Leijon "Experimental study and numerical modelling of a dielectric barrier discharge in hybrid air-dielectric insulation" Journal of Electrostatics, Volume 59, Issue 2, September 2003, Pages 87-113 SummaryPlus | Full Text

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Cold Atmospheric Plasma Sources for Surface Treatment", INVITED PAPER P1, Proceedings of the 46th Annual Tech. Conf. of the Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC), San Francisco, May 2003, p. 427-430.

L. Bárdoš and H. Baránková, "New hybrid source with microwave and hollow cathode plasma", Paper E-8, Proceedings of the 46th Annual Tech. Conf. of the Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC), San Francisco, May 2003, p. 104-107.

L. Bárdoš and H. Baránková, "PVD of hard films inside narrow holes and pipes", Paper H-5, Proceedings of the 46th Annual Tech. Conf. of the Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC), San Francisco, May 2003, p. 154-157.

O. Danielsson, K. Thorburn, M. Eriksson, M. Leijon "Permanent magnet fixation concepts for linear generator" Fifth European wave energy conference 17-19 sept, 2003 .

I. Ivanova, O. Ågren, H. Bernhoff, M. Leijon "Simulation of a 100kW permanent magnet octagonal linear generator for ocean wave conversion", Fifth European wave energy conference 17-19 sept, 2003.

Lindblom, A.; Appelgren, P.; Larsson, A.; Nyholm, S.E.; Isberg, J.; Bernhoff, H., "High-voltage transmission line transformer based on modern cable technology" Digest of Technical Papers. PPC-2003. 14th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, 2003., Volume: 2 , 15-18 June 2003 Pages:939 - 942 Vol.2

Liu, Y., Theethayi, N., Gonzalez, R.M., Thottappilli, R., "The residual resistivity in soil ionization region around grounding system for different experimental results", 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume 2, 794 –799, Aug 18-22, 2003.

Manyahi, M.J., R. Thottappillil, M. Leijon, "Loading effects on the attenuation of the transferred transients through cable winding transformer (Dryformer)", International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST), New Orleans, USA, Sept. 28, Oct. 02, 2003.

K. Nilsson, E. Segergren, M. Leijon "Simulations of direct drive generators designed for underwater vertical axis turbines" Fifth European wave energy conference 17-19 sept, 2003.

Rahman M. and Cooray V., " NO X Production in Laser-Induced Plasma as a Function of Dissipated Energy". EOS Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE32A-0158 , 2003.

Roman, F.R. Montaño and V. Cooray, "Varistor response under subsequent stroke-like impulse current", International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Netherlands, 2003.

Roman, F.R. Montaño and V. Cooray, "Response of low voltage protective devices under subsequent stroke-like impulse currents", International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Netherlands, 2003.

Theethayi, N. and V. Cooray, "The transmission line model idealisation and reality", Proceeding of the IEEE power technical conference, Bolognia, Italy, 2003.

Theethayi, N., Y. Liu, R. Montano, R. Thottappillil, M. Zitnik, V. Cooray, V. Scuka, "Modeling Direct Lightning Attachment to Electrified Railway System in Sweden", IEEE Bologna Power Tech, Italy, June 23-26, 2003.
(IEEE student paper award for high quality paper.)

Theethayi, N., R. Thottappillil, Y. Liu and R. Montano, "Parameters That Influence the Crosstalk in Multiconductor Transmission Line", IEEE Bologna Power Tech., Italy, June 23-26, 2003. (IEEE student paper award for high quality paper).

Theethayi, N., Y. Liu, R. Montaño, R. Thottappillil, "Crosstalk in Multiconductor Transmission Line in the Presence of Finitely Conducting Ground",’ Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Istanbul, Turkey, May 11-16, 2003.

Thottappillil, R., N. Theethayi, Y. Liu, V. Scuka, M. Zitnik, P-A. Lindeberg, U. Hellström, "Computer simulation model for Swedish railway system for evaluating the effects of lightning and EMI", World Congress on Railway Research, Edinburgh, Sept.29-Oct.01, 2003.

D.J. Twitchen, A.J. Whitehead, S.E. Coe, J. Isberg," Applications of Single Crystal CVD Diamond" Proceedings of the Seventh Applied Diamond Conference/Third frontier Carbon Technology Joint Conference (ADC/FCT 2003) NASA/CP - 2003- 0 212319 p 111.

Non refereed conference article

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "New Cold Atmospheric Plasma Sources for PE CVD", INVITED PAPER, Symp. Design and Technology of Coatings, September 2003, Bonassola (La Specia), Proceedings, ISBN 88-8080-046-9.

Master thesis

Simon Blixt, "Seriekopplade H-bryggor för HVDC-light", UPTEC F 03 041, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2003.

Oskar Danielsson, "Design of a Linear Generator for Wave Energy Plant", Master's degree project, UPTEC F 03 003, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, Jan. 2003.

Magnus Emerius, "Återföring av rotor till linjärgenerator med fjädrar", UTH-INGUTB-EX-M-2003/01-SE, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, Juni. 2003.

Johannes Enlund, "ICP etching of single-crystal HTHP and CVD diamond", UPTEC F 03 014, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2003.

Joakim Holfelt, "Optimal Upprustning av vattenkfraft i Helgån", Master's degree project, UPTEC F 03 061, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, October. 2003.

Sören Jörgensen, "On the use of a parallel multi-species genetic algorithm for parameter estimation in structural dynamics", UPTEC F 03 053, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2003.

Sven Karlström, "Vattentät genomföring för linjär rörelse till ett vågkraftverk"
UTH-INGUTB-EX-M-2004/7-SE, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research,
Uppsala University, Sweden, June, 2003.

Linus Marstorp, "An analytical model for the performance of a vertical axis wind turbine", Master's degree project, UPTEC F03 051, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, April. 2003.

Karin Nilsson, "Simulation of Direct Drive Permanent Magnet Generators for Underwater Current Power Conversion", Master's degree project, UPTEC F 03 025, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, March. 2003.

Lars Noresten, "Response of surge protective devices to very fast current pulses", Master’s degree project, Uppsala University, October 2003.

Richard Perers, "High - Voltage Machines in Pumped Storage Plants", Master's degree project, UPTEC F 03 080, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, October. 2003.

Kerstin Strand, "Energiförluster och potential i vattenvägarna i befintlig svensk vattenkraft", Master's degree project, UPTEC W 03 012, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, April. 2003.

Peter Warnicke, "A two channel laser-triggered plasma closing switch" UPTEC F03 075 Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, Sept. 2003.

Stefan Önerud, "Fast charging of a Marx bank", Master's degree project, UPTEC F 03 098, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, Dec. 2003.

Books and Book chapters

Cooray, V. (ed), "The Lightning Flash", The Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, 2003.

Thottappillil, R., Computation of electromagnetic fields from lightning discharge, Chapter in the book “The Lightning Flash”, (ed) V. Cooray, The Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, 2003.



Yaqing Liu, "Transient Response of Grounding Systems Caused by Lightning: Modelling and Experiments", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 1015, ISBN 91-554-6041-0 ; Uppsala 2004.

Licentiate thesis

Björn Bolund, "High Voltage Generators for Generation and Storage of Electric Energy", UURIE 293-04L, Uppsala 2004.

Mikael Eriksson, "Electromechanical Dynamics of a Direct Drive Wave Energy Converter", UURIE 296-04L, Uppsala 2004.

Irina Ivanova, "Simulation of Linear Permanent Magnet Octagonal Generator for Sea Wave Energy Conversion " , UURIE 295-04L, Uppsala 2004.

Adam Lindblom, "Inductive pulse generator with coaxial transformer and Blumlein pulse shaper " , UURIE 294-04L, Uppsala 2004.

Raul Montano, "Interaction of Lightning Electromagnetic Fields with Overhead Power Lines", UURIE 292-04L, Uppsala 2004.

Nelson Theethayi, "Electromagnetic Interference to Electrified Railway Network Caused by Lightning: Development of Computation Models", UURIE 291 – 04L, Uppsala 2004.

Karin Thorburn, "Modelling new generators for wave energy conversion
and hydropower upgrading"
, UURIE 297-04L, Uppsala 2004.

Reviewed literature

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "New hybrid source of cold atmospheric plasma", Surf. Coat. Technol. 177-178 (2004) 688-692.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, “Cold Atmospheric Plasma Sources for Surface Treatment”, INVITED CONTRIBUTION, Galvanotechnik 95 (2004) 2244-2247.

H. Baránková, L. Bárdoš and L.-E. Gustavsson, “High-rate hot hollow cathode arc deposition of chromium and chromium nitride films”, Surf. Coat. Technol. 188-189 (2004) 703-707.

L. Bárdoš, H. Baránková, L-E. Gustavsson and D.G. Teer, "New microwave and hollow cathode hybrid plasma sources", Surf. Coat. Technol. 177-178 (2004) 651-656.

Bernhoff. H , Leijon. M, "Conversion of wave energy to electricity", The Scandinavian Shipping Gazette, The Scandinavian Yearbook of Maritime Technology 2004, October 1, 2004.

Bolund, B.; Leijon, M.; "Rotor configuration impact on generator ventilation needs", Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 2004. IEEE PES, 2004,
Page(s): 749 - 752 vol.2, doi: 10.1109/PSCE.2004.1397560.

B. Bolund, K. Thorburn, E. Sjöstedt, M. Eriksson, E. Segergren and M. Leijon, "Upgrading generators with new tools and high voltage technology", Journal of Hydropower and Dams, Issue Three, pp. 104 – 108, 2004.

Cooray, V., M. Fernando, C. Gomes, T. Sorensen, "The Fine Structure of Positive Return Stroke Radiation Fields", IEEE Transactions on EMC, vol. 46, 87 95, 2004.

Cooray, V., R. Montano and V. Rakov, "A model to represent first return strokes with connecting leaders", J. Electrostatics, vol. 40, 97 109, 2004.

Cooray, V., M. Zitnik, M. Rahman, M. Manyahi and Y. Liu, "Physical model of surge current characteristics of buried vertical rods in the presence of soil ionisation", J. Electrostatics, vol. 60, 193 202, 2004.

Gomes, C. and V. Cooray, "Radiation field pulses associated with the initiation of positive cloud to ground lightning flashes", J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., vol. 66, 1047 1055, 2004.

A. Kheirmand, M. Leijon, S.M. Gubanski, "Advances in Online Monitoring and Localization of Partial Discharges in Large Rotating Machines", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol 19, March 2004, pp. 53-59.

J. Isberg, J. Hammersberg, D.J. Twitchen, A.J. Whitehead, "Single Crystal Diamond for Electronic Applications", Diamond and Related Materials Vol 13/2 (2004) pp 320-324.

J. Isberg, J. Hammersberg, H. Bernhoff, D.J. Twitchen, A.J. Whitehead, "Charge collection distance measurements in single and polycrystalline CVD diamond", Diamond and Related Materials, Vol 13/4-8 (2004) pp 872-875,SummaryPlus | Full Text

A. Lindblom, J. Isberg, H. Bernhoff, "Calculating the Coupling Factor in a Multilayer Coaxial Transformer With Air Core" IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Volume: 40 , Issue: 5 , Sept. 2004, Pages:3244 - 3248.

Liu, Y., Nelson Theethayi , R. Thottappillil, R. M. Gonzalez and M. Zitnik, "An improved model for soil ionization around grounding system and its application to stratified soil", J. Electrostatics, 60, 203-209, 2004.

P. Holmberg, M. Leijon, S. Johansson, ”A Wide Band Circuit Model of the Terminal and Internal Electromagnetic Response of Rotating Machine Windings with a Coaxial Insulation System”, IEEE Transactions of Energy Conversion, Vol. 19, No. 3, Sept, 2004.

Heljestrand, A.; Bernhoff, H.; Isberg, J.; Larsson, A.; "Overstressing of High-Voltage Capacitors", Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 32 , Issue: 3 , June 2004, Pages:1337 - 1343.

Chandima Gomes, Vernon Cooray, Mahendra Fernando, Raul Montano and Upul Sonnadara, "Characteristics of chaotic pulse trains generated by lightning flashes", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 66, Issue 18, December 2004, Pages 1733-1743.

Mahbubur Rahman, Vernon Cooray. Erratum to " NO X generation in laser-produced plasma in air as a function of dissipated energy" [Optics & Laser Technology 35 (2003) 543-546]. Optics & Laser Technology 36 (2004) 85.

Nelson Theethayi, Yaqing Liu, Raul Montano and Rajeev Thottappillil, "On the Influence of Conductor Heights and Lossy Ground in Multi-Conductor Transmission Lines for Lightning Interaction Studies in Railway Overhead Traction Systems", Electric Power System Research, Vol. 71, Issue 2, 2004, pp. 186-193.

Thorburn K., Bernhoff H., and Leijon M, "Wave energy transmission system
concepts for linear generator arrays"
Ocean Engineering, 31(11-12), pp 1339 – 1349, August 2004.

Thottappillil, R., M.A. Uman, N. Theethayi, "Electric and magnetic fields from a semi-infinite antenna above a conducting plane", J. Electrostatics, 61, 209-221, 2004.

D.J. Twitchen, A.J. Whitehead, S.E. Coe, J. Isberg, J. Hammersberg, T. Wikström, E. Johansson. “High voltage single crystal diamond diodes”,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices , vol 51, no 5 (2004) pp 826.

P. Holmberg, M. Leijon, T. Wass, "Closure on A wide-band lumped circuit model of eddy current losses in a coil with a coaxial insulation system and a stranded conductor" Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on ,Volume: 19 , Issue: 2 , April 2004, Pages:903.

O. Ågren, N. Savenko, "Magnetic mirror minimum B field with optimal ellipticity", Physics of plasmas, Volume 11, Number 11, 2004.

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

L. Bárdoš and H. Baránková, “Hot Hollow Cathode Arc Deposition of Highly Oriented Chromium and Chromium Nitride Films”, Paper E-3, Proceedings of the 47th Annual Tech. Conf. of the Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC), Dallas, April 2004, p. 91-93.

B. Bolund, E. Segergren, A. Solum, R. Perers, L. Lundström, A. Lindblom, K. Thorburn, M. Eriksson, K. Nilsson, I. Ivanova, O. Danielsson, S. Eriksson, H. Bengtsson, E. Sjöstedt, J. Isberg, J. Sundberg, H. Bernhoff, K.-E. Karlsson, A. Wolfbrandt, O. Ågren, and M. Leijon, "Rotating and linear synchronous generators for renewable electric energy conversion – an update of the ongoing research projects at Uppsala University" Nordic Workshop on Power and Industrial Electronics, NORPIE 2004, Trondheim, Norway, 14–16 June 2004.

Cooray, V. and N. Theethayi, "The striking distance and the ESE principle", Proc. International Conference on Lightning Protection, Avignon, France, 2004.

Cooray, C., V. Cooray and C. Andrews,"A review of the interaction of lightning and thunderstorms with humans", Proc. International Conference on Lightning Protection , Avignon, France, 2004.

Cooray, V. and M. Zitnik, "On attempts to protect a structure from lightning strikes by enhanced space charge generation", Proc. International Conference on Lightning Protection, Avignon, France, 2004.

O. Danielsson, K. Thorburn, E. Sjöstedt, and M. Leijon, "Simulated response of a linear generator wave energy converter" ISOPE-2004, Toulon, France, 23–28 May 2004.

M. Eriksson, K. Thorburn, H. Bernhoff, and M. Leijon, "Dynamics of a linear generator for wave energy conversion" 23rd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, 20–25 June 2004.

Ivanova I., Ågren O., Bernhoff H., Leijon M., "Simulation of a 100 kW permanent magnet octagonal linear generator for ocean wave energy comversion and utilization", Scientific Technical Review Journal (Nauchno-Tekhnicheskie Vedomosti), Vol.1. pp. 239 – 244, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2004

I. A. Ivanova, O. Ågren, H. Bernhoff, M. Leijon, "Simulation of cogging in a 100kW permanent magnet octagonal linear generator for ocean wave conversion", Int. Symp. on underwater technology, Taipei, Taiwan, 20-23 april, 2004

Liu, Y., N. Theethayi and R. Thottappillil, "A Non-uniform Transmission Line approach for Transient Analysis of Grounding System Under Lightning Impulse", Proc. International Conference on Lightning Protection, Avignon, France, 2004.

Prasanna Liyanage, Raul Montano, Vernon Cooray, "Optical Signatures of Laboratory Sparks with Currents Comparable to Return Strokes in Lightning Flashes", Proc. International Conference on Lightning Protection, Avignon, France, 2004.

Montano, R, M. Edirisinghe, and V. Cooray, "Varistors and gas discharge tube models a comparison between theory and practice", Proc. International Conference on Lightning Protection, Avignon, France, 2004.

Karin Nilsson, Erik Segergren, Elisabeth Sjöstedt, Jan Sundberg, Mats Leijon, "Converting Kinetic Energy in Small Watercourses using Direct Drive Generators" , Proceedings of OMAE 2004: 23rd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 20-25 June 2004 Vancouver, Canada.

Pavenello, D., F. Rachidi, M. Rubinstein, N. Theethayi, R. Thottappillil," Electromagnetic environment in the immediate vicinity of a tower struck by lightning", (Abstract), Euro Electromagnetics (EUROEM),Magdeburg, Germany, 2004.

Erik Segergren, Karin Nilsson, Domenico P. Coiro and Mats Leijon, "Design of a Very Low Speed PM Generator for the Patented KOBOLD Tidal Current Turbine" , Proceedings from EnergyOcean2004, 28 - 29 June 2004, Palm Beach, Florida.

Sonnadara, U., V. Cooray, and M. Fernando, "Lightning radiation field spectra of cloud flashes", Proc. International Conference on Lightning Protection, Avignon, France, 2004.

Theethayi, N., G. Diendorfer, R. Thottappillil, "On Determining the Effective Height of Gaisberg Tower" (Abstract), Euro Electromagnetics (EUROEM), Magdeburg, Germany, 2004.

Theethayi, N., Y. Liu, R. Thottappillil, T. Götschl, R. Montano, P.A. Lindeberg and U. Hellström, "Measurements of Lightning Transients Entering a Swedish Railway Facility", Proc. International Conference on Lightning Protection, Avignon, France, 2004.

Theethayi, N. and V. Cooray, "Representation of the return stroke as a transmission line the apparent return stroke velocity", Proc. International Conference on Lightning Protection, Avignon, France, 2004.

Thottappillil, R., and M. A. Uman, "TEM field structure of electric and magnetic fields from a semi-infinite vertical thin-wire antenna above a conducting plane" (Abstract), Euro Electromagnetics (EUROEM), Magdeburg, Germany, 2004.

Thottappillil, R., M.A. Uman, "Electric and magnetic fields from a semi-infinite vertical thin-wire antenna above a conducting plane", Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Pisa, Italy, March 28-31, 2004.

Thottappillil, R., "On the non-uniqueness of the electric field components –static, induction or intermediate, and radiation - from extended source distributions" (Abstract), Euro Electromagnetics (EUROEM), Magdeburg, Germany, 2004.

Thottappillil, R., R. Montano, and D. Månsson, "Response of Surge Protective Devices to Very Fast Transient Conducted Pulses" (Abstract), Euro Electromagnetics (EUROEM), Magdeburg, Germany, 2004.

Thottappillil, R., V. A. Rakov, and M. A. Uman, "Exact expressions in the time domain for electric fields from an extending lightning discharge in terms of the charge density", Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Pisa, Italy, March 28-31, 2004.

O. Ågren, N. Savenko, "Theoretical study of minimum B field with optimal ellipticity and scenario for increased electron temperature in mirror machines", Posted at the Annual Meeting Research Union Swedish Association - RUSA, Studsvik, Sweden, 20-21 April, 2004

Non refereed conference article

Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "High Density Plasma PVD of CrN Films", INVITED PAPER, Anzio 2004, 6th Symp. Europ. Vac. Coaters, September 2004, Rome-Anzio

Master thesis

Stephen Burt, "The Behaviour of Track Circuits and Booster Transformers in Electrified Railway Systems Subjected to Lightning Transients", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2004/17-SE, Uppsala University, December 2004.

Johan Carnbro, "Numerical simulation of the energy consumption in lightning channels", UPTEC F 04 040, 2004.

Stefan Gustafsson, "Measuring of waves at Islandsberg and literature survey of wave measurement technology" , Master’s degree project, UPTE F04048, Division for electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, June, 2004.

Karima Ismaili and Edward d’Amat, "Lightning Protection System for an Electrical Powered Boat Cruising on Fresh Water: Design, Simulation and Experiments", UTH-INGUTB-EX-, Uppsala University, May 2004.

Anna Lindquist, "Wind power in Antarctica- a feasibility study for Wasa", Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Teknisk Fysik, UPTEC F04 060, Augusti 2004.

Jonas Ljungholm, "On the prediction of electrical breakdown voltage of long gaps (>0.5 m)", UPTEC F 04 073.

Johan Sandström, "Numerical simulation of the interaction between a metal sheet and a lightning channel", UPTEC F 1401-5757 ; 04026.

Anna Wedin, "Stand alone power system for a remote measurement station",UTH-INGUTB-EX E 2004/09 -SE, Uppsala University, September 2004.

Andreas Westin, "Electrical pre-breakdown characteristics at low pressure", Examensarbete 20p, Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Teknisk Fysik, ISSN: 1401-5757, UPTEC F0405, Juli 2004.

Tegegne Yirdaw, "Electromagnetic Transients in the Auxiliary Power of a Railway Installation in Sweden", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2004/14-SE, Uppsala University, October 2004.



Mahbubur Rahman, "NOx Production by Ionisation Processes in Air", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 104, ISBN 91-554-6370-3.

Erik Segergren, "Direct Drive Generator for Reneable Power Conversion from Water Currents", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 100, ISBN 91-554-6362-2.

Nelson Theethayi, "Electromagnetic Intrference in Distributed Outdoor Electrical Systems, with an Emphasis on Lightning Interaction with Electrified Railway Network", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 76, ISBN 91-554-6301-0.

Licentiate thesis

Karin Nilsson, "Low Speed Generators for Marine Current Power Conversion", UURIE 229-05L, Uppsala 2005.

Natalia Savenko, "MHD stability and confinement of plasmas in a single mirror cell", UURIE 298-04L, Uppsala 2004.

Reviewed literature

Akyuz, M., Cortet, and V. Cooray, "Positive streamer discharges along liquid dielectric surfaces", Transactions of IEEE (dielectric and insulation), Volume 12, Issue 3, pp. 579 – 585, 2005.

Mose Akyuz, Mahbubur Rahman, Anders Larsson, Vernon Cooray and Axel Franke., "Characteristics of Laser-Triggered Electric Discharges in Air". IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 12(5), 2005, p1060-1070.

H. Baránková, L. Bárdoš and L.-E. Gustavsson, “Hot Hollow Cathode Diffuse Arc Deposition of Chromium Nitride Films”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 23 (2005) 959-963.

L. Bárdoš and H. Baránková, “Characterization of the Cold Atmospheric PlasmaHybrid Source”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 23 (2005) 933-937.

L. Bárdoš, L-E. Gustavsson, H. Baránková: "Effect of ferromagnetic substrates on the film growth in magnetized plasma systems", Surf. Coat. Technol. 200 (2005) 1862-1866.

Cooray, V. and M. Rahman, "Efficiencies for production of NOx and O3 by streamer discharges in air at atmospheric pressure", J. Electrostatics, vol. 63, pp. 977 – 983, 2005.

Danielsson, O.; Leijon, M.; Sjostedt, E. " Detailed Study of the Magnetic Circuit in a Longitudinal Flux Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Linear Generator" , IEEE Trans on Magnetics Vol 41 Issue 9 Sept 2005 Page(s): 2490- 2495.

Enlund, J., Isberg, J., Karlsson, M., Nikolajeff, F., Olsson, J., Twitchen, D.J., “ Anisotropic dry etching of boron doped single crystal CVD diamond” CARBON, Vol 43/9, pp 1839-1842. Summary | Full Text

Eriksson M., J. Isberg and M. Leijon, "Hydrodynamic modelling of a direct drive wave energy converter",International Journal of Engineering Science, Volume 43, Issues 17-18, November 2005 , pp. 1377-1387,Summary | Full Text

Isberg J., A. Lindblom, A. Tajani, and D.J. Twitchen, "Temperature dependence of hole drift mobility in high-purity single-crystal CVD diamond", Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 202, No. 11, 2194-2198 (2005).

I.A. Ivanova, H. Bernhoff, O. Ågren and M. Leijon, "Simulated generator for wave energy extraction in deep water", Ocean Engineering, Volume 32, Issues 14-15, pp. 1664-1678, October 2005 Summary | Full Text

Ivanova, I.A., Agren, O., Bernhoff, H., Leijon, M., " Simulation of Wave-Energy Converter With Octagonal Linear Generator", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2005 Page(s):619 - 629.

Leijon, M., Bernhoff, H., Ågren, O., Isberg, J., Sundberg, J., Berg, M., Karlsson, K.E., Wolfbrandt, A., "Multiphysics Simulation of Wave Energy to Electric Energy Conversion by Permanent Magnet Linear Generator", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Volume: 20 , Issue: 1 , March 2005, pp. 219 - 224. doi:10.1109/TEC.2004.827709

Liu. Y, Theethayi. N, and Thottappillil. R, “An Engineering Model for Transient Analysis of Grounding System Under Lightning Strikes: Nonuniform Transmission-Line Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery vol. 20, no. 2, April 2005, pp. 722-230.

Liyanage, P. and V. Cooray, "Correlation between current waveforms of electrostatic discharges and optical signatures for several selected wavelengths", J. Electrostatics, vol. 63, pp. 627-633, 2005.

M.J. Manyahi, R. Thottappillil and M. Leijon, "Transfer of transient surge voltage through XLPE cable winding transformer (Dryformer) circuits", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 27, Issue 8, October 2005 , Pages 602-609 Summary | Full Text

Manyahi, M.J., M. Leijon and R. Thottappillil, "Transient response of transformer with XLPE insulation cable winding design", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 27, 69-80, January 2005.

Manyahi, M.J., and R. Thottappillil, "Simplified model for estimation of lightning induced transient transfer through distribution transformer", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 27, 241-253, N0.4, 2005.

Megumu Miki, Vladimir Rakov, Takatoshi Shindo, Diendorfer Gerhard, Martin Mair, Fridolin Heidler, Wolfgang Zischank, M.A. Uman, Rajeev Thottappillil, Daohong Wang, "Initial Stage in Lightning Initiated from Tall Objects and in Rocket-Triggered Lightning", J. Geophysical Research, 110, D02109, 2005.

V. Moiseenko , O. Ågren, "Radio-frequency heating of sloshing ions in a straight field line mirror", Phys Plasmas 12, October 2005, 015510.

Månsson, D and Thottappillil R, " Comments on "Linear and Nonlinear Filters Suppressing UWB Pulses ", IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., Vol. 47, No. 3, 671-672, August 2005.

Segergren, E., Nilsson, K., Leijon, M., "Frequency Optimization for Direct Drive Synchronous Current Power Generator", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2005 Page(s):647 - 648.

Nelson Theethayi, Yaqing Liu, Raul Montano, Rajeev Thottappillil, Michael Zitnik, Vernon Cooray and Viktor Scuka, "A Theoretical Study on the Consequence of a Direct Lightning Strike to Electrified Railway System in Sweden", Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 74, Issue 2, 2005, pp. 267 -280.

Theethayi. N, and Cooray. V, “On the Representation of the Lightning Return Stroke Process as a Current Pulse Propagating Along a Transmission Line”, ”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 20, NO. 2, APRIL 2005, pp. 823 – 837.

Thottappillil, R., and V. A. Rakov, Comment on "Radio frequency radiation beam pattern of lightning return strokes: A revisit to theoretical analysis" by Xuan-Min Shao, Abram R. Jacobson, and T. Joseph Fitzgerald, J. Geophys. Res., 110, D24105, doi:10.1029/2004JD005729.

Thorburn K, Leijon M "Case study of upgrading potential for a small hydro power station", Renewable Energy, Volume 30, Issue 7, June 2005, Pages 1091-1099 Summary | Full Text

O. Ågren, V. Moiseenko, C.Johanssson and N. Savenko ,"Gyro center invariant and associated diamagnetic current", Phys. of Plasmas 12, ID 122503 , December 2005.

O. Ågren, V. Moiseenko, and N. Savenko, "Constants of motions in a minimum B mirror field" Phys. Rev. E 72, 026408, August 2005.

O.Ågren, N. Savenko, "Minimum B field with optimal ellipticity and idea for improved axial confinement by tuned ICRH cycles" , Transactions of fusion science and technology, January 2005, Vol. 47, Number 1T, ISSN: 1536-1055, pp 285-287, January 2005.

O. Ågren, N. Savenko, "Sloshing ion distribution function in a minimum B mirror field", Phys. of Plasmas 12, ID 022504, February 2005.

O. Ågren, N. Savenko, "Theoretical study of increased electron temperature in mirror machines by tuned ion cyclotron resonance heating cycles", Phys. of Plasmas 12, ID 022506, February 2005.

O. Ågren and N. Savenko , "Rigid rotation symmetry of a marginally stable minimum B field and analytical expressions of the flux coordinates", Phys. of Plasmas 12, April 2005, 042505.

O. Ågren, M. Berg, and M. Leijon, "A time-dependent potential flow theory for the aerodynamics of vertical axis wind turbines", J. Appl. Phys. 97, May 2005, 104913.

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

J. Anatory, N. Theethayi, R. Thottappillil, M.M. Kissaka, N.H. Mvungi, "The Effects Of Iterconnections And Branched Network In The Broadband Powerline Communications", Paper E06.2(01188), Proceedings of the XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Union of Radio Sciences, New Delhi, India, Oct. 23-29, 2005 (Invited paper).

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, “Hollow Cathode and Hybride Plasma Processing” INVITED PAPER, Proceedings of the 8th Int. Symp. on Sputtering & Plasma Processes (ISSP 2005), Kanazawa , Japan , June 2005, PP1-3, p. 234-238.

Marley Becerra and Vernon Cooray, "A simplified model to represent the inception of upward leaders from grounded structures under the influence of lightning stepped leaders", Proceedings of the VIII International Symposium on Lightning Protection, SIPDA, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 2005.

Marley Becerra, Vernon Cooray and Hartono Zainal Abidin., "Location of the vulnerable points to be struck by lightning in complex structures" . International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity 2005 (ICOLSE 2005), GND-20, September 19-23, Seattle, Washington, USA.

Vernon Cooray, Mahbubur Rahman, "Efficiencies for production of NOx and O3 by streamer discharges in air at atmospheric pressure", 10th International Conference on Electrostatics, Helsinki, Finland, June 15-17, 2005.

Vernon Cooray, Mahbubur Rahman., " On the relationship between the discharge current, energy dissipation and the NO X production in spark discharges". International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity 2005 (ICOLSE 2005), September 19-23, Seattle, Washington, USA.

Vernon Cooray, "On the validity of several approximate theories used in quantifying the propagation effects on lightning generated electromagnetic fields", Proceedings of the VIII International Symposium on Lightning Protection, SIPDA, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 2005.

O. Danielsson, M. Leijon, K. Thorburn, M. Eriksson, H. Bernhoff, "A Direct Drive Wave Energy Converter – Simulations and Experiments" Proceedings of OMAE 2005: 24th International Conference on Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Halkidiki, Greece, 12-17 June 2005.

L-E. Gustavsson, H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "PVD of Films on Ferromagnetic Substrates in Magnetized Plasma Systems”, Paper E-8, Proceedings of the 48th Annual Tech. Conf. of the Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC), Denver, April 2005, p. 27-30.

D. Månsson, J. Ericsson, R. Thottappillil, "Effect of conducted EFT type pulses on the point of entry of electrical systems in buildings" , RadioVetenskap och Kommunikation (RVK05), Linköping, June-14-16, 2005.

S. J. Rashid, L. Coulbeck, A. Tajani, M. Brezeanu, A. Garraway, T. Butler, N. L. Rupesinghe, D. J. Twitchen, G. A. J. Amaratunga, F. Udrea, P. Taylor, M. Dixon, J. Isberg, “Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Single Crystal Diamond Schottky Barrier Diodes”, Proceedings of the 17 International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices & IC's May 23-26, 2005 Santa Barbara, CA, p 315-318.

Erik Segergren, Karin Nilsson, Mats Leijon, "Permanent magnetized generator for marine current power conversion - proposed experimental setup", Presented at OMAE2005, Halkidiki, Greece, 12-17 June 2005.

N. Theethayi, and R. Thottappillil "Pulse Propagation in Underground Wires-A Transmission Line Analysis" , RadioVetenskap och Kommunikation (RVK 05), June 14-16, Linköping , 2005.

R. Thottappillil and N. Theethayi , "Lightning strike to tall towers with implications to electromagnetic interference" , RadioVetenskap och Kommunikation (RVK 05), June 14-16, Linkoping , 2005.

Thottappillil, R., V.A. Rakov, "Calculation Of Lightning Electromagnetic Fields: A Review ", Paper E04.6(0885), Proceedings of the XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Union of Radio Sciences, New Delhi, India, Oct. 23-29, 2005 (Invited paper).

Non refereed conference article

L. Bárdoš and H. Baránková, "Hollow Cathode Based Plasma Sources and Applications", INVITED PAPER, Proceedings of the 15th Symp. on Applications and Plasma Processes and 3rd EU-Japan Joint Symp. on Plasma Processing (SAPP XV), Podbanské, Slovakia, January 2005, IL01, p. 19-22.

Vernon Cooray and Nelson Theethayi, "Effects of corona on pulse propagation along transmission lines with special attention to the lightning return stroke models and return stroke velocity", Invited lecture, Proceedings of the VIII International Symposium on Lightning Protection, SIPDA, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 2005.

S. Gustafsson, O. Svensson, J. Sundberg, H. Bernhoff, M. Leijon, O. Danielsson, M. Eriksson, K. Thorburn, K. Strand, U. Henfridsson, E. Ericsson, K. Bergman, "Experiments at Islandsberg on the west coast of sweden in preparation of the construction of a pilot wave power plant" , Presented at the 6th EWTEC conference in Glasgow , 28th of August to 3rd of September 2005.

E. Segergren, K. Nilsson, J. Sundberg, M. Leijon, "The Marine Current Power Project at the Swedish Centre for Renewable Electric Energy Conversion ", Presented at the 6th EWTEC conference in Glasgow, 28th of August to 3rd of September 2005.

J. Sundberg, O. Langhamer, "ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONS RELATED TO POINT-ABSORBING LINEAR WAVE-GENERATORS: IMPACT, EFFECTS AND FOULING", Presented at the 6th EWTEC conference in Glasgow, 28th of August to 3rd of September 2005.

M. Stålberg , R. Waters, M. Eriksson, O. Danielsson, K. Thorburn, H. Bernhoff, M. Leijon, " Full-Scale Testing of PM Linear Generator for Point Absorber WEC" , Presented at the 6th EWTEC conference in Glasgow, 28th of August to 3rd of September 2005.

R. Thottappillil , Daniel Månsson, Nelson Theethayi, Mats Bäckström, Tony Nilsson, Göran Undén, Barbro Nordström, Per Bohlin, Per Anders Lindeberg, Ulf Hellström, Peter Lindeberg, Georg Bohlin, Mihael Zitnik, Lise Ekenberg, "Response of Civilian Facilities to Intentional Electromagnetic Interference (IEMI), with Emphasis on the Swedish Railway Network", EMC Europe Workshop, Rome , Sept. 19-21, 2005.

Master thesis

Hanna Ceder, "Simulations of hydro powerformer", UPTEC ES 1650-8300 ; 05004.

Carolin Cedergren, Karin Lindfors, "Effektiv frekvensreglering",Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Energisystem, UPTEC ES 05 003, April 2005.

Johannes Eklund, "Design of magnetic circuit in ribbon loud speaker", UPTEC F 1401-5757 ; 05058.

Maria Ekmarker, "Produktionsoptimering av Moforsens vattenkraftverk - undersökning av alternativ för byte eller upprustning av turbin", UPTEC F 04 090

Jonas Eriksson, "Effects of HPEM on the point of entry of electrical systems in buildings",UPTEC F 1401-5757 ; 05009.

Ramin Golrokh, "Characteristics of electrical discharges striking water surfaces", TVE 05 004.

Jonasson, Johan-Petter, "Model design of wave power linear generator farm", Examensarbete 20p Civilingenjörsprogrammet för Teknisk Fysik, UPTEC F05 065, ISSN 1401-5757, Oktober 2005

Camilla Lundberg, "An inventory of the saving potential at Fortum's hydropower plants" Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Energisystem, ISSN: 1650-8300, UPTEC ES05 007.

Anna Lodin, "The potentials for Fortum Service to integrate EHS in concepts and partnerships with industrial customers", UPTEC F 05 067.

Abdul Mohammad Muttalib, "Transient response of DC converter station subjected to lightning induced over-voltages (LIOV)", TVE 05 011.

Ziya Mazloom, "Transfer Impedance and Transmission Line Parameters of Multi-conductor Cables", UPTEC F05 055, Juni 2005.

William Healy Strömgren, "Automatic Adjustment of the Floatation Level for Tight-moored Buoy", Examensarbete 20p,Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Miljö och Vatten, UPTEC F05 026, Augusti 2005.

Magnus Stålberg , "Experimental Test Set-up for Wave Energy Converter Linear Generator", Examensarbete 20p,Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Energisystem, UPTEC ES05 005, September 2005.

Rafael Waters , "Design of Air Gap Measuring System for Permanent Magnet Linear Generators", Examensarbete 20p,Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Energisystem, UPTEC ES05 006, September 2005.



Björn Bolund, "Electric Power Generation and Storage Using a High Voltage Approach", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 173, ISBN 91-554-6552-8.

Oskar Danielsson, ”Wave Energy Conversion, Linear Synchronous Permanent Magnet Generator”, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 232, ISBN 91-554-6683-4.

Lars-Erik Gustavsson, "Hollow Cathode Deposition of Thin Films", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 194, ISNB 91-554-6586-2.

Adam Lindblom, "Inductive Pulse Generation", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 159, ISBN 91-554-6506-4.

Raul Montaño ,”The effect of Lightning on Low Voltage Network”, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 131, ISBN 91-554-6424-6.

Natalia Savenko, "MHD Stability and confinement of plasmas in a single mirror cell", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 155, ISBN 91-554-6497-1.

Karin Thorburn, ”Electric Energy Conversion Systems: Wave Energy and Hydropower”, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 202, ISBN 91-554-6617-6.

Licentiate thesis

Sandra Eriksson, "Vertical Axis Wind Turbines with Direct Driven Generators", UURIE 302-06L, Uppsala 2006.

Daniel Månsson, "Response of Civilian Facilities and Systems to High Power Electromagnetic (HPEM) Pulses and the Threat of Intentional Electromagnetic Interference (IEMI)", UURIE 301-06L, Uppsala 2006.

Richard Perers, "Hydroelectric Generators; Development and Magnetic Pull Forces caused by Rotor Eccentricity ", UURIE 300-06L, Uppsala 2006.

Andreas Solum, ”Permanent magnet generator for direct drive wind turbines”,
UURIE 303-06L, Uppsala 2006.

Reviewed literature

Justinian Anatory, Nelson Theethayi, Mussa Kissaka and Nerey Mvungi, "Broadband Powerline Communications: Performance Analysis", Enformatika Trans. on Engineering, Computing and Technology, Vol. 18, 2006, pp. 250-254.

H. Baránková, L. Bárdoš , D. Söderström and L-E. Gustavsson, “Characterization of Hybrid Atmospheric Plasma in Air and Nitrogen”, INVITED CONTRIBUTION, Vacuum Technology & Coating, December 2006, 44-47.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Hollow Cathode and Hybride Plasma Processing", Vacuum 80 (2006) 688-692.

H. Baránková, L. Bárdoš and D. Söderström, "Cold Atmospheric Plasma in Nitrogen and Air Generated by the Hybrid Plasma Source", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 24 (2006) 1410-1413.

L. Bárdoš, H. Baránková and L-E. Gustavsson, "Effect of Substrate Material and Bias on Properties of TiN Films Deposited in the Hybrid Plasma Reactor", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 24 (2006) 1655-1659.

L. Bárdoš and H. Baránková, "Atmospheric Plasma – Yes or No", Bulletin, Publication of the Vacuum Coating Industry, Summer 2006, 42-48.

Becerra, M. ; Cooray, V.; "A self-consistent upward leader propagation model", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2006, 39, 3708-3715 Abstract.

Becerra, M. ; Cooray, V.; "Time dependent evaluation of the lightning upward connecting leader inception", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2006, 39 4695-4702 Abstract.

Becerra, M.; Cooray, V.;, "A simplified physical model to determine the lightning upward connecting leader inception", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Volume 21, Issue 2, April 2006 Page(s):897 - 908.

Hans Bernhoff, Elisabeth Sjöstedt and Mats Leijon, "Wave energy resources in sheltered sea areas: A case study of the Baltic Sea", Renewable Energy, Volume 31, Issue 13, October 2006, Pages 2164-2170 Summary | Full Text.

O. Danielsson, M. Eriksson, M. Leijon, "Study of a longitudinal flux permanent magnet linear generator for wave energy converters", International Journal of Energy Research, vol 30, Issue 14, Nov 2006 (p 1130-1145) Abstract| References | Full Text

Eriksson, M.; Isberg, J.; Leijon, M., "Theory and Experiment on an Elastically Moored Cylindrical Buoy", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Volume 31, Issue 4, Oct. 2006 Page(s):959 - 963, Abstract.

Eriksson, S., Bernhoff, H. "Generator-Damped Torsional Vibrations of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine", Wind Engineering (2006) vol. 29, No. 5 p449,
doi: 10.1260/030952405775992625

L-E. Gustavsson, H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Some properties of TiN Films Produced in Hollow Cathode and Microwave ECR Hybrid Plasma System", Surf. Coat. Technol. 201 (2006) 1464-1468.

J. Isberg, M. Gabrysch, A. Tajani and D.J. Twitchen, "High-field Electrical Transport in Single Crystal CVD Diamond Diodes". Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 48 (2006) pp73-76.

J Isberg, M Gabrysch, A Tajani and D J Twitchen, "Transient current electric field profiling of single crystal CVD diamond", Semicond. Sci. Technol. 21 (2006) 1193-1195.

Jan Isberg, Antonella Tajani and Daniel J. Twitchen, "Photoionization measurement of deep defects in single-crystalline CVD diamond using the transient-current technique" Phys. Rev. B 73, 245207 (2006).

M. Leijon, O. Danielsson, M. Eriksson, K. Thorburn, H. Bernhoff, J. Isberg, J. Sundberg, I. Ivanova, E. Sjöstedt, O. Ågren, "An electrical approach to wave energy conversion", Renewable Energy, Volume 31, Issue 9, July 2006, Pages 1309-1319 Summary| Full Text

Lindblom, A.; Bernhoff, H.; Isberg, J.; Leijon, M.;"An Inductive 700-MW High-Voltage Pulse Generator", IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science, Volume 34, Issue 5, Part 1, Oct. 2006 Page(s):1838 - 1845. doi:10.1109/TPS.2006.881279

V.E.Moiseenko and O. Ågren , "A numerical model for radio-frequency heating of sloshing ions in a mirror trap", J. Plasma Phys 72, 1133 (2006).

Montano, R.; Becerra, M.; Cooray, V.; Rahman, M.; Liyanage, P.; “Resistance of spark channels”, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Physics, 2006, 34, 5, Page(s):1610 - 1619.

K. Nilsson, O. Danielsson, and M. Leijon, "Electromagnetic forces in the air gap of a permanent magnet linear generator at no load", JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 99, 034505, 2006.

M. Rahman, V. Cooray, G. Possnert, J. Nyberg, “An experimental quantification of the NOx production efficiency of energetic alpha particles in air.” J. of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 68, Nr. 11, pp1215-1218, 2006.

Rashid, S.J. ; Tajani, A.; Coulbeck, L.; Brezeanu, M.; Garraway, A.; Butler, T.; Rupesinghe, N.L.; Twitchen, D.J.; Amaratunga, G.A.J.; Udrea, F.; Taylor, P.; Dixon, M. and Isberg, J. "Modelling of single-crystal diamond Schottky diodes for high-voltage applications", Diam. Rel.Mater., v 15, n 2-3, (2006) 317-323. Summary | Full Text

N. Savenko, O.Ågren, "Finite β correction to the magnetic flux tube ellipticity of the straight field line mirror", Phys Plasmas 13, 122504 (2006). doi:10.1063/1.201153.

Erik Segergren and Mats Leijon,"Relation between generator geometry and resistance in armature winding", Applied Energy, Volume 83, Issue 8, August 2006, Pages 884-892 Summary | Full Text

Sonnadara, U.; Cooray, V.; Fernando, M.; "The Lightning Radiation Field Spectra of Cloud Flashes in the Interval From 20 kHz to 20 MHz", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume 48, Issue 1, Feb. 2006 Page(s):234 - 239.

Sonnadara, U., V. Cooray and T. Götschl, "Characteristics of cloud to ground flashes in Sweden" , Phys. Scr., vol. 74, pp. 541 – 548, 2006.

Karin Thorburn, Karl-Erik Karlsson, Arne Wolfbrandt, Mikael Eriksson and Mats Leijon
"Time stepping finite element analysis of a variable speed synchronous generator with rectifier", Applied Energy, Volume 83, Issue 4, April 2006 , Pages 371-386 Summary | Full Text

Anna Wolfbrandt, "Automated Design of a Linear Generator for Wave Energy Converters - A Simplified Model", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Volume 42, No7, July 2006.

Olov Ågren and V. Moiseenko, "Four motional invariants in axisymmetric tori equilibria", Phys Plasmas 13, 052501, (May 2006).

O.Ågren and N. Savenko, Reply to comment by Dr Kotelnikov on "Magnetic mirror minimum B field with optimal ellipticity", Physics of Plasmas 13, 124702 (2006), see also I.A. Kotelnikov, Phys_Plasmas 13, 124701 (2006).

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

Arevalo, L.; Becerra, M.; Roman, F.; "Understanding the point discharge DC current produced by corona needles", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP, Kanazawa, Japan, 2006. ISBN 4-9902110-2-2, pp. 1328-1333.

H. Baránková, L. Bárdoš , D. Söderström and L-E. Gustavsson, “Characterization of Hybrid Atmospheric Plasma in Air and Nitrogen”, Paper E-8, Proceedings of the 49th Annual Tech. Conf. of the Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC), Washington, DC, April 2006, p. 41-43.

Becerra, M., Cooray, V. (2006), “Velocity of Laboratory Electrical Discharges at low Pressure”, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE42A-05.

Becerra, M.; Cooray, V.; "Dynamic modeling of the lightning upward connecting leader inception", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP, Kanazawa, Japan, 2006. ISBN 4-9902110-2-2, pp. 543-548.

Becerra, M.; Cooray, V.; "An improved upward leader propagation model", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP, Kanazawa, Japan, 2006. ISBN 4-9902110-2-2, pp. 581-586.

Becerra, M.; Cooray, V.; Roman, F; "Striking distance of vulnerable points to be struck by lightning on complex structures ", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP, Kanazawa, Japan, 2006. ISBN 4-9902110-2-2, pp. 608-613.

Cooray, V.; Diendorfer, G.; Nucci, C.A.; Pavanello, D.; Rachidi, F.; Becerra, M.; Rubinstein, M.; Schulz, W.; "On the effect of the finite ground conductivity on electromagnetic field radiated by lightning to tall towers”, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP, Kanazawa, Japan, 2006. ISBN 4-9902110-2-2, pp. 267-272.

Cooray, V.; Becerra, M.; Rakov, V.; "On the Electric field at the tip of dart leaders in lightning flashes", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP, Kanazawa, Japan, 2006. ISBN 4-9902110-2-2, pp. 339-344.

Cooray, V. and V. Rakov, "A current generation type return stroke model that predicts the return stroke velocity", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2006, Kanazawa, Japan.

Edirisinghe, M., J. S. Makela, R. Montano, M. Fernando, V. Cooray, "Signatures of the lightning HF radiation at 10 MHz, 5 MHz and 3 MHz associated with leader and return stroke process", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2006, Kanazawa, Japan.

Makela, J. S., J. Jantunen, T. Ahola, A. Hämäläinen, R. Montano, and V. Cooray, "Simple technique for detection of HF radiation from lightning", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2006, Kanazawa , Japan.

Miki, M., T. Shindo, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, G. Diendorfer, M. Mair, F. Heidler, W. Zischank, R. Thottappillil, D. Wang, "Characterisation of current pulses superimposed on the continuous current in upward lightning initiated from tall objects and in rocket triggered lightning", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection, pp. 83-88, ISBN 4-9902110-2-2, Kanazawa, Japan, Sept. 18-22, 2006.

Daniel Månsson, Tony Nilsson, Rajeev Thottappillil and Mats Bäckström, "Susceptibility of GPS Receivers and Wireless Cameras to a single Radiated UWB Pulse", Proceedings of EMC Europe, Barcelona, Spain (2006)

M. Rahman, V. Cooray, V. A. Rakov, M. A. Uman, P. Liyanage, B. A. DeCarlo, J. Jerauld, R. C. Rob III, “Direct measurement of NOx produced by lightning”, EOS Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suupl., Abstract AE53A-0289, 2006

Sharma, S. R., M. Fernando and V. Cooray., "Positive bipolar type radiation field from lightning in Sri Lanka" , Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2006, Kanazawa , Japan.

Nelson Theethayi and Rajeev Thottappillil , "Simple Expressions for External Wire Impedance and Admittance for Lightning Current Pulse Propagation in Buried Wires", Fourth ASIA-PACIFIC Conference on Environmental Electromagnetics, CEEM 2006, Dalian University of Technology International Convention Center, Dalian, China Aug-l-4, 2006.

Theethayi, N., R. Thottappillil, "On reducing the internal voltages and currents due to lightning transients in buried shielded cables", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection, pp. 1322-1327, ISBN 4-9902110-2-2, Kanazawa, Japan, Sept. 18-22, 2006.

Rajeev Thottappillil and Vladimir Rakov, "Expressions for far fields at high altitudes from lightning return stroke", Proceedings of International Conference of Grounding and Earthing Ground' 2006 and International Conference on Lightning Physics and Effects 2nd LPE, Nov. 26-29, 2006, Maceio, Brazil, paper no. 18.

Rajeev Thottappillil and Nelson Theethayi, "Realistic sources for modeling lightning attachment to towers", Proceedings of International Conference of Grounding and Earthing Ground' 2006 and International Conference on Lightning Physics and Effects 2nd LPE, Nov. 26-29, 2006, Maceio, Brazil, paper no. 4.

K. Thorburn and M. Leijon, "Analytical and circuit simulations of linear generators in farm", 2005/06 IEEE PES T&D Conference and Exposition, Dallas, USA, 21-24 May 2006.

K. Thorburn, K. Nilsson, O. Danielsson and M. Leijon, "Generators and electrical systems for direct drive energy conversion", MAREC 2006 at WMTC 2006, London, UK, 6-10 March 2006.

Non refereed conference article

Baba, Y., F. Rachidi, R. Thottappillil, "Lightning to Tall Structures, in Tutorial on EMC aspects of Lightning", 17 th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Singapore, 27 th Feb- 3 rd March, 2006.

H. Baránková, L. Bárdoš and D. Söderström, “Hybrid Atmospheric Plasma in Molecular Gas”, Int. Conf. Metall. Coat.&Thin Films - ICMCTF-06, San Diego, May 2006, Paper G3-6.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Advantages and drawbacks of atmospheric plasma technology", INVITED PAPER, Anzio 2006, 7th Symp. Europ. Vac. Coaters, October 2006, Rome-Anzio.

L. Bárdoš and H. Baránková, “Atmospheric Plasma – Yes or No”, INVITED Presentation for the Donald M. Mattox Tutorial at the 49th Annual Tech. Conf. of the Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC), Washington, DC, April 2006.

Olivia Langhamer and Jan Sundberg, "Biofouling on wave power devices: a quantification study at the Swedish west coast", Presented at the 41^st European Marine Biology Symposium in Cork, Irland, Sept. 2006.

Mats Leijon, Björn Bolund and Urban Lundin, "High Voltage Generators; Ideas behind them and Operation Data", CMD 2006 (Conditioning , Monitoring and Diagnostics) 2-5 april, Korea.

T. Nilsson, D. Månsson, M. Bäckström,"HPM and UWB Susceptibility of GPS Receivers", AmerEM06, July 2006, Albuquerque, USA.

Andreas Solum, Paul Deglaire, Sandra Eriksson, Magnus Stålberg, Mats Leijon, Hans Bernhoff, "Design of a 12kW vertical axis wind turbine equipped with a direct driven PM synchronous generator", Presented at EWEC 2006 - European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition, Athen, Greece, Feb. 27 to Mar. 02, 2006.

R. Thottappillil, V.A. Rakov, "Far Fields at an Elevation from Lightning Return Strokes", Presented at the First International Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, EU COST P18, Vienna , April 03-04, 2006.

R. Thottappillil, N. Theethayi, "Realistic Sources for Modeling Lightning Interaction with Towers", Presented at the First International Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, EU COST P18, Vienna , April 03-04, 2006.

Thottappillil, R., N. Theethayi, V. Cooray, "Lightning Return Stroke Models and Electromagnetic Field Computation, in Tutorial on EMC aspects of Lightning", 17 th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Singapore, 27 th Feb- 3 rd March, 2006.

Theethayi, N., R. Thottappillil, "Lightning Interaction with Electrified Railways, in Tutorial on EMC aspects of Lightning", 17 th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Singapore, 27 th Feb- 3 rd March, 2006.

Thottappillil, R., "EMC Aspects of Lightning Interaction with Communication Towers", ICEMIC 2006, Bangalore, India, Feb. 21-24, 2006.

Master thesis

Kristin Andersen, "Lokalisering av vågkraftanläggningar : metodutveckling med GIS och fallstudie Bohuskusten", UPTEC ES 06 018.

Erik Andersson, "Real time thermal model for servomotor applications", UPTEC F 06 040.

Sofie Asplund, "Intelligent gamma-min control, advantages and disadvantages", UPTEC F 06 029.

Magnus Brandberg, Niclas Broman, "Future trading with regulating power", UPTEC ES 06 010.

Erik Brolin, "Dimensioning and designing the foundation and structure for a H-rotor type wind turbine", Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Teknisk Fysik, UPTEC F06 045, Juni 2006.

Håkan Eriksson, "Alternativ till fortsatt elektrisk generering i Olidan", UPTEC ES 05 008.

Erik Fröberg, "Current Power Resource Assessment", Energisystem, UPTEC ES 06 009, September 2006.

Mårten Grabbe, "Power take-off system for a marine current energy converter experimental set-up", Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Teknisk Fysik, UPTEC F06 077, November 2006.

Elin C. A. Gustavsson, "Identification of electric energy-saving projects in the district heating plants at Vattenfall Heat in Uppsala", Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Energisystem, UPTEC ES06 002, Mars 2006.

Daniel Holm, "Dammsäkerhet - erosionsskydd i utskovskanaler", UPTEC ES 06 008.

Erik Lejerskog, Cecilia Boström,"Substation for wave power", UPTEC F 06 070.

Mikael Palmqvist: "Grid connection for an offshore windfarm", Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Energisystem, UPTEC ES05 009, Februari 2006.

Peter Schwitzky "Construction, Modeling and Evaluation of a Low Loss Motor/Generator for Flywheels", Diploma work 20p,Uppsala Universtiy, UPTEC TVE 06 003, Mars 2006.

Carl-Henrik Sundberg "Design av kraftelektronik", Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Teknisk Fysik 20p, UPTEC F06 042, Maj 2006.



Mikael Eriksson, "Modelling and Experimental Verification of Direct Drive Wave Energy Conversion. Buoy-Generator Dynamics", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 287, ISBN 978-91-554-6850-7.

Licentiate thesis

Marley Becerra, "On The Initiation of Upward Positive Leader Discharges
During Lightning Strikes"
, UURIE 304-07L, Uppsala 2007.

Reviewed literature

Justinian Anatory, Nelson Theethayi, Rajeev Thottappillil, Mussa Kissaka and Nerey Mvungi, "The Effects of Load Impedance, Line Length, and Branches in the BPLC—Transmission-Line Analysis for Indoor Voltage Channel", IEEE trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 22, no. 4, 2007, pp. 2150-2155.

Justinian Anatory, Nelson Theethayi, Mussa Kissaka, Nerey Mvungi and Rajeev Thottappillil, "The Effects of Load Impedance, Line Length and Branches in the BPLC- Transmission Lines Analysis for Medium Voltage Channel", IEEE trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 22, no. 4, 2007, pp. 2156-2162.

L. Bárdoš and H. Baránková, "Cold Atmospheric Plasma Deposition of Diamond", Plasma Processes and Polymers 4 (2007) 511-514.

Becerra, M. ; Cooray, V.; Soula, S.; Chauzy, S.; "Effect of the space charge layer created by corona at ground level on the inception of upward lightning leaders from tall towers", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 112, 2007, D12205. doi:10.1029/2006JD008308. Summary

Becerra, M. ; Cooray, V.; Hartono, Z.; "Identification of lightning vulnerability points on complex grounded structures", Journal of Electrostatics, 65, 2007, pp. 562-570. Summary | Full Text

Björn Bolund, Hans Bernhoff and Mats Leijon, " Flywheel energy and power storage systems ", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 11, Issue 2, February 2007, Pages 235-258 Summary | Full Text

Cooray, V., Carlo Alberto Nucci and Farhad Rachidi, "Guest editorial", Journal of Electrostatics, Volume 65, Issues 5-6, Page 281, May 2007.

Cooray, V., C. Cooray and C.J. Andrews, "Lightning caused injuries in humans", Journal of Electrostatics, Volume 65, Issues 5-6, Pages 386 - 394, May 2007.

Cooray, V. and V. Rakov, "A current generation type return stroke model that predicts the return stroke velocity", J. Lightning Res., vol. 1, Pages 32 - 39, 2007.

Vernon Cooray, Vladimir Rakov and Nelson Theethayi, "The lightning striking distance—Revisited", Journal of Electrostatics,Vol. 65, Issues. 5-6, 2007, pp. 296–306.

Vernon Cooray and Nelson Theethayi, "The striking distance of lightning flashes and the early streamer emission (ESE) hypothesis", Journal of Electrostatics,Vol. 65, Issues. 5-6, 2007, pp. 336–341.

Oskar Danielsson and Mats Leijon, "Flux Distribution in Linear Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines Including Longitudinal End Effects", IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Volume 43, Issue 7, July 2007 pp 3197 - 3201

M.Eriksson, R.Waters, O.Svensson, J.Isberg and M.Leijon, "Wave power absorption: Experiments in open sea and simulation", JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 102,084910 (2007) Abstract.

Urban Henfridsson, Viktoria Neimane, Kerstin Strand, Robert Kapper, Hans Bernhoff, Oskar Danielsson, Mats Leijon, Jan Sundberg, Karin Thorburn, Ellerth Ericsson and Karl Bergman, "Wave energy potential in the Baltic Sea and the Danish part of the North Sea, with reflections on the Skagerrak", Renewable Energy, Volume 32, Issue 12, October 2007, Pages 2069-2084 Summary | Full Text .

Pär Holmberg and Mats Leijon, "Coupled FEM and lumped circuit model of the electromagnetic response of coaxially insulated windings in two slot cores ", European Transactions on Electrical Power, Volume 17, Issue 6 , November/December 2007, pp 554-568.

M.Karlsson, J-O Aidanpää, R.Perers and M.Leijon, "Rotor Dynamic Analysis of an Eccentric Hydropower Generator With Damper Winding for Reactive Load", Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol 74, nov 2007, pp 1178-1186.

M Leijon and K Nilsson, "Direct electric energy conversion system for energy conversion from marine currents", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, Volume 221, Number 2 / 2007, Full Text.

Adam Lindblom - Jan Isberg - Hans Bernhoff - Mats Leijon, "Inductive high voltage pulse generator based on resonance system", Journal of electrical engineering, Vol. 58, No. 1, 2007, 1-7.

Per Anders Lindeberg, Ziya Mazloom, Nelson Theethayi, Rajeev Thottappillil, Thorsten Schutte, "Blitzeinwirkungen auf Oberleitungs und Signalanlagen in Schweden", eb-Elektrische Bahnen, 105, 2007, pp. 67-80.

Yaqing Liu, Nelson Theethayi and Rajeev Thottappillil, "Investigating the validity of existing definitions and empirical equations of effective length/area of grounding wire/grid for transient studies", Journal of Electrostatics, Vol. 65, Issues. 5-6, 2007, pp. 329–335.

L. Lundstrom, R. Gustavsson, J.-O. Aidanpaa, N. Dahlback, M. Leijon, "Influence on the stability of generator rotors due to radial and tangential magnetic pull force", Electric Power Applications, IET, January 2007 Volume: 1, Issue: 1, Pages: 1-8, Abstract.

Urban Lundin, Björn Bolund, and Mats Leijon, "Poynting Vector Analysis of Synchronous Generators Using Field Simulations", IEEE Trans. on Magnetics,Volume 43, Issue 9, Part 1, Sept. 2007 Pages:3601 - 3606, Abstract.

Daniel Månsson, Tony Nilsson, Rajeev Thottappillil, Mats Bäckström, "Propagation of UWB Transients in Low-Voltage Installation Power Cables", IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 49, Issue: 3, pp. 585-592, Aug. 2007.

Richard Perers, Urban Lundin and Mats Leijon, "Saturation Effects on Unbalanced Magnetic Pull in a Hydroelectric Generator With an Eccentric Rotor", IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Volume 43, Issue 10, October 2007 pp 3884 - 3890.

Richard Perers, Urban Lundin and Mats Leijon, "Development of synchronous generators for Swedish hydropower: A review", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 11, Issue 5, June 2007, Pages 1008-1017, Summary | Full Text

Rahman, M., V. Cooray, V. A. Rakov, M. A. Uman, P. Liyanage, B. A. DeCarlo, J. Jerauld, and R. C. Olsen, III (2007), "Measurements of NOX produced by rocket-triggered lightning", Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L03816, doi:10.1029/2006GL027956.

Andreas Solum, Mats Leijon, "Investigating the overload capacity of a direct-driven synchronous permanent magnet wind turbine generator designed using high-voltage cable technology", International Journal of Energy Research, Volume 31, Issue 11, September 2007, Pages 1076-1086.

D. Söderström, L. Bárdoš and H. Baránková. "On dimensions of atmospheric
pressure hollow cathodes"
, IEEE T. Plasma Sci., vol 35, pp. 522-526, 2007.

Nelson Theethayi and Rajeev Thottappillil, "On Reducing the Lightning Transients in Buried Shielded Cables Using Follow-On Earth Wire", IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 49, No. 4, November. 2007, pp. 924-927.

Nelson Theethayi and Rajeev Thottappillil, "Some Issues Concerning Lightning Strikes to Communication towers", Journal of Electrostatics, Vol. 65, Issues 10-11, October 2007, pp. 689-703.

Nelson Theethayi, Ziya Mazloom and Rajeev Thottappillil, "Technique for Reducing Transient Voltages in Multiconductor-Shielded Cables" IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 49, No. 2, May 2007, pp. 434-440.

Nelson Theethayi, Rajeev Thottappillil, Mario Paolone, Carlo Alberto Nucci and Farhad Rachidi, "External Impdeance and Admittance of Buried Horizontal Wires for Transient Studies Using Transmission Line Analysis", IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 751-761, June 2007.

Nelson Theethayi, Rajeev Thottappillil, Yaqing Liu and Raul Montano, "Important Parameters That Influence Crosstalk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines", Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 77, Issue 8, 2007, pp. 896-909.

Nelson Theethayi, Rajeev Thottappillil, Tegegne Yirdaw, Yaqing Liu, Thomas Götschl and Raul Montano , "Experimental Investigation of Lightning Transients Entering a Swedish Railway Facility",
IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 22, No. 1, January 2007, pp. 354-363.

Karin Thorburn and Mats Leijon, "Farm size comparison with analytical model of linear generator wave energy converters", Ocean Engineering, Volume 34, Issues 5-6, April 2007, Pages 908-916.

Thottappillil, R., V. A. Rakov, and N. Theethayi, "Expressions for far electric fields produced at an arbitrary altitude by lightning return strokes", J. Geophys. Res., 112, D16102, doi:10.1029/2007JD008559.

Thottappillil, R., V. A. Rakov, "Review of Three Equivalent Approaches for Computing Electromagnetic Fields from an Extending Lightning Discharge", Journal of Lightning Research, Vol. 1, pages 90-110, 2007.

R. Waters, M. Stålberg, O. Danielsson, O. Svensson, S. Gustafsson, E. Strömstedt, M. Eriksson, J. Sundberg, and M. Leijon, "Experimental results from sea trials of an offshore wave energy system", Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 034105 (2007).

R. Waters, O. Danielsson and M. Leijon, "Measuring air gap width of permanent magnet linear generators using search coil sensor", J. Appl. Phys. 101, 024518 (2007).

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Pulsed DC Hollow Cathode Deposition of Cr and CrN Films", Paper E-11, Proceedings of the 50th Annual Tech. Conf. of the Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC), Louisville, April-May 2007, p. 63-66.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Hollow Cathode and Hybrid Atmospheric Plasma Sources", PLENARY PAPER, Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium of Plasma Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan, August 16-31 2007.

L. Bárdoš and H. Baránková, "Plasma Processes at Atmospheric and Low Pressures", INVITED PAPER, Proceedings of the 9th Int. Symp. on Sputtering & Plasma Processes (ISSP 2007), Kanazawa , Japan , June 2007, MST 3-4, p. 223-228.

Dierk Bormann, Surajit Midya, Rajeev Thottappillil , "DC Components in Pantograph Arcing: Mechanisms and Influence of Various Parameters", EMC Zurich 2007, Munich, Germany, 24th to 28th Sept, 2007.

Cooray, V., Dwyer, J., Rahman, M., Rassoul, H., "On the possibility of accelerating electrons to X-ray energies in the electric fields created during the meeting of positive and negative streamer fronts in laboratory electrical discharges", EOS Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suupl., Abstract AE44A-03, San Francisco, USA, 2007.

Cooray Vernon, Mahbubur Rahman and Vladimir Rakov, "NOx production in lightning flashes", International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, ICAE, Beijing, China, 2007.

Cooray Vernon, Marley Becerra and Mahbubur Rahman, "On the NOx production in ‘cold’ electrical discharges", International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, ICAE, Beijing, China, 2007.

J. Engström, R. Waters, M. Stålberg, E. Strömstedt, M. Eriksson, J. Isberg, U. Henfridsson, K. Bergman, J. Asmussen, and M. Leijon, "Offshore experiments on a direct-driven Wave Energy Converter", Proceedings of the 7th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 11-13 September 2007, Porto, Portugal.

Olivia Langhamer and Dan Wilhelmsson, "Wave power devices as artificial reefs", Proceedings of the 7th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 11-13 September 2007, Porto, Portugal.

Ziya Mazloom, Nelson Theethayi, Rajeev Thottappillil , "Influence of Discrete Series Devices on Crosstalk Phenomena in Multiconductor Transmission Lines", EMC Zurich 2007, Munich, Germany, 24th to 28th Sept, 2007

Daniel Månsson, Olof Lundén, Rajeev Thottappillil and Mats Bäckström, "The scenario of intentionally radiated electromagnetic interference to railway systems",
Proceeding of the EMC Europe Workshop 2007, June 14 - 16, 2007, Paris

K. Nilsson, M. Grabbe, K. Yuen and M. Leijon, "A direct drive generator for marine current energy conversion - first experimental results", Proceedings of the 7th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 11-13 September 2007, Porto, Portugal.

Rahman M., V. G. Cooray, V. A. Rakov, "X-ray Production in Laboratory Sparks in air", EOS Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suupl., Abstract AE31A-0046, 2007.

Magnus Stålberg, Rafael Waters, Oskar Danielsson, Prof. Mats Leijon, "Influence of Generator Damping on Peak Power and Variance of Power for a Direct Drive Wave Energy Coverter", Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering OMAE 2007, June 10-15, 2007, San Diego, California, USA.

Katarina Yuen, Karin Nilsson, Mårten Grabbe, Prof. Mats Leijon, "Experimental Setup: Low Speed Permanent Magnet Generator For Marine Current Power Conversion", Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering OMAE 2007, June 10-15, 2007, San Diego, California, USA.

Non refereed conference article

P. Appelgren, S. Andreasson, T. Hurtig, A. Larsson, and S. E. Nyholm, "Modelling of a small helical magnetic flux compression generator", 2007 IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference, Albuquerque, USA, 17-22 June 2007.

P. Appelgren, G. Bjarnholt, M. Elfsberg, T. Hurtig, A. Larsson, and S. E. Nyholm, "Small helical magnetic flux compression generators: experiment and analysis", 2007 IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference, Albuquerque, USA, 17-22 June 2007.

Y. Baba, F. Rachidi, R. Thottappillil, "Lightning to Tall Structures, in Tutorial on EMC aspects of Lightning", 2007 IEEE EMC International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2007.

L. Bárdoš and H. Baránková, "Comparison of Pulsed DC and RF Hollow Cathode Depositions of CrN", Int. Conf. Metall. Coat.&Thin Films - ICMCTF-07, San Diego, April 2007, Paper G3-9.

Paul Deglaire, Sandra Eriksson, Jon Kjellin, Hans Bernhoff, "Experimental results from a 12 kW vertical axis wind turbine with a direct driven PM synchronous generator", Presented at EWEC 2007 - European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition, Milan, Italy, May. 7-10, 2007.

M. Elfsberg, T. Hurtig, A. Larsson, C. Möller and S. E. Nyholm, "Experimental studies of anode and cathode materials in a repetitive-driven axial vircator", 2007 IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference, Albuquerque, USA, 17-22 June 2007.

A. Larsson, H. Bernhoff, Simon Hogdin, Juan de Santiago, B. Bolund and S. E. Nyholm "Construction, modelling and evaluation of a low-loss motor/generator for flywheel energy storage", 7th Int. All-Electric Combat Vehicle Conf., Stockholm, Sweden, 11-13 June 2007.

A. Lindblom, A. Larsson, H. Bernhoff and M. Leijon, "45 GW pulsed-power generator", 2007 IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference, Albuquerque, USA, 17-22 June 2007.

Surayit Midya, Rajeev Thottappillil, Uppsala University, T Schütte, Rejlers Ingenjörer AB, Vasteras, Sweden, "CONSEQUENCES OF DC COMPONENTS IN AC RAILWAYS & THEIR ELIMINATION", Presented at the Railway Engineering 2007 at London, UK.

D. Månsson and R. Thottappillil, "The Threat of Conducted High Power Electromagnetic Pulses in Civilian Facilities", Proceeding's of the E3 2007 (EMC, ESD och Elsäkerhet) conference, 17- 18 April, 2007, Gothenburg, Sweden

S. E. Nyholm, M. Akyuz, P. Appelgren, M. Elfsberg, T. Hurtig, A. Larsson and C. Möller, "Studies of vircator operation at FOI - electrode material erostion studies", Tenth Annual Directed Energy Symposium, Huntsville, USA, 5-8 November 2007, INVITED Presentation.

Rubinstein, M., R. Thottappillil, and F. Rachidi, "Discussion on the influence of the time derivative of the current and the charge acceleration on the radiation fields from lightning channels", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Beijing, March 26-30, 2007 (PIERS2007).

D. Söderström, H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Space-Charge Sheaths in Atmospheric Pressure Hollow Cathodes", Proceedings of the 16th Symp. on Applications and Plasma Processes on Plasma Processing (SAPP XVI), Podbanské, Slovakia, January 2007, P69, p. 261-262.

D. Söderström, H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Time evolution of the space-charge sheath in an rf hollow cathode", Int. Vacuum Congress (IVC-17), Stockholm July 2-6, 2007, paper PSTFO2-Or1.

Theethayi N & Thottappillil R, "Lightning Interaction with Electrified Railways, in Tutorial on EMC aspects of Lightning", 2007 IEEE EMC International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2007.

Nelson Theethayi, Z Mazloom, R Thottappillil, Uppsala Univ, PA Lindeberg, Banverket, Borlange & T Schütte, Rejlers, Vasteras, Sweden, "LIGHTNING INTERACTION WITH THE SWEDISH RAILWAY NETWORK", Presented at the Railway Engineering 2007 at London, UK.

Thottappillil R, Cooray V & Theethayi N, "Lightning Return Stroke Models and Electromagnetic Field Computation", 2007 IEEE EMC International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2007.

Thottappillil, R., and N. Theethayi, "Modeling Lightning Attachment to Tall Towers", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Beijing, March 26-30, 2007 (PIERS2007).

Thottappillil, R., and V. A. Rakov, "Equivalent Approaches to Computing Electromagnetic Fields from an Extending Lightning Discharge", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Beijing, March 26-30, 2007 (PIERS2007).

Master thesis

Andreas Eriksson, "An evaluation of correlation effects between renewable energy sources acting together on a large grid", UPTEC F 06 067.

Camilla Feurst, "Hydropower Regulation Portfolio - Life Time Change Management." Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Energisystem, UPTEC ES07 005.

Andreas Hammar & Daniel Andersson, "Environmental impact assessment of a planned windpark outside Kastlösa, Öland", Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Energisystem, UPTEC ES07 003, Januari 2007.

Ida Jansson, "Experimental Characterization of a full scale Hydropower Machine -A prestudy of the instrumentation of the runner and guide bearings", UPTEC ES05 000.

Stuart King, "A 12kW Direct Driven Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator", UPTEC TVE 07011 October 2007.

Kristoffer Kissavos, "Temporal Characteristics of Ocean Waves - with Special Attention to Thunderstorm", Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Teknisk Fysik, 20p, UPTEC F07 021, Februari 2007.

Jon Kjellin, "Automation of cable winding for a linear generator stator", Civilingenjörsprogrammet i teknisk fysik, Uptec F07 022, Mars 2007.

Johan Lidenholm, "Power system stabilizer performance : a qualitative assessment with respect to parameterization and changing operating conditions", UPTEC F 07 109.

Johan Lundin, "Kan geotermisk elproduktion i Sverige vara lönsam? Is geothermal electricity production in Sweden economically feasible?", Civilingenjörsprogrammet i miljö- och vattenteknik, Uptec W07 020, Oktober 2007

Markus Navander, "Asynkronmotorer - driftegenskaper, konstruktionsmarginaler", UPTEC F 07 091.

Magnus Norberg, "Marktillgång för vindkraftverk : en jämförelse av anläggningsarrende och fastighetsbildning för att tillgodose markbehovet för landbaserad vindkraft", Examensarbete med praktik.

Anna Nordin, "Controllable constant voltage load for wind energy converter", Civilingenjörsprogrammet i teknisk fysik, Uptec F07 084, Augusti 2007.

Simon Tyrberg , "Offshore Surveillance of Wave Buoys ",Civilingenjörsprogrammet i teknisk fysik, Uptec F07 061, Maj 2007.

Carina Ulvegren, "Software development for the COMPASS experiment : vertex determination procedures", UPTEC F 07 032.

Mats Wahl, "Designing an H-rotor type Wind Turbine for Operation on Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station", Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Energisystem, UPTEC ES07 030, December 2007.

Books and Book chapters

H. Baránková and L. Bárdoš, "Atmospheric Plasma Technology for Coating", in 50 Years of Vacuum Coating Technology, edited by D.M. Mattox and V.H. Mattox (Society of Vacuum Coaters, Albuquerque, NM, 2007), Chap. 19. ISBN: 978-1-878068-27-9.



Marley Becerra, "On the attachment of Lightning Flashes to Grounded Structures", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 438, ISBN 978-91-554-7216-0 Abstract.

Sandra Eriksson, "Direct Driven Generators for Vertical Axis Wind Turbines", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 547, ISBN 978-91-554-7264-1 Abstract.

Daniel Månsson, ”Intentional electromagnetic interference (IEMI): Susceptibility investigations and classification of civilian systems and equipment”, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 549, ISBN 978-91-554-7272-6 Abstract.

Karin Thomas, "Low Speed Energy Conversion from Marine Currents", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 287, ISBN 978-91-554-7063-0 Abstract.

Daniel Söderström, "Modelling and Applications of the Hollow Cathode Plasma", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 433, ISBN 978-91-554-7206-1, Abstract.

Rafael Waters, ”Energy from Ocean Waves. Full Scale Experimental Verification of a Wave Energy Converter”, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 580, ISBN 978-91-554-7354-9, Abstract.

Licentiate thesis

Markus Gabrysch, "Electronic Properties of Diamond", UURIE 305-08L, Uppsala 2008.

Surajit Midya, Electromagnetic Interference in Modern Electrified Railway
Systems with Emphasis on Pantograph Arcing
, UURIE 306-08L, Uppsala 2008.

Katarina Yuen, "System Aspects of Marine Current Energy Conversion", UURIE 307-08L, Uppsala 2008.

Reviewed literature

Justinian Anatory, Nelson Theethayi, Rajeev Thottappillil, Mussa Kissaka, and Nerey Mvungi, "An Experimental Validation for Broadband Power-Line Communication (BPLC) Model" IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2008, pp. 1380 - 1383.

Justinian Anatory, Nelson Theethayi, Rajeev Thottappillil, Mussa Kissaka and Nerey Mvungi, "The Influence of Load Impedance, Line Length, and Branches on Underground Cable Power-Line Communications (PLC) Systems", IEEE trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 23, no. 1, 2008, pp. 180 - 187.

Justinian Anatory and Nelson Theethayi, "On the Efficacy of Using Ground Return in the Broadband Power-Line Communications—A Transmission-Line Analysis", IEEE trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 23, no. 1, 2008, pp. 132 - 139.

Justinian Anatory, Nelson Theethayi, Rajeev Thottappillil, Mussa Kissaka and Nerey Mvungi, "Broadband Power-Line Communications: The Channel Capacity Analysis", IEEE trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 23, no. 1, 2008, pp. 164 - 170.

Justinian Anatory, Nelson Theethayi, Rajeev Thottappillil, Mussa Kissaka and Nerey Mvungi, "Expressions for Current/Voltage Distribution in Broadband Power-Line Communication Networks Involving Branches", IEEE trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 23, no. 1, 2008, pp. 188 - 195.

P. Appelgren, N. Brenning, T. Hurtig, A. Larsson, B. M. Novac and S. E. Nyholm, "Modelling of a small helical magnetic flux compression generator", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol 36, pp 2662-2672 (2008).

P. Appelgren, G. Bjarnholt, N. Brenning, M. Elfsberg, T. Hurtig, A. Larsson, B. Novac and S. E. Nyholm, "Small helical magnetic flux compression generators: experiment and analysis", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol 36, pp 2673-2683 (2008).

R S Balmer, I Friel, S M Woollard, C J H Wort, G A Scarsbrook, S E Coe, H El-Hajj, A Kaiser, A Denisenko, E Kohn, J. Isberg, "Unlocking Diamond’s Potential as an Electronic Material", Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A (2008) 366, 251–265, Abstract

H. Baránková and L. Bárdos, "Hollow Cathode and Hybrid Atmospheric Plasma Sources", INVITED CONTRIBUTION, Pure and Applied Chemistry 80 (2008) 1931-1937.

L. Bárdos and H. Baránková, "Plasma processes at atmospheric and low pressures", Vacuum 83 (2008) 522-527.

Marley Becerra, Vernon Cooray and Francisco Roman, "Lightning striking distance of complex structures", Generation, Transmission & Distribution, IET Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2008 Page(s):131 - 138, Abstract

Marley Becerra, Vernon Cooray, "Laboratory experiments cannot be utilized to justify the action of early streamer emission terminals", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 085204 (8pp), 2008 doi:10.1088/0022-3727/41/8/085204.

Marley Becerra, Vernon Cooray, "On the velocity of positive connecting leaders associated with negative downward lightning leaders", Geophysical Research Letters, VOL. 35, L02801, 2008 doi:10.1029/2007GL032506.

B.Bolund, M.Leijon and U.Lundin, "Poynting Theorem applied to Cable Wound Generators" IEEE Transaction on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 15, No 2 April 2008 pp 600-605 doi:10.1109/TDEI.2008.4483482.

Alberto De Conti, Silverio Visacro, Nelson Theethayi and Vernon Cooray, "A comparison of different approaches to simulate a nonlinear channel resistance in lightning return stroke models", J. Geophys. Res., 113, D14129, 2008 doi:10.1029/2007JD009395.

Cooray, V., Rakov, V.A., Rachidi, F., Montano, R., Nucci, C.A. ,"On the Relationship Between the Signature of Close Electric Field and the Equivalent Corona Current in Lightning Return Stroke Models", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol 50, Issue 4 , pp 921-927 (2008), doi:10.1109/TEMC.2008.926918.

Cooray, V., "On the Accuracy of Several Approximate Theories Used in Quantifying the Propagation Effects on Lightning Generated Electromagnetic Fields", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Volume 56, Issue 7, 2008. Page(s):1960 – 1967, doi:10.1109/TAP.2008.924680.

Vernon Cooray and Nelson Theethayi, "Pulse Propagation Along Transmission Lines in the Presence of Corona and Their Implication to Lightning Return Strokes", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 56, No. 7, 2008, pp. 1948 - 1959. doi:10.1109/TAP.2008.924678.

Cooray, G. and V. Cooray, "Could some ball lightning observations be optical hallucinations caused by epileptic seizures?", Open Atmospheric Science Journal, vol. 2, pp. 101 – 105, 2008.

Cooray, V., M. Becerra and M. Rahman, "On the NOx generation in corona, streamer and low pressure electrical discharges", Open Atmospheric Science Journal, vol. 2, pp. 176 – 180, 2008.

P. Deglaire, O. Ågren, H. Bernhoff and M. Leijon, "Conformal mapping and efficient boundary element method without boundary elements for fast vortex particle simulations", European Journal of Mechanics - B,Fluids, Volume 27, Issue 2, March-April 2008, Pages 150-176, doi:10.1016/j.euromechflu.2007.03.005.

Dwyer J. R., Z. Saleh, H. K. Rassoul, D. Concha, M. Rahman, V. Cooray, J. Jerauld, M. A. Uman, and V. A. Rakov, "A study of X-ray emission from laboratory sparks in air at atmospheric pressure", Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 113, 2008, D23207, doi: 10.1029/2008JD010315.

M. Elfsberg, T. Hurtig, A. Larsson, C. Möller and S. E. Nyholm, "Experimental studies of anode and cathode materials in a repetitive-driven axial vircator", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol 36, pp 688-693 (2008).

Sandra Eriksson, Andreas Solum, Mats Leijon and Hans Bernhoff, "Simulations and experiments on a 12 kW direct driven PM synchronous generator for wind power", Renewable Energy, Volume 33, Issue 4, April 2008, Pages 674-681. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2007.03.027.

Sandra Eriksson, Hans Bernhoff and Mats Leijon, "Evaluation of different turbine concepts for wind power", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 12, Issue 5, June 2008, Pages 1419-1434. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2006.05.017.

D. Flache, V. A. Rakov, F. Heidler, W. Zischank, and R. Thottappillil, "Initial-stage pulses in upward lightning: Leader/return stroke versus M-component mode of charge transfer to ground", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 35, L13812, doi:10.1029/2008GL034148, 2008.

M. Gabrysch, S. Majdi, A. Hallén, M. Linnarsson, A. Schöner, D. Twitchen and J. Isberg, “Compensation in boron-doped CVD diamond”, physica status solidi (a) 205, No. 9, 2190-2194 (2008). doi:10.1002/pssa.200879711.

M. Gabrysch, E. Marklund, J. Hajdu, D. J. Twitchen, J. Rudati, A. M. Lindenberg, C. Caleman, R. W. Falcone, T. Tschentscher, K. Moffat, P. H. Bucksbaum, J. Als-Nielsen, A. J. Nelson, D. P. Siddons, P. J. Emma, P. Krejcik, H. Schlarb, J. Arthur, S. Brennan, J. Hastings, and J. Isberg, “Formation of secondary electron cascades in single-crystalline plasma-deposited diamond upon exposure to femtosecond x-ray pulses”, Journal of Applied Physics 103, 064909 (2008). doi:10.1063/1.2890158.

A. Larsson, B. Johansson and S. E. Nyholm, "Radiated electric field strength from high-power microwave systems", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol 50, pp 758-761 (2008).

Mats Leijon, Cecilia Boström, Oskar Danielsson, Stefan Gustafsson, Kalle Haikonen, Olivia Langhamer, Erland Strömstedt, Magnus Stålberg, Jan Sundberg, Olle Svensson, Simon Tyrberg and Rafael Waters, "Wave Energy from the North Sea: Experiences from the Lysekil Research Site", Surveys in Geophysics, Volume 29 2008 :221–240, DOI 10.1007/s10712-008-9047-x.

Surajit Midya and Rajeev Thottappillil, "An Overview of Electromagnetic Compatibility Challenges in European Rail Traffic Management System", Journal of Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Elsevier, Vol 16C, Issue 5, 2008, pp 515-534.

Raul Montano, Nelson Theethayi and Vernon Cooray, "An Efficient Implementation of the Agrawal Model for Lightning-Induced Voltage Calculations Using Circuit Simulation Software", IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, Vol. 55, No. 9, 2008, pp. 2959-2965.

Daniel Månsson, Rajeev Thottappillil and Mats Bäckström, "Propagation of UWB Transients in Low-Voltage Power Installation Networks", IEEE Transactions On Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 619-629, August 2008. Abstract.

Månsson, D.; Thottappillil, R.; Nilsson, T.; LundÉn, O.; Bäckström, M., "Susceptibility of Civilian GPS Receivers to Electromagnetic Radiation", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY, VOL. 50, NO. 2, pp. 434-437, May 2008.

Månsson, D.; Thottappillil, R.; Bäckström, M.; Lundén, O., "Vulnerability of European Rail Traffic Management System to Radiated Intentional EMI", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY, VOL. 50, NO. 1, pp. 101-109, FEBRUARY 2008.

Mäkelä, J. S., N. Porjo, A. Mäkelä, T. Tuomi, and V. Cooray, "Properties of preliminary breakdown processes in Scandinavian lightning", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 70, Issue 16, Pages 2041-2052, December 2008.

Amitabh Nag, Vladimir A. Rakov, Wolfgang Schulz, Marcelo M. F. Saba, Rajeev Thottappillil, Christopher J. Biagi, Alcides Oliveira Filho, Ahmad Kafri, Nelson Theethayi, and Thomas Götschl, "First versus subsequent return-stroke current and field peaks in negative cloud-to-ground lightning discharges" , Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 113, 2008, D19112, doi:10.1029/2007JD009729.

S. E. Nyholm, M. Akyuz, P. Appelgren, M. Elfsberg, T. Hurtig, A. Larsson and C. Möller, "Studies of vircator operation at FOI - electrode material erostion studies",Journal of Directed Energy, Vol 3, pp 39-53 (2008).

Rahman, M., V. Cooray, N. A. Ahmed, J. Nyberg, V. A. Rakov and S. Sharma, "X rays from 80-cm long sparks in air", Geophys. Ress. Lett., vol. 35, 2008. L06805, doi:10.1029/2007GL032678.

Rahman, M. and V. Cooray, "A study of NO_X production in air heated by laser discharges: Effect of energy, wavelength, multiple discharges and pressure", Optics & Laser Technology", Volume 40, Issue 1, Pages 208-214, 2008.

S. J. Rashid, A. Tajani, D. J. Twitchen, L. Coulbeck, F. Udrea, T. Butler, N. L. Rupesinghe, M. Brezeanu, J. Isberg, A. Garraway, M. Dixon, R. S. Balmer, D. Chamund, P.Taylor and G. A. J. Amaratunga. "Numerical parameterisation of chemical vapour deposited (CVD) single crystal diamond for device simulation and analysis", IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 55, no 10, 2744-2756 (2008). doi: 10.1109/TED.2008.2003225.

Sharma, S. R., M. Fernando and V. Cooray, "Narrow positive bipolar radiation from lightning observed in Sri Lanka", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 70, Issue 10, Pages 1251-1260, 2008. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2008.03.003.

Sharma, S. R., V. Cooray and M. Fernando, "Isolated breakdown activity in Swedish lightning", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 70, Issues 8-9 , Pages 1213-1221, 2008 doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2008.03.003.

Stålberg, M., Waters, R., Danielsson, O. & Leijon, M. "Influence of generator damping on peak power and variance of power for a direct drive wave energy converter". Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering vol 130, Iss. 3, 2008.

D. Söderström, H. Baránková and L. Bárdos, "Time evolution of the space-charge sheath in an rf hollow cathode", J. of Phys: Conference Series 100 (2008) 062020, 1-4.

Nelson Theethayi, Vladimir Rakov and Rajeev Thottappillil, "Responses of Airport Runway Lighting System to Direct Lightning Strikes: Comparisons of TLM Predictions With Experimental Data", IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 50, No. 3, Part 2, 2008, pp. 660-668. Abstract.

Nelson Theethayi, Rajeev Thottappillil, Gerhard Diendorfer, Martin Mair and Hannes Pichler, "Currents in Buried Grounding Strips Connected to Communication Tower Legs during Lightning Strikes", IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 15, No. 4, 2008, pp. 1153-1161.

Nelson Theethayi, Yoshihiro Baba, Farhad Rachidi and Rajeev Thottappillil,"On the Choice Between Transmission Line Equations and Full-Wave Maxwell's Equations for Transient Analysis of Buried Wires", IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 50, No. 2, 2008, pp. 347-357.

K Thomas, M Grabbe, K Yuen, M Leijon, "A low-speed generator for energy conversion from marine currents – experimental validation of simulations", Journal of Power and Energy (Part A of the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers), Volume 222, Number 4 / 2008, Pages 381-388, doi:10.1243/09576509JPE567, Full Text.

O. Ågren, V.E. Moiseenko, K. Noack and A. Hagnestål, "The straight field line mirror concept and applications", Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, Series Plasma Physics 6, 8 (2008).

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

Arevalo L., V. Cooray, R. Montano and F. Roman, "Breakdown effect on long gaps under switching impulses statistical variation", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008.

Arevalo, L., R. Montano and V. Cooray, "Modelling of Positive Discharges in Laboratory Gaps under Switching impulses", XVII International Conference on Gas Discharges and Their applications. Cardiff, UK, 2008.

Arevalo, L., V. Cooray and R. Montano, "Breakdown times and voltages probability calculation using a simplified numerical methodology", International Conference on Grounding and Earthing and 3rd International Conference on Lightning Physics and Effects, Florianopolis Brazil, 2008.

Becerra M., and Vernon Cooray, "Early streamer emission principle does not work under natural lightning!", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008.

Becerra M., Francisco Roman and Vernon Cooray, "Lightning attachment to common structures: is the rolling sphere method really adequate?", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008.

Becerra M., Vernon Cooray, Acácio Silva Neto and Alexandre Piantini, "Lightning attachment to power transmission lines –on the validity of the electrogeometric model", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008.

Becerra, M. and V. Cooray, "On the physics of the interaction of aborted lightning upward connecting leaders with humans", International Conference on Grounding and Earthing and 3rd International Conference on Lightning Physics and Effects, Florianopolis Brazil, 2008.

Bodika J. A. P., M. Fernanado, V. Cooray and W. G. D. Dharmaratna, "A comparison of thunder signatures between cloud and ground flashes associated with audio frequency pressure variations over Sri Lanka", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008.

C. Boström, E. Lejerskog, S. Tyrberg, O. Svensson, R. Waters, A. Savin, B. Bolund, M. Eriksson and M. Leijon "Experimental results from an offshore wave energy converter", Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering OMAE 2008, June 15-20, 2008, Estoril, Portugal, OMAE2008-57415.

Cooray G. V. and M. Rahman, "On the Mechanism of X-ray Generation in Dart Leaders of Lightning Flashes", EOS Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suupl., Abstract AE21A-05, San Francisco, USA, 2008.

Cooray, V., "A novel procedure to represent lightning strokes – current dissipation return stroke models", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008.

Cooray V., "Horizontal electric field at ground level in the vicinity of lightning return stroke channels evaluated using Sommerfeld’s integrals", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008.

Cooray V., and Mahendra Fernando, "Effects of branches, charge irregularities and tortuosity of the stepped leader channel on the current, electromagnetic fields and hf radiation of return strokes", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008.

Diaz, Oscar; V. Cooray, F. Roman, "Spark gap resistance for an electrostatic discharge at different pressures", 2008 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, 2008 (ICOPS), Plasma Science, Page(s):1 – 1, 15-19 June 2008 (Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/PLASMA.2008.4590939).

De Conti A., Silvério Visacro, Nelson Theethayi and Vernon Cooray, "Simulation of the time-varying channel resistance: exponential decay versus strong-shock approximation", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008.

Fernando M. and V. Cooray, "Narrowband radiation associated with lightning ground and cloud flashes: A review", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008.

Jeyanthiran, V., M. Edirisinghe, M. Fernando and V. Cooray, "HF radiation pertinent to cloud flashes observed in Swedish thunderstorms", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008.

Jeyanthiran, V., M. Edirisinghe, M. Fernando, C. Gomes and V. Cooray, "HF radiation at 3 MHz, 5 MHz and 10 MHz associate with preliminary breakdown pulses observed in Sri Lanka", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008.

Jeyanthiran V., M. Edirisinghe, M. Fernanado and V. Cooray, "Study of lightning activity over Sri Lanka", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008

J. Kjellin, S. Eriksson, P. Deglaire, F. Bülow, H. Bernhoff, "Progress of control system and measurement techniques for a 12 kW vertical axis wind turbine", Proceedings of European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition EWEC 2008, March 31- April 3, 2008, Brussels, Belgium.

Mats Leijon, Annika Skoglund,Rafael Waters, Alf Rehn and Marcus Lindahl, "On the Physics and Economics of Renewable Electric Energy Sources – part I utilization", The 2nd WSEAS/IASME International Conference on ENERGY PLANNING, ENERGY SAVING, ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION (EPESE'08)Corfu, Greece, October 26-28, 2008

A. Lindblom, M. Elfsberg, T. Hurtig, A. Larsson and S. E. Nyholm, "First Trials with a 45 GW Cable-Based Pulsed-Power Generator", 2nd Euro-Asian Pulsed-Power Symposium, Vilnius, Lithuania, 22-26 September 2008.

Liyanage P., Raul Montano and Vernon Cooray, "Correlation between current and monochromatic optical signatures of electrical discharges", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008.

Mahbubur Rahman, Vernon Cooray, Raúl Montaño, Prasanna Liyanage and Marley Becerra, "NOX production in laboratory discharges", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008.

Surajit Midya, Dierk Bormann, Anders Larsson, Thorsten Schütte, Rajeev Thottappillil, "Understanding Pantograph Arcing in Electrified Railways – Influence of Various Parameters", 2008 IEEE EMC Symposium, Detroit, August 18-22, 2008.

Raul Montaño, Mats Bäckström, Daniel Månsson, Rajeev Thottappillil, "On the Response and Immunity of Critical Infrastructures Against IEMI – Current Swedish Research Initiatives", Paper 245, 19th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Singapore, May 19 - 22, 2008.

Daniel Månsson, Rajeev Thottappillil, Mats Bäckström, "Propagation Ability of UWB Transients through Junctions of Low-voltage Power Installation Cable", Paper 96,19th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Singapore, May 19 - 22, 2008.

Mäkelä, J. S., N.Porjo, J. Jantunen, T. Tuomi, A. Mäkelä, V. Cooray, A., Hämäläine and T. Ahola, "Using ratio between breakdown and return stroke intensity for narrowband flash distance estimation", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008.

Mäkelä, J.S., N. Porjo, A. Mäkelä, T. Tuomi and V. Cooray, "Evidence against naturally occurring bipolar lightning flashes", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008.

J. G. Oliveira, A. Larsson and H. Bernhoff, "Controlling a permanent-magnet motor using PWM converter in flywheel energy storage systems", 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2008), Orlando, USA, 10-13 November 2008.

Perera, C., M. Fernando, P. Liyanage, M. Rahman and V. Cooray, "Correlation between current and channel diameter of long laboratory sparks", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008.

Perera, C., M. Fernando, P. Liyanage and V. Cooray, "Unusual slow development of cloud-to-air discharges observed in Sri Lanka in the tropic", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008.

Martin Ranlöf, Gary Connor and Urban Lundin, "Simulation of a Radial Flux Permanent Magnet Generator with Two Contra-Rotating Rotors", Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Electrical Machines, Vilamoura, Portugal, September 6-9, 2008, Paper ID 751.

J. Santiago, J. G. Oliveira, J. Lundin, A. Larsson, H. Bernhoff, "Losses in Axial-Flux Permanent-Magnet Coreless Flywheel Energy Storage Systems", Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Electrical Machines, Vilamoura, Portugal, September 6-9, 2008, Paper ID 910.

Schulz W., Sindelar S., Kafri A., Götschl T., Theethayi N., Thottappillil R., "The Ratio Between First And Subsequent Lightning Return Stroke Electric Field Peaks In Sweden", 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, 23rd – 26th June 2008.

Annika Skoglund, Mats Leijon, Alf Rehn, Marcus Lindahl and Rafael Waters, "On the Physics and Economics of Renewable Electric Energy Sources –part II Engineering", The 2nd WSEAS/IASME International Conference on ENERGY PLANNING, ENERGY SAVING, ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION, (EPESE'08)Corfu, Greece, October 26-28, 2008

Nelson Theethayi, Rajeev Thottappillil, Gerhard Diendorfer, Martin Mair and Hannes Pichler, "Currents in Buried Grounding Strips Connected to Communication Tower Legs during Lightning Strikes", 2008 URSI General Assembly, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 7-16, 2008 (Invited paper).

Rajeev Thottappillil, Daniel Månsson, Mats Bäckström, "Response of Electrified Railway Facilities to Intentional Electromagnetic Interference: Review of Research at Uppsala University", Paper 105, 19th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Singapore, May 19 - 22, 2008.

R. Thottappillil, N. Theethayi, T. Hågård, K. Sjöberg, U. Grape , "Security Assessment For Ringhals Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1, With Respect To Lightning Strikes", Paper C4-122, Cigre Symposium, Paris, France. 24 - 29 August 2008.

Non refereed conference article

H. Baránková and L. Bárdos, "New plasma sources for atmospheric pressure applications", INVITED PAPER, Plasma Processes and Polymers Workshop II, Prague, January 2008.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdos, "Optimal Dimensions of the Atmospheric Hollow Cathodes", Int. Conf. Metall. Coat.&Thin Films - ICMCTF-08, San Diego, April-May 2008, Paper G3-4.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdos, "Hollow Cathode and Hybrid Plasma Processing at Low and High Pressures", INVITED PAPER, Plasmas, Surfaces and Thin Films Meeting, Institute of Physics, London, June 2008.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdos, "Hollow Cathode High Density Plasma PVD of Cr and CrN films", INVITED PAPER, Anzio 2008, 8th Symp. Europ. Vac. Coaters, September-October 2008, Rome-Anzio.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdos, "Design and Applications of the Atmospheric Pressure Hollow Cathodes", AVS 55th Int. Meeting, Boston, October 2008, Paper SE-WeM4.

Bäckström, Mats ; Thottappillil, Rajeev; Månsson, Daniel; Montano, Raul; Lundén, Olof; Nilsson, T,. "Some Recent Work on Intentional EMI in Sweden", European electromagnetics (EUROEM), Lausanne, July 21-25, 2008.

Mazloom, Ziya ; Theethayi, Nelson; Thottappillil, Rajeev, "Modeling of Passive Series Devices on Multiconductor Transmission Lines for Transient Analysis in Power and Railway Systems", European electromagnetics (EUROEM), Lausanne, July 21-25, 2008.

Midya, Surajit ; Schütte, Thorsten; Thottappillil, Rajeev, "Interaction and Interference Between AC and DC in Railway Feeding Systems", European electromagnetics (EUROEM), Lausanne, July 21-25, 2008.

Midya, Surajit ; Bormann, Dierk; Larsson, Anders; Schütte, Thorsten; Thottappillil, Rajeev, "Pantograph Arcing and their Consequences to Electromagnetic Interference in Railway Systems", European electromagnetics (EUROEM), Lausanne, July 21-25, 2008.

Raul Montaño, Mats Bäckström, Daniel Månsson, Rajeev Thottappillil, "Response and Immunity of Electric Power Infrastructure Against IEMI – Ongoing Swedish Initiatives", RVK08, Växjö, June 9-11, 2008.

Theethayi, Nelson ; Mazloom, Ziya; Thottappillil, Rajeev; Lindeberg, P. A.; Schütte, T., "Review of Research on Lightning Interaction with the Swedish Railway Network", European electromagnetics (EUROEM), Lausanne, July 21-25, 2008.

Theethayi, Nelson ; Thottappillil, Rajeev; Diendorfer, Gerhard; Mair, Martin; Pichler, Hannes, "Currents in Buried Grounding Strips Connected to Communication Tower Legs during Lightning Strikes", European electromagnetics (EUROEM), Lausanne, July 21-25, 2008.

Rajeev Thottappillil, Daniel Månsson, Mats Bäckström,"Susceptibility of Electrified Railway Facilities to Intentional Electromagnetic Interference", RVK08, Växjö, June 9-11, 2008.

Thottappillil, Rajeev ; Mansson, Daniel; Bäckström, Mats, "Susceptibility of Electrified Railway to Intentional Electromagnetic Interference: Research in Sweden", European electromagnetics (EUROEM), Lausanne, July 21-25, 2008.

Simon Tyrberg, Magnus Stålberg, Cecilia Boström, Rafael Waters, Olle Svensson, Erland Strömstedt, Andrej Savin, Jens Engström, Oliva Langhamer, Halvar Gravråkmo, Kalle Haikonen, Jenny Tedelid, Jan Sundberg & Mats Leijon, "The Lysekil Wave Power Project: Status Update", WREC X Glasgow, july 21-25, 2008.

Master thesis

Elin Elfving, "Lumped parameter thermal model of a PM motor on a robot axis",
UPTEC F08 019, ISSN 1401-5757, Februari 2008.

Erik Gullberg, "Market Designs - A Survey and Analysis of Methods to Ensure Peak Capacity",UPTEC ES08 003, ISSN: 1650-8300.

Jenny Tedelid, "Using a hydrophone to measure noise from wave energy converters: experimental preparation", UPTEC TVE 08 016, Juni 2008.

Johan Spång,"Indicating Cavitation Using Bubble Dynamics",
UPTEC F08 015, ISSN 1401-5757, Mars 2008.

Books and Book chapters

H. Baránková and L. Bárdos, "Design and Performance of the Hollow Cathode Cold Atmospheric Plasma Sources", in Jahrbuch Oberflächentechnik 2008-BAND 64, edited by R. Suchentrunk (Eugen G. Leuze Verlag KG, Bad Saulgau, 2008), in 2.2. ISBN: 978-3-87480-245-1.

Oskar Danielsson, Karin Thorburn, Mats Leijon, Chapter: 6.2: Direct Drive - Linear Generators, Book: Ocean Wave Energy - Current Status and Future Perspectives, Editor: João Cruz, Springer, Tyskland, 2008.

Theethayi, N., R. Thottappillil, Surge propagation and crosstalk in multiconductor transmission lines above ground, Chapter 2 in the book “Electromagnetic Field Interaction with Transmission Lines From Classical Theory to HF Radiation Effects”, (ed) F. Rachidi and S. Tkachenko, WIT Press, UK, 2008.

Theethayi, N., R. Thottappillil, Surge propagation in multiconductor transmission line below ground, Chapter 3 in the book “Electromagnetic Field Interaction with Transmission Lines From Classical Theory to HF Radiation Effects”, (ed) F. Rachidi and S. Tkachenko, WIT Press, UK, 2008.



Olivia Langhamer, "Wave energy conversion and the marine environment: Colonization patterns and habitat dynamics", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 663, Abstract.

Licentiate thesis

Cecilia Boström, ”Electrical System of a Wave Power Plant”, UURIE 308-09L, Uppsala 2009.

Jens Engström, ”Hydrodynamic Modeling of the Energy Conversion
from Ocean Waves to Electricity”
, UURIE 311-09L, Uppsala 2009.

Mårten Grabbe, "Marine Current Energy Conversion-Resource and Technology",
UURIE 309-09L, Uppsala 2009.

Ziya Mazloom, ”A method for including the responses of lumped devices into multi-conductor transmission line model for electrified railways”, UURIE 310-09L, Uppsala 2009.

Juan de Santiago Ochoa, "AFPM Motor/Generator Flywheel for Electric Power Stabilization", UURIE 314-09L, Uppsala 2009.

Janaína Goncalves de Oliveira, "Power Control Systems for PM Synchronous Flywheel Alternators", UURIE 315-09L, Uppsala 2009.

Martin Ranlöf, "Core Loss Prediction in Hydroelectric Generators and Analysis of a Contra-Rotating Machine Topology", UURIE 312-09L, Uppsala 2009.

Simon Tyrberg, ”Studying Buoy Motion for Wave Power”, UURIE 313-09L, Uppsala 2009.

Reviewed literature

Justinian Anatory, Nelson Theethayi, Rajeev Thottappillil, "Performance of Underground Cables That Use OFDM Systems for Broadband Power-Line Communications", IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on Vol.24, No. 4, 2009, pp. 1889 - 1897.

Justinian Anatory, Nelson Theethayi, Rajeev Thottappillil, "Channel Characterization for Indoor Power-Line Networks", IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2009, pp. 1883 - 1888.

Justinian Anatory, Nelson Theethayi, Rajeev Thottappillil, Nerey Mvungi, "A Broadband Power-Line Communication System Design Scheme for Typical Tanzanian Low-Voltage Network", IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2009, pp. 1218 - 1224.

Justinian Anatory, Nelson Theethayi, Rajeev Thottappillil, "Effects of Multipath on OFDM Systems for Indoor Broadband Power-Line Communication Networks", IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2009, pp. 1190 - 1197.

Justinian Anatory, Nelson Theethayi, Rajeev Thottappillil, Mousa Kissaka, and Nerey Mvungi, "The Effects of Load Impedance, Line Length, and Branches in Typical Low-Voltage Channels of the BPLC Systems of Developing Countries: Transmission-Line Analyses", IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2009, pp. 621 - 629.

Justinian Anatory, Nelson Theethayi and Rajeev Thottappillil,"Power-Line Communication Channel Model for Interconnected Networks? Part I: Two-Conductor System", IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2009, pp. 118 - 123.

Justinian Anatory, Nelson Theethayi and Rajeev Thottappillil,"Power-Line Communication Channel Model for Interconnected Networks? Part II: Multiconductor System", IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2009, pp. 124 - 128.

Justinian Anatory, N. Theethayi, R. Thottappillil, C. Mwase and N.H. Mvungi; "The Effects of Multipath on OFDM Systems for Broadband Power-Line Communications a Case of Medium Voltage Channel", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 54, pp205-208, June 2009.

Liliana Arevalo, Vernon Cooray and Raul Montano, "Numerical simulation of long laboratory sparks generated by positive switching impulses", Journal of Electrostatics Volume 67, Issues 2-3, May 2009, Pages 228-234

Becerra, M. and V. Cooray, "On the interaction of lightning upward connecting positive leaders with humans." IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume 51, Issue 4, Nov. 2009 Page(s):1001 - 1008.

Bostrom, C.; Waters, R.; Lejerskog, E.; Svensson, O.; Stalberg, M.; Stromstedt, E.; Leijon, M. "Study of a Wave Energy Converter Connected to a Nonlinear Load" IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 34, issue 2, pp. 123-127, 2009., doi: 10.1109/JOE.2009.2015021.

C. Boström, E. Lejerskog, M. Stålberg, K. Thorburn and M. Leijon. "Experimental results of rectification and filtration from an offshore wave energy system", Renewable Energy, Vol.34 No.5 pp.1381-1387, 2009.

Caleman Carl, Ortiz Carlos, Marklund Erik, Bultmark Fredrik, Gabrysch Markus, Parak F. G., Hajdu Janos, Klintenberg Mattias,Timneanu Nicusor,"Radiation damage in biological material: Electronic properties and electron impact ionization in urea", EPL (Europhysics Letters), Volume 85, Number 1, pp. 18005-, 2009 doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/85/18005.

Cooray, V., M. Becerra, and V. Rakov, "On the electric field at the tip of dart leaders in lightning flashes", J. Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 71, pp. 1397 – 1404, 2009.

Cooray, V., "A Novel Procedure to Represent Lightning Return Strokes—Current Dissipation Return Stroke Models", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume 51, Issue 3, Part 2, Page(s):748 - 755, Doi:10.1109/TEMC.2009.2019764, 2009.

Cooray, V., "Propagation Effects Due to Finitely Conducting Ground on Lightning-Generated Magnetic Fields Evaluated Using Sommerfeld's Integrals", IEEE transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume 51, Issue 3, Part 1, Page(s):526 - 531 Doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2009.2019759, 2009.

Cooray, V., L. Arevalo, M. Rahman, J. Dwyer, H. Rassoul, "On the possible origin of X-rays in long laboratory sparks", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, In Press, Available online in Science Direct, 2009.

Cooray, V., M. Rahman, V. Rakov, "On the NOx production by laboratory electrical discharges and lightning", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, In Press, Available online in science direct, 2009.

P. Deglaire, S. Engblom, O. Ågren, H. Bernhoff, "Analytical solutions for a single blade in vertical axis turbine motion in two-dimensions", European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids Volume 28, Issue 4, July-August 2009, Pages 506-520 doi:10.1016/j.euromechflu.2008.11.004.

Jens Engström, M. Eriksson, J. Isberg, and M. Leijon, "Wave energy converter with enhanced amplitude response at frequencies coinciding with Swedish west coast sea states by use of a supplementary submerged body", JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 106, 064512, 2009.

Sandra Eriksson, Hans Bernhoff and Mats Leijon, ) "FEM Simulations and Experiments of Different Loading Conditions for a 12 kW Direct Driven PM Synchronous Generator for Wind Power" International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems: Vol. 10 : Iss. 1, Article 3. doi: 10.2202/1553-779X.1958 (2009).

Grabbe, M., Yuen, K., Goude, A., Lalander, E. & Leijon, M., "Design of experimental setup for hydro-kinetic energy conversion.", Hydropower and dams, 2009 (5), pp. 112–116. Full Text.

Grabbe, M.; Lalander, E.; Lundin, S.; Leijon, M. "A review of the tidal current energy resource in Norway", Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 13, 2009, pp. 1898–1909, doi:10.1016/j.rser.2009.01.026, Full Text.

Jan Isberg, Mikael Eriksson, Mats Leijon, "Transport of energy in polychromatic fluid gravity waves", Journal of Engineering Mathematics doi: 10.1007/s10665-008-9243-1.

J. Isberg, S. Majdi, M. Gabrysch, I. Friel, R.S. Balmer, "A lateral time-of-flight system for charge transport studies", Diamond and Related Materials, Volume 18, Issue 9, September 2009, Pages 1163-1166, doi: 10.1016/j.diamond.2009.03.002.

Langhamer O, Wilhelmsson D, "Colonisation of fish and crabs of wave energy foundations and the effects of manufactured holes - a field experiment", Marine Environmental Research 68(4), 151-157. 2009,
doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2009.06.003.

O. Langhamer, D. Wilhelmsson and J. Engström, "Artificial reef effect and fouling impacts on offshore wave power foundations and buoys - a pilot study", Estuarine, Coastal and ShelfScience, (2009), doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2009.02.09

Leijon, M.; Waters, R.; Rahm, M.; Svensson, O.; Bostrom, C.; Stromstedt, E.; Engstrom, J.; Tyrberg, S.; Savin, A.; Gravrakmo, H.; Bernhoff, H.; Sundberg, J.; Isberg, J.; Agren, O.; Danielsson, O.; Eriksson, M.; Lejerskog, E.; Bolund, B.; Gustafsson, S.; Thorburn, K.;, "Catch the wave to electricity", IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February 2009 Page(s):50 - 54, doi: 10.1109/MPE.2008.930658.

Lindblom, A.; Bernhoff, H.; Elfsberg, M.; Hurtig, T.; Larsson, A.; Leijon, M.; Nyholm, S. E.; "High-Voltage Pulsed-Power Cable Generator", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Volume 37, Issue 1 Jan. 2009 Page(s):236 - 242, doi 10.1109/TPS.2008.2007118.

Margareta K. Linnarsson, J. Isberg, Adolf Schöner, Anders Hallén, "A Comparison of Transient Boron Diffusion in Silicon, Silicon Carbide and Diamond", Materials Science Forum (Volumes 600 - 603), Page(s):453-456,

Urban Lundin, Arne Wolfbrandt , "Method for modelling time dependent non-uniform rotor/stator configurations in electrical machines", IEEE Trans. Magn. Vol 45, Iss. 7, 2976-2980 (July 2009), doi:10.1109/TMAG.2009.2015052.

Surajit Midya, Dierk Bormann, Thorsten Schütte and Rajeev Thottappillil, "Pantograph Arcing in Electrified Railways—Mechanism and Influence of Various Parameters—Part I: With DC Traction Power Supply", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 24, NO. 4, OCTOBER 2009, pp: 1931-1939, doi:10.1109/TPWRD.2009.2021035.

Surajit Midya, Dierk Bormann, Thorsten Schütte and Rajeev Thottappillil, "Pantograph Arcing in Electrified Railways—Mechanism and Influence of Various Parameters—Part II: With AC Traction Power Supply", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 24, NO. 4, OCTOBER 2009, pp: 1940-1950, doi:10.1109/TPWRD.2009.2021036.

Mäkelä , J. S., N. Porjo, J. Jantunen, T. Ahola, A. Mäkelä, T. Tuomi, V. Cooray, "Single-station narrowband ranging of active storm cells without lightning-type discrimination", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 71, pp. 911-922, 2009.

Juan de Santiago Ochoa, Janaína Goncalves de Oliveira, Johan Lundin, Johan Abrahamsson, Anders Larsson, Hans Bernhoff, "DESIGN PARAMETERS CALCULATION OF A NOVEL DRIVELINE FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLES", World Electric Vehicle Journal Vol. 3 ISSN 2032-6653 - 2009 AVERE, Full Text.

Martin Ranlöf, Urban Lundin, "Finite Element Analysis of a Permanent Magnet Machine with Two Contra-Rotating Rotors", Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 37, Issue 12, pp. 1334-1347, 2009.

Martin Ranlöf, Anna Wolfbrandt, Johan Lidenholm, Urban Lundin, "Core Loss Prediction in Large Hydropower Generators: Influence of Rotational Fields", IEEE Trans. Magn. Vol 45, iss. 8, 3200-3206 (Aug 2009), doi:10.1109/TMAG.2009.2019115.

R. Waters, J. Engström, J. Isberg and M. Leijon, "Wave climate off the Swedish west coast", Renewable Energy 34 (2009), pp. 1600-1606, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2008.11.016.

K. Yuen, K. Thomas, M. Grabbe, P. Deglaire, M. Bouquerel, D. Österberg & M. Leijon. "Matching a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator to a Fixed Pitch Vertical Axis Turbine for Marine Current Energy Conversion", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol.34, no.1, pp.24-31, Jan. 2009,
doi:10.1109/JOE.2008.2010658, Full Text.

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

J.-O. Aidanpää, R. K. Gustavsson, N. L. P. Lundström, M. Karlsson, Y. Calleecharan, M. L. Nässelqvist, M. Karlberg,Urban Lundin., "Developments in Rotor Dynamical Modeling of Hydropower units", IUTAM Symposium on Emerging Trends in Rotor Dynamics, Delhi, India 23-26 March 2009.

Andersen K, Chapman A, Hareide NR, Folkestad AO, Sparrevik E, Langhamer O., "Environmental Monitoring at the Maren Wave Power Test Site off the Island of Runde, Western Norway: Planning and Design." In Proceedings of the 8th European wave and tidal energy conference, EWTEC09, Uppsala, Sweden.

Arevalo, L. and Cooray, V., "Influence of multiple upward connecting leaders initiated from the same structure on the lightning attachment process", International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Kirubita, Brazil, 2009.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdos, "Environmental Applications of the Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Sources", Paper JAPT-11, Proceedings of the 52th Annual Tech. Conf. of SVC, Santa Clara, May 2009, ISSN 0737-5921, p. 34-36.

H. Baránková, L. Bárdos, M. Bergkvist, R. Waters, M. Grabbe and M. Leijon, "Coatings for Renewable Energy", Paper JAPT-14, Proceedings of the 52th Annual Tech. Conf. of SVC, Santa Clara, May 2009, ISSN 0737-5921, p. 49-51.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdos, "Effect of the Electrode Material on the Atmospheric Plasma Conversion of NO in Air Mixtures", Proceedings of the 10th Int. Symp. Sputtering & Plasma Processes (ISSP2009), Kanazawa, Japan, July 2009, PP 1-2, p. 10-13.

C. Boström, O. Svensson, M. Rahm, E. Lejerskog, A. Savin, E. Strömstedt, J. Engström, H. Gravråkmo, K. Haikonen, R. Waters, D. Björklöf, T. Johansson, J. Sundberg and M. Leijon, "Design proposal of electrical system for linear generator wave power plants", Proc. of IECON 2009, 35th annual conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics and Society, Porto, Portugal 3-5 Nov 2009, no. PD-027448, pp. 4429-4434.

Cooray, V., "On the upper limit of peak current in return strokes of lightning flashes", International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Kirubita, Brazil, 2009.

Cooray, V., "Horizontal electric field above and under ground produced by lightning flashes", International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Kirubita, Brazil, 2009.

Cooray, V. and K. Cummings, "Propagation effects caused by multi-section mixed paths on electric fields of lightning return strokes", International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Kirubita, Brazil, 2009.

A. Goude, E. Lalander and M. Leijon, "Influence of a Varying Vertical Velocity Profile on Turbine Efficiency for a Vertical Axis Marine Current Turbine", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2009), May 31 to June 5, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Goude, A., Lundin, S. & Leijon, "A parameter study of the influence of struts on the performance of a vertical-axis marine current turbine." In Proceedings of the 8th European wave and tidal energy conference, EWTEC09, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 477–483.

Lalander, E. & Leijon, M. "Numerical modeling of a river site for in-stream energy converters." In Proceedings of the 8th European wave and tidal energy conference, EWTEC09, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 826–832.

O. Langhamer, D. Wilhelmsson and J. Engström, "Development of Invertebrate Assemblages and Fish on Offshore Wave Power", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2009), May 31 to June 5, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Johan Lidenholm, Martin Ranlöf, Urban Lundin, "Effects of including automatic excitation control in transient field simulations of hydrogenerators", Proceedings of the 44th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), University of Strathclyde Glasgow , September 1-4, 2009.

S. Lundin, M. Grabbe, K. Yuen and M. Leijon, "A Design Study of Marine Current Turbine-Generator Combinations", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2009), May 31 to June 5, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Bossi Masamila , Fredrick Mtenzi and Justinian Anatory, "The Effect of Proliferation Communication Channels in Tanzania", The 9th Annual IT&T Conference, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland, 22nd - 23rd October 2009

Surajit Midya, Dierk Bormann, Ziya Mazloom Thorsten Schütte and Rajeev Thottappillil, "Conducted and Radiated Emission from Pantograph Arcing in AC Traction System", Proceedings of IEEE PES General Meeting, July 26-30, 2009, Calgary, Canada.

Rahm, M., Boström, C., Svensson, O., Grabbe, M., Bülow, F. & Leijon, M. "Laboratory experimental verification of a marine substation." In Proceedings of the 8th European wave and tidal energy conference, EWTEC09, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 51–58.

J. Santiago, J. G. Oliveira, J. Lundin, J. Abrahamsson, A. Larsson, and H. Bernhoff,
"Design Parameters Calculation of a Novel Driveline for Electric Vehicles",
EVS24 International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium, Stavanger, Norway, May 13-16, 2009

A. Savin, O. Svensson, E. Strömstedt, C. Boström and M. Leijon, "Determining the service life of a steel wire under a working load in the Wave Energy Converter (WEC)", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2009), May 31 to June 5, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Shoory, A., F. Rachidi, Cooray, V., R. Moini, and S. H. H. Sadeghi, "On simple approaches for the evaluation of lightning electromagnetic fields above stratified ground", International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Kirubita, Brazil, 2009.

Svensson, O., Boström, C. , Rahm, M., & Leijon, M., "Description of the control and measurement system used in the Low Voltage Marine Substation at the Lysekil research site." Proceedings of the 8th European wave and tidal energy conference, EWTEC09, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 44–50.

S. Tyrberg, H. Gravråkmo and M. Leijon, "Tracking a Wave Power Buoy Using a Network Camera: System Analysis and First Results", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2009), May 31 to June 5, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Non refereed conference article

L. Bárdos and H. Baránková, "Effect of the Electrode Material in the Atmospheric Plasma Abatement of Nitrogen Oxides", AVS 56th Int. Symposium, November 8-13, 2009, San Jose, CA. Paper SE -MoA3.

Master thesis

Jonas Bergström, "Instrumentering av rotorn till en synkron experimentgenerator", F09 052, 1401-5757.

Boel Ekergård, "Control and Synchronization of a Marine Substation",UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 09 026, Abstract, Fulltext.

Rickard Ekström, "Inverter System Design and Control for a Wave Power Substation", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 09 024, Abstract, Fulltext.

Lars Högberg, "Automated electric control of a vertical axis wind turbine in island operation", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 09 005, Abstract, Fulltext.

Elon Jonsson, "Simulering av vågförhållanden i Vattenkraftmagasin",
UPTEC:W09 001, ISSN:1401-5765, utfört vid SWECO AB, Abstract, Fulltext.

Gerd Lejdstrand, "Flödestransienter i Vattenkraftverk - Analys av mätningar", ES09 020, 1650-8300, Abstract, Fulltext.

Anders Nilsson, "Investigation in how to design a marine current turbine", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 09 027, Abstract, Fulltext.

Alexander Perup, "Study of a grid connected wave power plant – synchronization to the grid", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 09 023, Abstract, Fulltext.

Tobias Semberg, "Building and measuring of a cable wound transformer with variable output", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 09 019, Abstract, Fulltext.


Cooray, V. (Editor), "Lightning Protection", The Institution of Engineering and Technology, London, UK, 2009 (

Book chapters

H. Baránková and L. Bárdos, "Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Sources and Processing", Chapter 17 in Handbook of Deposition Technologies for Films and Coatings, Third Edition Science Application and Technology, edited by Peter M. Martin (Elsevier, William Andrew, Oxford, December 2009). IBSN: 978-0-8155-2031-3.

Cooray, V. and M. Fernando, "Lightning parameters of engineering interest", Cooray, V. (Editor), Lightning Protection, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, London, UK, 2009.

Cooray, V. and M. Becerra, "Attachment of lightning flashes to grounded conductors", Cooray, V. (Editor), Lightning Protection, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, London, UK, 2009.

Cooray, V., "Soil ionization", Cooray, V. (Editor), Lightning Protection, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, London, UK, 2009.

Cooray, V., Cooray, C., and C. Andrews, "Lightning caused injuries in humans", Cooray, V. (Editor), Lightning Protection, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, London, UK, 2009.

Cooray, V., "Return stroke models for engineering applications", Cooray, V. (Editor), Lightning Protection, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, London, UK, 2009.

Fernando, M., J. Mäkelä, V. Cooray, "Lightning and trees", Cooray, V. (Editor), Lightning Protection, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, London, UK, 2009.

Jan Isberg, "Transport Properties of Electrons and Holes", Chapter 2 in "CVD Diamond for Electronic Devices and Sensors", ed. by R.Sussmann, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, West Sussex. January 2009. ISBN: 978-0-470-06532-7.

Jan Isberg, "High Power Switching Devices", Chapter 12 in "CVD Diamond for Electronic Devices and Sensors", ed. by R.Sussmann, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, West Sussex. January 2009. ISBN: 978-0-470-06532-7.


WO 2010/085188



Paul Deglaire, "Analytical aerodynamic simulation tools for Vertical Axis Wind Turbines",Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 704, Abstract + Fulltext.

Markus Gabrysch, "Charge Transport in Single-Crystalline CVD Diamond", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 746, Abstract + Fulltext.

Magnus Rahm , "Ocean Wave Energy: Underwater Substation System for Wave Energy Converters", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 711, Abstract + Fulltext.

Licentiate thesis

Noor Azlinda Ahmad, "Broadband and HF radiation from cloud flashes and narrow bipolar pulses", UURIE 320-10L, Uppsala 2010.

Liliana P Arévalo Gonzalez, "Numerical simulations of long spark gaps – lightning attachment and its application", UURIE 321-10L, Uppsala 2010.

Anders Hagnestål, "Coil Design for a Mirror Based Fusion-Fission Reactor", UURIE 322-10L, Uppsala 2010.

Emilia Lalander, ”Modelling the hydrokinetic energy resource for in-stream energy converters”, UURIE 316-10L, Uppsala 2010.

Johan Lidenholm, "Transient Electricomechanical Analysis of Hydropower Generators Using Field and Circuit Models", UURIE 319-10L, Uppsala 2010.

Jon Kjellin, ”Experimental Vertical Axis Wind Turbine System”, UURIE 318-10L, Uppsala 2010.

Saman Majdi, "Electronic Characterization of CVD Diamond", UURIE 317-10L, Uppsala 2010.

Reviewed literature

Noor Azlinda Ahmad, M. Fernando, Z.A. Baharudin, V. Cooray, H. Ahmad, Z. Abdul Malek, "Characteristics of narrow bipolar pulses observed in Malaysia", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 72, Issues 5-6, April 2010, Pages 534-540. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2010.02.006.

Noor Azlinda Ahmad, M. Fernando, Z.A. Baharudin, M. Rahman, V. Cooray, Ziad Saleh, Joseph R. Dwyer, Hamid K. Rassoul, "The first electric field pulse of cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning discharges" , Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 72, Issues 2-3, February 2010, Pages 143-150.

Liliana Arevalo and Vernon Cooray, " ´The mesh method’ in lightning protection standards – Revisited", Journal of Electrostatics, Volume 68, Issue 4, August 2010, Pages 311-314. doi:10.1016/j.elstat.2010.03.003.

Bahaj, A.S., James, P.A.B. and Braid, R., "Multiple string inverters for PV systems < 5kWp: When is this justified?", Renewable Energy.

Bahaj, A.S. and James, P.A.B., "Direct and indirect benefits of grid connected photovoltaics in low energy social housing", Renewable Energy.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdos, "Effect of the electrode material on the atmospheric plasma conversion of NO in air mixtures", Vacuum 84 (2010) 1385-1388, doi: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2010.01.044.

L. Bárdos and H. Baránková, FEATURE ARTICLE "Cold atmospheric plasma: Sources, processes and applications", Thin Solid Films 518 (2010) 6705-6713,
doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2010.07.044.

C. Boström, E. Lejerskog, S. Tyrberg, O. Svensson, R. Waters, A. Savin, B. Bolund, M. Eriksson, M. Leijon, "Experimental results from an offshore wave energy converter", Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol. 132, Issue 4, 041103, 5 pages, 2010. doi:10.1115/1.4001443.

Vernon Cooray, "Horizontal Electric Field Above- and Underground Produced by Lightning Flashes", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume: PP , Issue: 99, 2010 , Page(s): 1 - 8 . doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2010.2051230.

Vernon Cooray and Gerald Cooray, "The Electromagnetic Fields of an Accelerating Charge: Applications in Lightning Return-Stroke Models" , IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume: PP, Issue: 99 , 2010 , Page(s): 1 - 12, doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2010.2063029.

Vernon Cooray, Joseph Dwyer, V. Rakov, Mahbubur Rahman, "On the mechanism of X-ray production by dart leaders of lightning flashes" , Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 72, Issues 11-12, July 2010, Pages 848-855, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2010.04.006.

Chandima Gomes and Vernon Cooray, "Electromagnetic transients in radio/microwave bands and surge protective devices", Progress in Electromagnetic Research, vol. 108, pp. 101 – 130, 2010.

Harrison, M.E., Batten, W.M.J., Myers, L.E. and Bahaj, A.S."Comparison between CFD simulations and experiments for predicting the far wake of horizontal axis tidal turbines", IET Renewable Power Generation, 4, (6), 613-627. doi:10.1049/iet-rpg.2009.0193.

Jan Isberg, Jens Engström, and Mats Leijon, "Depth variation of energy transport in fluid gravity waves", J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 2, 023104 (2010); doi:10.1063/1.3424711.

James, P.A.B., Sissons, M.F., Bradford, J., Myers, L.E., Bahaj, A.S., Anwar, Arif A. and Green, S., "Implications of the UK field trial of building mounted horizontal axis micro-wind turbines" Energy Policy, 38, (2010), 6130-6144, doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2010.05.070.

Olivia Langhamer, Kalle Haikonen, Jan Sundberg, "Wave power-Sustainable energy or environmentally costly? A review with special emphasis on linear wave energy converters", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (4), pp. 1329-1335, 2010, doi:10.1016/j.rser.2009.11.016.

Olivia Langhamer, "Effects of wave energy converters on the surrounding soft-bottom macrofauna (west coast of Sweden)", Marine Environmental Research Volume 69, Issue 5, June 2010, Pages 374-381, doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2010.01.002.

Mats Leijon, Annika Skoglund, Rafael Waters, Alf Rehn, Marcus Lindahl , "On the physics of power, energy and economics of renewable electric energy sources – Part I", Renewable Energy Volume 35, Issue 8, August 2010, Pages 1729-1734, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2009.10.030.

Lidenholm, J., Lundin, U., "Estimation of Hydropower Generator Parameters Through Field Simulations of Standard Tests", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol.25, no.4, pp.931-939, Dec. 2010. doi: 10.1109/TEC.2010.2064776.

Mackay, Edward B.L., Bahaj, Abubakr S. and Challenor, Peter G., "Uncertainty in wave energy resource assessment part 1: historic data", Renewable Energy, 35, (8), 1792-1808. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2009.10.026.

Mackay, Edward B.L., Bahaj, AbuBakr S. and Challenor, Peter G, "Uncertainty in wave energy resource assessment part 2: variability and predictability", Renewable Energy, 35, (8), 1809-1819. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2009.10.027.

Mackay, Edward B.L., Challenor, Peter G. and Bahaj, AbuBakr S, "On the use of discrete seasonal and directional models for the estimation of extreme wave conditions", Ocean Engineering, 37, (5-6), 425-442. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2010.01.017.

Saman Majdi, Markus Gabrysch, Richard Balmer, Daniel Twitchen and Jan Isberg, "Characterization by Internal Photoemission Spectroscopy of Single-Crystal CVD Diamond Schottky Barrier Diodes", Journal of Electronic Materials, Volume 39, Number 8, August 2010, Pages 1203-1208 , doi:10.1007/s11664-010-1255-8.

V. Moiseenko, E., N. Dreval, B., O. Ågren, K. Stepanov, N., A. Burdakov, V., P. Kalinin, V. and V. Tereshin, I., "Fast wave heating in a mirror during plasma build-up", The European Physical Journal D - Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics Volume 56, Number 3, 359-367,2010, doi:10.1140/epjd/e2009-00301-8.

V. E. Moiseenko, K. Noack O. Ågren, "Stellarator-Mirror Based Fusion Driven Fission Reactor", Journal of Fusion Energy Volume 29, Number 1, 65-69, 2010, DOI 10.1007/s10894-009-9233-y.

Myers, L. E. and Bahaj, A. S, "Experimental analysis of the flow field around horizontal axis tidal turbines by use of scale mesh disk rotor simulators", Ocean Engineering, 37, (2-3), 218-227. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2009.11.004.

Myers, L.E, Bahaj, A.S and Hyam, D.M, "Characterising the flow field around scale horizontal axis marine current turbine mesh disk rotor simulators", Experiments in Fluids.

M. Nocente, G. Gorini, J. Källne and M. Tardocchi, "Cross section of the d + 3He → α + p reaction of relevance for fusion plasma applications", Nuclear Fusion, Volume 50, Number 5, 2010, doi:10.1088/0029-5515/50/5/055001.

Janaína Gonçalves de Oliveira, Johan Lundin, Juan de Santiago, Hans Bernhoff,
"A Double Wound Flywheel System under Standard Drive Cycles: Simulations and Experiments", International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems: Vol. 11 : Iss. 4, Article 6 (2010). doi: 10.2202/1553-779X.2487.

Janaína Gonçalves de Oliveira, Hans Bernhoff, "Battery Recharging Issue for a Two-Power-Level Flywheel System", Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 2010, Article ID 470525, 5 pages, 2010. doi:10.1155/2010/470525.

Josef Peer, Cooray. V, Cooray. G, Kendl. A, "Erratum and addendum to “Transcranial stimulability of phosphenes by long lightning electromagnetic pulses” [Phys. Lett. A 374 (2010) 2932]" , Physics Letters A, In Press, Oct 2010, doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2010.09.071.

Magnus Rahm, C. Boström, O. Svensson, M. Grabbe, F. Bülow, M. Leijon, "Offshore underwater substation for wave energy converter arrays", Renewable Power Generation, IET , vol.4, no.6, pp.602-612, November 2010
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2009.0180.

Martin Ranlöf, Richard Perers, Urban Lundin, "On Permeance Modeling of Large Hydrogenerators With Application to Voltage Harmonics Prediction", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol.25, no.4, pp.1179-1186, Dec. 2010, doi: 10.1109/TEC.2010.2040740.

Juan de Santiago, Hans Bernhoff, "Comparison between axial and radial flux PM coreless machines for flywheel energy storage", Journal of Electrical Systems, Issue 2, Volume 6, June 2010.

Juan de Santiago, Anders Larsson, and Hans Bernhoff, "Dual Voltage Driveline for Vehicle Applications", International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, Volume 11, Issue 3 (2010) Article 1.

Abdolhamid Shoory, Abdenabi Mimouni, Farhad Rachidi, Vernon Cooray, Rouzbeh Moini and Seyed H. Hesamedin Sadeghi "Validity of Simplified Approaches for the Evaluation of Lightning Electromagnetic Fields Above a Horizontally Stratified Ground", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume: 52 , Issue: 3, 2010, Page(s): 657 - 663 doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2010.2045229.

Annika Skoglund, Mats Leijon, Alf Rehn, Marcus Lindahl, Rafael Waters , "On the physics of power, energy and economics of renewable electric energy sources - Part II", Renewable Energy Volume 35, Issue 8, August 2010, Pages 1735-1740, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2009.08.031.

Simon Tyrberg, Waters, R., Leijon, M., "Wave Power Absorption as a Function of Water Level and Wave Height: Theory and Experiment", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Volume 35, Issue 3, July 2010, Article number 5530333, Pages 558-564 , doi:10.1109/JOE.2010.2052692.

Wood, Robert J.K., Bahaj, Abubakr S., Turnock, Stephen R., Wang, Ling and Evans, Martin-Halfdan, "Tribological design constraints of marine renewable energy systems", [in special issue: Green tribology] Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 368, 4807-4827. doi:10.1098/rsta.2010.0192.

O. Ågren, V.E. Moiseenko, K. Noack and A. Hagnestål, "Studies of a Straight Field Line Mirror with emphasis on fusion-fission hybrids", Fusion Science and Technology, Volume 57, Number 4, May 2010, Pages 326-334, 2010.

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

Abrahamsson, J., de Santiago, J., Oliveira, J.G., Lundin, J., Bernhoff, H., "Prototype of electric driveline with magnetically levitated double wound motor", XIX International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM),6-8 Sept. 2010, doi: 10.1109/ICELMACH.2010.5608125

Lidenholm, J., Ranlöf, M., Lundin, U., "Comparison of field and circuit generator models in single machine infinite bus system simulations", XIX International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), pp.1-6, 6-8 Sept. 2010,doi: 10.1109/ICELMACH.2010.5608259

Liliana Arevalo , Vernon Cooray ,"LABORATORY LONG GAPS SIMULATION CONSIDERING A VARIABLE CORONA REGION", Proceedings of the 30TH International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cagliary, Italy, 2010.

Liliana Arevalo , Vernon Cooray , "A RELIABLE NUMERICAL METHOD FOR THE CALCULATION OF BREAKDOWN VOLTAGES", Proceedings of the 30TH International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cagliary, Italy, 2010.

Noor Azlinda Ahmad , Mahendra Fernando , Vernon Cooray, "ON THE DERIVATIVES OF NARROW BIPOLAR PULSES", Proceedings of the 30TH International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cagliary, Italy, 2010.

Zikri Abadi Baharudin , Jakke Mäkelä , Mahendra Fernando , Vernon Cooray , J.S. Mäkelä, "COMPARATIVE STUDY ON PRELIMINARY BREAKDOWN PULSE TRAINS OBSERVED IN MALAYSIA AND FLORIDA", Proceedings of the 30TH International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cagliary, Italy, 2010.

Cecilia Boström, M. Rahm, O. Svensson, E. Strömstedt, A. Savin, R. Waters and M. Leijon, "Temperature measurements in a linear generator and marine substation for wave power", Proceedings of the ASME 2010 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2010), June 6-11, 2010, Shanghai, China, OMAE2010-20881.

Cooray, V., "Lightning attractive radii of vertical and horizontal conductors evaluated using a self consistent leader inception and propagation model – SLIM", 2010 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC), 2010, Page(s): 1209 – 1213. doi: 10.1109/APEMC.2010.5475695

Vernon Cooray , Gerald Cooray, "A NOVEL PROCEDURE TO CALCULATE THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS OF LIGHTNING RETURN STROKES", Proceedings of the 30TH International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cagliary, Italy, 2010.


Vernon Cooray , Mahendra Fernando , Liliana Arevalo , Marley Becerra, "SIMULATING THE COMPETITION BETWEEN MULTIPLE CONNECTING LEADERS ISSUED FROM A GROUNDED STRUCTURE USING A SELF CONSISTENT LEADER INCEPTION AND PROPAGATION MODEL (SLIM)", Proceedings of the 30TH International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cagliary, Italy, 2010.

Vernon Cooray, "ON THE UPPER AND LOWER LIMIT OF PEAK CURRENT IN RETURN STROKES OF LIGHTNING FLASHES", Proceedings of the 30TH International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cagliary, Italy, 2010.

Daly, T., Myers, L.E. and Bahaj, A.S, "Experimental analysis of the local flow effects around single row tidal turbine arrays", In, Third International Conference and Exhibition on Ocean Energy, Bilbao, ES, 06 - 08 Oct 2010., Full Text.

Oscar Diaz , Vernon Cooray , Johan Schleimann-Jensen, "ENERGY DISSIPATION IN A NEW LOW VOLTAGE SURGE PROTECTIVE GAS DISCHARGE TUBE", Proceedings of the 30TH International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cagliary, Italy, 2010

Fernando, M.A.R.M.; Cooray, V., "Lightning surges at distribution transformer secondary" , 2010 International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), 2010, Page(s): 532 - 537, doi: 10.1109/ICIINFS.2010.5578648

Galloway, P.W., Myers, L.E. and Bahaj, A.S., "Studies of a scale tidal turbine in close proximity to waves", In, Third International Conference and Exhibition on Ocean Energy, Bilbao, ES, 06 - 08 Oct 2010. 6pp.

J Giles, I Godfrey, I Bryden, L Myers, J O 'nians, A Bahaj, J Griffiths, "An innovative tidal fence development for the Severn Estuary, UK", In, Third International Conference and Exhibition on Ocean Energy, Bilbao, ES, 06 - 08 Oct 2010.

Halvar Gravråkmo, Mats Leijon, Erland Strömstedt, Jens Engström, Simon Tyrberg, Andrej Savin, Olle Svensson, Rafael Waters, "DESCRIPTION OF A TORUS SHAPED BUOY FOR WAVE ENERGY POINT ABSORBER", RENEWABLE ENERGY 2010 27June-2July,2010 pacifico yokohama, yokohama, Japan.

Chandima Gomes , Vernon Cooray, "TRANSIENTS THAT MAY AFFECT LOW VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS", Proceedings of the 30TH International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cagliary, Italy, 2010.

Chandima Gomes , Vernon Cooray, "SURGE PROTECTION OF LOW VOLTAGE SYSTEMS AND RELEVANT STANDARDS", Proceedings of the 30TH International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cagliary, Italy, 2010.

Anders Goude, O. Ågren, "Numerical Simulation of a Farm of Vertical Axis Marine Current Turbines", Proceedings of the ASME 2010 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2010), June 6-11, 2010, Shanghai, China, OMAE2010-20160.

Attila Gulyás , Jakke Mäkelä , Bálint Németh , Vernon Cooray , István Kiss , István Berta, "LOCAL DETECTORS IN PREVENTIVE LIGHTNING PROTECTION", Proceedings of the 30TH International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cagliary, Italy, 2010.

A. Hagnestål, O. Ågren and V.E. Moiseenko, "Theoretical field and coil design for a single cell minimum-B mirror hybrid reactor", 8th International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement, July 5-9, 2010 Novosibirsk, Russia.

Jan Isberg, "Diamond Electronic Devices", Invited review article in "Proceedings of the European Materials Research Society, Symposium F: Wide Bandgap Semiconductors from Growth to Devices", Strasbourg, France, June 2010.

Johnstone C, Holmes B, AbuBakr B., "The need for performance appraisal procedures for ocean energy converters", Paper presented at International Conference on Ocean Energy, ICOE 2010, Bilbao, Spain.

Remya Krishna, E S Deepak, Sasi K Kottayil, Mats Leijon, "Space vector modulation method to balance the neutral voltage for a three level inverter", International conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy systems, India, Dec 2010, doi:10.1109/PEDES.2010.5712534

Remya Krishna, Kottayil, Sasi K.,Leijon, M., "Predictive current controller for a grid connected three level inverter with reactive power control", 12th IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), 28-30 June 2010, Boulder, CO, USA doi:10.1109/COMPEL.2010.5562428

Remya Krishna, Sasi K Kottayil, M Leijon, "Direct Predictive Current Control of Grid Connected Neutral Point Clamped Inverter for Wave Power Extraction", 20th International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, SPEEDAM, Pisa Italy June 14-16 2010.

Leybourne, Mark T., Batten, William M.J., Bahaj, AbuBakr S., O'Nians, Jamie and Minns, Ned, "A parametric experimental study of the 2D performance of a aucted wave energy converters", Eighth European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Uppsala, SE, 07 - 10 Sep 2010. 6pp.

M. Leybourne, W. Batten, A.S. Bahaj, N. Minns, J. O’Nians, "Experimental and Computational Modelling of the OWEL Wave Energy Converter", Paper presented at International Conference on Ocean Energy, ICOE 2010, Bilbao, Spain.

Myers, L., Bahaj, A.S., Retzler, C., Ricci, P. and Dhedin, J.-F., "Inter-device spacing issues within wave and tidal energy converter arrays", Paper presented at International Conference on Ocean Energy, ICOE 2010, Bilbao, Spain.

Ranlöf, M., Lundin, U., "The rotating field method applied to damper loss calculation in large hydrogenerators", XIX International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), 6-8 Sept. 2010. doi: 10.1109/ICELMACH.2010.5607695

Rosy Raysaha , Udaya Kumar , Vernon Cooray , Rajeev Thottappillil, "SPECIAL CASE OF LIGHTNING STRIKE TO TALL OBJECTS ON GROUND", Proceedings of the 30TH International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cagliary, Italy, 2010.

Abdolhamid Shoory , Abdenabi Mimouni , Farhad Rachidi , Vernon Cooray , Marcos Rubinstein, "LIGHTNING HORIZONTAL ELECTRIC FIELDS ABOVE A TWO-LAYER GROUND", Proceedings of the 30TH International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cagliary, Italy, 2010.

Mattias Wallin, Martin Ranlöf and Urban Lundin, "Design and construction of a synchronous generator test setup", Proceedings of XIX International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Rome, Italy, 2010, doi: 10.1109/ICELMACH.2010.5608103

Olov Ågren, V. E. Moiseenko, Klaus Noack, Anders Hagnestål, "Fusion-Fission Hybrid Reactor Studies for the Straight Field Line Mirror", 8th International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement, July 5-9, 2010 Novosibirsk, Russia.

Non refereed conference article

H. Baránková and L. Bárdos, "Convergion of Nitrogen Oxides by the Atmospheric Hollow Cathode Discharges", INVITED PAPER, IEEE 37th International Conference on Plasma Science, June 20-24, 2010, Norfolk, Virginia, USA.

H. Baránková and L. Bárdos, "Cold Atmospheric Plasma Treatment of Energy System Components", INVITED PAPER, Anzio 2010, 9th Symp. Europ. Vacuum Coaters, October 2010, Rome-Anzio, abstract.

L. Bárdos and H. Baránková, "Surface Treatment of Energy Conversion Device Components by Cold atmospheric Plasma", AVS 57th Int. Symposium, October 17-22, 2010, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Paper SE+PS-MoM3.

F. Bülow, J. Kjellin, S. Eriksson, M. Bergkvist, P. Ström, H. Bernhoff, "Adapting a VAWT with PM generator to telecom applications", European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition 2010, Tuesday 20 - Friday 23 April 2010, Warsaw, Poland

S. Eriksson, T. Semberg, H. Bernhoff and M. Leijon, "A 225 kW direct driven PM generator for a vertical axis wind turbine", European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition 2010, Tuesday 20 - Friday 23 April 2010, Warsaw, Poland.

Master thesis

Kristoffer Backström, "Statistisk analys av mätdata från PD-mätningar på generator", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; ES10009, Abstract, Fulltext

Paraham Barati, "Research of gravity foundation", UTH-INGUTB-EX-M-2010/19-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Anders Dalén, "Elastic Prices and Volatile Energy Generation: Building and evaluating a regional demand response model",UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; ES10024, Abstract, Fulltext

Joel Ebersson, "Design och konstruktion av laborationsutrustning till en kraftelektronikkurs", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2010/03-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Per Edström, "Projektering av vindkraft i turbulensintensiva områden: med fallstudie för Wallenstams planerade park vid Skuggetorp", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 10006, Abstract, Fulltext

Mårten Einarsson, "Power quality in low voltage grids with integrated microproduction", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 10 026, Abstract, Fulltext

Lars Eriksson, "Design and dimensioning of pressure vessel for a marine substation", UPTEC F, ISSN 1401-5757; 10 006, Abstract, Fulltext

Markus Eriksson, Jakob Fryk, Ali Farahani, Christoffer Nilsson, "Aktivt system för tidvattenreglering av Lysekilsprojektets vågkraftsteknik", TVE; 10 011, Abstract, Fulltext

Senad Ferhatovic, "Assembly and function-test of the main circuit for a marine substation", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 10 001, Abstract, Fulltext

Nils Finnstedt, "Design and Construction of an EV Driveline Prototype with an Integrated Flywheel", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 10 013, Abstract, Fulltext

Björn Gotthardsson, "Analysis and Evaluation of the Wavebox Wave Energy Converter", UPTEC F, ISSN 1401-5757; 11 018, Abstract, Fulltext

Sofie Gunnar, "Evaluation of a potential site for a small hydropower plant on the bio north irrigation system, Chile", ES10 020. Abstract, Fulltext

Magnus Hedlund, "Design and construction of a bidirectional DCDC converter for an EV application", UPTEC F, ISSN 1401-5757; 10013, Abstract, Fulltext

Marcus Linder, "Robotized machining: of a dovetail in construction steel", UTH-INGUTB-EX-M-2010/26-SE, Abstract, Fulltext


Ayoub M.Bashir, Alan Latif, "Bojkonstruktion", ISRN UTH-INGUTB-EX-M2010/25-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Karokh Mohammed, "Design of a gripper tool for robotic picking and placing", UTH-INGUTB-EX-M2010/24-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Johan Nilsson, "Mätning av axiella magnetiska läckflöden i vattenkraftsgeneratorer",UPTEC F, ISSN 1401-5757; 10027, Abstract, Fulltext

Gustaf Nissen, "Cost Reduction Opportunities in Local Distribution Grids with Demand Response", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 10 019, Abstract, Fulltext

Erik Nyhlén, "Control of marine current energy conversion system",
2010, UPTEC F, ISSN 1401-5757; 10 048, Abstract, Fulltext

Jens Olofsson, "Control of a Synchronous Machine", UPTEC F, ISSN 1401-5757; 10 039, Abstract, Fulltext

Marielle Perup, "Dämplindningens inverkan på spänningens kurvform i en vattenkraftgenerator", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 10010, Abstract, Fulltext

Henric Skoog, "Concept for a modular assembly direct drive permanent magnet generator: Development of model and winding scheme", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 10 003, Abstract, Fulltext

David Österberg, "Multi-Body Unsteady Aerodynamics in 2D Applied to aVertical-Axis Wind Turbine Using a Vortex Method", UPTEC F, ISSN 1401-5757; 10054, Abstract, Fulltext


M. Leijon, "Editorial: Selected, expanded papers from EWTEC 2009", Renewable Power Generation, IET , vol.4, no.6, pp.471-472, November 2010
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2010.9119


M. Leijon (Guest Editor), "Selected, expanded papers from EWTEC 2009",
Renewable Power Generation, IET , vol.4, no.6, pp.471-637, November 2010.

Book chapters

Myers, Luke and Bahaj, AbuBakr S., "Design of 1st-generation marine current energy converter arrays", Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress XI and Exhibition. World Renewable Energy Congress XI and Exhibition Reading, GB, World Renewable Energy Congress Network.

Juan de Santiago Ochoa, Janaína Gonçalves de Oliveira, "Electric Machine Topologies in Energy Storage Systems", Chapter 1 in Energy Storage, ed by Md. Rafiqul Islam Sheikh, Sciyo September 2010 ISBN: 978-953-307-119-0.



Noor Azlinda Ahmad, "Broadband and high frequency radiation from cloud flashes and narrow bipolar pulses", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 822, Abstract + Fulltext

Liliana P Arévalo Gonzalez, "Numerical simulations of long spark and lightning attachment", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 820, Abstract + Fulltext

Cecilia Boström, "Electrical systems for wave energy conversion",Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 727, Abstract + Fulltext

Jens Engström, "Hydrodynamic Modelling for a Point Absorbing Wave Energy Converter", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 878, Abstract + Fulltext

Simon Lindroth, "Buoy and Generator Interaction with Ocean Waves", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 872, Abstract + Fulltext

Juan de Santiago Ochoa, "FEM analysis applied to electric machines for electric vehicles", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 845, Abstract + Fulltext

Janaína Gonçalves de Oliveira, "Power Control Systems in a Flywheel based All-Electric Driveline", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 844, Abstract + Fulltext

Martin Ranlöf, "Electromagnetic Analysis of Hydroelectric Generators", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 810, Abstract + Fulltext

Licentiate thesis

Johan Abrahamsson, "Kinetic Energy Storage and Magnetic Bearings, for vehicular applications", UURIE 327-11L, Uppsala 2011

Fredrik Bülow, "Extreme Load Conditions for Wind Powered Direct Drive PM Generators", UURIE 324-11L, Uppsala 2011.

Boel Ekergård, ”Electromagnetic Energy Converters - Rotating Motors and Linear Generators”, UURIE 330-11L, Uppsala 2011.

Anders Goude, "Fluid mechanical simulations and development for vertical axis turbines", UURIE 329-11L, Uppsala 2011.

Halvar Gravråkmo, "Buoy for linear wave energy converter", UURIE 326-11L, Uppsala 2011.

Remya Krishna, "Multilevel Inverter for Wave Power Conversion", UURIE 325-11L, Uppsala 2011.

Johan Lundin, "Flywheel in an all-electric propulsion system", UURIE 328-11L, Uppsala 2011.

Mattias Wallin ,"An experimental generator test setup for hydropower research and model verification", UURIE 323-11L, Uppsala 2011.

Reviewed literature

Johan Abrahamsson, Hans Bernhoff, "Magnetic bearings in kinetic energy storage systems for vehicular applications", J. Electrical Systems Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2011, Pages 225-236.

Liliana Arevalo, Vernon Cooray "Preliminary study on the modelling of negative leader discharges", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol 44 Number 31, aug, 2011, doi:10.1088/0022-3727/44/31/315204

Liliana Arevalo, Vernon Cooray, "On the interception of lightning flashes by power transmission lines", Journal of Electrostatics, Volume 69, Issue 3, June 2011, Pages 220-227, doi:10.1016/j.elstat.2011.03.013

Bahaj, AbuBakr S, "Generating electricity from the oceans", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15, (7), 3399-3416, doi:10.1016/j.rser.2011.04.032

Bahaj, A.S., Myers, L.E., Rawlinson-Smith, Robert and Thomson, Matthew, "The effect of boundary proximity upon the wake structure of horizontal axis marine current turbines", Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 134, (2), 021104-[8pp], doi:10.1115/1.4004523

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bárdos, "Comparison of pulsed dc and rf hollow cathode depositions of Cr and CrN films", Surf. Coat. Technol. 205 (2011) 4169-4176, doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2011.03.013

Ladislav Bárdos, Hana Baránková, "Cold Atmospheric Plasma Treatment of Steel Buoys for Wave Energy Converters", Plasma Processes and Polymers 8 (2011) 658-663, doi:10.1002/ppap.201100015

Cecilia Boström and Mats Leijon, "Operation analysis of a wave energy converter under different load conditions", IET Power Generation, vol. 5, issue 3, pp. 245-250, 2011. doi:10.1049/iet-rpg.2010.0153

Vernon Cooray, Valdimir Rakov, "Engineering Lightning Return Stroke Models Incorporating Current Reflection From Ground and Finitely Conducting Ground Effects", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume: 53 Issue: 3 Pages: 773-781 doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2011.2113350

Vernon Cooray, Gerald Cooray, Joseph Dwyer, "On the possibility of phosphenes being generated by the energetic radiation from lightning flashes and thunderstorms", Physics Letters A, Volume 375, Issue 42, 3 October 2011, Pages 3704-3709, doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2011.08.055

Vernon Cooray, Marley Becerra, "Attractive radii of vertical and horizontal conductors evaluated using a self consistent leader inception and propagation model—SLIM", Atmospheric Research, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2011.08.007

Vernon Cooray, "A review of simulation procedures utilized to study the attachment of lightning flashes to grounded structures", Prepared on behalf of the CIGRE working group C4.405, ELECTRA N°257, August, 2011.

Vernon Cooray, "Non conventional lightning protection systems", Prepared on behalf of the CIGRE working group C4.405, ELECTRA N°258, October, 2011.

Boel Ekergård, Rafael Waters, Mats Leijon, "Prediction of the Inductance in a Synchronous Linear Permanent Magnet Generator", Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, 2011, 3, pp. 154-158, doi:10.4236/jemaa.2011.35025

Jens Engström, Venugopalan Kurupath, Jan Isberg, Mats Leijon , "A resonant two body system for a point absorbing wave energy converter with direct-driven linear generator", Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 110, Issue 12, 8 pages, 2011. doi:10.1063/1.3664855

Sandra Eriksson, Tobias Semberg, Hans Bernhoff, Mats Leijon, "Gerador de ímãs permanentes de acionamento direto para turbina de eixo vertical", Eletricidade Moderna, p.160-165, Oct. 2011.

Sandra Eriksson, Hans Bernhoff and Mats Leijon, "A 225 kW Direct Driven PM Generator Adapted to a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine", Advances in Power Electronics, vol. 2011, Article ID 239061, 7 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/239061

Sandra Eriksson and Hans Bernhoff, "Loss Evaluation and Design Optimisation for Direct Driven Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators for Wind Power", Applied Energy 88 (2011), pp. 265-271, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2010.06.010

Markus Gabrysch, Saman Majdi, D. J. Twitchen, and Jan Isberg, "Electron and hole drift velocity in chemical vapor deposition diamond", Journal of Applied Physics 109, 063719 (2011). doi:10.1063/1.3554721

Giles, Jack, Myers, L.E., Bahaj, A.S., O'Nians, J. and Shelmerdine, R, "Foundation-based flow acceleration structures for marine current energy converters", IET Renewable Power Generation, 5, (4), doi:10.1049/iet-rpg.2009.0181

G. Gorini, Jan Källne, F. Ognissanto, and M. Tardocchi, "Relationship between neutron yield rate of tokamak plasmas and spectrometer measured flux for different sight lines", Review of Scientific Instruments, vol 82, issue 3, 033507 (2011), doi:10.1063/1.3557825

Anders Hagnestål, Olov Ågren and V. E. Moiseenko, "Field and Coil Design for a Quadrupolar Mirror Hybrid Reactor", Journal of Fusion Energy, 2011, Volume 30, Number 2, Pages 144-156, doi:10.1007/s10894-010-9353-4

Anders Hagnestål, Olov Ågren, V. E. Moiseenko, "Theoretical Field and Coil Design for a Single Cell Minimum-B Mirror Hybrid Reactor", Fusion Science and Technology, Volume 59, Number 1T, January 2011, Pages 217-219

Jan Isberg, Markus Gabrysch, Saman Majdi, Kiran Kumar Kovi, and Daniel Twitchen, "On the transition between space-charge-free and space-charge-limited conduction in diamond", Solid State Sciences 13, 1065-1067 (2011). doi:10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2011.01.018

Kiran Kumar Kovi, Saman Majdi, Markus Gabrysch, Ian Friel, Richard Balmer and Jan Isberg, "Time-of-Flight Characterization of Single-crystalline CVD Diamond with Different Surface Passivation Layers", MRS Proceedings, 1282, mrsf10-1282-a09-01, doi:10.1557/opl.2011.311

Jon Kjellin, Fredrik Bülow, Sandra Eriksson, Paul Deglaire, Mats Leijon and Hans Bernhoff, "Power Coefficient Measurement on a 12 kW Straight Bladed Vertical Axis Wind Turbine", Renewable Energy 36 (11), Pages 3050-3053, 2011, doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2011.03.031

Jon Kjellin and Hans Bernhoff, "Electrical Starter System for an H-Rotor Type VAWT with PM-Generator and Auxiliary Winding", Wind Engineering volume 35, no. 1, 2011 pages 85-92, doi:10.1260/0309-524X.35.1.85

Emilia Lalander, Mats Leijon, "In-stream energy converters in a river - effects on upstream hydropower station", Renewable Energy Volume 36, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 399-404, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2010.05.019

Mats Leijon, Boel Ekergård, Cecilia Boström "A resonance circuit for electrical conversion systems", PS Public Service Review: European Union, Issue 22, pp. 268-271, 2011, Full issue

Mats Leijon, "Renewable energies", PS Public Service Review: European Union: Issue 21, pp 650-653, 2011, Full issue

Simon Lindroth, Mats Leijon, "Offshore wave power measurements—A review", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 15, Issue 9, December 2011, Pages 4274-4285, doi:10.1016/j.rser.2011.07.123

Henrik Löfås, Anton Grigoriev, Jan Isberg and Rajeev Ahuja, "Effective masses and electronic structure of diamond including electron correlation effects in first principles calculations using the GW-approximation", AIP Advances 1, 032139 (2011); doi:10.1063/1.3630932

Mackay, Edward B.L., Challenor, Peter G. and Bahaj, AbuBakr S, "A comparison of estimators for the generalised Pareto distribution", Ocean Engineering, 38, (11-12), 1338-1346, doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2011.06.005

Surajit Midya, Dierk Bormann, Thorsten Schütte, Rajeev Thottappillil, "DC Component From Pantograph Arcing in AC Traction System—Influencing Parameters, Impact, and Mitigation Techniques", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Feb. 2011,Volume: 53 Issue:1, page(s): 18 - 27
doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2010.2045159

V. E. Moiseenko, M.A. Surkova, Olov Ågren, "Conservation of magnetic moment of charged particles in static electromagnetic fields", Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, Issue: 1, pages: 56-58.f

K. Noack, V.E. Moiseenko, O. Ågren and A. Hagnestål, "Neutronic model of a mirror based fusion–fission hybrid for the incineration of the transuranic elements from spent nuclear fuel and energy amplification", Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 38, Issues 2-3, February-March 2011, Pages 578-589, doi:10.1016/j.anucene.2010.09.031

M. Nocente, G. Gorini, Jan Källne and M. Tardocchi, "Calculated neutron emission spectrum with knock-on effects for RF heated (3He)D plasmas", Nuclear Fusion Volume 51, Issue 6 (June 2011) doi:10.1088/0029-5515/51/6/063011

Janaína G. Oliveira, Johan Lundin, and Hans Bernhoff, "Power Balance Control in an AC/DC/AC Converter for Regenerative Braking in a Two-Voltage-Level Flywheel-Based Driveline", International Journal of Vehicular Technology, vol. 2011, Article ID 934023, 9 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/934023

Janaína Goncalves de Oliveira, Johan Abrahamsson, and Hans Bernhoff, "Battery Discharging Power Control in a Double-Wound Flywheel System Applied to Electric Vehicles", International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems: Vol. 12: Iss. 1, Article 7. doi: 10.2202/1553-779X.2674

F. Ognissanto, G. Gorini, Jan Källne, L. Ballabio, M. Nocente, M. Tardocchi, "The elastic He-3+d cross section of relevance for knock-on effects in radio frequency heated (He-3)D plasmas", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 269, Issue 8, 15 April 2011, Pages 786-792, doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2011.02.013

Mahbubur Rahman, Vernon Cooray, Raúl Montaño, Prasanna Liyanage, Marley Becerra, "NOX production by impulse sparks in air", Journal of Electrostatics, Volume 69, 2011, Pages 494-500, doi:10.1016/j.elstat.2011.06.008

Martin Ranlöf, Urban Lundin, "Form Factors and Harmonic Imprint of Salient Pole Shoes in Large Synchronous Machines". Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 39, Iss. 9, 2011, pp. 900-916. doi:10.1080/15325008.2010.549545

Juan de Santiago, Hans Bernhoff, "3D FEM modeling of ironless Axial Flux Permanent Magnet motor/generators", Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Volume 4, Number 1, 2011. Full Text.

S R Sharma, Vernon Cooray, Mahendra Fernando, "Unique lightning activities pertinent to tropical and temperate thunderstorms", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics (2011), Volume: 73, Issue: 4, Pages: 483-487,
doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2010.11.006

S.R. Sharma, Vernon Cooray, Mahendra Fernando, F.J. Mirandab, "Temporal features of different lightning events revealed from wavelet transform", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 73, Issue 4, March 2011, Pages 507-515, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2010.11.009

Abdolhamid Shoory, Abdenabi Mimouni, Farhad Rachidi, Vernon Cooray, Marcos Rubinstein, "On the accuracy of approximate techniques for the evaluation of lightning electromagnetic fields along a mixed propagation path", RADIO SCIENCE, VOL. 46, RS2001, 8 PP., 2011, doi:10.1029/2010RS004480

James, P.A.B., Sissons, M.F., Bradford, J, Myers, L.E., Anwar, A.A., Bahaj, A.S. and Green, S, "Pole-mounted horizontal axis micro-wind turbines: UK field trial findings and market size assessment", Energy Policy, 39, (6), 3822-3811, doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2011.04.012

Simon Tyrberg, Olle Svensson, Venugopalan Kurupath, Jens Engström, Erland Strömstedt, Mats Leijon, "Wave Buoy and Translator Motions—On-Site Measurements and Simulations", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Volume: 36, Issue: 3, 2011, Pages: 377 - 385, doi: 10.1109/JOE.2011.2136970

T.W. Versloot, R. Sartori, F. Rimini, P.C. de Vries, G. Saibene, V. Parail, M.N.A. Beurskens, A. Boboc, R. Budny, K. Crombé, E. de la Luna, F. Durodie, T. Eich, C. Giroud, V. Kiptily, Tomas Johnson, P. Mantica, M.-L. Mayoral, D.C. McDonald, I. Monakhov, M.F.F. Nave, I. Voitsekhovitch, K.-D. Zastrow and JET EFDA Contributors, "Comparison between dominant NB and dominant IC heated ELMy H-mode discharges in JET", Nuclear Fusion Volume 51, 103033 doi:10.1088/0029-5515/51/10/103033

Mattias Wallin, Martin Ranlof, Urban Lundin, "Reduction of Unbalanced Magnetic Pull in Synchronous Machines due to Parallel Circuits", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Volume: 47 , Issue: 12, 2011 , Page(s): 4827 - 4833,
doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2011.2160727

Rafael Waters, Magnus Rahm, Mikael Eriksson, Olle Svensson, Erland Strömstedt, Cecilia Boström, Jan Sundberg, Mats Leijon, "Ocean wave energy absorption in response to wave frequency and amplitude – offshore experiments on a wave energy converter", IET Renewable Power Generation, Vol. 5, Issue 6, pp. 465-469, 2011, doi:10.1049/iet-rpg.2010.0124

Olov Ågren, V. E. Moiseenko, Klaus Noack, Anders Hagnestål, "Conceptual study of a straight field line mirror hybrid reactor", Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, Issue: 1, pages: 3-7.

Olov Ågren, V. E. Moiseenko, Klaus Noack, Anders Hagnestål, "Fusion-Fission Hybrid Reactor Studies for the Straight Field Line Mirror", Fusion Science and Technology, Volume 59, Number 1T, January 2011, Pages 166-169.

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

M. R. Ahmad, M. Rashid, M. H. A. Aziz, M. M. Esa, V. Cooray, M. Rahman, E. Dutkiewicz, "Analysis of Lightning-induced Transient in 2.4 GHz Wireless Communication System", IEEE International Conference on Space Science and Communication (IconSpace), 2011, Page(s): 225 - 230, doi:10.1109/IConSpace.2011.6015888

Bahaj, A.S., "Development of marine current turbines for electricity production", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 24-29 July 2011, San Diego, CA, doi:10.1109/PES.2011.6039067

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bárdos, "Optimization and performance of atmospheric Fused Hollow Cathodes", Proceedings of the 11th Int. Symp. Sputtering & Plasma Processes (ISSP2011), Kyoto, Japan, July 2011, PP 1-5, p. 27.

Daly, T., Myers, L.E. and Bahaj, A.S, "Numerical analysis of the acceleration and wake effects resulting from changes in tidal turbine array position in a channel", In, 9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Southampton, GB, 05 - 09 Sep 2011. 9pp.

Oscar Diaz, Vernon Cooray, "Cold-electrode voltage fall for impulse arcs in argon between copper electrodes", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 301, 1, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/301/1/012042

V. Gama, H. Shettino, R. Carvalho, Janaína Goncalves de Oliveira, Hans Bernhoff, "Implementation of an AC/DC/AC converter for electric vehicle application", Proceedings of the IV Brazilian Conference on Energy Efficiency, Juiz de Fora, Brazil, pp. 1-6, 2011.

Johnstone, C. M., McCombes, T., Bahaj, A.S., Myers, L.E., Holmes, B., Koefoed, J.P. and Bittencourt, C., "EquiMar: development of best practices for the engineering performance appraisal of wave and tidal energy convertors", 9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Southampton, GB, 05 - 09 Sep 2011.

Erik Lejerskog, Cecilia Boström, Andrej Savin, Erland Strömstedt, Halvar Gravråkmo, Jens Engström, Kalle Haikonen, Magnus Rahm, Boel Ekergård, Olle Svensson, Rafael Waters, Simon Tyrberg, Rickard Ekström, Venugopalan Kurupath, Wei Li, Jan Sundberg, Mats Leijon, Antoine Baudoin, Ling Hai, Remya Krishna. "Lysekil Research Site, Sweden: Status Update". In Proceedings of the 9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Southampton, UK, 5-9 September 2011.

Wei Li, Jens Engström, Ling Hai, Stephanie Bontemps, Jan Isberg, Rafael Waters, Mats Leijon. "Optimization of the dimensions of a gravity-based wave energy converter foundation based on the heave and surge forces". In Proceedings of the 9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Southampton, UK, 5-9 September 2011.

Johan Lundin, Janaína Goncalves de Oliveira, Cecilia Boström, Katarina Yuen, Jon Kjellin, Magnus Rahm, Hans Bernhoff, Mats Leijon, "Dynamic stability of an electricity generation system based on renewable energy", In proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2011), Frankfurt, Germany, 6-10 June 2011. Full Text.

Myers, L.E., Keogh, B. and Bahaj, A.S, "Layout optimisation of 1st-generation tidal energy arrays", 9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Southampton, GB, 05 - 09 Sep 2011.

V. E. Moiseenko, Olov Ågren, Klaus Noack, "Radio-Frequency Heating in Straight Field Line Mirror Neutron Source", Proceedings of conference Open Systems 2010, Fusion Science and Technology, Volume 59, Number 1T, January 2011, Pages 132-135.

Paulo Mordente, Hana Baránková, R. Banfield, Ladislav Bárdos, "Linear Hollow Cathode Arc for Deposition of CrN Fims", Paper H-2, Proceedings of the 54th Annual Tech. Conf. of SVC, Chicago, April 2011, ISSN 0737-5921, p. 105-108.

Klaus Noack, V. E. Moiseenko, Olov Ågren, Anders Hagnestål, "Neutronic Model of a Mirror Based Fusion-Fission Hybrid for the Incineration of Spent Nuclear Fuel and with Potential for Power Generation", Proceedings of conference Open Systems 2010, Open Systems 2010, Fusion Science and Technology, Volume 59, Number 1T, January 2011, Pages 158-161.

Janaína Goncalves de Oliveira, Hans Bernhoff, "Power electronics and control of two-voltage-level flywheel based all-electric driveline". Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Gdansk, Poland, pp. 1659 - 1665, 2011.

Papafragkou, Anastasios, James, P.A.B. and Bahaj, A.S, "The impact of the GB Feed-in Tariffs and Renewable Heat Incentive to the economics of various microgeneration technologies at the street level", WREC 2011: World Renewable Energy Congress 2011, Linköping, Sweden, 08 - 13 May 2011. 18pp.

Henrique Schettino, Vinicius Gama, Renato Carvalho, Janaína Goncalves de Oliveira, Hans Bernhoff, "Implementation and control of an AC/DC/AC converter for double wound flywheel application", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, Dec 19-21, 2011, in Santiago, Chile.

Deepak Elamalayil Soman.; Anil, C. S.; Sanjay, S.; Febi, C.; Sajina, K. R., "A novel multilevel inverter topology based on multi-winding multi-tapped transformers for improved wave shape requirements", Power Electronics (IICPE), 2010 India International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,5, 28-30 Jan. 2011, doi: 10.1109/IICPE.2011.5728136

Olle Svensson, Erland Strömstedt, Andrej Savin, Mats Leijon. "Sensors and Measurements inside the Second and Third Wave Energy Converter at the Lysekil Research Site". In Proceedings of the 9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Southampton, UK, 5-9 September 2011.

Teli, Despoina, Jentsch, Mark F., James, Patrick A.B. and Bahaj, Abubakr S, "Overheating risk evaluation of school classrooms", Proceedings, World Renewable Energy Congress 2011, Linköping, Sweden, 08 Apr - 11 May 2011. , 1821-1828.

Katarina Yuen, Staffan Lundin, Mårten Grabbe, Emilia Lalander, Anders Goude, Mats Leijon. "The Söderfors Project: Construction of an Experimental Hydrokinetic Power Station". In Proceedings of the 9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Southampton, UK, 5-9 September 2011, Full Text.

Non refereed conference article

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bárdos, "Non-thermal atmospheric plasma: Sources,
processes and applications"
, INVITED PAPER, Encontro de Física 2011, Brazilian Physics Meeting, SBF, Foz do Iguacu, June 6-9, 2011

Master thesis

Sara Bengtsson, "Modelling of a Power System in a Combined Cycle Power Plant", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 11009, Abstract, Fulltext

Elias Björkelund de Faire, "Implementering av mjukvarubaserat PLC-system för reglering av magnetiseringen av en synkrongenerator", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 11027, Abstract, Fulltext

Emelie Bränd, Ann-Mari Olofsson, "Experiments and simulations of the flow velocity distribution downstream the Xiluodu hydropower station",
UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 11004, Abstract, Fulltext

Peter Butros, "Simulations of Rotating Brushless AC Excitation System with Controlled Thyristor Bridge Rectifier for Hydropower Generators",UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; ES11 024, Abstract, Fulltext

Valeria Castellucci, "Tidal Effect Compensation System for Wave Energy Converters", TVE; 11036, Abstract, Fulltext

Staffan Engström, "Wind farms influence on stability in an area with high concentration of hydropower plants" , UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 11026, Abstract, Fulltext

Jonathan Hanning, "Influence of damping winding, controllersettings and exciter on the damping of rotorangle oscillations in a hydroelectric generator: The testing of a mathematical modell", UPTEC E, ISSN 1654-7616; 11 002, Abstract, Fulltext

Nicklas Hillgren, "Analysis of hydraulic pressure transients in the waterways of hydropower stations", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 11007, Abstract, Fulltext

Marcus Karlsson, "Dynamisk simulering av VSC-HVDC. En statisk och dynamisk modelldesign över VSC-HVDC implementering I ARISTO", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 11029, Abstract, Fulltext

Marcus Krell, Linnea Jonsson, "Evaluating the Potential of Seabased's Wave Power Technology in New Zealand", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; ES 11 002, Abstract, Fulltext

Bawaqneh Mahdi, "Elektromagnetisk och mekanisk design av en 20MW turbogenerator", UTH-INGUTB-EX-M-2011/17-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Johan Malmberg, "Identifiering av synkronmaskinsmodell genom SSFR-test", UPTEC E, ISSN 1654-7616; 11 003, Abstract, Fulltext

Gustav Persarvet, "Evaluation of Finite Element Method Based Software for Simulation of Hydropower Generator - Power Grid Interaction", UPTEC F, ISSN 1401-5757; 11028, Abstract, Fulltext

Lova Rydberg, "RTDS modelling of battery energy storage system", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 11016, Abstract, Fulltext

Jon Siljehag, "Analys av lageregenskaper utifrån mätningar i testrigg", UPTEC F, ISSN 1401-5757; 11 035, Abstract, Fulltext

Books and Book chapters

Ronny Brandenburg, Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bárdos, Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Miroslav Dors, Helge Grosch, Marcin Holub, Indrek Jogi, Matti Laan, Jerzy Mizeraczyk, Andrzej Pawelec and Eugen Stamate, "Plasma-based depollution of exhausts: principles, state of the art and future prospects", in Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air Pollution, edited by Andrzej G. Chmielewski (InTech, 2011). ISBN: 978-953-307-526-6.

Daly, Tim, Myers, Luke E. and Bahaj, AbuBakr S, "Experimental investigation of the effects of the presence and operation of tidal turbine arrays in a split tidal channel", Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress. Linköping, SE, Linköping University, 2262-2269.

Galloway, Pascal W., Myers, Luke E. and Bahaj, AbuBakr S, "Experimental and numerical results of rotor power and thrust of a tidal turbine operating at yaw and in waves", Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress. Linköping, SE, Linköping University , 2246-2253.

Giles, Jack, Myers, Luke, Bahaj, Abubakr and Shelmerdine, Bob, "The downstream wake response of marine current energy converters operating in shallow tidal flows", Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress. World Renewable Energy Congress Linköping, SE, Linköping University, 2270-2277.

Myers, L.E., Keogh, B. and Bahaj, A.S, "Experimental investigation of inter-array wake properties in early tidal turbine arrays", Oceans 11. OCEANS 11 Piscataway, United States, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1-8.



Johan Bladh, "Hydropower generator and power system interaction",Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 978, Abstract + Fulltext

Anders Goude, "Fluid mechanics of vertical axis turbines – Simulations and model development",Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 998, Abstract + Fulltext

Anders Hagnestål, "Coil Design and Related Studies for the Fusion-Fission Reactor Concept SFLM Hybrid", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 991, Abstract + Fulltext

Jon Kjellin, "Vertical axis wind turbines – Electrical system and experimental results", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 981, Abstract + Fulltext

Saman Majdi, "Experimental Studies of Charge Transport in Single Crystal Diamond Devices", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 944, Abstract + Fulltext

Andrej Savin, "Experimental measurement of lateral force in a submerged single heaving buoy wave energy converter", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 886, Abstract + Fulltext

Erland Strömstedt, "Submerged Transmission in Wave Energy Converters:
Full Scale In-Situ Experimental Measurements"
, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 961, Abstract + Fulltext

Olle Svensson, "Experimental results from the Lysekil wave power research site", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 957, Abstract + Fulltext

Katarina Yuen, "System perspectives on hydro-kinetic energy conversion",Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 976, Abstract + Fulltext

Licentiate thesis

Kalle Haikonen, "Environmental Impact from Wave Energy Converters - Underwater Noise", UURIE 331-12L, Uppsala 2012.

Reviewed literature

Johan Abrahamsson, Janaína Gonçalves de Oliveira, Juan de Santiago, Johan Lundin, Hans Bernhoff, "On the Efficiency of a Two-Power-Level Flywheel-Based All-Electric Driveline", Energies, August 2012, Volume 5, Issue 8, pp. 2794-2817 doi:10.3390/en5082794

Mohd Riduan Ahmad, Mona Riza Binti Mohd Esa, Mahbubur Rahman, Vernon Cooray, E. Dutkiewicz, "Lightning interference in multiple antennas wireless communication systems", Journal of Lightning Research, vol. 4, p155-165, 2012, Full Text.

Liliana P Arévalo Gonzalez, Vernon Cooray, D Wu, B Jacobson, "A new static calculation of the streamer region for long spark gaps", Journal of Electrostatics, Volume 70, Issue 1, February 2012, Pages 15-19, doi:10.1016/j.elstat.2011.07.013

Zikri Abadi Baharudin, Noor Azlinda Ahmad, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, Jakke Mäkelä, "Comparative study on preliminary breakdown pulse trains observed in Johor, Malaysia and Florida, USA", Journal of Atmospheric Research, volume 117, pp. 111-121, 2012, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.01.012

Zikri Abadi Baharudin, Mahendra Fernando, Noor Azlinda Ahmad, Jakke Mäkelä, Mahbubur Rahman, VernonC ooray, "Electric field changes generated by the preliminary breakdown for the negative cloud-to-ground lightning flashes in Malaysia and Sweden", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 84-85, pp. 15-24. 2012, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2012.04.009

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bárdos, "Conversion of Nitrogen and Carbon Oxides by the Atmospheric Hollow Cathode Discharges", IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 40 (2012) 1324-1328, doi:10.1109/TPS.2011.2176146

Antoine Baudoin, Rickard Ekström, Cecilia Boström, Magnus Rahm, Olle Svensson, Erland Strömstedt, Andrej Savin, Rafael Waters, Mats Leijon. "Temperature Study in a Marine Substation for Wave Power", International Journal of Mechanic Systems Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2012, pp. 126-131, Full Paper

Cecilia Boström, Boel Ekergård, Mats Leijon, "Electric resonance-rectifier circuit
for renewable energy conversion"
, Applied Physics Letters Vol.100, Issue
4, 2012, doi:10.1063/1.3680097

Cecilia Boström, Magnus Rahm, Olle Svensson, Erland Strömstedt, Andrej Savin, Rafael Waters and Mats Leijon, "Temperature measurements in a linear generator and marine substation for wave power", Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol. 134, Issue 2, 6 pages, 2012, doi:10.1115/1.4004629

Fredrik Bülow, Sandra Eriksson, Hans Bernhoff, "No-load core loss prediction of PM generator at low electrical frequency", Journal of Renewable Energy, Volume 43, July 2012, Pages 389-392, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2011.12.002

Vernon Cooray, Vladimir Rakov, "On the upper and lower limits of peak current of first return strokes in negative lightning flashes", Atmospheric Research, Volume 117, 1 November 2012, Pages 12–17, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2011.06.002

Vernon Cooray, Gerald Cooray, "Electromagnetic radiation field of an electron avalanche", Atmospheric Research, Volume 117, 1 November 2012, Pages 18–27, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2011.06.004

Vernon Cooray, Marley Becerra, "Attractive radii of vertical and horizontal conductors evaluated using a self consistent leader inception and propagation model-SLIM", Journal of Atmospheric Research, Volume 117, November 2012, Pages 64-70, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2011.08.007

Vernon Cooray, Farhad Rachidi, "Guest Editorial", Journal of Atmospheric Research, Volume 117, November 2012, p. 1, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.07.022

Gerald Cooray, Vernon Cooray, "Electromagnetic fields of a short electric dipole in free space - Revisited", Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 131, pp. 357-373, 2012, Full Text.

Boel Ekergård, Cecilia Boström, Anders Hagnestål, Rafael Waters and Mats Leijon,
"Experimental results from a linear wave power generator connected to a resonance circuit", Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, 2012, doi:10.1002/wene.19

Jens Engström, Jan Isberg, Mikael Eriksson, Mats Leijon "Total instantaneous energy transport in polychromatic fluid gravity waves at finite depth", Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Volume 4, Issue 3, 033108, 2012, doi:10.1063/1.4719678

Sandra Eriksson, Hans Bernhoff, Mikael Bergkvist, "Design of a unique direct driven PM generator adapted for a telecom tower wind turbine", Renewable Energy, Volume 44, August 2012, pp. 453-456. doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2012.01.090

Anders Hagnestål, Olov Ågren, "Vacuum Field Ellipticity Dependence on Radius in Quadrupolar Mirror Machines", Journal of Fusion Energy, October 2012, Volume 31, Issue 5, pp 448-454, doi: 10.1007/s10894-011-9493-1

Anders Hagnestål, Olov Ågren, V. E. Moiseenko, "A Compact Non-Planar Coil Design for the SFLM Hybrid", Journal of Fusion Energy, August 2012, Volume 31, Issue 4, pp 379-388, doi:10.1007/s10894-011-9479-z

Jan Isberg, Markus Gabrysch, Saman Majdi and D.J.Twitchen, "Negative Electron Mobility in Diamond", Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 172103, 2012, doi:10.1063/1.4705434

M Izadi, M.Z.A Ab Kadir, Chandima Gomes, Vernon Cooray, "Evaluation of lightning return stroke current using measured electromagnetic fields", Progress in Electromagnetics Research, Volume 130, pp. 581-600, 2012.

M Izadi, M.Z.A Ab Kadir, Chandima Gomes, Vernon Cooray, J Shoene, "Evaluation of lightning current and velocity profiles along lightning channel using measured magnetic flux density", Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 130, pp. 473-492, 2012.

Janaína Goncalves de Oliveira, H. Schettino, V. Gama, R. Carvalho, and Hans Bernhoff, "Study on a doubly-fed flywheel machine-based driveline with an AC/DC/AC converter", IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, June 2012, Volume 2, Issue 2, p.51–57 doi:10.1049/iet-est.2011.0040

Janaína Gonçalves de Oliveira, H. Schettino, V. Gama, R. Carvalho and Hans Bernhoff,
"Implementation and Control of an AC/DC/AC Converter for Double Wound
Flywheel Application"
, Advances in Power Electronics, vol. 2012, Article
ID 604703, 8 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/604703

Fredric Ottermo, Sandra Eriksson, Hans Bernhoff, "Parking Strategies for Vertical Axis Wind Turbines", ISRN Renewable Energy, vol. 2012, Article ID 904269, 5 pages, 2012. doi:10.5402/2012/904269

Fredric Ottermo, Hans Bernhoff, "Resonances and Aerodynamic Damping of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine", Wind Engineering volume 36, no. 3, 2012 pages 297-304, doi:10.1260/0309-524X.36.3.297

C. Perera, M Rahman, M. Fernando, P. Liyanage, V. Cooray, "The relationship between current and channel diameter of 30 cm long laboratory sparks", Journal of Electrostatics, Volume 70, Issue 6, December 2012, Pages 512–516, doi:10.1016/j.elstat.2012.08.003

Magnus Rahm, Olle Svensson, Cecilia Boström, Rafael Waters, Mats Leijon, "Experimental results from the operation of aggregated wave energy converters", IET Renewable Power Generation, vol.6, no.3, pp.149-160, May 2012, doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2010.0234

R. Raysaha, U. Kumar, Vernon Cooray, "Analysis for the Reflected Waves Transmitted on to the Channel by Tall Grounded Objects Using a Special Case", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume 54, Issue 2, April 2012, Article number5971779, Pages 262-271, doi:10.1109/TEMC.2011.2161316

Juan de Santiago, Hans Bernhoff, Boel Ekergård, Sandra Eriksson, Senad Ferhatovic, Rafael Waters, Mats Leijon, "Electrical Motor Drivelines in Commercial
All-Electric Vehicles: A Review "
, IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology, volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 475-484. FEB 2012, doi:10.1109/TVT.2011.2177873

Andrej Savin, Olle Svensson, Mats Leijon, "Azimuth-inclination angles and snatch load on a tight mooring system", Ocean Engineering, Volume 40, February 2012, Pages 40-49, doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2011.12.007

Andrej Savin, Olle Svensson, Mats Leijon, M., "Estimation of Stress in the Inner Framework Structure of a Single Heaving Buoy Wave Energy Converter", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol.37, no.2, pp.309-317, April 2012, doi: 10.1109/JOE.2012.2188614

Erland Strömstedt, Olle Svensson, Mats Leijon, "A Set-Up of 7 Laser Triangulation Sensors and a Draw-Wire Sensor for Measuring Relative Displacement of a Piston Rod Mechanical Lead-Through Transmission in an Offshore Wave Energy Converter on the Ocean Floor", ISRN Renewable Energy, vol. 2012, Article ID 746865, 32 pages, 2012 doi:10.5402/2012/746865

Karin Thomas, Mårten Grabbe, Katarina Yuen, and Mats Leijon, "A Permanent Magnet Generator for Energy Conversion from Marine Currents: No Load and Load Experiments", ISRN Renewable Energy, vol. 2012, Article ID 489379, 7 pages, 2012. doi:10.5402/2012/489379, Full Text.

Olov Ågren, V.E. Moiseenko, Klaus Noack, Anders Hagnestål, "Radial drift invariant in long-thin mirrors", Eur. Phys. J. D. 66, 28, 2012 doi:10.1140/epjd/e2011-20477-4

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

Johan Abrahamsson, Magnus Hedlund, Hans Bernhoff, "Prototype of Kinetic Energy Storage System for Electrified Utility Vehicles in Urban Traffic", in Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, USA, 6-9 August 2012.

Mohd Riduan Ahmad, Mona Riza Mohd Esa, Vernon Cooray, Eryk Dutkiewicz, "Performance analysis of audio streaming over lightning-interfered MIMO channels", Proc. of International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), Gold Coast, Australia, October 2-5, 2012, pp. 513-518.

Mohd Riduan Ahmad,Mona Riza Mohd Esa, Pasan Hettiarachchi,Vernon
Cooray, "Preliminary observations of lightning signature at 2400 MHz in Sweden thunderstorm", Proc. of IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference of Applied Electromagnetics (APACE), Malacca, Malaysia, December 11-13, 2012, pp, 88-91., doi:10.1109/APACE.2012.6457638

M.R. Ahmad, M.R.M. Esa, Mahbubur Rahman, Vernon Cooray, M.R. Ahmad, "Measurement of bit error rate at 2.4 GHz due to lightning interference", 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2012, art. no. 6344355, doi:10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344355

Senad Apelfröjd, Fredrik Bülow, Jon Kjellin, Sandra Eriksson,"Laboratory verification of system for grid connection of a 12 kW variable speed wind turbine with a permanent magnet synchronous generator", in Proceedings of EWEA 2012 - European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition, DK, Copenhagen, 16-19 April 2012.

Liliana Arevalo, Vernon Cooray, "Corona charge produced by thundercloud fields in grounded rods",31st International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2012, art. no. 6344365, doi:10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344365

AbuBakr S Bahaj, Mark Jentsch, and Patrick James, "Climate change and its potential implications for urban environments in the Middle East", COP18-Collection: Vol. 2012, COP18, 21, doi:10.5339/qproc.2012.gccenergy.2.21

Ladislav Bárdos, Hana Baránková, "Cold Atmospheric Plasma Treatment of Inner Surfaces of Pipes", Paper H-4, Proceedings of the 55th Annual Tech. Conf. of SVC, Chicago, April 28 - May 3, 2012, ISSN 0737-5921, p. 126-128.

Valeria Castellucci, Markus Eriksson, Rafael Waters, Senad Ferhatovic, Mats Leijon
"Wireless System for Tidal Effect Compensation in the Lysekil Research Site",Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 1-6, 2012.

Vernon Cooray, "Electric field of the return stroke channel", 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2012, art. no. 6344241, doi:10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344241

Vernon Cooray, Gerald Cooray, "On the electric and magnetic fields below a single conductor overhead power line", 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2012, art. no. 6344307, doi:10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344307

Vernon Cooray, T. Shindo, "Lightning attachment to power transmission lines", 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2012, art. no. 6344345, doi:10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344345

Vernon Cooray, C.A. Nucci, F. Rachidi, "On the possible variation of the lightning striking distance as defined in the IEC lightning protection standard as a function of structure height", 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2012, art. no. 6344305, doi:10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344305

Eduard Dyachuk, Anders Goude, Emilia Lalander, Hans Bernhoff, "Influence of Incoming Flow Direction on Spacing between Vertical Axis Marine Current Turbines Placed in a Row", Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 1-6, 2012.

M. Edirisinghe, A. Liyanage, Vernon Cooray, "Critical electric field needed for the propagation of surface discharges on water", 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2012, art. no. 6344350, doi:10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344350

Rickard Ekström, Venugopalan Kurupath, Cecilia Boström, Olle Svensson, Rafael Waters, Mats Leijon. "Evaluating Constant DC-Link Operation of Wave Energy Converter", Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 1-6, 2012.

Sandra Eriksson, Hans Bernhoff, "Rotor design for PM generators reflecting the unstable neodymium price", Electrical Machines (ICEM), 2012 XXth International Conference on , pp.1419-1423, 2-5 Sept. 2012, doi: 10.1109/ICElMach.2012.6350064

Mona Riza Mohd Esa, Mohd Riduan Ahmad, Vernon Cooray, Mahbubur Rahman, "Distinctive features of initial breakdown process between ground and cloud discharges", Proc. of Asian Conference of Electrical Discharges (ACED), Johor Bahru, Malaysia, December 10-12, 2012.

Kalle Haikonen, Jan Sundberg, "Sound measurements on full scale Wave Energy Converters in the Lysekil project", 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2-6 July 2012.

Anders Hagnestål, Olov Ågren, V.E. Moiseenko, "Coil System For a Mirror-Based Hybrid Reactor", International Workshop on Fusion Neutrons and Subcritical Nuclear Fission (FUNFI), Varenna, ITALY, doi:10.1063/1.4706871

Erik Hultman, Boel Ekergård, Mats Leijon, "Electromagnetic, Mechanical and Manufacturing Properties for Cable Wound Direct-Drive PM Linear Generators for Offshore Environments", Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 1-6, 2012.

M. Izadi, M.Z. A Ab Kadir, Chandima Gomes, Vernon Cooray, "Improved algorithm for evaluation of lightning current using measured field at far distances from lightning channel", 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2012, art. no. 6344251, doi:10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344251

M. Izadi, M.Z. A Ab Kadir, Chandima Gomes, Vernon Cooray, "Analytical fields expressions due to lightning channel considering variation of return stroke velocities along the lightning channel", 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2012, art. no. 6344252, doi:10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344252

V. G. Kotenko, V. E. Moiseenko, Olov Ågren, "Magnetic field of a combined plasma trap", AIP Conf. Proc. 1442 (2012), pp. 167-172, doi:10.1063/1.4706866

Jan Källne, Klaus Noack, Olov Ågren, Giuseppe Gorini, Marco Tardocchic, Giovanni Grosso, "Neutron Diagnostics For Mirror Hybrids", International Workshop on Fusion Neutrons and Subcritical Nuclear Fission (FUNFI), Varenna, ITALY, doi:10.1063/1.4706881

Erica Lidström, Daniel Wall, Jonas Persson, Urban Lundin "Voltage Stability at Hydropower Stations Influenced by close-located Wind Farms",11th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems Lisbon, Portugal, November 13 - 15, 2012.

D. Magagna, D. Greaves, D. Conley, A. M. O’Hagan, B. Holmes, M. Witt, T. Simas, C. Huertas Olivares, J. Chambel Leitão, H. Mouslim, Y. Torre-Enciso, J. Sundberg, N. Rosseau. "How experiences of the Offshore Wind Industry can aid development of the Wave Energy sector: lessons learnt from EIA studies", Proceedings of the 22nd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Rhodes June 2012.

D. Magagna, D. Greaves, D. Conley, J. Chambel Leitão, E. Aires, C. Embling, Brendan J. Godley, M. Witt,T. Simas, J. B. Saulnier, H. Mouslim, J. O’Callaghan, A. M. O’Hagan, B. Holmes, Y. Torre-Enciso, J. Sundberg, "Development of a Data Management Platform for the integration of European Wave Energy Impact Assessment datasets", Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE), October 2012, Dublin.

V. E. Moiseenko, S. V. Chernitskiy, Olov Ågren, Klaus Noack, "A fuel for sub-critical fast reactor", AIP Conf. Proc. 1442 (2012), pp. 132-136, doi:10.1063/1.4706860

V. E. Moiseenko, Olov Ågren, "Plasma heating and hot ion sustaining in mirror based hybrids", AIP Conf. Proc. 1442 (2012), pp. 199-207, doi:10.1063/1.4706869

V. E. Moiseenko, Olov Ågren, "Fusion neutron generation computations in a stellarator-mirror hybrid with neutral beam injection", AIP Conf. Proc. 1442 (2012), pp. 259-264, doi:10.1063/1.4706877

Myers, L.E. and Bahaj, A.S, "An experimental investigation simulating flow effects in first generation marine current energy converter arrays", Renewable Energy, 37, (1), 28-36, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2011.03.043

Klaus Noack, Olov Ågren, Jan Källne, Anders Hagnestål, and Vladimir E. Moiseenko, "Safety and power multiplication aspects of mirror fusion-fission hybrids", AIP Conf. Proc. 1442 (2012), pp. 186-198; doi:10.1063/1.4706868

Simas, T., Muñoz-Arjona, E., Huertas-Olivares, C., De Groot, J, Stokes, C., Bailey, I., Magagna, D., Conley, D., Greaves, D., Marina, D., Torre-Enciso, Y., Sundberg, J., O’Hagan, A. M., Holmes, B, "Understanding the role of stakeholders in the wave energy consenting process: engagement and sensitivities", 4th International Conference on Ocean Energy, October 2012, Dublin.

Linnea Sjökvist, Jens Engström, Stefan Larsson, Magnus Rahm, Jan Isberg, Mats Leijon, "Simulation of Hydrodynamical Forces on a Buoy - a Comparison Between Two Computational Approaches", In Proceedings of the 1st Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference Series, South Korea, 27-30 November 2012.

A. Smorgonskiy, E. Egüz, F. Rachidi, M. Rubinstein, Vernon Cooray, "Influence of the lightning triggering rocket wire and its corona on the electric field at ground level", 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2012, art. no. 6344361, doi:10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344361

Teli, Despoina, Jentsch, Mark F., James, Patrick A.B. and Bahaj, AbuBakr S, "Field study on thermal comfort in a UK primary school", 7th Windsor Conference: The Changing Context of Comfort in an Unpredictable World, Windsor, United Kingdom, 12 - 15 Apr 2012. 21pp.

Olov Ågren, Klaus Noack, V. E. Moiseenko, Anders Hagnestål, Jan Källne, H. Anglart, "The hybrid reactor project based on the straight field line mirror concept", AIP Conf. Proc. 1442 (2012), pp. 173-185, doi:10.1063/1.4706867

Olov Ågren, V.E. Moiseenko, Klaus Noack, Anders Hagnestål, "Radial drift invariant in long-thin mirrors", AIP Conf. Proc. 1442 (2012), pp. 255-258, doi:10.1063/1.4706876

Olov Ågren, V.E. Moiseenko, Klaus Noack, Anders Hagnestål, Jan Källne, H. Anglart, "The straight field line mirror concept aiming at a hybrid reactor", oral presentation, EPS 2012, June 2012.

Olov Ågren, V.E. Moiseenko, Klaus Noack, Anders Hagnestål, Jan Källne, H. Anglart, "Hybrid reactor studies based on the straight field line mirror", Invited talk, OS 2012, Tsukuba, August 2012.

Non refereed conference article

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bárdos, "Cold Atmospheric Plasma Inside Water", Int. Conf. Metall. Coat. & Thin Films - ICMCTF-2012, San Diego, April 23-27, 2012, Paper G3-1-2.

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bárdos, "Cold Atmospheric Plasma Processing of Inner Surfaces", INVITED PAPER, Anzio 2012, 10th Symp. Europ. Vacuum Coaters, October 2012, Rome-Anzio.

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bárdos, "Cold Atmospheric Plasma in Liquids", AVS 59th Int. Symposium, October 28 - November 2, 2012, Tampa, Florida. Paper SE+PS-TuA4.

Anders Hagnestål, Olov Ågren, V.E. Moiseenko, "Coil design for the SFLM Hybrid", 39th EPS Conference & 16th Int. Congress on Plasma Physics, Stockholm, Sweden, 2012.

Master thesis

Ahmed Abuzohri, "Effektförstärkare med strömkontroll", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2012/03-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Erik Back, "A new DC-DC converter technology suitable to support grid connection of wave power energy converter"

Mats Crona, "Evaluation of flexibility in hydropower stations", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 12001, Abstract, Fulltext

Joel Eriksson, Simon Gozdz Englund, "Wind Power and Its Impact on the Moldovan Electrical System", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2012/03-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Niklas Eriksson, "Kommunikation mellan två medium", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2012/06-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Ambjörn Gillsäter, "Projektering för återupptagandeav elproduktion vid småskaligtvattenkraftverk", TVE; TVE 12 055 oktober, Abstract, Fulltext

Elisabet Hansson, "Peltierelement - spillvärme till el: Peltier element - waste heat into electricity", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2012/04-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Tobias Kamf, "High speed flywheel design: Using advanced composite materials", TVE; 12052, Abstract, Fulltext

Joakim Karlsson, Ola Söderström, "Review of Magnetic Materials Along With a Study of the Magnetic Stability and Solidity of Y40" ,TVE; 12025, Abstract, Fulltext

Anders Kronberg, "Design and Simulation of Field Oriented Control and Direct Torque Control for a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Positive Saliency", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2012/05-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Erica Lidström, "Voltage Stability at Hydropower Stations Influenced by close-located Wind Farms", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 12017, Abstract, Fulltext

Feroz Mahbob, "Koncept för koppling av boj till generator i ett vågkraftverk", UTH-INGUTB-EX-M-2012/05-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Jonas Nensen, "Wind farm package development in DigSILENT PowerFactory – A process for system studies on wind farms"

Paul Norström, "Kraft och Deformationsmätningar på Snap Load gummi", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2012/10-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Elisabeth Rydén, Therese Erixon, "Motiv och förutsättningar för Arbete med spänning på det svenska stamnätet", UPTEC STS, ISSN 1650-8319; 12005, Abstract, Fulltext

Mateusz Rynkiewicz, "Design of PM generator for avertical axis wind turbine", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2012/08SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Malin Sjölund, "Study of Grid Code Compliance: Thanet Wind Farm", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 12026, Abstract, Fulltext

Peter Swingberg, Robin Rydberg, "Ström- och temperaturkontroll", ISRN UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2012/13-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Bengi Tolunay, "Space Vector Pulse Width Modulationfor Three-Level Converters: a LabVIEW Implementation", UPTEC E, ISSN 1654-7616; 12001, Abstract, Fulltext

Andreas Wesberg, "Analysis of Load Frequency Control implementation on Swedish run-of-river Hydropower Stations", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 12004, Abstract, Fulltext

Rasmus Westin, "Värmeöverföring i bergvärmesystem: En numerisk analys av den ringformade koaxiala borrhålsvärmeväxlaren", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 12016, Abstract, Fulltext

Books and Book chapters

Gerald Cooray, Vernon Cooray, "Application of electromagnetic fields of an accelerating charge to obtain the electromagnetic fields of a propagating current pulse", in Lightning Electromagnetics, edited by Vernon Cooray, (IET 2012) ISBN:978-1-84919-215-6, doi:10.1049/PBPO062E_ch2

Vernon Cooray, "Basic discharge processes in the atmosphere",
in Lightning Electromagnetics, edited by Vernon Cooray, (IET 2012) ISBN:978-1-84919-215-6, doi:10.1049/PBPO062E_ch3

Vernon Cooray, "On the various approximations to calculate lightning return stroke-generated electric and magnetic fields over finitely conducting ground", in Lightning Electromagnetics, edited by Vernon Cooray, (IET 2012) ISBN:978-1-84919-215-6, doi:10.1049/PBPO062E_ch11

Vernon Cooray, "Return stroke models for engineering applications",
in Lightning Electromagnetics, edited by Vernon Cooray, (IET 2012) ISBN:978-1-84919-215-6, doi:10.1049/PBPO062E_ch7

Vernon Cooray, "Attachment of lightning flashes to grounded structures",
in Lightning Electromagnetics, edited by Vernon Cooray, (IET 2012) ISBN:978-1-84919-215-6, doi:10.1049/PBPO062E_ch20

Vernon Cooray, Gerald Cooray, "Excitation of visual sensory experiences by electromagnetic fields of lightning", in Lightning Electromagnetics, edited by Vernon Cooray, (IET 2012) ISBN:978-1-84919-215-6, doi:10.1049/PBPO062E_ch24

Vernon Cooray, Marley Becerra, Mahbubur Rahman, "On the NOx generation in corona, streamer and low-pressure electrical discharges", in Lightning Electromagnetics, edited by Vernon Cooray, (IET 2012) ISBN:978-1-84919-215-6, doi:10.1049/PBPO062E_ch21

Vernon Cooray, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Gerald Cooray, "Basic electromagnetic theory - a summary", in Lightning Electromagnetics, edited by Vernon Cooray, (IET 2012) ISBN:978-1-84919-215-6, doi:10.1049/PBPO062E_ch1

Vernon Cooray, Mahbubur Rahman, Vladimir Rakov, "On the NO x production by laboratory electrical discharges and lightning", in Lightning Electromagnetics, edited by Vernon Cooray, (IET 2012) ISBN:978-1-84919-215-6, doi:10.1049/PBPO062E_ch22

Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "Measurements of lightning-generated electromagnetic fields", in Lightning Electromagnetics, edited by Vernon Cooray, (IET 2012) ISBN:978-1-84919-215-6, doi:10.1049/PBPO062E_ch14


Anders Goude, Stefan Engblom, "Adaptive fast multipole methods on the GPU",
Technical report, UPMARC, eSSENCE, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2012

Jentsch, M.F., James, P.A.B. and Bahaj, A.S, "CCWorldWeatherGen software: Manual for CCWorldWeatherGen climate change world weather file generator", Southampton, GB, Sustainable Research Energy Group, University of Southampton, 9pp.

Olov Ågren, "Iter tar för stor del av kakan", Ny Teknik Debatt, Maj 10, 2012.

Olov Ågren, "Fusion och fission – i samma reaktor", Ny Teknik, Maj 10, 2012.



Fredrik Bülow, "A generator perspective on vertical axis wind turbines", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 1034, Abstract + Fulltext

Boel Ekergård, "Full scale applications of permanent magnet electromagnetic energy converters", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 1074, Abstract + Fulltext

Mårten Grabbe, "Hydro-kinetic energy conversion: resource and technology", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 1025, Abstract + Fulltext

Emilia Lalander, "Hydrokinetic Resource Assessment : Measurements and Models", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 1038, Abstract + Fulltext

Mattias Wallin, "Measurement and modelling of unbalanced magnetic pull in hydropower generators", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 1029, Abstract + Fulltext

Licentiate thesis

Senad Apelfröjd, "Electrical System for a Variable Speed Vertical Axis Wind Turbine", UURIE 332-13L, Uppsala 2013.

Reviewed literature

Senad Apelfröjd, Sandra Eriksson, "Evaluation of Harmonic Content from a Tap Transformer Based Grid Connection System for Wind Power", Journal of Renewable Energy, vol. 2013, Article ID 190573, 8 pages, 2013, doi:10.1155/2013/190573

Bahaj, AbuBakr S, "Marine current energy conversion: the dawn of a new era in electricity production", Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 371, (1985), 20120500-[15pp], doi:10.1098/rsta.2012.0500

Bahaj, A.S. and Myers, L.E., "Shaping array design of marine current energy converters through scaled experimental analysis", Energy, 59, 83-94, doi:10.1016/

AbuBakr S. Bahaj, "IJOME – A new home for the dissemination of research and development in marine energy" International Journal of Marine Energy, Volume 1, April 2013, Pages 1-2, ISSN 2214-1669, doi:10.1016/j.ijome.2013.08.001

AbuBakr S. Bahaj, "New research in tidal current energy", Phil Trans R Soc A 2013 371: 20120501, doi:10.1098/rsta.2012.0501

Richard S. Balmer, Ian Friel, Steven Hepplestone, Jan Isberg, Michael J. Uren, Matthew L. Markham, Nicola L. Palmer, James Pilkington, Paul Huggett, Saman Majdi, and Richard Lang, "Transport behavior of holes in boron delta-doped diamond structures", J. Appl. Phys. 113, 033702 (2013), doi:10.1063/1.4775814

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bárdos, Editorial, "Special issue on atmospheric pressure plasma", Surface and Coatings Technology,Volume 234, 15 November 2013, Pages 1, doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2013.08.027

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bárdos, "Optimization and performance of atmospheric Fused Hollow Cathodes", Vacuum, Volume 87, January 2013, Pages 128–131, doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2012.03.009

Batten, W.M.J., Harrison, M.E. and Bahaj, A.S, "The accuracy of the actuator disc-RANS approach for predicting the performance and far wake of a horizontal axis tidal stream turbine", Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 371, (1985), 1-15, doi:10.1098/rsta.2012.0293

Blackmore, Tom, Batten, William M.J., Muller, Gerald and Bahaj, AbuBakr S, "Influence of turbulence on the drag of solid discs and turbine simulators in a water current", Experiments in Fluids, 55, (1), doi:10.1007/s00348-013-1637-9

Blackmore, T., Batten, W.M.J. and Bahaj, A.S, "Inlet grid-generated turbulence for large-eddy simulations", International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, (6-7), 307-315, doi:10.1080/10618562.2013.819972

Johan Bladh, Per Sundqvist, Urban Lundin, "Torsional Stability of Hydropower Units Under Influence of Subsynchronous Oscillations", Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on , vol.28, no.4, pp.3826-3833, Nov. 2013
doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2013.2263811

Blunden, L.S., Bahaj, A.S. and Aziz, N.S, "Tidal current power for Indonesia? An initial resource estimation for the Alas Strait", Renewable Energy, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2012.01.046

J.A.P. Bodhika, W.G.D. Dharmarathna, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "Reconstruction of lightning channel geometry by localizing thunder sources", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 102, September 2013, Pages 81–90, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2013.04.013

Cecilia Boström, Boel Ekergård, Rafael Waters, Mikael Eriksson, Mats Leijon, "Linear generator connected to a resonance-rectifier circuit", IEEE Oceanic Engineering, 38(2):255-262, 2013, doi:10.1109/JOE.2012.2227552

Bourikas, Leonidas, Shen, Tianfeng, James, P.A.B., Chow, David, Jentsch, Mark F., Darkwa, J. and Bahaj, A.S, "Addressing the challenge of interpreting microclimatic weather data collected from urban sites", Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 1, (5), 7-15, doi:10.4236/jpee.2013.15002

Valeria Castellucci, Rafael Waters, Markus Eriksson, Mats Leijon, "Tidal effect compensation system for point absorbing wave energy converters", Renewable Energy, Volume 51, March 2013, Pages 247–254 doi:10.1016/j.renene.2012.09.043

Chernitskiy, S.V., Moiseenko, V.E., Ågren, O., Noack, K., Abdullayev, A. ,"Neutronic model of a fusion neutron source", (2013) Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, (1), pp. 61-63., Full Text.

Vernon Cooray, "On the attachment of lightning flashes to grounded structures with special attention to the comparison of SLIM with CVM and EGM", Journal of Electrostatics, Volume 71, Issue 3, 577-581, 2013, doi:10.1016/j.elstat.2012.11.035

Vernon Cooray, Gerald Cooray, Marley Becerra, "On the streamer discharges emitted from the head of a person located in the vicinity of lightning strikes and their possible consequences", Journal of Electrostatics, Volume 71, Issue 3, 572–576, 2013, doi:10.1016/j.elstat.2012.11.036

Daly, T., Myers, L.E. and Bahaj, A.S, "Modelling of the flow field surrounding tidal turbine arrays for varying positions in a channel", Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 371, (1985), 20120246-[17pp], doi:10.1098/rsta.2012.0246

Boel Ekergård, Valeria Castellucci, Andrej Savin, Mats Leijon , "Axial Force Damper in a Linear Wave Energy Converter", Development and Applications of Oceanic Engineering (DAOE) Volume 2 Issue 2, May 2013, PP.33-38, Full Text.

Rickard Ekström, Mats Leijon, "FPGA Control Implementation of a Grid-Connected Current-Controlled Voltage-Source Inverter", Journal of Control Science and Engineering, vol. 2013, Article ID 713293, 10 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/713293

Rickard Ekström, Senad Apelfröjd, Mats Leijon, "Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Currents Using a Directly Coupled Voltage-Source Inverter", ISRN Electronics, vol. 2013, Article ID 361643, 8 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/361643

Rickard Ekström, Mats Leijon, "Grid Connection of Wave Power Farm Using an N-Level Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter", Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 2013, Article ID 562548, 9 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/562548

Rickard Ekström, Senad Apelfröjd, and Mats Leijon, "Transformer Magnetization Losses Using a Nonfiltered Voltage-Source Inverter", Advances in Power Electronics, Volume 2013, Article ID 261959, 7 pages, doi:10.1155/2013/261959

Rickard Ekström, Venugopalan Kurupath, Olle Svensson, Mats Leijon, "Measurement system design and implementation for grid-connected marine substation", Renewable Energy, Volume 55, July 2013, Pages 338-346, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2012.12.028

Jens Engström, Mikael Eriksson, Malin Göteman, Jan Isberg, Mats Leijon, "Performance of large arrays of point absorbing direct-driven wave energy converter", Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 204502, 2013, doi:10.1063/1.4833241

Sandra Eriksson, Jon Kjellin, Hans Bernhoff, "Tip speed ratio control of a 200 kW VAWT with synchronous generator and variable DC voltage", Energy Science & Engineering, Volume 1, Issue 3, pages 135–143, December 2013, doi: 10.1002/ese3.23

Markus Gabrysch, Jörg Schwenke, Tadas Balciunas, Xinkui He, Rafal Rakowski, Per Johnsson, Sophie E. Canton, Jan Isberg, Anne L'Huillier, "XUV-induced transient phase gratings for probing ultra-fast carrier generation and recombination processes in wide-bandgap semiconductors", Annalen der Physik, Volume 525, Issue 1-2, pages 59–65, February 2013, doi:10.1002/andp.201200187

Gerard George, Reddi Kotha, Priti Parikh, Tufool Alnuaimi, Abubakr Bahaj, "Wealth Shocks and Entrepreneurial Intentions: Entrepreneurship in Rural Africa", ACAD MANAGE PROC January 2013, 12129, doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2013.12129abstract

Chandima Gomes, Vernon Cooray, M.Z.A. Ab Kadir, "Vertical electric fields and field change parameters due to partly inclined lightning leader channels", Progress in Electromagnetics Research, Volume 135, pp. 55-80. 2013.

Anders Goude, Stefan Engblom, "Adaptive fast multipole methods on the GPU", The Journal of Supercomputing (2013), 63:897–918, doi:10.1007/s11227-012-0836-0

Anders Goude, Fredrik Bülow, "Aerodynamic and electrical evaluation of a VAWT farm control system with passive rectifiers and mutual DC-bus", Renewable Energy, Volume 60, December 2013, Pages 284-292, ISSN 0960-1481, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2013.05.028

Anders Goude, Fredrik Bülow, "Robust VAWT control system evaluation by coupled aerodynamic and electrical simulations", Renewable Energy, Vol. 59, November 2013, pp 193-201, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2013.03.038

Mårten Grabbe, Katarina Yuen, Senad Apelfröjd, and Mats Leijon, "Efficiency of a Directly Driven Generator for Hydrokinetic Energy Conversion", Advances in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 2013, Article ID 978140, 8 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/978140

Anders Hagnestål, Olov Ågren, V. E. Moiseenko, "Radial Confinement in Non-Symmetric Quadrupolar Mirrors", Journal of Fusion Energy, June 2013, Volume 32, Issue 3, pp 327-335, doi:10.1007/s10894-012-9573-x

Kalle Haikonen, Jan Sundberg, Mats Leijon, "Characteristics of the Operational Noise from Full Scale Wave Energy Converters in the Lysekil Project: Estimation of Potential Environmental Impacts", Energies. 2013; 6(5):2562-2582, doi:10.3390/en6052562

Magnus Hedlund, Janaína G. Oliveira, Hans Bernhoff, "Sliding mode 4-quadrant DCDC converter for a flywheel application", Control Engineering Practice, Volume 21, Issue 4, April 2013, Pages 473-482, ISSN 0967-0661, doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2012.12.012

Erik Hultman, Mats Leijon, "Six-Degrees-of-Freedom (6-DOF) Work Object Positional Calibration Using a Robot-Held Proximity Sensor", Machines, 1(2), 63-80; 2013, doi:10.3390/machines1020063

Erik Hultman, Mats Leijon, "Utilizing cable winding and industrial robots to facilitate the manufacturing of electric machines", Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, February 2013, Volume 29, Issue 1, pp. 246-256, doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2012.06.005

Jan Isberg, Markus Gabrysch, Johan Hammersberg, Saman Majd, Kiran Kumar Kovi, Daniel J. Twitchen, "Generation, transport and detection of valley-polarized electrons in diamond", Nature Materials 12, 760–764 (2013), doi:10.1038/nmat3694

Jentsch, Mark F., James, Patrick A.B., bourikas, Leodinas and Bahaj, AbuBakr S, "Transforming existing weather data for worldwide locations to enable energy and building performance simulation under future climates", Renewable Energy, 55, 514-524, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2012.12.049

Jon Kjellin, Sandra Eriksson, Hans Bernhoff, "Electric Control Substituting Pitch Control for Large Wind Turbines", Journal of Wind Energy, vol. 2013, Article ID 342061, 4 pages, 2013, doi:10.1155/2013/342061

Remya Krishna, Olle Svensson, Magnus Rahm, Sasi K. Kottayil, Rafael Waters, Mats Leijon, "Analysis of linear wave power generator model with real sea experimental results", Renewable Power Generation, IET , vol.7, no.5, 574-581, Sept. 2013, doi:10.1049/iet-rpg.2012.0117

Venugopalan Kurupath, Rickard Ekström, Mats Leijon, "Optimal Constant DC Link Voltage Operation of aWave Energy Converter", Energies 6, no. 4: 1993-2006, 2013, doi:10.3390/en6041993

Emilia Lalander, Paul Thomassen, Mats Leijon, "Evaluation of a Model for Predicting the Tidal Velocity in Fjord Entrances", Energies 6, no. 4: 2031-2051, 2013, doi:10.3390/en6042031

Emilia Lalander, Mårten Grabbe, and Mats Leijon, "On the velocity distribution for hydro-kinetic energy conversion from tidal currents and rivers", Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, vol. 5, issue 2, (2013), doi:10.1063/1.4795398, Full Text.

Mats Leijon, Boel Ekergård, Senad Apelföjd, Juan de Santiago, Hans Bernhoff, Rafael Waters, Sandra Eriksson, "On a Two Pole Motor for Electric Propulsion System", International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT), Volume 2, Issue 1, p. 99-111, January 2013, Full Text.

Henrik Löfås, Anton Grigoriev, Jan Isberg, and Rajeev Ahuja, "Transport coefficients in diamond from ab-initio calculations", Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 092106, 2013, doi: 10.1063/1.4794062

Saman Majdi, Kiran K. Kovi, Johan Hammersberg, Jan Isberg, "Hole transport in single crystal synthetic diamond at low temperatures", Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 152113, 2013, doi: 10.1063/1.4802449

Klaus Noack, Olov Ågren, V.E. Moiseenko, Anders Hagnestål, "Comments on the power amplification factor of a driven subcritical system", Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 59, September 2013, Pages 261–266, doi:10.1016/j.anucene.2012.06.020

M. Nocente, Jan Källne, G. Grosso, M. Tardocchi and G. Gorini, "Reaction analysis of neutron emission from D and DT plasmas with/without 3He", Nuclear Fusion Volume 53 Number 5, 2013, doi:10.1088/0029-5515/53/5/053010

Chandana Perera, Mahendra Fernando, Mahbubur Rahman, Vernon Cooray, "Leader propagation speed and the final jump distance of 8 m long laboratory sparks", Journal of Electrostatics, Volume 71, Issue 3, 568-571, 2013, doi:10.1016/j.elstat.2012.12.014

Mahbubur Rahman, Vernon Cooray, Göran Possnert, "Efficiencies for production of nitrogen oxides by proton impact in air", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2013, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2012.12.021

Martin Ranlöf, Johan Bladh, Urban Lundin, "Use of a finite element model for the determination of damping and synchronizing torques of hydroelectric generators", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 44, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 844–851, doi:10.1016/j.ijepes.2012.08.027

Juan de Santiago, Janaína Goncalves De Oliveira, Hans Bernhoff, "Filter Influence on Rotor Losses in Coreless Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machines", Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 81-86, 2013, doi:10.4316/AECE.2013.01014

Stefan Sjökvist, Sandra Eriksson, "Study of Demagnetization Risk for a 12kW Direct Driven Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Wind Power", Energy Science and Engineering, 7 pages, 2013, doi: 10.1002/ese3.16

Erland Strömstedt, Andrej Savin, Olle Svensson, Mats Leijon, "Time Series-, Time-Frequency- and Spectral Analyses of Sensor Measurements in an Offshore Wave Energy Converter Based on Linear Generator Technology", Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2013, pp. 70-91. doi:10.4236/epe.2013.51009

Mahtab Ullah, E Ahmed, Ken Welch, Saman Majdi, N. R. Khalid, M. Ahmad, "Growth of Nitrogen-Incorporated Diamond Films Using Hot-Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition Technique", Advanced Science Letters, Volume 19, Number 1, January 2013 , pp. 291-295(5), doi:10.1166/asl.2013.4661

Mattias Wallin, Urban Lundin, "Dynamic unbalanced magnetic pull from field winding turn shortcircuits", Electric Power Components and Systems 41, iss. 16, 1672-1685 (2013), doi:10.1080/15325008.2013.835360

Mattias Wallin, Johan Bladh, Urban Lundin, "Damper Winding Influence on Unbalanced Magnetic Pull in Salient Pole Generators With Rotor Eccentricity", Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.49, no.9, pp.5158-5165, Sept. 2013, doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2013.2259633

Katarina Yuen, Senad Apelfröjd, and Mats Leijon, "Implementation of Control System for Hydrokinetic Energy Converter", Journal of Control Science and Engineering, vol. 2013, Article ID 342949, 10 pages, doi:10.1155/2013/342949

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

Mohd Riduan Ahmad, Mona Riza Mohd Esa, Vernon Cooray, "Narrow bipolar pulses and associated microwave radiation", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, pp. 1087-1090, 2013

Blackmore, Tom, Batten, W.M.J. and Bahaj, A.S., "Turbulence generation and its effect in LES approximations of tidal turbines", 10th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Aalborg, Denmark, 02 - 05 Sep 2013. 9pp.

Boel Ekergård, Mats Leijon, "Ideal Analytical Expression of the Magnetic Circuit in a Permanent Magnet Linear Machine", Eighth International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies EVER’13, March 27-30, 2013, Monte-Carlo (Monaco)

Rickard Ekström, Senad Apelfröjd, Mats Leijon, "Experimental Verifications of Offshore Marine Substation for Grid-Connection of Wave Energy Farm", Proceedings on the 3rd International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems (EPECS), Istanbul, Turkey 2-4 October 2013

Rickard Ekström, Antoine Baudoin, Magnus Rahm, Mats Leijon, "Marine substation design for grid-connection of a research wave power plant on the Swedish West coast", Proceedings of the 10th European Wave and Tidal Conference (EWTEC), Aalborg, Denmark, 2-5 September 2013

Mona Riza Mohd Esa, Mohd Riduan Ahmad, Vernon Cooray, "Wavelet analysis of the first pulse of initial breakdown process in lightning discharges", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, pp. 1377-1380, 2013

Magnus Hedlund, Johan Abrahamsson, Jesus José Pérez-Loya, Johan Lundin, Hans Bernhoff, "Passive Axial Thrust Bearing for a Flywheel Energy Storage System", BWMB 2013, 1st Brazilian Workshop on Magnetic Bearings, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil October 25 and 26.

Yue Hong, Erik Hultman, Valeria Castellucci, Boel Ekergård, Linnea Sjökvist, Deepak Elamalayil Soman, Remya Krishna, Kalle Haikonen, Antoine Baudoin, Liselotte Lindblad, Erik Lejerskog, Daniel Käller, Magnus Rahm, Erland Strömstedt, Cecilia Boström, Rafael Waters and Mats Leijon, "Status Update of the Wave Energy Research at Uppsala University", Proceedings of the 10th European Wave and Tidal Conference (EWTEC), Aalborg, Denmark, 2-5 September 2013

Janaína Goncalves Oliveira, Johan Lundin, Hans Bernhoff, "Experimental investigation of standard drive cycles in a flywheel based propulsion system", in Proceedings of the conference "Electronic Environment 2013" in Stockholm, 19-20 March 2013.

Chambel Leitão, J, Aires, E. Magagna, D. Conley, D. Greaves, D. Simas, T. Witt, M. Embling, C. Godley, B.J. Saulnier, J-B. O’Hagan, A.M. O’Callaghan, J. Holmes, B Sundberg, J. Torre-Enciso, Y., "Data Management Platform for wave energy tests centres within the SOWFIA Project", Proceedings of the 10th European Wave and Tidal Conference (EWTEC), Aalborg, Denmark, 2-5 September 2013

Staffan Lundin, Johan Forslund, Nicole Carpman, Mårten Grabbe, Katarina Yuen, Senad Apelfröjd, Anders Goude and Mats Leijon, "The Söderfors Project: Experimental Hydrokinetic Power Station Deployment and First Results", Proceedings of the 10th European Wave and Tidal Conference (EWTEC), Aalborg, Denmark, 2-5 September 2013, Full Text.

Jesus José Pérez-Loya, E. Rodriguez, Magnus Hedlund, R. M. Stephan, Urban Lundin, "Magnetic Modeling and Measurement of Forces Between Permanent Magnet Rings used as Passive Magnetic Bearings", BWMB 2013, 1st Brazilian Workshop on Magnetic Bearings, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil October 25 and 26.

Jesus José Pérez-Loya, Juan de Santiago, Urban Lundin, "Construction of a Permanent Magnet Thrust Bearing for a Hydropower Generator Test Setup", BWMB 2013, 1st Brazilian Workshop on Magnetic Bearings, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil October 25 and 26.

Papafragkou, Anastasios, Ghosh, Siddhartha, James, P.A.B., Rogers, Alex and Bahaj, A.S, "Assessing standard assessment procedure (SAP): low cost measurement-based alternatives to SAP in housing", 12th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET-2013), Hong Kong, China, 26 - 29 Aug 2013.

Simas, T, J. O’Callaghan, J.B. Saulnier, D. Marina, D. Magagna, I. Bailey, D. Greaves, C. Embling, J. Sundberg. "Identification of critical environmental and socio-economic issues of designated wave energy test centres across Europe", Proceedings of the 10th European Wave and Tidal Conference (EWTEC), Aalborg, Denmark, 2-5 September 2013.

Erland Strömstedt, Andrej Savin, Hanna Heino, Kasimir Antbrams, Kalle Haikonen and Thomas Götschl, "Project WESA (Wave Energy for a Sustainable Archipelago) - a Single Heaving Buoy Wave Energy Converter Operating and Surviving Ice Interaction in the Baltic Sea", Proceedings of the 10th European Wave and Tidal Conference (EWTEC), Aalborg, Denmark, 2-5 September 2013

Lais A. Vitoi.; Remya Krishna.; Deepak Elamalayil Soman.; Mats Leijon.; Kottayil, S.K., "Control and implementation of three level boost converter for load voltage regulation" Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2013 - 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE , vol., no., pp.561,565, 10-13 Nov. 2013, doi:10.1109/IECON.2013.6699196

Non refereed conference article

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bardos, "Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment Inside Hollow Substrates", Int. Conf. Metall. Coat. & Thin Films – ICMCTF 2013, San Diego, April 28-May 3, 2013, Paper G3-1-5.

Hana Baránková, "Non-equilibrium Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Processing and Novel Applications", PLENARY PAPER, 9th Asian-European Int. Conf. on Plasma Surface Engineering AEPSE 2013, August 25-30, Jeju Island, Korea, Paper P-5.

Ladislav Bardos, Hana Baránková, "Cold Atmospheric Plasma Assisted Production of Hydrogen", AVS 60th Int. Symposium & Exhibition, October 27 - November 1, 2013, Long Beach, California, Paper SE+PS-ThM10.

Master thesis

Joakim Berggren, "Study of auxiliary power systemsfor offshore wind turbines: an extended analysis of a diesel gen-setsolution", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; ES13023, Abstract, Fulltext

Johan Berg, Maria Linder, "Säkerhetsklassificering av dammar: En kartläggning av system i Sverige, Norge, Finland, Schweiz, Kanada och USA", UPTEC STS, ISSN 1650-8319; 13028, Abstract, Fulltext

Tomas Björlin Svozil, "The Distribution System Operator: A Changing Role", UPTEC STS, ISSN 1650-8319; 13033, Abstract, Fulltext

Hanna Blomström, "Effektiviseringspotential inom industrisektorn : Energibesparing vid frekvensstyrning av centrifugalpumpar – en fallstudie", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300 ; 13035, Abstract, Fulltext

Petter Eklund, "Design of a Ferrite Permanent Magnet Rotor for a Wind Power Generator", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 13018, Abstract, Fulltext

Markus Eriksson, "Specificering av produktionstransformatorer: Rekommenderade avsteg från IEC 60076 för att vid upphandling beskriva en robust enhet", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 13009, Abstract, Fulltext

Fredrik Evestedt, Anders Karlsson, "Strömkontroll till aktiva magnetlager med noggrann och störningsreducerad strömmätning", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2013/03-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Petter Glantz, "Dynamisk modellering av vindkraft: En studie av dynamiska beteenden hos inbyggda vindkraftmodeller i PSS/E", UPTEC F, ISSN 1401-5757; 13 001, Abstract, Fulltext

Lars Ilis,"Implementering av en PSS i Trängslets kraftstation", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 13041, Abstract, Fulltext

Boris Ivanic, "AVR for a synchronous generator with a six-phase PM alternator and rotating excitation system", UPTEC E, ISSN 1654-7616; 13001, Abstract, Fulltext

Rasmus Jansson, "Completion of the software required for a high-temperature DLTS setup", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2013/04-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Björn Karlsson, "Comparison of PSSE & PowerFactory", UPTEC F, ISSN 1401-5757; 13014, Abstract, Fulltext

Erik Karlsson, "Simulering av hydrodynamiska förlopp för KAS vid kraftverksdammar", UPTEC F, ISSN 1401-5757; 13 023, Abstract, Fulltext

Martin Larsson, "Stability and redundancy studies on the electrical grid on Gotland with respect to 500 MW of new wind power and a VSC HVDC link to the mainland", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 13028, Abstract, Fulltext

Maja Lundbäck, "Validering av vattenkraftmodeller i ARISTO", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 13012, Abstract, Fulltext

Daniel Pogosjan, Joakim Winberg, "Förändringar av marknadsdesign och deras påverkan på balanshållningen i det svenska kraftsystemet: En kartläggning och analys av de balansansvarigas arbetsgång", UPTEC STS, ISSN 1650-8319; 13021, Abstract, Fulltext

Alexander Rasmussen, "Förstudie för kvalitetssäkringav glidande förband vid Hissmoforsvattenkraftsstation: -Specifikt för aggregat G6 och G7", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 13014, Abstract, Fulltext

Karin Salevid, "Market Requirements for Pumped Storage Profitability: Expected Costs and Modelled Price Arbitrage Revenues, Including a Case Study of Juktan", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 13032, Abstract, Fulltext

Martin Stålnacke, "A dynamic model of Nimbell Trigo", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 13017, Abstract, Fulltext

Johan Söderberg, Max Ekström, "Utveckling och produktion av system för mätning samt loggning av temperatur i roterande elektriska maskiner", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2013/05-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Emil Thalin, "Simulering av elektriska förluster i en vindkraftpark: Utveckling av programvaran Wind Farm ElectricSystem Calculator (WFESC)", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 13008, Abstract, Fulltext

Eyuel Tibebu, "An automatic voltage regulating system with Bluetooth communicating devices for brushless excitation of a synchronous generator", UPTEC E, ISSN 1654-7616; 13002, Abstract, Fulltext

Martin Västermark, "Grid Code Compliance – Wind farm HVDC connection", UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300; 13030, Abstract, Fulltext

Nils Wahlberg, "Konstruktion av statorstomme för synkrongenerator: Förslag på design av statorstomme för användning i vertikalaxlade vindkraftverk", UTH-INGUTB-EX-M-2013/31-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Jim Ögren, "Simulation of a Self-bearing Cone-shaped Lorentz-type Electrical Machine", UPTEC F, ISSN 1401-5757; 13020, Abstract, Fulltext


Johanna Barr, "Improving Maintenance of Micro Hydropower Systems in Rural Nepal", FYSAST, Abstract, Fulltext.



Johan Abrahamsson, "Kinetic energy storage and magnetic bearings", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 1104, Abstract + Fulltext

Mohd Riduan Ahmad, "Interaction of lightning flashes with wireless communication networks: special attention to narrow bipolar pulses", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 1188, Abstract + Fulltext

Zikri Abadi Bin Baharudin, "Characterizations of ground flashes from tropic to northern region", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 1145, Abstract + Fulltext

Rickard Ekström, "Offshore marine substation for grid-connection of wave power farms - An experimental approach", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 1166, Abstract + Fulltext

Mona Riza Mohd Esa, "Temporal and wavelet characteristics of initial breakdown and narrow bipolar pulses of lightning flashes", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 1190, Abstract + Fulltext

Halvar Gravråkmo, "Buoy geometry, size and hydrodynamics for power take off device for point absorber linear wave energy converter", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 1130, Abstract + Fulltext

Kalle Haikonen, "Underwater radiated noise from point absorbing wave energy converters: Noise characteristics and possible environmental effects", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1200, Abstract + Fulltext

Remya Krishna, "Grid connected three-level converters: studies for wave energy conversion", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 1123, Abstract + Fulltext

Kiran Kumar Kovi, "Diamond based electronics and valleytronics: An experimental study", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 1163, Abstract + Fulltext

Licentiate thesis

Antoine Baudoin, "Thermal Study of a Submerged Substation for Wave Power", UURIE 336-14L, Uppsala 2014.

Ling Hai, "Hydrodynamic Modelling of Wave Power using Electrical Equivalent Circuit Theory", UURIE 334-14L, Uppsala 2014.

Erik Lejerskog, "Linear wave energy converters – study of electromagnetic design", UURIE 335-14L, Uppsala 2014.

Jon Olauson, "Wind Power and Natural Disasters", UURIE 337-14L, Uppsala 2014.

Linn Saarinen, "A hydropower perspective on flexibility demand and grid frequency control", UURIE 339-14L, Uppsala 2014.

Linnea Sjökvist, "Hydromechanical simulations of wave energy conversion – linear aspects", UURIE 333-14L, Uppsala 2014.

Stefan Sjökvist, "Demagnetization studies on permanent magnets - Comparing FEM simulations with experiments", UURIE 338-14L, Uppsala 2014.

Reviewed literature

Johan Abrahamsson, Jim ögren, Magnus Hedlund, "A Fully Levitated Cone-Shaped Lorentz-Type Self-Bearing Machine With Skewed Windings", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol.50, no.9, pp.1,9, Sept. 2014, doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2014.2321104

Johan Abrahamsson, Magnus Hedlund, Tobias Kamf, Hans Bernhoff, "High-Speed Kinetic Energy Buffer: Optimization of Composite Shell and Magnetic Bearings", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume:61, Issue: 6 ,2014 Pages 3012 - 3021 ISSN : 0278-0046, doi:10.1109/TIE.2013.2259782

Mohd Riduan Ahmad, Mona Riza Mohd Esa, Vernon Cooray, Eryk Dutkiewicz, "Interference from cloud-to-ground and cloud flashes in wireless communication system" ,Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 113, August 2014, Pages 237–246, doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2014.03.022

Senad Apelfröjd, Sandra Eriksson, "System Efficiency of a Tap Transformer Based Grid Connection Topology Applied on a Direct Driven Generator for Wind Power", The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 784295, 7 pages, 2014,doi:10.1155/2014/784295

Zikri Abadi Baharudin, N.A. Ahmad, J.S. Mäkelä, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "Negative cloud-to-ground lightning flashes in Malaysia", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 108, pp. 61-6, 2014, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2013.12.001

Valeria Castellucci, Johan Abrahamsson, Olle Svensson, Rafael Waters, "Algorithm for the calculation of the translator position in permanent magnet linear generators", Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 6, 063102, 2014, doi:/10.1063/1.4900553

Vernon Cooray, R. Jayaratne, K.L. Cummins, "On the peak amplitude of lightning return stroke currents striking the sea", Atmospheric Research, 149, pp. 372-376, 2014, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.07.012

Vernon Cooray, U. Kumar, F. Rachidi, C.A. Nucci, "On the possible variation of the lightning striking distance as assumed in the IEC lightning protection standard as a function of structure height", Electric Power Systems Research, 113, pp. 79-87, 2014, doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2014.03.017

Vernon Cooray, Gerald Cooray, T. Marshall, S. Arabshahi, J. Dwyer, H. Rassoul, "Electromagnetic fields of a relativistic electron avalanche with special attention to the origin of lightning signatures known as narrow bipolar pulses", Atmospheric Research, 149, pp. 346-358, 2014, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.12.011

Vernon Cooray, "Power and energy dissipation in negative lightning return strokes", Volume 149, November 2014, Pages 359–371 doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.10.017

S.V Chernitskiy, V.V Gann, Olov Ågren, "Static Neutronic Calculation of a Fusion Neutron Source", Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, Plasma Physics, 6, pp.12-15, 2014, Full Text.

S V Chernitskiy, V E Moiseenko, K Noack, Olov Ågren, A Abdullayev, "Static neutronic calculation of a subcritical transmutation stellarator-mirror fusion-fission hybrid", Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2014;72:413-420, doi:10.1016/j.anucene.2014.06.001

Eduard Dyachuk, Anders Goude and Hans Bernhoff, "Dynamic Stall Modeling for the Conditions of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines", AIAA Journal, Vol. 52, No. 1 (2014), pp. 72-81, doi:10.2514/1.J052633

Mahesh Edirisinghe, Vernon Cooray, "Fine structure signatures in ground flashes as a source of HF Radiation", International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy, vol. 1, 91 – 104, 2014, Full Text.

Petter Eklund, Stefan Sjökvist, Sandra Eriksson, Mats Leijon, "A Complete Design of a Rare Earth Metal-Free Permanent Magnet Generator", Machines 2014, 2(2), 120-133, doi:10.3390/machines2020120

Rickard Ekström, Karin Thomas, Mats Leijon, "Fast solid-state tap-change using two current-controlled voltage-source inverters", IET Power Electronics. 2014, doi:10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0939

Rickard Ekström, Mats Leijon, "Control of offshore marine substation for grid-connection of a wave power farm", Journal of Marine Energy; vol.5, April 2014; pp 24-37, doi:10.1016/j.ijome.2014.04.001

Rickard Ekström, Venugopalan Kurupath, Cecilia Boström, Rafael Waters,Mats Leijon, "Evaluating Constant DC-Link Operation of Wave Energy Converter", Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 136(1), 014501, 1 January, 2014, (6 pages), doi:10.1115/1.4024789

Rickard Ekström, Mats Leijon, "Lower Order Grid Current Harmonics for a Voltage-Source Inverter Connected to a Distorted Grid", Electric Power Systems Research 106 (2014), pp .226-231, doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2013.08.018

Sandra Eriksson, "Inherent Difference in Saliency for Generators with Different PM Materials", Journal of Renewable Energy, vol. 2014, Article ID 567896, 5 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/567896

Mona Riza Mohd Esa, Mohd Riduan Ahmad, Mahbubur Rahman, Vernon Cooray, "Distinctive features of radiation pulses in the very first moment of lightning events", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 109, pp. 22-28, 2014, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2013.12.019

Mona Riza Mohd Esa, Mohd Riduan Ahmad, Vernon Cooray, "Wavelet analysis of the first pulse of lightning flashes in Sweden", in Journal of Atmospheric Research, Volume 138, 1 March 2014, Pages 253–267, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.11.019

Pascal W. Galloway, Luke E. Myers, AbuBakr S. Bahaj "Quantifying wave and yaw effects on a scale tidal stream turbine", Renewable Energy, Volume 63, March 2014, Pages 297–307, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2013.09.030

Anders Goude, Olov Ågren, "Simulations of a vertical axis turbine in a channel", Renewable Energy, Volume 63, March 2014, Pages 477-485, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2013.09.038

Gabriele Grandi, Jelena Loncarski, Obrad Dordevic, ''Analytical evaluation of output current ripple amplitude in three-phase three-level inverters'', IET Power Electronics, doi:10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0837

Malin Göteman, Jens Engström, Mikael Eriksson, Jan Isberg, Mats Leijon, "Methods of reducing power fluctuations in wave energy parks", Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 6, 043103 (2014), doi:10.1063/1.4889880

Johan Hammersberg, Saman Majdi, Kiran K. Kovi, Nattakarn Suntornwipat, Markus Gabrysch, Daniel J. Twitchen and Jan Isberg, "Stability of polarized states for diamond valleytronics", Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 232105 (2014), doi:10.1063/1.4882649

Marcus Holm, Stefan Engblom, Anders Goude, Sverker Holmgren, "Dynamic autotuning of adaptive fast multipole methods on hybrid multicore CPU and GPU systems" SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 2014;36:C376-C399, doi:10.1137/130943595

Yue Hong, Rafael Waters, Cecilia Boström, Mikael Eriksson, Jens Engström, Mats Leijon,
"Review on electrical control strategies for wave energy converting systems", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 31, March 2014, Pages 329-342, doi:10.1016/j.rser.2013.11.053

Erik Hultman, Dana Salar, Mats Leijon, "Robotized surface mounting of permanent magnets", Machines, 2(4):219-232, October 2014, doi:10.3390/machines2040219

Erik Hultman, Mats Leijon, "A cable feeder tool for robotized cable winding", Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Volume 30, Issue 6, December 2014, Pages 577-588, ISSN 0736-5845, doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2014.04.003

M. Izadi, M.Z.A.A. Kadir, Vernon Cooray, M. Hajikhani, "Estimation of Lightning Current and Return Stroke Velocity Profile Using Measured Electromagnetic Fields", Electric Power Components and Systems, 42 (2), pp. 103-111, 2014, doi:10.1080/15325008.2013.853214

Kiran Kumar Kovi, Saman Majdi, Markus Gabrysch, Jan Isberg, "A charge transport study in diamond, surface passivated by high-k dielectric oxides", Applied Physics Letters, 105, 202102 (2014), doi:10.1063/1.4901961

Kiran Kumar Kovi,Saman Majdi,Markus Gabrysch,and Jan Isberg, "Silicon Oxide Passivation of Single-Crystalline CVD Diamond Evaluated by the Time-of-Flight Technique", ECS Solid State Letters, 3(5): P65-P68, 2014, doi:10.1149/2.004405ssl

Kiran K. Kovi, Nattakarn Suntornwipat, Saman Majdi, Markus Gabrysch, Johan Hammersberg, Jan Isberg, "Charge Transport Phenomena Unique to Diamond", MRS Proceedings, 1591, jsapmrs13-1591-6794, 2014, doi:10.1557/opl.2014.295

Remya Krishna, Deepak E. Soman, Sasi K. Kottayil, and Mats Leijon, "Synchronous Current Compensator for a Self-Balanced Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Inverter", Advances in Power Electronics, vol. 2014, Article ID 620607, 8 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/620607

Erik Lejerskog, Mats Leijon, "Detailed Study of Closed Stator Slots for a Direct-Driven Synchronous Permanent Magnet Linear Wave Energy Converter", Machines 2014, 2(1), 73-86, doi:10.3390/machines2010073

Mark Leybourne, William M.J. Batten, AbuBakr S. Bahaj, Ned Minns, Jamie O'Nians, "Preliminary design of the OWEL wave energy converter pre-commercial demonstrator", Renewable Energy Volume 61, January 2014, Pages 51–56, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2012.08.019

Saman Majdi, Mohammadreza Kolahdouz, Mahdi Moeen, Kiran Kumar Kovi, Richard S. Balmer, Henry H. Radamson and Jan Isberg, "Single crystal diamond for infrared sensing applications", Applied Physics Letters. 105, 163510 (2014),

V E Moiseenko, V G Kotenko, S V Chernitskiy, V V Nemov, O Ågren, K Noack, V N Kalyuzhnyi, A Hagnestål, J Källne, V S Voitsenya, I E Garkusha, "Research on stellarator–mirror fission–fusion hybrid ", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 56 094008, doi:10.1088/0741-3335/56/9/094008

Erik Möllerström, Fredric Ottermo, Jonny Hylander, Hans Bernhoff, "Eigen Frequencies of A Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Tower Made of Laminated Wood and the Effect Upon Attaching Guy Wires", Wind Engineering : The International Journal of Wind Power, 38 (3), s. 277 - 290, doi:10.1260/0309-524X.38.3.277

Massimo Nocente, M Albergante, Jacob Eriksson, Sean Conroy, Göran Ericsson, D Farina, Carl Hellesen, Jan Källne, Sergei Popovichev, Marco Tardocchi, Giuseppe Gorini, "Neutron spectroscopy measurements of tritium beam transport at JET", Nuclear Fusion. 2014;54(104010), doi:10.1088/0029-5515/54/10/104010

Jon Olauson, Anders Goude, Mikael Bergkvist, "Wind Energy Converters and Photovoltaics for Generation of Electricity after Natural Disasters", Geografiska Annaler. Series A, Physical Geography. 2014, doi:10.1111/geoa.12052

Jon Olauson, Mikael Bergkvist, "Modelling the Swedish Wind Power Production Using MERRA Reanalysis Data", Renewable energy. 2014, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2014.11.085

Fredric Ottermo, Hans Bernhoff, "An upper size of vertical axis wind turbines", Wind Energy,Volume 17, Issue 10, pages 1623–1629, October 2014, doi: 10.1002/we.1655

Jesus José Perez-Loya, Urban Lundin, "Optimization of Force Between Cylindrical Permanent Magnets", Magnetics Letters, IEEE , vol.5, no., pp.1,4, 2014, doi:10.1109/LMAG.2014.2363438

Fabio Romero, Alexandre Piantini, Vernon Cooray, "On the influence of stroke current propagation velocity on lightning horizontal electric fields", Volume 56, Issue 4, August 2014, Article number 6704800, Pages 940-948, doi:10.1109/TEMC.2013.2295916

Juan de Santiago, Florian Burmeister, Johan Lundin, and Janaina G. Oliveira, "A Power Buffer in an Electric Driveline: Two Batteries Are Better Than One", ISRN Automotive Engineering Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 525630, 9 pages, doi:10.1155/2014/525630

Stefan Sjökvist, Sandra Eriksson, "Experimental Verification of a Simulation Model for Partial Demagnetization of Permanent Magnets", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol.50, no.12, pp.1,5, Dec. 2014, doi:10.1109/TMAG.2014.2339795

Upul Sonnadara, Vindu Kathriarachchi, Vernon Cooray, Raul Montano, Thomas Götschl, "Performance of lightning locating systems in extracting lightning flash characteristics", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 112, May 2014, Pages 31-37, ISSN 1364-6826, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2014.02.001

Olle Svensson, Mats Leijon, "Peak Force Measurements on a Cylindrical Buoy With Limited Elastic Mooring", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol.39, no.2, pp.398,403, April 2014, doi:10.1109/JOE.2013.2247825

X. Zhang, Jan Källne, G. Gorini, M. Nocente, T. Fan, X Yuan, X Xie, Z. Chen, "Second generation fusion neutron time-of-flight spectrometer at optimized rate for fully digital data acquisition", Review of Scientific Instruments. 2014;85(4):043503, doi:10.1063/1.4869804

Xing Zhang, Zhongjing Chen,Xingyu Peng, Zhimeng Hu, Tengfei Du, Zhiqiang Cui, Xufei Xie, Xi Yuan, Tieshuan Fan, Jan Kallne, Giuseppe Gorini, Massimo Nocente, Marco Tardocchi, Liqun Hu, Guoqiang Zhong, Shiyao Lin, Baonian Wan, Xiangqing Li, Guohui Zhang, Jinxiang Chen, "Diagnosing NB plasmas on the EAST tokamak with new time-of-flight neutron spectrometer", Nuclear Fusion, Volume 54, Issue 10, article id. 104008 (2014), doi:10.1088/0029-5515/54/10/104008

Olov Ågren, V E Moiseenko, "Radial constant of motion for particles in magnetic mirror fields", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 56 095026, 2014, doi:10.1088/0741-3335/56/9/095026

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

Mohd Riduan Ahmad Ahmad, Mona Riza Mohd Esa, Vernon Cooray, "Occurrence of Narrow Bipolar Event as Part of Cloud-to-Ground Flash in Tropical Thunderstorms", International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, ICAE 2014, Norman, OK, U.S.A.

Mohd Riduan Ahmad, Mona Riza Mohd Esa, Dalina Johari, M.M. Ismail, Vernon Cooray, "Chaotic Pulse Train in Cloud-to-Ground and Cloud Flashes of Tropical Thunderstorms", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

Mohd Riduan Ahmad Ahmad, Mona Riza Mohd Esa, Vernon Cooray, "Similarity Between the Initial Breakdown Pulses of Negative Ground Flash and Narrow Bipolar Pulses", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

Senad Apelfröjd, Rickard Ekström, Karin Thomas, Mats Leijon, "Evaluation of Damping Strategies for Maximum Power Extraction from a Wave Energy Converter with a Linear Generato", Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Tokyo, Japan,. 2014.

Liliana Arevalo, Vernon Cooray, "Streamer to Leader Transition Criteria for Propagation of Long Sparks and lightning Leaders", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

Liliana Arevalo, Vernon Cooray, "Upward Leader Inception Caused by A Sudden Change of Cloud Electric Field", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

J.A.P. Bodhika, W.G.D. Dharmarathne, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "A Preliminary Study of Characteristics of Thunder Pulses of Lightning", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

Eduard Dyachuk, Anders Goude, Hans Bernhoff, "Simulating Pitching Blade With Free Vortex Model Coupled With Dynamic Stall Model for Conditions of Straight Bladed Vertical Axis Turbines", ASME 2014 Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, San Francisco, USA, June 8-13, 2014.

Nicole Carpman, Mats Leijon, "Measurements of tidal current velocities in the Folda fjord, Norway, with the use of a vessel mounted ADCP", Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, San Francisco, USA, June 8-13, 2014.

Valeria Castellucci, Tobias Kamf, Ling Hai and Rafael Waters, "Control System For Mean Sea Level Variation Compensator At The Lysekil Research Site", Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 28-31 July, 2014.

Vernon Cooray, "On the Initiation of Lightning Flashes in Thunderclouds", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

Vernon Cooray, "Return Stroke Model Based purely on the Current Dissipation Concept", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

Vernon Cooray, Liliana Arevalo, "A Huristic Approach to Obtain the Electric Fields Necessary for the Initiation of Upward Lightning Flashes from Towers in the Presence of Glow Corona", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

Vernon Cooray, Mahendra Fernando, T.A.L.N. Gunasekara, S. Nanayakkara, "Propagation Effects on Radiation Fields Known as Narrow Bipolar Pulses Generated by Compact Cloud Discharges", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

Vernon Cooray, Valdimir Rakov, "On the Striking Distance of Subsequent Return Strokes", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

Vernon Cooray, Valdimir Rakov, "The Effects of Ground Conductivity on the Electromagnetic Fields Generated by Lightning Return Strokes", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

Niklas Dahlbäck, Per Norrlund,"Examples of Benefits from Efficiency Evaluation Using Comparative Tests", 10th International Conference on Hydraulic Efficiency Measurements , Itajubá, Brazil, September 16-19 2014.

Oscar Diaz, Vernon Cooray, Liliana Arevalo, "Sensitivity Analysis of Leader Channel Models Used in Long Air Gap Positive Discharge Modelling", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

Rickard Ekström, Senad Apelfröjd, Karin Thomas, Mats Leijon, "Inverter topology with integrated on-load tap change for grid-connection of renewable electric energy sources", Grand Renewable Energy Conference on Energy Network and Power Electronics, Tokyo, Japan, 27 Juli-1 August 2014.

Ahmed Elsayed, Bahri Uzunoglu, "Urban wind flow around an isolated building for wind resource assessment of small scale wind" ,EWEA 2014 Annual Event, 10-13 March 2014,Barcelona, Spain.

Ali Erduman, Bahri Uzunoglu, "Storage commitment and placement for an interconnected island system with high wind penetration, Gotland", International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA), 2014 , vol., no., pp.605,609, 19-22 Oct. 2014, doi: 10.1109/ICRERA.2014.7016456

Mona Riza Mohd Esa, Mohd Riduan Ahmad Ahmad, Vernon Cooray, "Time-Frequency Profile of Discharge Processes Prior to the First Return Stroke", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

Mona Riza Mohd Esa, Mohd Riduan Ahmad Ahmad, Vernon Cooray, "Occurrence of Narrow Bipolar Pulses between Negative Return Strokes in Tropical Thunderstorms", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

Gabriele Grandi, Jelena Loncarski, ''Implementation of carrier-based optimized centered PWM in three-phase three-level inverters'', International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), Ischia (IT), 18-20 June 2014, doi:10.1109/SPEEDAM.2014.6872060

T. A. L. N. Gunasekara, U. Mendis, Mahendra Fernando, Upul Sonnadara, Vernon Cooray, "Electric Field Signatures of Narrow Negative Bipolar Pulse Activities from Lightning Observed in Sri Lanka", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

Malin Göteman, Jens Engström, Mikael Eriksson, Jan Isberg, "Numerical and semi-analytical methods for optimizing wave energy parks", Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD 2014), Singapore, October 19-24, 2014.

Malin Göteman, Jens Engström, Mikael Eriksson, Jan Isberg, Mats Leijon, "Analytical and numerical approaches to optimizing fluid-structure interactions in wave energy parks", Proc. of the 29th IWWWFB, Osaka, Japan, 2014.

Ling Hai, Olle Svensson, Valeria Castellucci, Erik Lejerskog, Rafael Waters, and Mats Leijon, "Force in the connection line for a wave energy converter: simulation and experimental setup", Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, San Francisco, USA, June 8-13, 2014.

Erik Hultman, Marcus Linder, Mats Leijon, "Robotized stacking of the Uppsala University wave energy converter generator stator", Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, San Francisco, USA, June 8-13, 2014.

Christos Kaidis, Bahri Uzunoglu, Filippos Amoiralis, "Wind turbine reliability estimation for different assemblies, failure severity categories and environmental conditions using scada data" ,EWEA 2014 Annual Event, 10-13 March 2014,Barcelona, Spain.

L.A.D. Kumara, Mahesh Edirisinghe, Vernon Cooray, "Behavior of Low Voltage Varistors under Very Fast Oscillatory Type Current Impulse Environment", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

Mats Leijon, Maria A Chatzigiannakou, Irina Dolguntseva, "Offshore Deployment of Point Absorbing Wave Energy Converters with a Direct Driven Linear Generator Power Take-Off at the Lysekil Test Site", Proceedings of the ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. 2014.

Jelena Loncarski, Mats Leijon, C.Rossi, M.Srndovic, G.Grandi, "Current Ripple Evaluation in Dual Three-Phase Inverters for Open-End Winding EV Drives", in Proc. of 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), Wien (AU), 3-7 Nov. 2014.

Johan Lundin, Tobias Kamf, Johan Abrahamsson, Juan de Santiago, Magnus Hedlund, Hans Bernhoff, "High Speed Flywheels for Vehicular Applications", 14th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, Linz, Austria, 11-14 of August, 2014.

Joakim Lönnberg, Johan Bladh, "Flexibility and Regulation Capability of Hydropower Systems to Balance Large Amounts of Wind Power", 13th Wind Integration Workshop, 11-13 November 2014, Berlin, Germany.

Carlos Diaz-Asensio Mancebo, Bahri Uzunoglu, "A comparison study for two commercial wind resource analysis cfd software for an embankment", EWEA 2014 Annual Event, 10-13 March 2014,Barcelona, Spain.

Lukas Mylonas, Bahri Uzunoglu, "Assessment of noise prediction models for long-range sound propagation of wind turbines over water" ,EWEA 2014 Annual Event, 10-13 March 2014,Barcelona, Spain.

Erik Möllerström, Fredric Ottermo, Jonny Hylander, Hans Bernhoff, "Avoidance of resonances in a semi-guy-wired vertical axis wind turbine", Proceedings of EWEA 2014 - Annual Event (Conference), Barcelona, 10-13 March 2014.

Erik Möllerström, Sebastian Larsson, Fredric Ottermo, Jonny Hylander, Lars Bååth, "Noise Propagation from a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine", Proceedings of 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering : Internoise, Melbourne, Australia, November 16-19, 2014.

S Nanayakkara, S.P.A.Vayanganie, T.A.L.N. Gunasekera, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "K – change: Is It a Static Field of a Chaotic Pulse Burst?", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

Chandana Perera, S.P.A.Vayanganie, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "Continuing Currents in Cloud Flashes", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

Arthur L. E. Reis, Janaína Goncalves de Oliveira, Francisco J. Gomes,Johan Abrahamsson, "All eletric propulsion system model based on a levitated flywheel machine", 2014 11th IEEE/IAS International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON), vol., no., pp.1,6, 7-10 Dec. 2014, doi:10.1109/INDUSCON.2014.7059446

Elkin Rodriguez, Juan de Santiago, J. José Pérez-Loya, Felipe S. Costa, Guilherme G. Sotelo, Janaína G. Oliveira, Richard M. Stephan, "Analysis of passive magnetic bearings for kinetic energy storage systems", 14th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, Linz, Austria, 11-14 of August, 2014.

Elkin Rodriguez, J. José Pérez-Loya, Juan de Santiago, Felipe S. Costa, Guilherme G. Sotelo, Janaína G. Oliveira, Richard M. Stephan,"Passive Magnetic Bearing System", The 22nd International Conference on Magnetically Levitaded Systems and Linear Drives, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 28 of September to 1st. of October, 2014.

Deepak Elamalayil Soman.; Kasthuri Vikram.; Remya Krishna.; Markus Gabrysch.; Kottayil, S.K.; Mats Leijon., "Analysis of three-level buck-boost converter operation for improved renewable energy conversion and smart grid integration", Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 2014 IEEE International , vol., no., pp.76,81, 13-16 May 2014, doi:10.1109/ENERGYCON.2014.6850409

Deepak Elamalayil Soman, Remya Krishna, Mats Leijon; Vikram, K.; Kottayil, S.K.; Vitoi, L.A.; Oliveira, J.G.; Kumar, S.S., "Discontinuous conduction mode of a three-level boost DC-DC converter and its merits and limits for voltage cross regulation applications", Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2014 - 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE , vol., no., pp.4268,4272, Oct. 29 2014-Nov. 1 2014, doi:10.1109/IECON.2014.7049144

S.P.A. Vayanganie, T.A.L.N. Gunasekera, S. Nanayakkara, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "Electric Field Change of M Component", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

S.P.A. Vayanganie, Mahendra Fernando, Upul Sonnadara, D.C. Perera, Vernon Cooray, "High Speed Optical Observations of Cloud Flashes", International Conference on Lightning Protection, Shanghai, China, 2014.

Non refereed conference article

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bardos, "Plasma Reforming of Ethanol", Int. Conf. Metall. Coat. & Thin Films – ICMCTF 2014, San Diego, April 28-May 2, 2014, Paper TS6-7.

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bardos, "Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Sources and their Applications", PLENARY PAPER, 1st Iberoamerican Congress on Surface, Materials and Vacuum Applications, 35th Brazilian Congress of Vacuum Applications in the Industry and Science, Natal/RN, Brazil, Oct 21-24, 2014, Paper 1.

Erik Hultman, Boel Ekergård, Tobias Kamf, Dana Salar, Mats Leijon, "Preparing the Uppsala University wave energy converter generator for large-scale production", 5th International Conference on Ocean Energy, Halifax, Canada, November 4-6, 2014.

Master thesis

Ali Abdallah, "Det smarta hemmet – Energianvändarens framtid : En studie om smarta hem och vilka möjligheter Jämtkraft har att satsa på dessa", 2014, UPTEC STS, 14017, Abstract, Fulltext

Adrian Ehrnebo "Single Crystalline CVD Diamond Based Devices for Power Electronics Applications", 2014, TVE, 14 059, Abstract, Fulltext

Erik Ahlström, "Åsktransienter och överspänningar : En spänningsfylld simulering av elkraftsystemet vid Forsmark 3", 2014, UPTEC ES, 14034, Abstract, Fulltext

Filiph Appelgren, "Power System Software Development : with possible SCADA System Integration", 2014, UPTEC F, 14031, Abstract, Fulltext

Hannes Bäckbro, "A study of potential approaches to simulate power output as well as identifying anomalous operation of wind turbines", 2014, UPTEC ES, 14009, Abstract, Fulltext

Annika Bäcklund, "Fotogrammetrisk analys av kornstorleksfördelningeni erosionsskydd vid kraftverksdammar", 2014, UPTEC ES, 14025, Abstract, Fulltext

Martin Eklöf, "Analys av mätdata från nätstationer", 2014, UPTEC ES, 14005, Abstract, Fulltext

Linda Ekmarker, "Frequency Control : Optimal distribution of FCR-N in real-time", 2014, UPTEC F, 14033, Abstract, Fulltext

Nils Englund, "Evaluation and improvements of the short circuit test at ABB Machines", 2014, UPTEC E, 14004, Abstract, Fulltext

Emil Eriksson, "BLCD ROV thruster design: Brushless DC motor thruster design for use on a remote operated underwater vehicle", 2014, TVE, 14 027, Abstract, Fulltext

Lisa Gerdin, Mira Rosengren Keijser, "Numerical study on jet flow characteristics of high head and large discharge spillways" 2014, UPTEC ES, 14007, Abstract, Fulltext

Viktor Gårdö, Yasmin Lindholm, "Safety Analysis of the Baihetan Dam: By Investigating the Pressure Distribution on the Plunge Pool Floor", 2014, UPTEC STS, 13042, Abstract, Fulltext

Emma Hagner, "Nya utmaningar för småskalig vattenkraft : Konsekvensutredning av
Vattenverksamhetsutredningens delbetänkande 2013:69"
, 2014, SWECO/Uppsala Universitet, UPTEC ES, 14021, Abstract, Fulltext

Marcus Holmqvist, Marcus Gunnteg, "Seepage, Solute transport and Strain-stress Analysis of Ashele Tailings Dams", 2014, UPTEC ES, 14043, Abstract, Fulltext

Daniel Håkansson, Marcus Palmquist, "Evaluation of Impacts from River Engineering Measures at Nanjing Reach of Yangtze River : An Application of Hydrodynamic Modelling and Sediment Transportation Simulations", 2014, UPTEC ES, 14041, Abstract, Fulltext

Malin Johnsson, "Pilotinstallation av fast och fjärravläst nätstationsmätning : Identifiering av för- och nackdelar med nätstationsmätning, Mälarenergi Elnät AB", 2014, UPTEC ES, 13043, Abstract, Fulltext

Mattias Jonsson, "The business value of demand response for balance responsible parties", 2014, UPTEC STS, 14010, Abstract, Fulltext

Katarina Jorsback, "Borrning och gängning av laxkilar till vågkraftverk med industrirobot", 2014, UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2014/04-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Anders Karlsson, "Cooling methods for electrical machines : Simulation based evaluation of cooling fins found on low voltage general purpose machines", 2014, UPTEC E, 14001, Abstract, Fulltext

Klara Klingborg, "Förutsättningar för elektrifierade lastbilar med eHighway inom svensk gruvindustri : En jämförelse av olika transportslag mellan Mertainen och Svappavaara",2014, UPTEC ES, 14036, Abstract, Fulltext

Oscar Lagnelöv, "Elektrifiering av jordbruksmaskin: Direktkoppling till solföljare och elnät", 2014, UPTEC ES, ISSN 1650-8300 ; 14031, Abstract, Fulltext

Tomas Löfwall, "Energisparläge i automationsindustrin: Potential för att minska tomgångsförluster med industriella styrsystem", 2014, UPTEC ES, 14020, Abstract, Fulltext

Joakim Lönnberg, "Short-term regulating capacity and operational patterns of The Lule River with large wind power penetration", 2014, UPTEC F, 14026, Abstract, Fulltext

Michael Olofsson, "Fräsning av laxkilar till vågkraftverk med användning av industrirobot", 2014, UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2014/05-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Oscar Ericsson, "Modelling of breaking arcs when they are extinguished by current zero-crossings", 2014, UPTEC Q, 14 004, Abstract, Fulltext

Hampus Piehl, "Wind power integration in island-based smart grid projects: A comparative study between Jeju Smart Grid Test-bed and Smart Grid Gotland", 2014, UPTEC STS, 14013, Abstract, Fulltext

Kajsa Roxbergh, "Riskmodell för kabelsträckningar i mellanspänningsnätet i Sverige", 2014, UPTEC ES, 14023, Abstract, Fulltext

Gustav Rydén, Emil Åberg, "Utveckling och konstruktion av dämpare och låssystem för vågkraftverk", 2014, Abstract, Fulltext

John Sjölander, "Non-Invasive Technologies for Condition Monitoring of Synchronous Motors", 2014, UPTEC ES, 13047, Abstract, Fulltext

Michael Swahn Azavedo, "Simulating the Swedish Electric Energy Production : An optimization perspective", 2014, UPTEC F, 14005, Abstract, Fulltext

Tarek Tallberg, "Beredning av lokalnät i landsbygd", 2014, Abstract, Fulltext

Emma Thulin, "Elanslutning av fartyg i hamn : en studie om förutsättningar och konsekvenser för Köpings och Västerås hamn", 2014, UPTEC STS, 14018, Abstract, Fulltext

Alexander Torstenfelt, "Experimental analysis and evaluation of WaveTubes WEC during tank test at Aalborg University, Denmark", 2014, UPTEC F, 14016, Abstract, Fulltext

Martin Wästljung, "Ny stamstation i Yttermalung för anslutning av vindkraft : Nätstudie av olika utföranden i normal- och reservdrift", 2014, UPTEC ES, 14007, Abstract, Fulltext

Karl Åström, "Productivity Improvements in Assembly: Vertical synchronous generators; Stator Core and Rotor Rim", 2014, TVE, 14039, Abstract, Fulltext

Bob Örnborg, "Bussningstillverkning med industrirobot: till vågkraftverk", 2014, UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2014/03-SE, Abstract, Fulltext

Books and Book chapters

Vernon Cooray, "The Lightning Flash" (second Edition, updated with nine more chapters), Editor: Vernon Cooray, IET publishers, London, 2014.

Sandra Eriksson, "Utveckling av muntlig examination med fokus på studenters rättssäkerhet – exempel från en ingenjörskurs", Högre Utbildning 4(1), 2014.



Eduard Dyachuk, "Aerodynamics of vertical axis wind turbines. Development of simulation tools and experiments", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1274,

Ling Hai, "Modelling wave power by equivalent circuit theory", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1309, Abstract + Fulltext

Licentiate thesis

Nicole Carpman, "Marine Current Resource Assessment: Measurements and Characterization", UURIE 342-15L, Uppsala 2015, Abstract + Fulltext

Johan Forslund, "Experimental Results of a Load-Controlled Vertical Axis Marine Current Energy Converter", UURIE 345-15L, Uppsala 2015, Abstract + Fulltext

Erik Möllerstrom, "Vertical Axis Wind Turbines : Tower Dynamics and Noise", UURIE 340-15L, Uppsala 2015, Abstract + Fulltext

Nattakarn Suntornwipat, "Valley-polarized charge transport in diamond", UURIE 341-15L, Uppsala 2015, Abstract + Fulltext

Weijia Yang, "Dynamic processes and active power control of hydropower plants", UURIE 34?-15L, Uppsala 2015, Abstract + Fulltext

Reviewed literature

Mohd Riduan Ahmad, Mona Riza Mohd Esa, Vernon Cooray, Zikri Abadi Baharudin, "Latitude Dependence of Narrow Bipolar Pulse Emissions", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, ISSN 1364-6826, Vol. 128, 40-45 p doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2015.03.005

Noor Azlinda Ahmad, Zikri A Baharudin, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "Radiation field spectra of long-duration cloud flashes", Atmospheric Science Letters, ISSN 1530-261X, Vol. 16, no 2, 91-95 p, doi:10.1002/asl2.537

Dulan Amarasinghe, Upul Sonnadara, Marcus Berg, Vernon Cooray, "Fractal dimension of long electrical discharges", Journal of Electrostatics, Volume 73, February 2015, Pages 33-37, doi:10.1016/j.elstat.2014.10.015

Senad Apelfröjd, Rickard Ekström, Karin Thomas, Mats Leijon, "A Back-to-Back 2L-3L Grid Integration of a Marine Current Energy Converter", Energies 8, no. 2: 808-820, 2015 , doi:10.3390/en8020808

Hana Barankova, Ladislav Bardos, Adela Bardos, "Magnetized hollow cathode activated magnetron", Applied Physics Letters, ISSN 0003-6951, E-ISSN 1077-3118, Vol. 107, no 15, 153501, doi:10.1063/1.4933091

Hana Barankova, Ladislav Bardos, "Atmospheric pressure plasma conversion of CO2 to solid deposits", Results Phys (2015), doi:10.1016/j.rinp.2015.08.011

Antoine Baudoin, Cecilia Boström, Mats Leijon, "Thermal Rating of a Submerged Substation for Wave Power", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol.PP, no.99, pp.1,10, doi:10.1109/TSTE.2015.2425045

Antoine Baudoin, Cecilia Boström, "Thermal modelling of a passively cooled inverter for wave power", IET Renewable Power Generation, 2015, doi:10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0112

Johan Bladh, Mattias Wallin, Linn Saarinen, Urban Lundin, "Standstill Frequency Response Test on a Synchronous Machine Extended With Damper Bar Measurements", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, no.99, pp.1-11, doi:10.1109/TEC.2015.2450994

Valeria Castellucci, Johan Abrahamsson, Tobias Kamf, Rafael Waters, "Nearshore Tests of the Tidal Compensation System for Point-Absorbing Wave Energy Converters", Energies 2015, 8(4), 3272-3291, doi:10.3390/en8043272

Vernon Cooray, Gerald K. Cooray, Charith Cooray, "On the possible mechanism of keraunographic markings on lightning victims", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 136, Part A, December 2015, Pages 119-123, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2015.06.006

Vernon Cooray, "A return stroke model based purely on the current dissipation concept", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 136, Part A, December 2015, Pages 61-65, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2015.09.009

Vernon Cooray, "On the minimum length of leader channel and the minimum volume of space charge concentration necessary to initiate lightning flashes in thunderclouds", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 136, Part A, December 2015, Pages 39-45, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2016.02.016

Oscar Diaz, Liliana Arevalo, Vernon Cooray, "Leader channel models for long air positive electrical discharges", Journal of Electrostatics, Volume 76, August 2015, Pages 208-215, doi:10.1016/j.elstat.2015.05.026

Irina Dolguntseva, Remya Krishna, Deepak Elamalayil Soman, Mats Leijon, "Contour-Based Dead-Time Harmonic Analysis in a Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverter", IEEE transactions on industrial electronics (1982. Print), ISSN 0278-0046, ISSN 0278-0046, Vol. 62, no 1, 203-210 p, doi:10.1109/TIE.2014.2327579

Eduard Dyachuk, Morgan Rossander, Anders Goude, Hans Bernhoff, "Measurements of the Aerodynamic Normal Forces on a 12-kW Straight-Bladed Vertical Axis Wind Turbine", Energies 2015, vol. 8, doi:10.3390/en8088482

Eduard Dyachuk, Anders Goude, "Numerical Validation of a Vortex Model Against Experimental Data on a Straight-Bladed Vertical Axis Wind Turbine", Energies 2015, vol. 8, doi:10.3390/en81011800

Eduard Dyachuk, Anders Goude, Hans Bernhoff, "Simulating Pitching Blade With Free Vortex Model Coupled With Dynamic Stall Model for Conditions of Straight Bladed Vertical Axis Turbines", Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Volume 137, Issue 4, August 2015. doi:10.1115/1.4030674

Eduard Dyachuk, Anders Goude, "Simulating Dynamic Stall Effects for Vertical Axis Wind Turbines Applying a Double Multiple Streamtube Model", Energies 2015, 8, 1353-1372, doi:10.3390/en8021353

Rickard Ekström, Boel Ekergård, Mats Leijon, "Electrical damping of linear generators for wave energy converters: A review", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 42, February 2015, Pages 116–128, doi:10.1016/j.rser.2014.10.010

Jens Engström, Jan Isberg, Mikael Eriksson, Mats Leijon, "Properties of the energy transport for plane-parallel polychromatic surface gravity waves in waters of arbitrary depth", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 40(2), 408-416, 2015, doi:10.1109/JOE.2014.2323511

Johan Forslund, Staffan Lundin, Karin Thomas, Mats Leijon, "Experimental Results of a DC Bus Voltage Level Control for a Load-Controlled Marine Current Energy Converter", Energies 2015 8, no. 5: 4572-4586, doi:10.3390/en8054572

Janaína Goncalves de Oliveira, Juan de Santiago, Pedro Machado de Almeida, "Harmonic Mitigation in a Coreless Double-Wound Flywheel Machine: Experimental Verification", International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, 2015, doi:10.1515/ijeeps-2014-0141

Anders Goude, Bahri Uzunoglu, G Giovannini, J Magdelana, A Fernández, "A GUI for urban wind flow CFD analysis of small scale wind applications", IEEE Cyberwords, Visby, Sweden 2015, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2463.2802

Mårten Grabbe, Sandra Eriksson, Mats Leijon, "On the Stator Slot Geometry of a Cable Wound Generator for Hydrokinetic Energy Conversion", The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2015, Article ID 812149, 6 pages, 2015, doi:10.1155/2015/812149

Gabriele Grandi, Jelena Loncarski, Obrad Dordevic, "Analysis and Comparison of Peak-to-Peak Current Ripple in Two-Level and Multilevel PWM Inverters", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.62, no.5, pp.2721-2730, May 2015, doi:10.1109/TIE.2014.2363624

Wencheng Guo , Jiandong Yang , Jieping Chen , Weijia Yang , Yi Teng , Wei Zeng, "Time Response of the Frequency of Hydroelectric Generator Unit with Surge Tank Under Isolated Operation Based on Turbine Regulating Modes", Electric Power Components and Systems, October 2015, ISSN 1532-5008, Pages 1-15, doi: 10.1080/15325008.2015.1082681

Wencheng Guo, Jiandong Yang, Weijia Yang, Jieping Chen, Yi Teng, "Regulation quality for frequency response of turbine regulating system of isolated hydroelectric power plant with surge tank", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 73, December 2015, Pages 528-538, ISSN 0142-0615, doi:10.1016/j.ijepes.2015.05.043

Malin Göteman, Jens Engström, Mikael Eriksson, Jan Isberg, "Fast modeling of large wave energy farms using interaction distance cut-off", Energies (2015) 8, 13741-13757, doi:10.3390/en81212394

Malin Göteman, Jens Engström, Mikael Eriksson, Martyn Hann, Edward Ransley, Deborah Greaves, Mats Leijon, "Wave loads on a point-absorbing wave energy device in extreme waves", In Journal of Ocean and Wind Energy, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 176-181 (2015), doi:10.17736/jowe.2015.mkr03

Malin Göteman, Jens Engström, Mikael Eriksson, Jan Isberg, "Optimizing wave energy parks with over 1000 interacting point-absorbers using an approximate analytical method", International Journal of Marine Energy, Volume 10, June 2015, Pages 113-126, ISSN 2214-1669, doi:10.1016/j.ijome.2015.02.001

Ling Hai, Olle Svensson, Jan Isberg, Mats Leijon, "Modelling a point absorbing wave energy converter by the equivalent electric circuit theory: A feasibility study", Journal of Applied Physics, 117, 164901 (2015), doi:10.1063/1.4918903

Magnus Hedlund, Johan Lundin, Juan de Santiago, Johan Abrahamsson, Hans Bernhoff, "Flywheel Energy Storage for Automotive Applications", Energies 8, no. 10: 10636-10663, 2015, doi:10.3390/en81010636

Yue Hong, Mikael Eriksson, Valeria Castellucci, Cecilia Boström, Rafael Waters, "Linear generator-based wave energy converter model with experimental verification and three loading strategies", IET Renewable Power Generation, 2015, doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2015.0117

Mohd Muzafar Ismail, Mahbubur Rahman, Vernon Cooray, Shriram Sharma, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Dalina Johari, "Electric Field Signatures in Wideband, 3 MHz and 30 MHz of Negative Ground Flashes Pertinent to Swedish Thunderstorms", Atmosphere 6, no. 12: 1904-1925, 2015, doi:10.3390/atmos6121837

Christos Kaidis, Bahri Uzunoglu, Filippos Amoiralis, "Wind turbine reliability estimation for different assemblies and failure severity categories", IET Renewable Power Generation, ISSN 1752-1416, E-ISSN 1752-1424, Vol. 9, no 8, 892-899 p, doi:10.1049/iet-rpg.2015.0020

Kiran Kumar Kovi, Richard S. Balmer, Jan Isberg, "Semi-isotropic surface etching of diamond using a Faraday cage", Diamond and Related Materials, Volume 58, September 2015, Pages 185-189, ISSN 0925-9635, doi:10.1016/j.diamond.2015.07.011

Kiran Kumar Kovi, Saman Majdi, Markus Gabrysch, Nattakarn Suntornwipat, Jan Isberg "(Invited) Surface Passivation of High-k Dielectric Materials on Diamond Thin Films", doi:10.1149/06905.0061ecst

Kiran Kumar Kovi, Örjan Vallin, Saman Majdi and Jan Isberg, "Inversion in Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Capacitors on Boron-Doped Diamond", Electron Device Letters, IEEE , vol.36, no.6, pp.603,605, June 2015 doi: 10.1109/LED.2015.2423971

Remya Krishna, Deepak Elamalayil Soman, Sasi K Kottayil, Mats Leijon, "Pulse delay Control for Capacitor VoltageBalancing in a Three Level Boost Neutral PointClamped Inverter", IET Power Electronics, ISSN 1755-4543, Vol. 8, no 2, 268-277 p, doi:10.1049/iet-pel.2014.0103

Jan Isberg, Jens Engström, Mikael Eriksson, Malin Göteman, "Control of rapid phase oscillations in the modelling of large wave energy arrays", International Journal of Marine Energy, Volume 11, September 2015, Pages 1–8 doi:10.1016/j.ijome.2015.03.002

Erik Lejerskog, Cecilia Boström, Ling Hai, Rafael Waters, Mats Leijon "Experimental results on power absorption from a wave energy converter at the Lysekil wave energy research site", Renewable Energy, Volume 77, May 2015, Pages 9-14, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2014.11.050

Wei,Li, Jan Isberg, Jens Engström, Rafael Waters, Mats Leijon, "Parametric Study of the Power Absorption for a Linear Generator Wave Energy Converter", Journal of Ocean and Wind Energy, ISSN 0305-182X, E-ISSN 2245-408X, Vol. 4, doi:10.17736/jowe.2015.jcr30

Wei,Li, Jan Isberg, Jens Engström, Rafael Waters, Mats Leijon, "Study of the foundation design for a linear generator wave energy converter using stochastic methods", Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, ISSN 1941-7012, E-ISSN 1941-7012, J. Renewable Sustainable Energy, Vol. 7, 063112, doi:10.1063/1.4936420

Jelena Loncarski, Mats Leijon, Milan Srndovic, Claudio Rossi, and Gabriele Grandi, "Comparison of Output Current Ripple in Single and Dual Three-Phase Inverters for Electric Vehicle Motor Drives", Energies, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 3832-3848, April 2015, doi:10.3390/en8053832

Yuehao Luo, Liguo Wang, Lork Green, Kenan Song, "Advances of drag-reducing surface technologies in turbulence based on boundary layer control", Journal of Hydrodynamics, ISSN 1001-6058, E-ISSN 1000-4874, Vol. 27, no 4, 473-487 p, doi:10.1016/S1001-6058(15)60507-8

Birger Marcusson, Urban Lundin, "Axial Magnetic Fields at the Ends of a Synchronous Generator at Different Points of Operation", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol.51, no.2, pp.1-8, Feb. 2015, doi:10.1109/TMAG.2014.2347269

M. Nocente, Jan Källne, M. Salewski, M. Tardocchi, G. Gorini, "Gamma-ray emission spectrum from thermonuclear fusion reactions without intrinsic broadening", Nuclear Fusion, ISSN 0029-5515, E-ISSN 1741-4326, Vol. 55, no 12, 123009- p, doi:10.1088/0029-5515/55/12/123009

Jonas Kristiansen Nöland, Karina Bakkeløkken Hjelmervik, Urban Lundin, "Comparison of Thyristor-Controlled Rectification Topologies for a Six-Phase Rotating Brushless Permanent Magnet Exciter", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, no.99, pp.1-9, doi:10.1109/TEC.2015.2480884

Jon Olauson, Jonatan Samuelsson, Hans Bergström, Mikael Bergkvist, "Using the MIUU Model for Prediction of Mean Wind Speed at Low Height", Wind Engineering: The International Journal of Wind Power, ISSN 0309-524X, E-ISSN 2048-402X, Vol. 39, no 5, 507-518 p, doi:10.1260/0309-524X.39.5.507

Jon Olauson, Mikael Bergkvist, "Modelling the Swedish Wind Power Production Using MERRA Reanalysis Data", Renewable energy, Volume 76, April 2015, Pages 717–725 2014, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2014.11.085

Jon Olauson, Anders Goude, Mikael Bergkvist, "Wind Energy Converters and Photovoltaics for Generation of Electricity after Natural Disasters", Geografiska Annaler. Series A, Physical Geography. Volume 97, Issue 1, pages 9–23, March 2015, doi:10.1111/geoa.12052

Morgan Rossander, Eduard Dyachuk, Senad Apelfröjd, Kristian Trolin, Anders Goude, Hans Bernhoff, Sandra Eriksson, "Evaluation of a Blade Force Measurement System for a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Using Load Cells", Energies 2015, Volume 8, Issue 6, pp.5973-5996, doi:10.3390/en8065973

Linn Saarinen, Per Norrlund, Urban Lundin, "Field Measurements and System Identification of Three Frequency Controlling Hydropower Plants", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol.30, no.3, pp.1061-1068, Sept. 2015, doi:10.1109/TEC.2015.2425915

Linn Saarinen, Niklas Dahlbäck, Urban Lundin, "Power system flexibility need induced by wind and solar power intermittency on time scales of 1–14 days", Renewable Energy Volume 83, November 2015, Pages 339–344, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2015.04.048

Juan de Santiago , Hans Bernhoff, "Calculation of Tooth Ripple Losses in Solid Poles", Electric Power Components and Systems Vol. 43, Iss. 3, 2015, doi:10.1080/15325008.2014.981898

Teresa Simas, Anne Marie O’Hagan, John O’Callaghan, Soraya Hamawi, Davide Magagna, Ian Bailey, Deborah Greaves, Jean-Baptiste Saulnier, Dorleta Marina, Juan Bald, Cristina Huertas, Jan Sundberg, "Review of consenting processes for ocean energy in selected European Union Member States", International Journal of Marine Energy, Volume 9, April 2015, Pages 41-59, ISSN 2214-1669, doi:10.1016/j.ijome.2014.12.001

Alexander Smorgonskiy, Eda Egüz, Farhad Rachidi, Marcos Rubinstein, Vernon Cooray, "A model for the evaluation of the electric field associated with the lightning-triggering rocket wire and its corona", Journal of Geophysical Research, 2015, doi:10.1002/2015JD023373

Deepak Elamalayil Soman, Jelena Loncarski, Lisa Gerdin, Petter Eklund, Sandra Eriksson, Mats Leijon, "Development of Power Electronics Based Test Platform for Characterization and Testing of Magnetocaloric Materials", Advances in Electrical Engineering, vol. 2015, Article ID 670624, 7 pages, 2015, doi:10.1155/2015/670624

Liguo Wang, Jan Isberg, "Nonlinear Passive Control of a Wave Energy Converter Subject to Constraints in Irregular Waves", Energies 2015, 8(7), 6528-6542; doi:10.3390/en8076528

Liguo Wang, Jens Engström, Malin Göteman, Jan Isberg, "Constrained optimal control of a point absorber wave energy converter with linear generator", J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 043127 (2015); doi:10.1063/1.4928677

Joakim Widén, Nicole Carpman, Valeria Castellucci, David Lingfors, Jon Olauson, Flore Remouit, Mikael Bergkvist, Mårten Grabbe, Rafael Waters, "Variability assessment and forecasting of renewables: A review for solar, wind, wave and tidal resources", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 44, April 2015, Pages 356-375, ISSN 1364-0321, doi:10.1016/j.rser.2014.12.019

Weijia Yang, Jiandong Yang, Wencheng Guo, Wei Zeng, Chao Wang, Linn Saarinen, Per Norrlund, "A Mathematical Model and Its Application for Hydro Power Units under Different Operating Conditions", Energies 8, no. 9: 10260-10275, 2015, doi:10.3390/en80910260

Weijia Yang , Jiandong Yang , Wencheng Guo , Per Norrlund, "Frequency Stability of Isolated Hydropower Plant with Surge Tank Under Different Turbine Control Modes", Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 43, Iss. 15, 2015, doi:10.1080/15325008.2015.1049722

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

S. N. Abegunawardana, J. A. Bodhika, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "Study of Thunder Signature Using STFT", 2015 Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning (APL), Nagoya, Japan.

R. Abeywardhana, Mahendra Fernando, S. Nanayakkara, U. Mendis, Vernon Cooray, "Preliminary Breakdown Pulse of Negative Cloud-to-Ground Discharges in Si Lanka: Revisited", 2015 Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning (APL), Nagoya, Japan.

M. Nasir Ayob, Valeria Castellucci, Matteo Terzi, Rafael Waters, "Tidal Effect Compensation System Design for High Range Sea Level Variations", Proceedings of the 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Nantes, France, 6-11th Sept 2015.

Ladislav Bardos, Hana Baránková, Adela Bardos, M. Bernick, R. Newcomb, "Magnetized Hollow Cathode Activated Magnetron", Paper H-2, Proceedings of the 58th Annual Tech. Conf. of SVC, Santa Clara, CA, April 27-30, 2015, ISSN 0737-5921, p. 1-3.

Maria A. Chatzigiannakou, Irina Dolguntseva, Rickard Ekström, Mats Leijon, "Offshore Deployment of Marine Substation in the Lysekil Research Site", The Twenty-fifth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 21-26 June, Kona, Hawaii, USA.

Vernon Cooray, "A return stroke model that removes the simplifying assumptions in current generation and current dissipation models", International Symposium on Lightning Protection (XIII SIPDA) Balneário Camboriú, Brazil 2015, pp. 365–368.

Vernon Cooray, "The influence of lightning conductor radii on the attachment of lightning flashes", International Symposium on Lightning Protection (XIII SIPDA) Balneário Camboriú, Brazil 2015, pp. 387–390.

Vernon Cooray, "On the origin of fine scale tortuosity in lightning channels", International Symposium on Lightning Protection (XIII SIPDA) Balneário Camboriú, Brazil 2015, pp. 375–377.

Vernon Cooray, "Invited Lecture: Electromagnetic fields of accelerating charges: Applications in lightning research", International Symposium on Lightning Protection (XIII SIPDA) Balneário Camboriú, Brazil 2015, pp. 7–11.

Mahendra Fernando, R Abewardana, Sidath Abegunawardana, U Mendis, "Voltages Induced by Cloud Flashes on Rural Utility Electrical Power Lines in Sri Lanka", Sankha Nanayakkara,, 2015 Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning (APL), Nagoya, Japan

Francisco Francisco, Jan Sundberg, "Sonar for Environmental Monitoring: Understanding the Functionality of Active Acoustics as a Method for Monitoring Marine Renewable Energy". In Proc. of the 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Nantes, France, Sept. 2015.

Francisco Francisco, Jan Sundberg, "Sonar for Environmental Monitoring: Initial Setup for an Active Acoustic Platform", The Twenty-fifth Int. Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Kona, Hawaii, USA, June, 2015

T. A. L. N. Gunasekara, U. Mendis, S. N. Jayalal, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "Wavelet Analysis of Narrow Bipolar Pulses observed in Sri Lanka", 2015 Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning (APL), Nagoya, Japan.

Malin Göteman, Jens Engström, Mikael Eriksson, Martyn Hann, Edward Ransley, Deborah Greaves, Mats Leijon, "Wave loads on a point-absorbing wave energy device in extreme waves", In Proc. of the 25th Int. Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Kona, Hawaii, USA, June 21-26, 2015.

Malin Göteman, Jens Engström, Mikael Eriksson, Jan Isberg, "Interaction distance for scattered and radiated waves in large wave energy parks", Proc. of the 30th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB), Bristol, UK, 2015.

Mohd muzafar Ismail, Shriram Sharma, Vernon Cooray,Pasan Hettiarachchi, Mahbubur Rahman, Dalina Johari, "HF and VHF electric field radiation produced by preliminary breakdown process pertinent to Swedish thunderstorms", 2015 Asia-Pasific International Conference on Lightning (APL), Nagoya Japan.

Mohd muzafar Ismail, Vernon Cooray, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Mahbubur Rahman, Mahendra Fernando, Dalina Johari, "On the possible origin of chaotic pulse trains in lightning flashes", International Symposium on Lightning Protection (XIII SIPDA) Balneário Camboriú, Brazil 2015, pp. 409–412.

Dalina Johari, Vernon Cooray, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Mahbubur Rahman, M. M. Ismail, "Some Characteristics of Leader Pulses in Positive Cloud-to-Ground Flashes", International Symposium on Lightning Protection (XIII SIPDA) Balneário Camboriú, Brazil 2015, pp. 391–395.

Staffan Lundin, Nicole Carpman, Karin Thomas, Mats Leijon, "Studying the Wake of a Marine Current Turbine Using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler", Proceedings of the 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 6-11th Sept 2015, Nantes, France, pp. 09A2-3-1--8.

M. Menin, Bahri Uzunoglu, "Parametric Sensitivity Study for Wind Power Trading through Stochastic Reserve and Energy Market Optimization", Seventh Annual IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), 2015 , Pages: 82 - 87, doi:10.1109/GREENTECH.2015.37

S. Nanayakkara, U. Mendis, M. Demando, S. Abegunawardana, P. Liyanage, Vernon Cooray, "Lightning Induced Voltages in Over Head Power Line due to Cloud to Ground Flashes in Sri Lanka", 2015 Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning (APL), Nagoya, Japan.

Minh-Thao Nguyen, Irina Dolguntseva, Mats Leijon, "CFD Analysis on the Effect of the Tidal Gratingin Opposite Directions", XIII International Conference on Marine Science and Technology (ICMST 2015), April 20-21, 2015, Boston, USA.

Arvind Parwal, Flore Remouit, Yue Hong , Francisco Francisco, Valeria Castellucci, Ling Hai, Liselotte Ulvgård, Wei Li, Erik Lejerskog, Antoine Baudoin, Mohd Nasir, Maria Chatzigiannakou, Kalle Haikonen, Rickard Ekström, Cecilia Boström, Malin Göteman, Rafael Waters, Olle Svensson , Jan Sundberg, Magnus Rahm, Erland Strömstedt, Jens Engström, Andrej Savin and Mats Leijon, "Wave Energy Research at Uppsala University and The Lysekil Research Site, Sweden: A Status Update", Proceedings of the 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Nantes, France, 6-11th Sept 2015.

Flore Remouit, Miguel Lopes, Pedro Pires, Luis Sebastiao, "Automation of subsea connections for clusters of wave energy converters", The Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 21-26, Kona, Hawaii, USA.

Padmanaban Sanjeevikumar, Gabriele Grandi, Patrick William Wheeler, Frede Blaabjerg, Jelena Loncarski, "A Simple MPPT Algorithm for Novel PV Power Generation System by High Output Voltage DC-DC Boost Converter", IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-5 June 2015.

Deepak Elamalayil Soman, Jelena Loncarski, Milan Srndovic, Mats Leijon, "DC-Link Stress Analysis for the Grid Connection of Point Absorber Type Wave Energy Converters", In Proc. of 5th International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP), Taormina, Sicily - Italy, 16-18 June 2015.

Liselotte Ulvgård, Ling Hai, Mats Leijon, "Measurement System for Evaluating Wanted and Unwanted Forces on a Point Absorbing Wave Energy Converter during Offshore Operation", In Proc. of the 25th Int. Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Kona, Hawaii, USA, June 21-26, 2015.

Nurseda Yildirim, Bahri Uzunoglu, "Association rules for clustering algorithms for data mining of temporal power ramp balance", IEEE Cyberwords, Visby, Sweden 2015, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2987.5682

Nurseda Yildirim, Bahri Uzunoglu, "Spatial Clustering for Temporal Power Ramp Balance and Wind Power Estimation", Seventh Annual IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), 2015 , vol., no., pp.214-220, 15-17 April 2015, doi:10.1109/GREENTECH.2015.39

Non refereed conference article

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bárdos, M. Bernick, R. Newcomb, "Hollow Cathode Activated Magnetron", Int. Conf. Metall. Coat. & Thin Films - ICMCTF 2015, San Diego, April 20-24, 2015, Paper G2-1-6.

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bárdos, K. Silins, "DLC coatings prepared by hollow cathodes at moderate pressure", Int. Conf. on Diamond and Carbon Materials, September 6-10, 2015, Bad Homburg, Germany.

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bárdos, INVITED PAPER "Hollow cathode based plasma sources for reduced and atmospheric pressures", 9th Symposium on Vacuum based Science and Technology, Kolobrzeg, November 16-19, 2015. Paper INV4.

Ladislav Bárdos, Hana Baránková, INVITED PAPER "Atmospheric Plasma in Liquids", AVS 62nd Int. Symposium & Exhibition, October 18-23, 2015, San Jose, California. Paper SE+PS+SM-TuM5 Invited.

Erik Möllerström, Karl Bolin, Fredric Ottermo, Lars Bååth, Jonny Hylander, "Noise directivity from a vertical axis wind turbine", Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Wind Turbine Noise: Glasgow 20-23 April 2015.

Books and Book chapters

Vernon Cooray, "An Introduction to Lightning", Springer 2015, XV, 386 p.


Fredrik Evestedt, MANUAL: Flywheel electronics, 2015, 18 p, Fulltext

Jon Olauson, Hans Bergström, Mikael Bergkvist, "Scenarios and time series of future wind power production in Sweden", Energiforsk report 2015:141, ISBN 978-91-7673-141-3, Jun. 2015, Abstract, Fulltext

Master thesis

Erik Andersson, Fredrik Wengberg, "Utvärdering av konsekvenserna för nätanslutning av vindkraftparker i Sverige vid införandet av nätkoden Requirements for Generators", 2015, (UPTEC ES ; 15032), Abstract, Fulltext

Jonas Andersson, "Ensure the electric power system's durability through battery monitoring", 2015, (UPTEC STS ; 15001), Abstract, Fulltext

Mari Arvidsson, "Analys av mellanspänningsnätet i centrala delar av Västerås stad", 2015, (UPTEC ES ; 15023), Abstract, Fulltext

Mesut Bahceci, "Simulation of an Electrical Machine : with superconducting magnetic bearings", 2015, (UPTEC F ; 15002), Abstract, Fulltext

Simon Cederholm, "Verification of the program PowerGrid and establishment of reference grid for calculations", 2015, (UPTEC ES ; 15033), Abstract, Fulltext

Elin Dahlborg, "Frequency control : Pay for performance", 2015, (UPTEC ES ; 15036), Abstract, Fulltext

Peter Dicksen, Arvid Brännholm, "Statusbedömning av asynkronmotorer", 2015, Abstract, Fulltext

Fredrik Evestedt, "Wireless control and measurement system for a hydropower generator with brushless exciter", 2015, (TVE ; 15056), Abstract, Fulltext

Oskar Flink, Tommy Holmberg, "Structural and Hydrostatic Analysis of Deployment Vessel", 2015, (TVE ; 15 063), Abstract, Fulltext

William Forsström, "Utredning av frekvensregleringens påverkan på mekanisk utrustning i en kaplanturbin", 2015, UPTEC ES, 15011, Skelleftekraft/Uppsala Universitet, Abstract, Fulltext

Mikael Gidstedt, "Avbördning via turbinerna : En fallstudie av ett litet vattenkraftverk och ett högt flöde", 2015, (UPTEC ES ; 15037), Abstract, Fulltext

Lukas Girlevicius, "Active magnetic bearing driver circuit design featuring current measurement integration", 2015, Abstract, Fulltext

Jonas Hedlund, Simon Hammarström, "Design och framtagande av mätanordning för ström och effek på trefas ledare : Josi Periferi strömmeter", 2015, Abstract, Fulltext

Andreas Henning, "Konstruktion av säkerhetslagerför svänghjul", 2015, Abstract, Fulltext

Johan Johansson, "Design of a manipulator for an ROV : From idea to prototype", 2015, Abstract, Fulltext

Tomas Johansson, "Active rectification and control of magnetization currents in synchronous generators with rotating exciters : Implementation of the SVPWM algorithm using MOSFET technology", 2015, (UPTEC F ; 15038), Abstract, Fulltext

William Johnsson, "Field distribution in stator core end packages of hydropower generators", UPTEC E, 16001, Abstract, Fulltext

Carl Joneus, Oskar Wretstam, Filip Enander, "Comparison of accelerated recursive polynomial expansions for electronic structure calculations", 2015, (TVE ; 15 058), Abstract, Fulltext

Martin Karlsson, "Validering av glidande statorfötter på Hissmofors G6 och G7", 2015, UPTEC ES, 15002, Jämtkraft/Norconsult/Uppsala Universitet, Abstract, Fulltext

Oliver Kiffer, "Troubleshooting Scania Vehicles, Marine and Industrial Engines with External Sensors", 2015, (UPTEC F ; 15062), Abstract, Fulltext

Sandra Kolar, "A Comparison of Wind Power Production with Three Different De- and Anti-Icing Systems", 2015, (UPTEC ES ; 15018), Abstract, Fulltext

Johan Larsson, "Preparering av kabelände inför statorlindning", 2015, Abstract, Fulltext

Jonas Lindström, "Measurement system for laboratory use : For studies in electrical science", 2015, (TVE ; TVE 15 026 juni), Abstract, Fulltext

Kerstin Lindström, "Tillståndsövervakning av krafttransformatorer med tre fundamentala transformatorkvantiteter (TFQ)", UPTEC F, 16031, Abstract, Fulltext

Viktor Lundqvist, "Självförsörjande elgenerering : Kan Orust bli självförsörjande på förnybar el?", 2015, (UPTEC ES ; 15003), Abstract, Fulltext

Sandra Ly, Linda Thell, "Förbrukningsflexibilitetens potential och påverkan på kraftsystemet : Med fokus på automatisk frekvensreglering genom styrning av kylskåp", 2015, (UPTEC STS ; 15036), Abstract, Fulltext

Claudio David López, "Shortening time-series power flow simulations for cost-benefit analysis of LV network operation with PV feed-in", 2015, (MSc ET ; 15001), Abstract, Fulltext

Falah Mahmoud, "Utveckling och konstruktionav en tidvattenboj", 2015, Abstract, Fulltext

Emelie Marcus, Sofia Elo, "Dimensionering av kablar och säkringar för kraftmatningar", 2015, Abstract, Fulltext

Michel Menin, "Parametric sensitivity study forwind power trading throughstochastic reserve and energymarket optimization", Master Programme in Wind Power Project Management, Abstract, Fulltext

Johan Rosén, "Energiförsörjning och miljö : Ett examensarbete inom elkraftsdomänen vid AK:LED, Ledningsplatser, Försvarets Materielverk", 2015, (UPTEC E ; 15003), Abstract, Fulltext

Henrik Sundin, "Optimering av distorsionseffekt med hjälp av Fourieranalys", 2015, Abstract, Fulltext

Henrik Svensson, "Pre-Study for a Battery Storage for a Kinetic Energy Storage System", 2015, Abstract, Fulltext

Joel Weissbach, "Measuring forces on a hydropower generator using strain gages", 2015, Abstract, Fulltext


Jonas Örarbäck, "Självkörande fordon : En analys av energianvändning och kapacitet", 2015, (UPTEC ES ; 15024), Abstract, Fulltext.



Senad Apelfröjd, "Grid connection of permanent magnet generator based renewable energy systems", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214;1436, Abstract + Fulltext

Valeria Castellucci, "Sea Level Compensation System for Wave Energy Converters", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214;1386, Abstract + Fulltext

Oscar Diaz, "Numerical modelling of positive electrical discharges in long air gaps", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1389, Abstract + Fulltext

Yue Hong, "Numerical Modelling and Mechanical Studies on a Point Absorber Type Wave Energy Converter", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1443, Abstract + Fulltext

Erik Lejerskog, "Theoretical and experimental analysis of operational wave energy converters", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology,
ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1339, Abstract + Fulltext

Wei Li ,"Numerical Modelling and Statistical Analysis of Ocean Wave Energy Converters and Wave climates", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1447, Abstract + Fulltext

Staffan Lundin, "Marine Current Energy Conversion", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1353, Abstract + Fulltext

Stefan Sjökvist, "Demagnetization and Fault Simulations of Permanent Magnet Generators",Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1444, Abstract + Fulltext

Jon Olauson, "Modelling wind power for grid integration studies", Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1428, Abstract + Fulltext

Licentiate thesis

Petter Eklund, "Rare Earth Metal-Free Permanent Magnet Generators", UURIE 348-16L, Uppsala 2016, Abstract

Francisco Francisco, "Sonar for environmental monitoring of marin renewable energy technologies", UURIE 350-16L, Uppsala 2016, Abstract + Fulltext

Jonas Kristiansen Nøland, "Fast-response rotating brushless exciters for improved stability of synchronous generators", UURIE 347-16L, Uppsala 2016, Abstract + Fulltext

Flore Remouit, "Underwater electrical connections and remotely operated vehicles", UURIE 349-16L, Uppsala 2016, Abstract + Fulltext

Morgan Rossander, "Blade force measurements and electrical torque ripple of a vertical axis wind turbine", UURIE 346-16L, Uppsala 2016, Abstract + Fulltext

Reviewed literature

Senad Apelfröjd, Sandra Eriksson, Hans Bernhoff, "A Review of Research on Large Scale Modern Vertical Axis Wind Turbines at Uppsala University", Energies 2016, 9(7), 570; doi:10.3390/en9070570

Zikri Abadi Baharudin, Vernon Cooray, Mahbubur Rahman, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Noor Azlinda Ahmad, "On the characteristics of positive lightning ground flashes in Sweden", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 2016;138:106-111, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2015.12.014

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bardos, Kaspars Silins, "Amorphous Carbon Films on Glass Prepared by Hollow Cathodes at Moderate Pressure", ECS Journal on Solid State Science and Technology, 5 (9) (2016) N57-N60, doi:10.1149/2.0311609jss

Ladislav Bardos, Hana Baránková, Adela Bardos, "Production of Hydrogen-Rich Synthesis Gas by Pulsed Atmospheric Plasma Submerged in Mixture of Water with Ethanol", Plasma Chem Plasma Process, published online 30 November 2016 (9pp), doi:10.1007/s11090-016-9766-6

Antoine Baudoin, Didier Saury, Bo Zhu,Cecilia Boström, "Experimental Optimization of Passive Cooling of a Heat Source Array Flush-Mounted on a Vertical Plate", Energies, ISSN 1996-1073, Vol. 9, no 11, 2016, doi:10.3390/en9110912

Johan Bladh, Mattias Wallin, Linn Saarinen, Urban Lundin, "Standstill Frequency Response Test on a Synchronous Machine Extended With Damper Bar Measurements", IEEE transactions on energy conversion, ISSN 0885-8969, E-ISSN 1558-0059, Vol. 31, no 1, 46-56 p, doi:10.1109/TEC.2015.2450994

Theodor S. Borsche, Juan de Santiago, Göran Andersson, "Stochastic control of cooling appliances under disturbances for primary frequency reserves", Volume 7, September 2016, Pages 70–79, doi:10.1016/j.segan.2016.06.001

Nicole Carpman, Karin Thomas, "Tidal resource characterization in the Folda Fjord, Norway", International Journal of Marine Energy 13 (2016) 27-44, doi:10.1016/j.ijome.2016.01.001

Valeria Castellucci, Jessica Garcia-Teran, Mikael Eriksson, Laurence Padman, Rafael Waters, "Influence of Sea State and Tidal Height on Wave Power Absorption", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, (Volume:PP,Issue:99), doi:10.1109/JOE.2016.2598480

Valeria Castellucci, Mikael Eriksson, Rafael Waters, "Impact of Tidal Level Variations on Wave Energy Absorption at Wave Hub", Energies 2016, 9(10), 843; doi:10.3390/en9100843

Vernon Cooray, Gerald Cooray, "On the Momentum Transported by the Radiation Field of a Long Transient Dipole and Time Energy Uncertainty Principle", Atmosphere 2016, 7(11), 151; doi:10.3390/atmos7110151

Vernon Cooray, Gerald Cooray, "The Deep Physics Hidden within the Field Expressions of the Radiation Fields of Lightning Return Strokes", Atmosphere. 2016;7(2):UNSP 21, doi:10.3390/atmos7020021

Vernon Cooray, Gerald Cooray, "On the Remarkable Features of the Lower Limits of Charge and the Radiated Energy of Antennas as Predicted by Classical Electrodynamics", Atmosphere. 2016;7(5):64, doi:10.3390/atmos7050064

Oscar Diaz, Liliana Arevalo, Vernon Cooray, "Parameter variation in leader channel models used in long air gap discharge simulation", Elsevier; Electric power systems research. 2016;139:32-36, doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2015.11.033

Oscar Diaz, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Mahbubur Rahman, Vernon Cooray, S.P. Vayanganie, "Experimental study of leader tortuosity and velocity in long rod-plane air discharges", IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation. 2016;23(2):806-812, doi:10.1109/TDEI.2015.005421

Gabriele Grandi, Jelena Loncarski, Milan Srndovic "Analysis and Minimization of Output Current Ripple for Discontinuous Pulse-Width Modulation Techniques in Three-Phase Inverters", Energies. 2016; 9(5):380. doi:10.3390/en9050380

Deborah Greaves, Daniel Conley, Davide Magagna, Eduardo Aires, José Chambel Leitão, Matthew Witt, Clare B. Embling, Brendan J. Godley, Anthony W.J. Bicknell, Jean-Baptiste Saulnier, Teresa Simas, Anne Marie O’Hagan, John O’Callaghan, Brian Holmes, Jan Sundberg, Yago Torre-Enciso, Dorleta Marina, "Environmental Impact Assessment: Gathering experiences from wave energy test centres in Europe", International Journal of Marine Energy, Volume 14, June 2016, Pages 68-79, doi:10.1016/j.ijome.2016.02.003

T. A. L. N. Gunasekara, Mahendra Fernando, Upul Sonnadara, Vernon Cooray, "Characteristics of Narrow Bipolar Pulses observed from lightning in Sri Lanka", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 2016;138:66-73, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2015.12.010

Ling Hai, Malin Goteman, Mats Leijon, "A Methodology of Modelling a Wave Power System via an Equivalent RLC Circuit", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Volume 7, Issue 4, Oct. 2016, doi:10.1109/TSTE.2016.2538803

Yue Hong, Mikael Eriksson, Cecilia Boström, Rafael Waters, "Impact of Generator Stroke Length on Energy Production for a Direct Drive Wave Energy Converter ", Energies 2016, 9(9), 730. doi:10.3390/en9090730

Dalina Johari, Vernon Cooray, Mahbubur Rahman, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Muzafar Ismail, "Characteristics of preliminary breakdown pulses in positive ground flashes during summer thunderstorms in Sweden", Atmosphere. 2016;7(3):39, doi:10.3390/atmos7030039

Tobias Kamf, Johan Abrahamsson, "Self-Sensing Electromagnets for Robotic Tooling Systems: Combining Sensor and Actuator", Machines 2016, 4(3), 16; doi:10.3390/machines4030016

L. A. Duminda Kumara, Mahesh Edirisinghe, Vernon Cooray, "Low voltage disk varistors under non-standard high current derivative impulse environment", Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 139, October 2016, Pages 153–160, Progress on Lightning Research and Protection Technologies, doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2015.11.027

Erik Lejerskog, Erland Strömstedt, Andrej Savin, Cecilia Boström, Mats Leijon, "Study of the operation characteristics of a point absorbing direct driven permanent magnet linear generator deployed in the Baltic Sea", IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 1204-1210, 9 2016, doi:10.1049/iet-rpg.2015.0413

Wei Li, Jan Isberg, Wenchuang Chen, Jens Engström, Rafael Waters, Olle Svensson, and Mats Leijon, "Bivariate joint distribution modeling of wave climate data using a copula method", International Journal of Energy and Statistics, 04, 1650015 (2016), doi:10.1142/S2335680416500150

Wei Li, Jan Isberg, Rafael Waters, Jens Engström, Olle Svensson, Mats Leijon, "Statistical analysis of wave climate data using mixed distributions and extreme wave prediction", Energies 2016, 9 (6), 396; doi:10.3390/en9060396

Staffan Lundin, Johan Forslund, Anders Goude, Mårten Grabbe, Katarina Yuen, Mats Leijon, "Experimental demonstration of performance of a vertical axis marine current turbine in a river", J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 8, 064501 (2016), doi:10.1063/1.4971817

Staffan Lundin, Anders Goude, Mats Leijon, "One-dimensional modelling of marine current turbine runaway behaviour", Energies 2016, 9 (5), 309, doi:10.3390/en9050309

Saman Majdi, Markus Gabrysch, Kiran Kumar Kovi, Nattakarn Suntornwipat, Ian Friel, Jan Isberg, "Low temperature conduction-band transport in diamond", Applied Physics Letters, 109, 162106 (2016), doi:10.1063/1.4964720

V E Moiseenko, V V Nemov, O Ågren, S V Kasilov, I E Garkusha, "Fast ion motion in the plasma part of a stellarator-mirror fission–fusion hybrid", Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Volume 58, Number 6, doi:10.1088/0741-3335/58/6/064005

Erik Möllerström, Fredric Ottermo, Anders Goude, Sandra Eriksson, Jonny Hylander, Hans Bernhoff, "Turbulence influence on wind energy extraction for a medium size vertical axis wind turbine", Wind Energy (2016), doi:10.1002/we.1962

Erik Möllerström, Fredric Ottermo, Jonny Hylander, Hans Bernhoff, "Noise Emission of a 200 kW Vertical Axis Wind Turbine", Energies 2016, 9(1), 19; doi:10.3390/en9010019

Dezhi Ning, Xuanlie Zhao, Malin Göteman, Haigui Kang, "Hydrodynamic performance of a pile-restrained WEC-type floating breakwater: An experimental study", Renewable Energy, Volume 95, September 2016, Pages 531-541, ISSN 0960-1481, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2016.04.057

Jon Olauson, Mohd Nasir Ayob, Mikael Bergkvist, Nicole Carpman, Valeria Castellucci, Anders Goude, David Lingfors, Rafael Waters, Joakim Widén, "Net load variability in Nordic countries with a highly or fully renewable power system", Nature Energy, Vol. 1, 1-8, 16175 (2016), doi:10.1038/nenergy.2016.175

Jon Olauson, Johan Bladh, Joakim Lönnberg and Mikael Bergkvist, "A New Approach to Obtain Synthetic Wind Power Forecasts for Integration Studies", Energies, vol 10, issue 9, 2016, doi:10.3390/en9100800

Jon Olauson, Mikael Bergkvist, "Correlation between wind power generation in the European countries", Energy, Vol. 114, 663-670 p, 2016, doi:10.1016/

Jon Olauson, Hans Bergström, Mikael Bergkvist, "Restoring the missing high-frequency fluctuations in a wind power model based on reanalysis data", Renewable energy, Vol. 96, 784-791 p, 2016, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2016.05.008

Rodriguez, E., Sotelo, G.G., de Oliveira, J.G., Santiago, J.D., Rossander, M. and Stephan, R.M., "Designing, simulations and experiments of a passive permanent magnet bearing", International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 131-149, 2016, doi:10.3233/JAE-150162

Stefan Sjökvist, Petter Eklund, Sandra Eriksson, "Determining demagnetisation risk for two PM wind power generators with different PM material and identical stators", IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 593-597, 8 2016, doi:10.1049/iet-epa.2015.0518

G. G. Sotelo, E. Rodriguez, F. S. Costa, J. G. Oliveira, J. de Santiago and R. M. Stephan, "Tests with a hybrid bearing for a flywheel energy storage system", Superconductor Science and Technology, Volume 29, Number 9, 2016, doi:10.1088/0953-2048/29/9/095016

Erland Strömstedt, Mats Leijon, "Three-Dimensional Oscillation Dynamics of the In Situ Piston Rod Transmission Between Buoy Line and the Double Hinge-Connected Translator in an Offshore Linear Wave Energy Converter", Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Volume 138, Issue 3, Article number 031901-1, June 2016, doi:/10.1115/1.4031972

Nattakarn Suntornwipat, Markus Gabrysch, Saman Majdi, Daniel J. Twitchen, and Jan Isberg, "Magnetotransport study of valley-polarized electrons in synthetic diamond", Phys. Rev. B 94, 035408, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.94.035408

Nattakarn Suntornwipat, Saman Majdi, Markus Gabrysch, Jan Isberg, "Investigation of transferred-electron oscillations in diamond", Applied Physics Letters 108, 212104 (2016), doi:10.1063/1.4952766

Liselotte Ulvgård, Tobias Kamf, Mats Lejon, "Offshore Measurement System for Wave Power—Using Current Loop Feedback", Electronics 5(4),86,2016, doi:10.3390/electronics5040086

Liselotte Ulvgård, Linnea Sjökvist, Mats Lejon, "Line Force and Damping at Full and Partial Stator Overlap in a Linear Generator for Wave Power", Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 4(4),81,2016 doi:10.3390/jmse4040081

S.P.A Vayanganie, Vernon Cooray, Mahbubur Rahman, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Oscar Diaz, Mahendra Fernando, "On the occurrence of ‘bead lightning’ phenomena in long laboratory sparks", Physics Letters A. 2016;380(7-8):816-821. , doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2015.12.039

Liguo Wang, Jens Engström, Mats Leijon and Jan Isberg,"Performance of arrays of direct-driven wave energy converters under optimal power take-off damping", AIP Advances 6, 085313 (2016), doi:10.1063/1.4961498

Liguo Wang, Jens Engström, Mats Leijon, Jan Isberg, "Coordinated Control of Wave Energy Converters Subject to Motion Constraints", Energies 9, no. 6: 475, 2016, doi:10.3390/en9060475

Jiandong Yang, Huang Wang, Wencheng Guo, Weijia Yang, Wei Zeng, "Simulation of Wind Speed in the Ventilation Tunnel for Surge Tank in Transient Process", Energies, 9.2 (2016): 95, doi:10.3390/en9020095

Weijia Yang, Per Norrlund, Linn Saarinen, Jiandong Yang, Wei Zeng, Urban Lundin, "Wear reduction for hydro power turbines considering frequency quality of power systems: a study on controller filters", IEEE Transactions on Power systems, 2016, doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2016.2590504

Weijia Yang, Per Norrlund, Linn Saarinen, Jiandong Yang, Wencheng Guo, Wei Zeng, "Wear and tear on hydro power turbines – Influence from primary frequency control", Renewable Energy, Volume 87, Part 1, March 2016, Pages 88-95, ISSN 0960-1481, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2015.10.009

Weijia Yang, Jiandong Yang, Wencheng Guo, Per Norrlund, "Response time for primary frequency control of hydroelectric generating unit", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 74, January 2016, Pages 16-24, ISSN 0142-0615, doi:10.1016/j.ijepes.2015.07.003

Wei Zeng, Jiandong Yang, Weijia Yang, "Instability Analysis of Pumped-Storage Stations at No-Load Conditions using a Parameter-Varying Model", Renewable Energy, 90 (2016): 420-429, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2016.01.024

Wei Zeng, Jiandong Yang, Renbo Tang, Weijia Yang, "Extreme Water-Hammer Pressure during One-After-Another Load Shedding in Pumped-Storage Stations", Renewable Energy, 99 (2016): 35-44, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2016.06.030

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

Sidath Abegunawardana, J A P Bodhika, Sankha Nanayakkara, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "Frequency Analysis of Thunder Features", 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP2016, Estoril, Portugal. 2016.

Ruwan Abeywardhana, Mahendra Fernando, UpUpul Sonnadara, Vernon Cooray, "Regular Pulse Trains in Chaotic Pulse Burst", 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP2016, Estoril, Portugal. 2016.

Ruwan Abeywardhana, Mahendra Fernando, UpUpul Sonnadara, Vernon Cooray, "Time Derivative of Radiation Electric Field Generated by Compact Intra-Cloud Discharge", 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP2016, Estoril, Portugal. 2016.


Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bardos, KEYNOTE PAPER, "Future of Sputtering", ICCG 11, Braunschweig, June 12-16, 2016. Paper 1-1.01 in Proceedings.

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bardos, "Pulsed Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Reforming of Ethanol", Proceedings of the Int. Symp. on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry HAKONE XV, Brno, Sept 11-16, 2016, p.380-381.

Antoine Baudoin, Cecilia Boström, Didier Saury, "Assessment of Thermal Cycling in a Rectifier For WavePower Generation", IET Renewable Power Generation conference, London, Sept. 2016.

Nicole Carpman, Karin Thomas, "Tidal Current Phasing Along the Coast of Norway", The Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (AWTEC), 24-28 October, Singapore, 2016.

A.P.L Chandimal, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Sankha Nanayakkara, Vernon Cooray, Mahbubur Rahman, Mahendra Fernando, "Special attention to impedance of conductivity enhancing backfill materials", 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP2016, Estoril, Portugal. 2016.

Federico Deiana, Alessandro Serpi, Ignazio Marongiu, Gianluca Gatto, Johan Abrahamsson, "Efficiency Assessment of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines for High-Speed Flywheel Energy Storage Systems", International Conference on Electrical Machines 2016 (ICEM'16).

Oscar Diaz, Vernon Cooray, Liliana Arevalo, "Methodologies for the charge estimation in the leader corona region used in modeling long air gaps underpositive voltage impulses", 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP2016, Estoril, Portugal. 2016.

Petter Eklund, Sandra Eriksson, "Air gap magnetic flux density variations due to manufacturing tolerances in a permanent magnet synchronous generator", /2016 XXII International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM)/, Lausanne, 2016, pp. 93-99, doi:10.1109/ICELMACH.2016.7732511.

Lasitha Gunasekara, Amila Vayanganie, Sidath Jayalal, Mahendra Fernando, UpUpul Sonnadara, Vernon Cooray, "Time-Frequency Analysis of Narrow Bipolar Pulses observed in Sri Lanka", 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP2016, Estoril, Portugal. 2016.

Muzafar Ismail, Vernon Cooray, Mahbubur Rahman, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Dalina Johari, "On comparison between initial breakdown pulses and narrow bipolar pulses in lightning discharges with special attention to electric field derivative characteristics", 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP2016, Estoril, Portugal. 2016.

Dalina Johari, Vernon Cooray, Mahbubur Rahman, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Muzafar Ismail, "Some characteristics of subsequent return strokes in positive ground flash in Sweden", 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP2016, Estoril, Portugal. 2016.

Jennifer Leijon, Irina Dolguntseva, Boel Ekergård, Cecilia Boström, "Comparison of Damping Controls for a Wave Energy Converter with a Linear Generator Power Take-Off: a Case Study for the Lysekil and Wave Hub Test Sites", The Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (AWTEC), 24-28 October, Singapore, 2016.

Jesus José Perez-Loya, Johan Abrahamsson, Fredrik Evestedt, Urban Lundin, "Initial Performance Tests of a Permanent Magnet Thrust Bearing for a Hydropower Synchronous Generator Test-Rig", AIM 2016, Bormio (Italy), 14-16 March 2016.

Victor Mendoza, Peter Bachant, Martin Wosnik, Anders Goude, "Validation of an Actuator Line Model Coupled to a Dynamic Stall Model for Pitching Motions Characteristic to Vertical Axis Turbines", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 753, A. Aerodynamics and noise doi:10.1088/1742-6596/753/2/022043

Erik Möllerström, Sandra Eriksson, Anders Goude, Fredrik Ottermo, Jonny Hylander, "Turbulence influence on optimum tip speed ratio for a 200 kW vertical axis wind turbine", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 753, B. Wind, wakes, turbulence and wind farms, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/753/3/032048

Jonas Kristiansen Nøland, Fredrik Evestedt, J. Jose Perez-Loya, Johan Abrahamsson, Johan Lundin, Urban Lundin, "Evaluation of different power electronic interfaces for control of a rotating brushless PM exciter", Annual Conference on of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society 2016 (IECON'16).

Jonas Kristiansen Nøland, Fredrik Evestedt,J. Jose Perez-Loya, Johan Abrahamsson, Urban Lundin, "Design and characterization of a rotating brushless PM exciter for a synchronous generator test setup", International Conference on Electrical Machines 2016 (ICEM'16).

Nilantha Sapumanage, Sankha Nanayakkara, Sidath Jayalal, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "Wavelet Analysis of Lightning Generated Electric Fields and Induced Voltages on Overhead Power Lines due to Cloud to Cloud flashes in Sri Lanka", 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP2016, Estoril, Portugal. 2016.

Nilantha Sapumanage, Sankha Nanayakkara, Sidath Jayalal, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "Energy incident from lightning induced voltages in overhead power Lines due to cloud to cloud flashes in Sri Lanka", 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP2016, Estoril, Portugal. 2016.

Mahbubur Rahman, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Vernon Cooray, J R Dwyer, H K Rassoul, M A Uman, et al, "Production of X-rays in air gaps stressed by switching impulse voltages", 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP2016, Estoril, Portugal. 2016.

Morgan Rossander, Anders Goude, Hans Bernhoff, Sandra Eriksson, "Frequency analysis of tangential force measurements on a vertical axis wind turbine", 6th international conference on “The Science of Making Torque from Wind”, Munich, October 5-7, 2016, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/753/4/042016

Linn Saarinen, Per Norrlund, Urban Lundin, "Tuning primary frequency controllers using robust control theory in a power system dominated by hydropower", CIGRE Session 2016, Aug 2016, Paris France.

Linn Saarinen, Per Norrlund, Urban Lundin, "Full-scale test and modelling of the frequency control dynamics of the Nordic power system", 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), doi:10.1109/PESGM.2016.7741711

Juan de Santiago, Janaina G. Oliveira, Elkin Rodriguez, Guilherme G. Sotelo, Magnus Hedlund and Richard. M. Stephan, "Eigen frequency and damping in a passive magnetic bearing system", The 15th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, ISMB15, August 3-6, 2016 Mojiko Hotel, Kitakyushu, Japan.

N Sapumanage, S Nanayakkara, L Chandimal, P Hettiarachchi, M Fernando, V. Cooray, "Modelling of surge arrester module to simulate commercially available surge protection devices", International Conference on Computational Modeling & Simulation (ICCMS-2017), May 17-19, 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

N Sapumanage, S Nanayakkara, L Chandimal, P Hettiarachchi, M Fernando, V. Cooray, "Simulation of SPD performance against the CG induced voltage under different grounding conditions", International Conference on Computational Modeling & Simulation (ICCMS-2017), May 17-19, 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Linnea Sjökvist, Malin Göteman, "The effect of overtopping waves on peak forces on a point absorbing WEC", The Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (AWTEC), 24-28 October, Singapore, 2016.

Bahri Uzunoglu, Muhammed Akif Ulker, "Particle filter joint state and parameter estimation of dynamic power systems", 57th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON): IEEE Conference Publications / [ed] IEEE, 2016.

Amila Vayanganie, Lasitha Gunasekara, Mahendra Fernando, Upul Sonnadara, Vernon Cooray, Mahbubur Rahman, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Oscar Diaz, "Fractal analysis of long laboratory sparks of high speed video recordings", 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP2016, Estoril, Portugal. 2016.

Liguo Wang, Malin Göteman, Jens Engström, Mikael Eriksson, Jan Isberg, "Constrained Optimal Control of Single and Arrays of Point-Absorbing Wave Energy Converters", In Proc. Marine Energy Technology Symposium,2016.

Weijia Yang, Per Norrlund, Jiandong Yang, "Analysis on regulation strategies for extending service life of hydro power turbines", 28th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Grenoble, France, July, 2016, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/49/5/05201

Xuanlie Zhao, Dezhi Ning, Haigui Kang, Malin Göteman, "Effect of PTO on the dynamics of a WEC-type floating breakwater", ISOPE 2016, Rhodes, Greece, June 26-July 1, 2016.

Non refereed conference article

Ladislav Bardos, Hana Baránková, "Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Reforming of Ethanol", Int. Conf. Metall. Coat. & Thin Films - ICMCTF 2016, San Diego, April 25-29, 2016, Paper TS5-3.

Erik Hultman, Dana Salar, Emil Åberg, Mats Leijon, "Robotized manufacturing of rubber components for commercialization of the Uppsala University Wave Energy Converter Concept", 2nd International Conference on Offshore Renewable Energy, Glasgow, UK, September 12-14, 2016.

Books and Book chapters

Nurseda Yildirim, Bahri Uzunoglu, "Data Mining via Association Rules for Power Ramps Detected by Clustering or Optimization", Transactions on Computational Science XXVIII Volume 9590 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 163-176: Special Issue on Cyberworlds and Cybersecurity / [ed] Gavrilova, Marina L.; Tan, C.J. Kenneth; Sourin, Alexei, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 2016, 163-176 s, doi:10.1007/978-3-662-53090-0_9


Alexander Bilock, "Probabilistic Approach to InsulationCoordination", UPTEC F, 16020, Abstract, Fulltext

Joakim Björk, "Analys av stationsreglering vid Forsmarks kärnkraftverk: koppling mot eldynamiska simuleringsverktyg och modeller", UPTEC ES, 16011, Abstract, Fulltext

Anders Edberg, "Reläskyddssystem för småskalig vattenkraf, En fallstudie för rekommenderad uppgradering av reläskyddssystem", UPTEC ES, 16017, Abstract, Fulltext

Alice Ekstrand, "Nätkoder, En utredande studie över de lagkrav som elsystemet möter ur Ellevios perspektiv", UPTEC ES, 16019, Abstract, Fulltext

Therése Fahlström, "Distance and angle measurement in water and air for visual inspections in radioactive environments", UPTEC E, ISSN 1654-7616 ; 16 008, Abstract, Fulltext

Oscar Forsberg, "Evaluation of Hall-sensors for motor control in high precision applications for aircraft", UPTEC F, 16035, Abstract, Fulltext

Benjamin Fransson, "Effektivare övervaknin, distributionsnät", Abstract, Fulltext

Mattias Fältström, Joakim Nelson Berg, "Förstudie av fasningssystem: Till dieselgeneratorer på Forsmark 1", TVE, 16021, Abstract, Fulltext

Otto Hedenmo, Pär Enarsson, "Transportlösningar för Visby kryssningska, En turistorts utmaninga, högsäsong", UPTEC STS, 16023, Abstract, Fulltext

Fredrik Holmgren, "Damper winding fault detection in Synchronous Machines", UPTEC ES, 16 032, Abstract, Fulltext

Elisabet Jansson, "Multi-buoy Wave Energy Converte, Electrical Power Smoothening from Array Configuration", UPTEC ES, 16 009, Abstract, Fulltext

Kristoffer Kraft, Jonathan Sjölund, "Artificiella neurala nätverk för punktabsorberande vågkraftverk: Energiuppskattning och aktiv styrning", UPTEC F, 16047, Abstract, Fulltext

Simon Larsson, "Optimization of the hull shape o, specialized vessel used to deploy wave energy converters", Abstract, Fulltext

Jennifer Leijon, "Simulation o, linear wave energy converter with different damping control strategies for improved wave energy extraction", UPTEC F, 16014, Abstract, Fulltext

Kersin Lindström, "Tillståndsövervakning av krafttransformatorer med tre fundamentala transformatorkvantiteter (TFQ)", UPTEC F, 16031, Abstract, Fulltext

Anders Vårdenius Lindqvist, "Testbänk för turbinregulator", TVE, 16080, Abstract, Fulltext

Malin Ljungblad, Johan Bäckström, "Safety Evaluation of the Zhaoli Tailings Dam: A seepage, deformation and stability analysis with GeoStudio", UPTEC ES, 16 03, Abstract, Fulltext

Christina Ljungqvist, Emma Lindblom, "Optimerad nätdesign med avseendepå lönsamhet och tillförlitlighe, En studie av hur ett minskat antal kabelskåppåverkar lågspänningsnätet", UPTEC STS, 16024, Abstract, Fulltext

Joel Lännevall, "Operation dependent costs of non-optimal hydropower productio, Effects on the operational pattern of the Small Lule River", UPTEC ES, 16003, Abstract, Fulltext

Nadija Novikova, "Starttidpunkten för oplanerade avbrott", UPTEC ES, 16007, Abstract, Fulltext

Frans Rosencrantz, "Self-balancing scoote, How to construc, Self-balancing scooter", TVE, 16 053, Abstract, Fulltext

Karl-Oskar Sandberg,"Kartläggning av frekvensreglering i det nordiska synkrona kraftsystemet: Ny strategi för balansregleringar från driftplaner?", UPTEC ES, 16018, Abstract, Fulltext

Albin Sellergren, Tobias Andersson, Jonathan Toft, "Signal processing through electroencephalograph, Independent project in electrical engineering", TVE, TVE 16 072, Abstract, Fulltext

Mohammad Haris Shamsi, "Analysis of an electric Equivalent Circuit Model of a Li-Ion battery to develop algorithms for battery states estimation", MSc ET, 16003, Abstract, Fulltext

Max Sundström, Max Ivedal, "Stress and Sliding Stability Analysis of Songlin Rock-Filled Concrete Gravity Dam", UPTEC F, 16053, Abstract, Fulltext

Axel Thornström, "Strömbegränsare i synkrongeneratorer: En studie av strömbegränsarmodeller i PSS/E", UPTEC ES, 16006, Abstract, Fulltext

Ragnar Tollin, "Electric motor for aircraftpropulsion", TVE, TVE 16 059, Abstract, Fulltext

Sofie Törnqvist, Amanda Lindquist, "Stability analysis on a planned Mexican tailings dam", UPTEC ES, 16004, Abstract, Fulltext

Dimitros Zisimopoulos, "En elektrifiering av den interna busstrafiken på Stockholm Arlanda Airport", UPTEC STS, 16026, Abstract, Fulltext

Matilda Örnkloo, "Compensating Unbalances in Synchronous Railway Traction Systems with Railway Power Conditioners", UPTEC ES, 16002, Abstract, Fulltext

Martin Ölund, "Electrical Surge Protection at Hydropower Plants", UPTEC E, 16 007, Abstract, Fulltext.



Antoine Baudoin, "Cooling Strategies for Wave Power Conversion Systems", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1454, Abstract + Fulltext

Nicole Carpman, "Resource characterization and variability studies for marine current power", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1499, Abstract + Fulltext

Deepak Elamalayil Soman, "Multilevel Power Converters with Smart Control for Wave Energy Conversion", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1597, Abstract + Fulltext

Magnus Hedlund, "Electrified Integrated Kinetic Energy Storage", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1504, Abstract + Fulltext

Mohd Muzafar Ismail, "Features and origin of electromagnetic fields generated by lightning flashes",Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1535, Abstract + Fulltext

Dalina Johari, "Features of the Electric Fields Generated by Lightning with Special Attention to Positive Ground Flashes", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1588 , Abstract + Fulltext

Tobias Kamf, "Automated Production Technologies and Measurement Systems for Ferrite Magnetized Linear Generators", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ; 1573, Abstract + Fulltext

Birger Markusson, "Magnetic leakage fields and Eddy current power losses in synchronous generators", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, 1575, Abstract + Fulltext

Erik Möllerström, "Noise, eigenfrequencies and turbulence behavior of a 200 kW H-rotor vertical axis wind turbine", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1485, Abstract + Fulltext

Jonas Nøland Kristiansen, "A new paradigm for large brushless hydrogenerators: Advantages beyond the static system", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1491, Abstract + Fulltext

J. Jose Perez-Loya, "Analysis and control of magnetic forces in synchronous machines", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1542, Abstract + Fulltext

Morgan Rossander, "Electromechanics of vertical axis wind turbines", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1581, Abstract + Fulltex

Linn Saarinen, "The Frequency of the Frequency: On Hydropower and Grid Frequency Control", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1460, Abstract + Fulltext

Linnea Sjökvist, "Wave Loads and Peak Forces on Moored Wave Energy Devices in Tsunamis and Extreme Waves", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1551, Abstract + Fulltext

Liselotte Ulvgård, "Wave Energy Converters: An experimental approach to onshore testing, deployments and offshore monitoring", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1563, Abstract + Fulltext

LiGuo Wang, "Modelling and advanced control of fully coupled wave energy converters subject to constraints: the wave-to-wire approach", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1528, Abstract + Fulltext

Weija Yang, "Hydropower plants and power systems: Dynamic processes and control for stable and efficient operation", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1494, Abstract + Fulltext

Licentiate thesis

Maria Angeliki Chatzigiannakou, "Efficiency evaluation of the offshore deployments of wave energy converters and marine substations", UURIE 351-17L, Uppsala 2017, Abstract + Fulltext

Fredrik Evestedt, "Improving the functionality of synchronous machines using power electronics", UURIE 352-17L, Uppsala 2017, Abstract + Fulltext

Reviewed literature

Liliana Arevalo, Vernon Cooray, "Unstable Leader Inception Criteria of Atmospheric Discharges", Atmosphere 2017, 8(9), 156; doi:10.3390/atmos8090156

Mohd Nasir Ayob, Valeria Castellucci, Rafael Waters, "Wave energy potential and 1–50 TWh scenarios for the Nordic synchronous grid", Renewable Energy, Volume 101, February 2017, Pages 462–466, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2016.09.004

Ladislav Bardos, Hana Baránková, Adela Bardos, "Production of Hydrogen-Rich Synthesis Gas by Pulsed Atmospheric Plasma Submerged in Mixture of Water with Ethanol", Plasma chemistry and plasma processing, Vol. 37, nr 1, Pages 115-123, 2017, doi:10.1007/s11090-016-9766-6

Antoine Baudoin, Didier Saury, "Temperature and velocity measurements in a buoyant flow induced by a heat source array on a vertical plate", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 88, November 2017, Pages 234-245, doi:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2017.06.002

Antoine Baudoin, Didier Saury, Cecilia Boström, "Optimized distribution of a large number of heat sources cooled by conjugate turbulent natural convection", Applied Thermal Engineering, 124:975–985, 2017, doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.06.058

Silvia Bozzi, Marianna Giassi, Adrià Moreno Miquel, Alessandro Antonini, Federica Bizzozero, Giambattista Gruosso, Renata Archetti, Giuseppe Passoni, "Wave energy farm design in real wave climates: the Italian offshore", Energy Volume 122, 1 March 2017, Pages 378-389, doi:10.1016/

Maria Angeliki Chatzigiannakou, Irina Dolguntseva, Mats Leijon, "Offshore Deployments of Wave Energy Converters by Seabased Industry AB", J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2017, 5(2), 15; doi:10.3390/jmse5020015

WenChuang Chen, Irina Dolguntseva, Andrej Savin, YongLiang Zhang, Wei Li, Olle Svensson, Mats Leijon, "Numerical modelling of a point-absorbing wave energy converter in irregular and extreme waves", Applied Ocean Research, Volume 63, February 2017, Pages 90–105, doi:10.1016/j.apor.2017.01.004

Vernon Cooray, Liliana Arevalo, "Modeling the Stepping Process of Negative Lightning Stepped Leaders", Atmosphere 2017, 8(12), 245; doi:10.3390/atmos8120245

Vernon Cooray, Gerald Cooray, "A Universal Condition Satisfied by the Action of Electromagnetic Radiation Fields", Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, Vol 9, No.11, 167-182,(2017) doi:10.4236/jemaa.2017.911015

Vernon Cooray, Gerald Cooray, Farhad Rachidi, "Emergence of Friedmann Equation of Cosmology of a Flat Universe from the Time-Energy Uncertainty Principle", Journal of Modern Physics, Vol 8, No.12, 1979-1987, (2017) doi:10.4236/jmp.2017.812119

Vernon Cooray, Gerald Cooray, "Classical Electromagnetic Fields of Moving Charges as a Vehicle to Probe the Connection between the Elementary Charge and Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle", Natural Science, Vol.9 No.7, 219-230 , 2017, doi:10.4236/ns.2017.97022

Vernon Cooray, Gerald Cooray, "On the Action of the Radiation Field Generated by a Traveling-Wave Element and Its Connection to the Time Energy Uncertainty Principle, Elementary Charge and the Fine Structure Constant", Atmosphere 2017, 8(3), 46; doi:10.3390/atmos8030046

Vernon Cooray, Gerald Cooray, "Electromagnetic fields of accelerating charges: Applications in lightning protection", Electric Power Systems Research Volume 145, April 2017, Pages 234-247, doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2016.12.013

Vernon Cooray, Farhad Rachidi, "Advances in lightning research", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Volume 154, February 2017, Page 181, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2016.10.014

Francisco Francisco, Nicole Carpman, Irina Dolguntseva, Jan Sundberg, "Use of Multibeam and Dual-Beam Sonar Systems to Observe Cavitating Flow Produced by Ferryboats: In a Marine Renewable Energy Perspective", J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2017, 5(3), 30; doi:10.3390/jmse5030030

Anna E. Frost, Liselotte Ulvgård, Linnea Sjökvist, Sandra Eriksson, Mats Leijon, "Partial Stator Overlap in a Linear Generator for Wave Power: An Experimental Study", Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2017, 5(4), 53; doi:10.3390/jmse5040053

Anders Goude, Staffan Lundin, "Forces on a marine current turbine during runaway", International Journal of Marine Energy Volume 19, September 2017, Pages 345-356, doi:10.1016/j.ijome.2017.09.007

Malin Göteman, "Wave energy parks with point-absorbers of different dimensions", Journal of Fluids and Structures 74 (2017) 142-157, doi:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2017.07.012

Magnus Hedlund, Johan Abrahamsson, Jesús José Pérez-Loya, Johan Lundin, Hans Bernhoff, "Eddy currents in a passive magnetic axial thrust bearing for a flywheel energy storage system", International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 54, no. 3, pp 389-404, 2017, doi:10.3233/JAE-160151

Magnus Hedlund, Tobias Kamf, Juan de Santiago, Johan Abrahamsson, Hans Bernhoff, "Reluctance Machine for a Hollow Cylinder Flywheel", Energies 2017, 10(3), 316; doi:10.3390/en10030316

Pasan Hettiarachchi, Vernon Cooray, Mahbubur Rahman, Joseph Dwyer, "Energy Distribution of X-rays Produced by Meter-Long Negative Discharges in Air", Atmosphere 2017, 8(12), 244; doi:10.3390/atmos8120244

Pasan Hettiarachchi, Mahbubur Rahman, Vernon Cooray, Joseph Dwyer, "X-rays from negative laboratory sparks in air: Influence of the anode geometry", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Volume 154, February 2017, Pages 190-194, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2016.07.012

Erik Hultman, Mats Leijon, "Automated Cable Preparation for Robotized Stator Cable Winding", Machines, 5(2): 14, 2017, doi:10.3390/machines5020014

Mohd Muzafar Ismail, Mahbubur Rahman, Vernon Cooray, Mahendra Fernando, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Dalina Johari, "On the Possible Origin of Chaotic Pulse Trains in Lightning Flashes", Atmosphere 2017, 8(2), 29; doi:10.3390/atmos8020029

Dalina Johari, Vernon Cooray, Mahbubur Rahman, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Mohd Muzafar Ismail, "Characteristics of leader pulses in positive ground flashes in Sweden", Electric Power Systems Research Volume 153, December 2017, Pages 3-9, doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2016.11.026

Dalina Johari, Vernon Cooray, Mahbubur Rahman, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Mohd Muzafar Ismail, "Features of the first and the subsequent return strokes in positive ground flashes based on electric field measurements", Electric Power Systems Research Volume 150, September 2017, Pages 55-62, doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2017.04.031

Tobias Kamf, Mats Leijon, "Automated Mounting of Pole-Shoe Wedges in Linear Wave Power Generators—Using Industrial Robotics and Proximity Sensors", Machines 2017, 5(1), 10; doi:10.3390/machines5010010

Jesús José Pérez-Loya, Johan Abrahamsson, Fredrik Evestedt, Urban Lundin, "Performance Tests of a Permanent Magnet Thrust Bearing for a Hydropower Synchronous Generator Test-Rig", ACES Journal August 2017, Volume: 32, Number: 8, Year: 2017

Jesús José Pérez-Loya, Johan Abrahamsson, Urban Lundin, "Demonstration of active compensation of unbalanced magnetic pull in synchronous machines", CIGRE Science & Engineering, Vol. 8, pp 98-107, 2017

Birger Marcusson, Urban Lundin, "A Loss Model and Finite Element Analyses of the Influence of Load Angle Oscillation on Stator Eddy Current Losses in a Synchronous Generator", IEEE transactions on magnetics, 2017

Birger Marcusson, Urban Lundin, "Axial Magnetic Fields, Axial Force, and Losses in the Stator Core and Clamping Structure of a Synchronous Generator with Axially Displaced Stator", Electric power components and systems, 2017, Vol. 45, nr 4, p 410-419, doi:10.1080/15325008.2016.1266062

Birger Marcusson, Urban Lundin, "Harmonically Time Varying, Traveling Electromagnetic Fields along a Laminate Approximated by a Homogeneous, Anisotropic Block with Infinite Length", Progress in Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 79, 65-81, 2017.

Birger Marcusson, Urban Lundin, "Harmonically Time Varying, Traveling Electromagnetic Fields along a Plate and a Laminate with a Rectangular Cross Section, Isotropic Materials and Infinite Length", Progress in Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 77, 117-136, 2017, doi:10.2528/PIERB17061909

Dezhi Ning, Chengguo Liu, Chongwei Zhang, Malin Göteman, Haitao Zhao, Bin Teng, "Hydrodynamic performance of an oscillating wave surge converter in regular and irregular waves: an experimental study", Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 25(5), 2017. doi:10.6119/JMST-017-0504-1

Jonas Kristiansen Nøland, Fredrik Evestedt, J. Jose Perez-Loya, johan abrahamsson, Urban Lundin, "Design and characterization of a rotating brushless outer pole PM exciter for a synchronous generator", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1, doi:10.1109/TIA.2017.2669890

Fredric Ottermo, Erik Möllerström, Anders Nordborg, Jonny Hylander, Hans Bernhoff, "Location of aerodynamic noise sources from a 200 kW vertical-axis wind turbine", Journal of Sound and Vibration Volume 400, 21 July 2017, Pages 154-166, doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2017.03.033

Flore Rémouit, Pablo Ruiz-Minguela, Jens Engström, "Review of Electrical Connectors for Underwater Applications", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1-11., doi: 10.1109/JOE.2017.2745598

Morgan Rossander, Anders Goude, Sandra Eriksson, "Mechanical Torque Ripple From a Passive Diode Rectifier in a 12 kW Vertical Axis Wind Turbine", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Volume: 32, Issue: 1, March 2017, doi:10.1109/TEC.2016.2626783

Morgan Rossander, Anders Goude, Sandra Eriksson, "Critical speed control for a fixed blade variable speed wind turbine", Energies 2017, 10(11), 1699; doi:10.3390/en10111699

Juan de Santiago, Osvaldo Rodriguez-Villalón, Benoit Sicre, "The generation of domestic hot water load profiles in Swiss residential buildings through statistical predictions", Energy and Buildings, Volume 141, 15 April 2017, Pages 341-348, ISSN 0378-7788, doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.02.045

Kaspars Silins, Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bardos, "Protective amorphous carbon coatings on glass substrates", AIP Advances, Vol. 7, Issue 11, 2017, 115206, doi:10.1063/1.5002091

Linnea Sjökvist, Jinming Wu, Edward Ransley, Jens Engström, Mikael Eriksson, Malin Göteman, "Numerical Models for the Motion and Forces of Point-absorbing Wave Energy Converters in Extreme Waves", Ocean Engineering Volume 145, 15 November 2017, Pages 1-14, doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2017.08.061

Linnea Sjökvist, Malin Göteman, "Peak Forces on Wave Energy Linear Generators in Tsunami and Extreme waves", Energies 2017, 10(9), 1323; doi:10.3390/en10091323

Linnea Sjökvist, Malin Göteman, Magnus Rahm, Rafael Waters, Olle Svensson, Erland Strömstedt, Mats Leijon, "Calculating Buoy Response for a Wave Energy Converter - a Comparsion Between Two Computational Methods and Experimental Results", Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters Volume 7, Issue 3, May 2017, Pages 164-168, doi:10.1016/j.taml.2017.05.004

Stefan Sjökvist, Sandra Eriksson, "Investigation of Permanent Magnet Demagnetization in Synchronous Machines during Multiple Short-Circuit Fault Conditions", Energies 2017, 10(10), 1638; doi:10.3390/en10101638

Stefan Sjökvist, Morgan Rossander, Sandra Eriksson, "Permanent Magnet Working Point Ripple in Synchronous Generators", The Journal of Engineering, 2017, 4 pp, doi:10.1049/joe.2016.0309

Jon Olauson, Mikael Bergkvist, Jesper Rydén, "Simulating intra-hourly wind power fluctuations on a power system level", Wind Energy, Volume 20, Issue 6, June 2017,Pages 973–985, doi:10.1002/we.2074

Jon Olauson, Per Edström, Jesper Rydén, "Wind turbine performance decline in Sweden", Wind Energy. 2017;1–5, doi:10.1002/we.2132

Deepak Elamalayil Soman, Mats Leijon, "Cross-Regulation Assessment of DIDO Buck-BoostConverter for Renewable Energy Application", Energies 2017, 10(7), 846; doi:10.3390/en10070846

Jinming Wu, Yingxue Yao, Liang Zhou, Ni Chen, Huifeng Yu, Wei Li, Malin Göteman, "Performance analysis of solo Duck wave energy converter arrays under motion constraints", Energy 139 (2017) 155-169, doi:10.1016/

Jinming Wu, Yingxue Yao, Wei Li, Liang Zhou, Malin Göteman, "Optimizing the Performance of Solo Duck Wave Energy Converter in Tide", Energies 10:3 (2017) 289, doi:10.3390/en10030289

Xuanlie Zhao, Dezhi Ning, Malin Göteman, Haigui Kang, "Effect of the PTO damping force on the wave pressures on a 2-D wave energy converter", Journal of Hydrodynamics Ser.B, Volume 29, Issue 5, October 2017, Pages 863–870, doi:10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60798-9

Olov Ågren, V.E. Moiseenko, "On improved confinement in mirror plasmas by a radial electric field", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 59 115001, doi:10.1088/1361-6587/aa8544

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

Aihara, Aya, and Bahri Uzunoğlu. "Vortex induced vibration energy extraction modeling via forced versus free vibration", OCEANS 2017-Aberdeen. IEEE, 2017, doi:10.1109/OCEANSE.2017.8084724

Anke Bender, Francisco G. A. Francisco, Jan Sundberg, "A Review of Methods and Models for Environmental Monitoring of Marine Renewable Energy", The European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2017 (EWTEC), 27 August – 1 September, Cork, Ireland, 2017

Irina Dolguntseva, Sandra Eriksson, Mats Leijon, "Electrical Approach to Output Power Optimization for a Point Absorbing Wave Energy Converter with a Direct Drive Linear Generator Power Take Off", The European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2017 (EWTEC), 27 August – 1 September, Cork, Ireland, 2017

Jens Engström, Linnea Sjökvist, Malin Göteman, Mikael Eriksson, Martyn Hann, Edward Ransley, Deborah Greaves, Mats Leijon, "Buoy geometry and its influence on survivability for a point absorbing wave energy converter: Scale experiment and CFD simulations", In Proc. of the 5th Marine Energy Technology Symposium (METS), Washington DC, USA, May 1-3, 2017

Johan Forslund, Karin Thomas, Mats Leijon, "Power And Energy Needed For Starting A VerticalAxis Marine Current Turbine", The European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2017 (EWTEC), 27 August – 1 September, Cork, Ireland, 2017

Anna Frost, Liselotte Ulvgård, Linnea Sjökvist, Sandra Eriksson, Mats Leijon, "Experimental study of generator damping at partial stator overlap in a linear generator for wave power", The European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2017 (EWTEC), 27 August – 1 September, Cork, Ireland, 2017

Marianna Giassi, Malin Göteman, "Parameter optimization in wave energy design by a Genetic Algorithm", In Proc. of the 32nd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB), Dalian, China, April 23-27, 2017

Marianna Giassi, Malin Göteman, Simon Thomas, Jens Engström, Mikael Eriksson, Jan Isberg, "Multi-parameter optimization of hybrid arrays of point absorber Wave Energy Converters", The European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2017 (EWTEC), 27 August – 1 September, Cork, Ireland, 2017

Mohd Muzafar Ismail, Vernon Cooray, Mahbubur Rahman, Pasan Hettiarachchi, "Wavelet transform reveals the origin of chaotic pulse train in lightning flashes", 4th International Symposium on Winter Lightning (ISWL2017), Joetsu, Japan, April 2017

Mohd Muzafar Ismail, Mahbubur Rahman, Vernon Cooray, Pasan Hettiarachchi, "Characteristics of chaotic pulse trains associated with dart and dart-stepped leader in lightning flashes in Sweden", 4th International Symposium on Winter Lightning (ISWL2017), Joetsu, Japan, April 2017

Dalina Johari, Vernon Cooray, Mahbubur Rahman, Pasan Hettiarachchi, "Some features of preliminary breakdown pulses in positive ground flashes in Sweden", 4th International Symposium on Winter Lightning (ISWL2017), Joetsu, Japan, April 2017

Kazuki Konishi, Nobuko Naka, Ian Friel and Jan Isberg, "Enhanced low-temperature diffusivity of excitons in ultrapure diamond", Meeting of the Japanese Physical Society in Condensed Matter Physics, Iwate University, Iwate, Japan, September 24th (2017)

Kazuki Konishi, Ian Friel, Jan Isberg, Nobuko Naka, "Suppression of Exciton-Phonon Scattering in Ultrapure Diamond at Cryogenic Temperatures", The 28th Optical Properties Workshop, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 8-9 December (2017)

Jennifer Leijon, Jens Engström, Irina Dolguntseva, Cecilia Boström, "Investigation of wave powered desalination for sustainable freshwater production", The International Desalination Association World Congress, 15-20 Oct. 2017. São Paulo, Brazil

Jennifer Leijon, Jonathan Sjölund, Boel Ekergård, Cecilia Boström, Sandra Eriksson, Irina Dolguntseva, Mats Leijon, "Linear Generator with Different Types of Ferrite Permanent Magnets for Wave Energy Conversion", The European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2017 (EWTEC), 27 August - 1 September, Cork, Ireland, 2017

Kaspars Silins, Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bardos, "Raman analysis of amorphous carbon coatings prepared by hollow cathodes at moderate pressure", Proceedings of ISERD International Conference, San Diego, USA, 21st-22nd June 2017

Linnea Sjökvist, Malin Göteman, Mats Leijon, "Survivability of a Point Absorbing Wave Energy Converter Impacted by Tsunami Waves", The European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2017 (EWTEC), 27 August – 1 September, Cork, Ireland, 2017

Erland Strömstedt, Kalle Haikonen, Jens Engström, Mikael Eriksson, Malin Göteman, Jan Sundberg,Johan Nyberg, Lovisa Zillén-Snowball, Erik Nilsson, Adam Dingwell, Anna Rutgersson, "On Defining Wave Energy Pilot Sites in Swedish Seawaters", The European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2017 (EWTEC), 27 August – 1 September, Cork, Ireland, 2017

Simon Thomas, Marianna Giassi, Malin Göteman, Mikael Eriksson, Jan Isberg, Jens Engström, "Optimal constant damping control of a point absorber with linear generator in different sea states: comparison of simulation and scale test", The European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2017 (EWTEC), 27 August – 1 September, Cork, Ireland, 2017

Muhammed Akif Ulker, Bahri Uzunoglu, "Simplex optimization for particle filter joint state and parameter estimation of dynamic power systems", IEEE EUROCON 2017 - 17th IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies, doi:10.1109/EUROCON.2017.8011142

Muhammed Akif Ülker and Bahri Uzunoğlu. "Maximum likelihood ensemble filter state estimation for power systems fault diagnosis", International Conference on System Reliability and Safety, ICSRS on. IEEE, 2017, doi:10.1109/ICSRS.2017.8272810

Bahri Uzunoğlu, Yousuff Hussaini, "Implicit Particle Filter for Power System State Estimation with Large Scale Renewable Power Integration",AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Dec 2017

Bahri Uzunoğlu. "Locating distribution power system fault employing Bayes theorem with subjective logic", International Conference on System Reliability and Safety, ICSRS on. IEEE, 2017, doi:10.1109/ICSRS.2017.8272808

Non refereed conference article

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bardos, "Production of hydrogen-rich synthesis gas by pulsed atmospheric pressure plasma", International Conference on Plasmas with Liquids (ICPL 2017), Prague, Czech Republic, March 5-9, 2017

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bardos, "Reactive Deposition in the Magnetized Hollow Cathode Activated Magnetron", Int. Conf. Metall. Coat. & Thin Films - ICMCTF 2017, San Diego, April 23-28, 2017, Paper G1-5

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bardos, INVITED PAPER, "Non-Conventional Plasma Sources for Ionized PVD, Hybrid Processes, Plasma Catalysis and Plasma in Liquids", 2017 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Nov. 26 - Dec. 1, 2017

Ladislav Bardos and Hana Baránková, INVITED PAPER, "Non-conventional plasmas for reduced and high pressure processes", 8th Symposium on Functional Coatings and Surface Engineering (FCSE-2017), Montreal, Canada, June 4-7, 2017

Books and Book chapters

Irina Dolguntseva, "Application of Fourier Series Expansion to Electrical Power Conversion", Fourier Transforms - High-tech Application and Current Trends, Prof. Goran Nikolic´ (Ed.), InTech, Available from:

Wencheng Guo, Jiandong Yang, Weijia Yang, "Modeling and stability analysis of turbine governing system of hydro power plant", Modeling and Dynamic Behavior of Hydro Power Plants, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), 2017, doi:10.1049/PBPO100E_ch4

Weijia Yang, Jiandong Yang, Wencheng Guo, Per Norrlund, "Time-domain modeling and a case study on regulation and operation of hydropower plants", Modeling and Dynamic Behavior of Hydro Power Plants, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), 2017, doi:10.1049/PBPO100E_ch2


Malin Andersson, "Energy storage solutions for electric bus fast charging stations: Cost optimization of grid connection and grid reinforcements", UPTEC ES, 17 002, Abstract, Fulltext

Adam Bergman, "Utvärdering av Blitzortung blixtlokaliseringssystem: En jämförande studie med SMHI som referenssystem", UPTEC ES, 17 014, Abstract + Fulltext

Jakob Blücher, "Koncepttest av Mikroskalig Vattenkraft: Kraftelektronik och varvtalsstyrning", UPTEC ES, 17 035, Abstract + Fulltext

Markus Gunnefur, "Koncepttest av Mikroskalig Vattenkraft: Design, Inköp och Montage av Vattenvägar med Flödesmätning", UPTEC ES, 17 033, Abstract + Fulltext

Johan Frisk, "Technical Feasibility Study of an IGBT-based Excitation System", UPTEC ES, 17 017, Abstract + Fulltext

Shakib Hasan, MD., "Reactive Power Control for Voltage Management", MSc ET, 17002, Abstract + Fulltext

Emilia Helander, "Granskning av möjligheter att påverka effektförlusterna på det svenska stamnätet", UPTEC ES, 17023, Abstract + Fulltext

Matthew Koenig-Barron, "The Emergence and Compensation of Reactive Power in the North Western Province of Zambia", Högskoleingenjörsprogrammet i elektroteknik, Abstract + Fulltext

Jonas Lindstens, "Study of a battery energy storagesystem in a weak distributiongrid", UPTEC ES, 17 016, Abstract + Fulltext

Albert Llovera Bonmatí, "Market role, profitability and competitive features of thermal power plants in the Swedish future electricity market with high renewable integration", MSc ET, 17006, Abstract + Fulltext

Martin Fregelius, "Power electronics and controller interface for a Voltage Source Converter", UPTEC E, 17 002, Abstract + Fulltext

Maja Nordstrand, "Framtagande av analysunderlag i programmet IntelliDAM: Ett examensarbete om fyllningsdammar och instrumentering", UPTEC ES 17 001, Abstract, Fulltext

Helena Olsson, "Future frequency control services in the Nordic power system", UPTEC ES, 17 003, Abstract, Fulltext

Emil Riddervold Sandberg, Markus Lindblom, "Truster till förskeppet på NGU/A26: Dimensionering och konceptgenerering", Försvarets Materielverk, FMV , Abstract + Fulltext

Martin Risemark Eriksson, "Environmental stress of electrical machine winding insulation", UPTEC F, 17014, Abstract + Fulltext

Andreas Stetenfeldt, "Data communication for near shore applications", UPTEC F, 17052, Abstract + Fulltext

Emily Storm, "Framtida distributionsnät: I tätort och stadsmiljö", UPTEC ES, 17010, Abstract + Fulltext

Samuel Swedenborg, "Modeling and Simulation of Cooling System for Fuel Cell Vehicle", UPTEC ES, 17032, Abstract + Fulltext

Marie Swenman, Klara Sahlén, "Investeringslogik kring energilager i en svensk kontext: En studie av måttet Levelised Cost of Storage", UPTEC STS, 17017, Abstract + Fulltext

Ebba Wargsjö, Albin Hedehag Damberg, "Experimental Investigation Of The Air-Water Flow Properties In The Cavity Zone Downstream A Chute Aerator", UPTEC ES, 17 028, Abstract + Fulltext

Simon Wennberg, "Optimal nätdesign: Utvärdering och jämförelse av nätstrukturer i Stockholms mellanspänningsnät", UPTEC ES, 17 005, Abstract + Fulltext

Malin Åhgren, "Framtidens elnät: En studie över hur olika framtidsscenarionpåverkar elnätskundens ekonomiska förutsättningar", UPTEC STS, 17029, Abstract + Fulltext.



Johan Forslund, "Studies of a Vertical Axis Turbine for Marine Current Energy Conversion: Electrical system and turbine performance", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1739, Abstract + Fulltext

Pasan Hettiarachchi, "Measurements of X-ray emission from laboratory sparks and upward initiated lightning", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 1618, Abstract + Fulltext

Erik Hultman, "Robotized Production Methods for Special Electric Machines", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 1608, Abstract + Fulltext

Victor Mendoza, "Aerodynamic studies of vertical axis turbines using the actuator line model", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1671, Abstract + Fulltext

Flore Rémouit, "Automation of underwater operations on wave energy converters using remotely operated vehicles",Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 1695, Abstract + Fulltext

Kaspars Siliņš, "Plasma enhanced chemical- and physical- vapor depositions using hollow cathodes", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 1629, Abstract + Fulltext

Nattakarn Suntornwipat, "Diamond devices based on valley polarization", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214; 1670, Abstract + Fulltext

Licentiate thesis

Marianna Giassi, "Optimization of Point Absorber Wave Energy Parks", UURIE 353-18L, Uppsala 2018, Abstract + Fulltext

Jennifer Leijon, "Wave powered desalination", UURIE 354-18L, Uppsala 2018, Abstract + Fulltext

Simon Thomas, "Control of wave energy converters in arrays", UURIE 355-18L, Uppsala 2018, Abstract + Fulltext

Reviewed literature

Mohd Nasir Ayob, Valeria Castellucci, Malin Göteman, Joakim Widén, Johan Abrahamsson, Jens Engström, Rafael Waters, "Small-Scale Renewable Energy Converters for Battery Charging", J. Mar. Sci. Eng., vol. 6, no. 1, p. 26, Mar. 2018, doi:10.3390/jmse6010026

Haiyan Bao, Jiandong Yang, Guilian Zhao, Wei Zeng, Yanna Liu, Weijia Yang, "Condition of setting surge tanks in hydropower plants – A review", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 81, Part 2, January 2018, Pages 2059-2070, doi:10.1016/j.rser.2017.06.012

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bardos, Adela Bardos, "Non-Conventional Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Sources for Production of Hydrogen", MRS Advances (2018), doi:10.1557/adv.2018.103

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bardos, Kaspars Silins, Adela Bardos, "Reactive deposition of TiN films by magnetron with magnetized hollow cathode enhanced target", Vacuum 152 (2018) 123-127, doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2018.03.010

Vernon Cooray, Mahendra Fernando, Lasitha Gunasekara, Sankha Nanayakkara, "Effects of Propagation of Narrow Bipolar Pulses, Generated by Compact Cloud Discharges, over Finitely Conducting Ground", Atmosphere 2018, 9(5), 193, doi:10.3390/atmos9050193

Vernon Cooray, "Origin of the Fine Scale Tortuosity in Sparks and Lightning Channels", Atmosphere 2018, 9(6), 205, doi:10.3390/atmos9060205

Vernon Cooray, "The Similarity of the Action of Franklin and ESE Lightning Rods under Natural Conditions", Atmosphere 2018, 9(6), 225, doi:10.3390/atmos9060225

Oscar Diaz, Vernon Cooray, Liliana Arevalo, "Numerical Modeling of Electrical Discharges in Long Air Gaps Tested With Positive Switching Impulses", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Volume: 46, Issue: 3, March 2018, doi:10.1109/TPS.2018.2802039

Johan Forslund, Anders Goude and Karin Thomas, "Validation of a Coupled Electrical and Hydrodynamic Simulation Model for a Vertical Axis Marine Current Energy Converter", Energies 2018, 11(11), 3067, doi:10.3390/en11113067

Francisco Francisco, Jennifer Leijon, Cecilia Boström, Jens Engström, Jan Sundberg, "Wave Power as Solution for Off-Grid Water Desalination Systems: Resource Characterization for Kilifi-Kenya", Energies 2018, 11(4), 1004; doi:10.3390/en11041004

Marianna Giassi, Malin Göteman, "Layout design of wave energy parks by a genetic algorithm", Ocean Engineering, Volume 154, 15 April 2018, Pages 252–261, doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.01.096

Anders Goude, Stefan Engblom, "A general high order two-dimensional panel method", Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 60, August 2018, Pages 1-17, doi:10.1016/j.apm.2018.02.010

T.A.L.N. Gunasekara, S.N. Jayalal, Mahendra Fernando, Upul Sonnadara, Vernon Cooray, "Time-Frequency Analysis of vertical and horizontal electric field changes of lightning negative return strokes observed in Sri Lanka", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 179, 2018, Pages 34-39, ISSN 1364-6826, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2018.06.015

T.A.L.N. Gunasekara, Mahendra Fernando, Upul Sonnadara, Vernon Cooray, "Horizontal electric fields of lightning return strokes and narrow bipolar pulses observed in Sri Lanka", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 173, 2018, Pages 57-65, ISSN 1364-6826, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2018.04.010

Malin Göteman, Cameron McNatt, Marianna Giassi, Jens Engström, Jan Isberg, "Arrays of Point-Absorbing Wave Energy Converters in Short-Crested Irregular Waves", Energies 2018, 11(4), 964, doi:10.3390/en11040964

Lixia He, Mohammad Azadifar, Farhad Rachidi, Marcos Rubinstein, Vladimir A. Rakov, Vernon Cooray, Davide Pavanello, Hongyan Xing, "An Analysis of Current and Electric Field Pulses Associated With Upward Negative Lightning Flashes Initiated from the Säntis Tower", Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, Vol 123, nr 8, 4045-4059, doi:10.1029/2018JD028295

Pasan Hettiarachchi, Vernon Cooray, Gerhard Diendorfer, Hannes Pichler, Joseph Dwyer, Mahbubur Rahman, "X-ray Observations at Gaisberg Tower", Atmosphere 2018, 9(1), 20; doi:10.3390/atmos9010020

Erik Hultman, Mats Leijon, "Robotized stator cable winding", Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Volume 53, October 2018, Pages 197–214, doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2018.04.009

Erik Hultman, Mats Leijon, "An updated cable feeder tool design for robotized stator cable winding", Mechatronics 2018, 49C, pp. 197-210, doi:10.1016/j.mechatronics.2018.01.006

Jennifer Leijon, Johan Forslund, Karin Thomas and Cecilia Boström, "Marine Current Energy Converters to Power a Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant", Energies 2018, 11, 2880, doi:10.3390/en11112880

Jennifer Leijon, Jonathan Sjölund, Boel Ekergård, Cecilia Boström, Sandra Eriksson, Irina Temiz, Mats Leijon, "Study of an Altered Magnetic Circuit of a Permanent Magnet Linear Generator for Wave Power", Energies 2018, 11(1), 84; doi:10.3390/en11010084

Jennifer Leijon, Cecilia Boström, "Freshwater production from the motion of ocean waves – A review", Desalination, Volume 435, 1 June 2018, Pages 161-171. doi:10.1016/j.desal.2017.10.049

Victor Mendoza, Peter Bachant, Carlos Ferreira, Anders Goude, "Near-wake flow simulation of a vertical axis turbine using an actuator line model", Wind Energy, 2018;1–18, doi:10.1002/we.2277

Jonas Kristiansen Nøland, Fredrik Evestedt, J. José Pérez-Loya, Johan Abrahamsson, Urban Lundin, "Comparison of Thyristor Rectifier Configurations for a Six-Phase Rotating Brushless Outer Pole PM Exciter", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume: 65 , Issue: 2 , Feb. 2018, doi:10.1109/TIE.2017.2726963

Jonas Kristiansen Nøland, Fredrik Evestedt, J. José Pérez-Loya, Johan Abrahamsson, Urban Lundin , "Testing of active rectification topologies on a 6-phase rotating brushless outer pole PM exciter", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Volume: 33 , Issue: 1 , March 2018, doi:10.1109/TEC.2017.2746559

Jonas Kristiansen Nøland, Fredrik Evestedt, Urban Lundin, "Active current sharing control method for rotating thyristor rectifiers on brushless dual-star exciters", IEEE Trans. Ene. Conv. 33, iss. 2, 893 - 896 (June 2018), doi:10.1109/TEC.2018.2813664

Jon Olauson, "ERA5: The new champion of wind power modelling?", Renewable Energy
Volume 126, October 2018, Pages 322-331, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2018.03.056

Arvind Parwal, Martin Fregelius, Irinia Temiz, Malin Göteman, Janaina G. de Oliveira, Cecilia Boström, Mats Leijon, "Energy management for a grid-connected wave energy park through a hybrid energy storage system", Applied Energy, 231, 1 December 2018, Pages 399-411, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.09.146

Jesus José Perez-Loya, Johan Abrahamsson, Fredrik Evestedt, Urban Lundin, "Demonstration of Synchronous Motor Start by Rotor Polarity Inversion", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 8271-8273, Oct. 2018, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2017.2784342

Jesus José Perez-Loya, Johan Abrahamsson, Urban Lundin, "Electromagnetic losses in Synchronous Machines during Active Compensation of Unbalanced Magnetic Pull", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, doi:10.1109/TIE.2018.2827991

Flore Rémouit, Maria-Angeliki Chatzigiannakou, Anke Bender, Irina Temiz, Jan Sundberg, Jens Engström, "Deployment and Maintenance of Wave Energy Converters at the Lysekil Research Site: A Comparative Study on the Use of Divers and Remotely-Operated Vehicles", J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2018, 6(2), 39; doi:10.3390/jmse6020039

Morgan Rossander, Christoffer Fjellstedt, Hans Bernhoff, "Multiple vertical axis wind turbines with passive rectification to a common DC-link", Renewable Energy Volume 127, November 2018, Pages 1101-1110, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2018.05.013

Linn Saarinen, Per Norrlund, Weijia Yang, Urban Lundin, "Allocation of Frequency Control Reserves and its Impact on Wear and Tear on a Hydropower Fleet", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume: 33 , Issue: 1 , Jan. 2018 ,doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2017.2702280

Linn Saarinen, Per Norrlund, Weijia Yang, Urban Lundin, "Linear synthetic inertia for improved frequency quality and reduction of hydropower wear and tear", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 98, 488-495 (2018), doi:10.1016/j.ijepes.2017.12.007

Andrej Savin, Irina Temiz, Erland Strömstedt, Mats Leijon, "Statistical analysis of power output from a single heaving buoy WEC for different sea states", Marine Systems & Ocean Technology, December 2018, Volume 13, Issue 2–4, pp 103–110, doi:10.1007/s40868-018-0050-x

Irina Temiz, Jennifer Leijon, Boel Ekergård, Cecilia Boström, "Economic aspects of latching control for a wave energy converter with a direct drive linear generator power take-off", Renewable Energy, Volume 128, Part A, December 2018, Pages 57–67, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2018.05.041

Simon Thomas, Marianna Giassi, Malin Göteman, Martyn Hann, Edward Ransley, Jan Isberg, Jens Engström, "Performance of a Direct-Driven Wave Energy Point Absorber with High Inertia Rotatory Power Take-off", Energies 2018, 11(9), 2332, doi:10.3390/en11092332

Simon Thomas, Mikael Eriksson, Malin Göteman, Martyn Hann, Jan Isberg, Jens Engström, "Experimental and Numerical Collaborative Latching Control of Wave Energy Converter Arrays", Energies 2018, 11(11), 3036; doi:10.3390/en11113036

Simon Thomas, Marianna Giassi, Mikael Eriksson, Malin Göteman, Jan Isberg, Edward Ransley, Martyn Hann, Jens Engström , "A model free control based on machine learning for energy converters in an array", Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2018, 2(4), 36, doi:10.3390/bdcc2040036

Bahri Uzunoglu, "Bayesian approach with subjective opinion fusions for wind turbine maintenance", J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1037 062021, 2018, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1037/6/062021

Bahri Uzunoglu, Muhammed Ulker, "Maximum likelihood ensemble filter state estimation for power systems", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 2018, doi:10.1109/TIM.2018.2814066

S.P.A. Vayanganie, Mahendra Fernando, Upul Sonnadara, Vernon Cooray, Chandana Perera, "Optical observations of electrical activity in cloud discharges", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 172, 2018, Pages 24-32, ISSN 1364-6826, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2018.03.007

Liguo Wang, Jan Isberg, Elisabetta Tedeschi, "Review of control strategies for wave energy conversion systems and their validation: the wave-to-wire approach",Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 81, p 366-379,doi:10.1016/j.rser.2017.06.074

Jinming Wu, Yingxue Zhao, Liang Zhou, Malin Göteman, "Real-time latching control strategies for the solo Duck wave energy converter in irregular waves", Applied Energy, Volume 222, 15 July 2018, Pages 717–728, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.04.033

Weijia Yang, Per Norrlund, Chi Yung Chung, Jiandong Yang, Urban Lundin, "Eigen-analysis of hydraulic-mechanical-electrical coupling mechanism for small signal stability of hydropower plant", Renewable Energy Volume 115, January 2018, Pages 1014-1025, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2017.08.005

Weijia Yang, Per Norrlund, Linn Saarinen, Adam Witt, Brennan Smith, Jiandong Yang, Urban Lundin, "Burden on hydropower units for short-term balancing of renewable power systems", Nature Communications volume 9, Article number: 2633 (2018), doi:10.1038/s41467-018-05060-4

Weijia Yang, Per Norrlund, Johan Bladh, Jiangdong Yang, Urban Lundin, "Hydraulic damping mechanism of low frequency oscillations in power systems: Quantitative analysis using a nonlinear model of hydropower plants", Applied Energy, 212, 1138-1152, (15 February 2018), doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.01.002

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

Sidath Abegunawardana, J A P Bodhika, Sankha Nanayakkara, UpUpul Sonnadara, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "Audible Frequency Analysis of Ground Flashes", 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Rzeszow, Poland, 02-07 Sept. 2018.

Sidath Abegunawardana, J A P Bodhika, Ruwan Abewardhana, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "Sound Source Localization of Lightning Discharges", 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Rzeszow, Poland, 02-07 Sept. 2018.

Ruwan Abeywardhana, Sidath Abegunawardana, Mahendra Fernando, UpUpul Sonnadara, Vernon Cooray, "Lightning Localization Based on VHF Broadband Interferometer Developed in Sri Lanka", 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Rzeszow, Poland, 02-07 Sept. 2018.

C. J. D. Abrahamsson, J. J. Pérez-Loya, M. Fregelius, F. Evestedt, J. Bladh, U. Lundin, "Magnetic thrust bearing for a 10 MW hydropower generator with a Kaplan turbine", Hydro 2018, Gdansk, Poland, 15-17 October, 2018.

Liliana Arevalo, Dong Wu, Pasan Hittiarachchi, Vernon Cooray, André Lobato, Mahbubur Rahman, Chin-Leong Wooi, "The leader propagation velocity in long air gaps", 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Rzeszow, Poland, 2-7 Sept. 2018, doi:10.1109/ICLP.2018.8503329

Mohd Nasir Ayob, Valeria Castellucci, Johan Abrahamsson, Olle Svensson, Rafael Waters, "Control Strategy for a Tidal Compensation System for Wave Energy Converter Device", The 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 10-15 June 2018, Sapporo, Japan.

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bardos, Adela Bardos, "Reactive Deposition by Magnetron with Magnetized Hollow Cathode Enhanced Target", Paper HU5, Proceedings of the 61st Annual Tech. Conf. of SVC, Orlando, Florida, May 7-10, 2018, ISBN 978-1-878068-38-5,

Anke Bender, Jan Sundberg, "Effects of Wave Energy Generators on Nephrops norvegicus", the 4th Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (AWTEC), 9-13 September, Taipei, Taiwan, 2018.

J.A.P. Bodhika, W.G.D. Dharmarathna, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "Characteristics of thunder pertinent to tropical lightning", 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Rzeszow, Poland, 02-07 Sept. 2018.

Lasantha Chandimal, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Sankha Nanayakkara, Nilantha Sapumanage, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, Mahbubur Rahman, "Impedance behaviour of earth enhancing compound under lightning transient conditions", 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Rzeszow, Poland, 02-07 Sept. 2018.

Petter Eklund, Sandra Eriksson, "Winding Design Independent Calculation Method for Short Circuit Currents in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines", pp. 1021-1027, XIII International conference on Electrical Machines, 3-6 September 2018, Alexandroupolis, Greece, doi:10.1109/ICELMACH.2018.8506920

Johan Forslund, Karin Thomas, "First Experimental Results of a Grid Connected Vertical Axis Marine Current Turbine using a Multilevel Power Converter", the 4th Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (AWTEC), 9-13 September, Taipei, Taiwan, 2018.

Malin Göteman, Jude Mathew, Jens Engström, Valeria Castellucci, Marianna Giassi, Rafael Waters, "Wave energy farm performance and availability as functions of weather windows", In Advances in Renewable Energies Offshore: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW 2018), October 8-10, 2018, Lisbon, Portugal (p. 73). CRC Press.

Malin Göteman, Marianna Giassi, and Cameron McNatt, "Wave energy park interactions in short-crested waves", In Proc. of the 33rd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB), Brest, France, April 4-7, 2018.

S. Hasan, R. Luthander and Juan de Santiago, "Reactive Power Control for LV Distribution Networks Voltage Management", 2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), Sarajevo, 2018, pp. 1-6, doi:10.1109/ISGTEurope.2018.8571817

Pasan Hettiarachchi, André Lobato, Vernon Cooray, Mats Leijon, "Time Domain Analysis of the Lightning Interaction with Wave Energy Converters", 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Rzeszow, Poland, 2-7 Sept. 2018, doi:10.1109/ICLP.2018.8503500

Jelena Loncarski, Deepak Elamalayil Soman, Emanuele Frontoni, "Interconnection Strategies of Point Absorber Type Wave Energy Converters and Rectifier Units", 18th IEEE International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP), MAY 13-16, 2018, Ljubljana, SLOVENIA.

Arvind Parwal, Martin Fregelius, Jennifer Leijon, Maria Chatzigiannakou, Olle Svensson, Irina Temiz, Cecilia Boström, Janaina G. de Oliveira, Mats Leijon, "Experimental Test of Grid Connected VSC to Improve the Power Quality in a Wave Power System", International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems (EPECS'18), Kitakyushu, Japan : April 23-25, 2018, doi:10.1109/EPECS.2018.8443488

Chandana Perera, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "Analysis of Channel Tortuosity using 8 m Long Laboratory Sparks", 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Rzeszow, Poland, 02-07 Sept. 2018.

Tatiana Potapenko, Irina Temiz, Mats Leijon, "Optimization of Resistive Load for a Wave Energy Converter with a Linear Generator Power Take Off", the 4th Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (AWTEC), 9-13 September, Taipei, Taiwan, 2018.

Manoj Rajakaruna, Sankha Nanayakkara, Nilantha Sapumange, Lasantha Chandimal, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "The behavior of earthing impedance and step-potential for surge currents", 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Rzeszow, Poland, 02-07 Sept. 2018.

Nilantha Sapumanage, Sankha Nanayakkara, Sidath Abeygunawardena, Lasantha Chandimal, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "Study on responses of SPDs against the transient voltages generated by CG flashes", 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Rzeszow, Poland, 02-07 Sept. 2018.

Nilantha Sapumanage, Sankha Nanayakkara, Sidath Abegunawardena, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "How physical attributes of transient voltages limits the efficiency of SPD array", 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Rzeszow, Poland, 02-07 Sept. 2018.

Nilantha Sapumanage, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "Simulation of the performance of the external lightning protection system", 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Rzeszow, Poland, 02-07 Sept. 2018.

Nilantha Sapumanage, Sankha Nanayakkara, Sidath Abeygunawardena, Mahendra Fernando, Vernon Cooray, "Insight of SPD limitations cause by incident phaser angle and the physical attributes of transient voltages", 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Rzeszow, Poland, 02-07 Sept. 2018.

Thainan S. Theodoro, Marcelo A. Tomim, Pedro G. Barbosa, Juan de Santiago Ochoa, "A Hybrid Simulation Tool for Distributed Generation Integration Studies", 2018 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), Dublin, June 11-15, 2018.

Bahri Uzunoglu, "Bayesian approach with subjective opinion fusions for wind turbine maintenance", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE 2018). Milano, 20-22 June 2018.

Non refereed conference article

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bardos, "Deposition using the Magnetized Hollow Cathode Activated Magnetron", Int. Conf. Metall. Coat. & Thin Films - ICMCTF 2018, San Diego, April 23-27, 20178 Paper G5-7.

Anke Bender, Jan Sundberg, Olivia Langhamer, "Environmental effects from wave power devices on local fish and crustacean communities", Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewable Energy Technologies Conference / EIMR 2018.

Anke Bender, Jan Sundberg, "Environmental effects from wave power-Impacts on the Norway lobster", OIKOS conference 2018

Juan de Santiago, "Research on IPM motors at Uppsala University", Thematic workshop on automotive electric drives, Stockholm 2018.


Jon Olauson, Mikael Bergkvist, Per Edström, Nils Erik Carlstedt, "Wind turbine performance decline in Sweden", Energiforsk report 2017:436, ISBN 978-91-7673-436-0.

Master thesis

Rafal Al-Saour, "Automatisering av stackning", TVE, 18 001, Abstract + Fulltext

Tobias Andersson, Jonathan Toft, "Data communication and power supply on a two conductor system", UPTEC E, 18 025, Abstract + Fulltext

Firas Daraiseh, "Gotland as a microgrid - Energy storage systems frequency response in grids with high level of renewable energy penetration", TVE-MFE,18002, Abstract + Fulltext

Emil Ericsson, Eric Gregorson, "Quantitative Risk Assessment of Wave Energy Technology", TVE-MFE 18 001, UPTEC E 18 003, Abstract + Fulltext

Roberto Felicetti, "Field Current Control for the Damping of Rotor Oscillations and for the Alternative Start of Synchronous Machines: Further Innovative Applications of Field Current Active Control besides UMP-Compensation", TVE-MFE, 18004, Abstract + Fulltext

Alexander Flyckt, "Lokalt likströmsnät för kontorsbyggnader försedda med solceller: En ekonomisk och teknisk utvärdering", UPTEC ES, 18 017, Abstract + Fulltext

Gustav Gärskog, "Numerical calculation method for magnetic fields in the vicinity of current-carrying conductors", UPTEC E, 18 00, Abstract + Fulltext

Josefine Henriks, "Påverkan på spänningskvalité av enfasiga solcellsanläggningar i Gävle Energis lågspänningsnät", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2018/04-SE, Abstract + Fulltext

Johannes Hjalmarsson, "Elektrifiering av transportsektorn i Göteborgs kommun: Nätintegrering av plug in-fordon och V2G-tjänster hos aggregator", UPTEC ES, 18 034, Abstract + Fulltext

Anar Ibrayeva, "Aspects of modelling and control of MMC based HVDC system", TVE-MFE 18006, Abstract + Fulltext

Kristofer Kihlberg, "Integrering av Savonius-vindturbiner och solpaneler", UPTEC ES,18 029, Abstract + Fulltext

Rickard Larsson, Kenny Andersson, "Construction, testing and verification of a brushless excitation system with wireless control of the field current in a synchronous generator", UPTEC E, 18 002, Abstract + Fulltext

Jens Ljungberg, "Evaluation of a Centralized Substation Protection and Control System for HV/MV Substation", UPTEC F, 18026, Abstract + Fulltext

Linnéa Malmström, "Miljöns påverkan på blybatteriers kapacitet och livslängd", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2018/06-SE, Abstract + Fulltext

Daniar Mohidin, "Automatisering av manuell montering - Hjulbana", UTH-INGUTB-EX-M-2018/19-SE, Abstract + Fulltext

Lisa Sander, "Evaluation of critical fault scenarios for operation with inherent overload in HVDC stations", UPTEC E, 18 024, Abstract + Fulltext

Martin Vilhelmsson, "Förebyggande underhåll av elmotorer", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2018/09-SE, Abstract + Fulltext

Adéle Wallin, "Structural intrusion, flow disturbance and spillway capacity: CFD modeling of the Torpshammar dam", UPTEC F, 18056, Abstract + Fulltext

Samuel Wennlund, "Likströmsnät i byggnader: En genomförbarhetsstudie för ett potentiellt smartare och energieffektivare elsystem", UPTEC STS, 18039, Abstract + Fulltext

Johan Wistedt, "Digital secondary substations with auto-configuration of station monitoring through IEC 61850 and CIM", UPTEC E, 18 027, Abstract + Fulltext

Jonas Öberg & Oscar Lindeberg, "Energikartläggning: av LKAB Logistik, samt energieffektiviseringsåtgärder", UPTEC E, ISSN 1654-7616, 18 016, Abstract + Fulltext

Johannes Örnkloo, "Comparison between active and passive rectification for different types of permanent magnet synchronous machines", UPTEC ES, 18 042, Abstract + Fulltex



Mohd Nasir Ayob, "Adaptation of wave power plants to regions with high tides", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214, 1795, Abstract + Fulltext

Maria Angeliki Chatzigiannakou, "Offshore deployments of marine energy converters", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214, 1792, Abstract + Fulltext

Petter Eklund, "Design of Rare Earth Free Permanent Magnet Generators", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214, 1746, Abstract + Fulltext

Francisco Francisco, "Adapting sonar systems for monitoring ocean technologies", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214, 1752, Abstract + Fulltext

Arvind Parwal, "Grid Integration and Impact of a Wave Power System", Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214, 1842, Abstract + Fulltext

Licentiate thesis

Anna E. Frost, "Power transfer in the air gap of linear generators for wave power", UURIE 357-19L, Uppsala 2019, Abstract + Fulltext

Per Ribbing, "Climate Change Leadership - the case for Electrification", UURIE 356-19L, Uppsala 2019, Abstract + Fulltext

Reviewed literature

A. Anker, S.W. Barwick, H. Bernhoff, D.Z. Besson, N. Bingefors, G. Gaswint, C. Glaser, A. Hallgren, J.C. Hanson, R. Lahmann, U. Latif, J. Nam, A. Novikov, S.R. Klein, S.A. Kleinfelder, A. Nelles, M.P. Paul, C. Persichilli, S.R. Shively, J. Tatar, E. Unger, S.-H. Wang, G. Yodh, "Targeting ultra-high energy neutrinos with the ARIANNA experiment", Advances in Space Research, Volume 64, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 2595-2609, ISSN 0273-1177, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2019.06.016

Mohd Nasir Ayob, Valeria Castellucci, Johan Abrahamsson, Rafael Waters, "A Remotely Controlled Sea Level Compensation System for Wave Energy Converters", Energies 12, no. 10: 1946, 2019, doi:10.3390/en12101946

Valeria Castellucci, Erland Strömstedt, "Sea level variability in the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone and adjacent seawaters: influence on a point absorbing wave energy converter", Ocean Sci., 15, 1517–1529, doi:10.5194/os-15-1517-2019, 2019

Maria Angeliki Chatzigiannakou, Liselotte Ulvgård, Irina Temiz, Mats Leijon, "Offshore deployments of wave energy converters by Uppsala University, Sweden", Mar Syst Ocean Technol (2019), doi:/10.1007/s40868-019-00055-2

Petter Eklund, Sandra Eriksson, "The influence of permanent magnet material properties on generator rotor design", Energies, 12(7), 1314, 2019, doi:10.3390/en12071314

Jens Engström, Malin Göteman, Mikael Eriksson, Mikael Bergkvist, Erik Nilsson, Anna Rutgersson, Erland Strömstedt, "Energy absorption from parks of point‐absorbing wave energy converters in the Swedish exclusive economic zone", Energy Sci Eng., 2019;00:1–12, doi:10.1002/ese3.507

Sandra Eriksson, "Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines", Energies 2019, 12(14), 2830, doi:10.3390/en12142830

Sandra Eriksson, "Design of permanent magnet linear generators with constant torque angle control for wave power", Energies, 12(7), 1312, 2019, doi:10.3390/en12071312

Francisco Francisco, Jan Sundberg, "Detection of Visual Signatures of Marine Mammals and Fish within Marine Renewable Energy Farms using Multibeam Imaging Sonar", J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2019, 7, 22; doi:10.3390/jmse7020022

Peng Jin, Binzhen Zhou, Malin Göteman, Zhongfei Chen, Liang Zhang, "Performance optimization of a coaxial-cylinder wave energy converter", Energy, Volume 174, 2019, Pages 450-459, ISSN 0360-5442, doi:10.1016/

Wu, Jinming, Yingxue Yao, Dongke Sun, Zhonghua Ni, Malin Göteman. "Numerical and Experimental Study of the Solo Duck Wave Energy Converter", Energies 12, no. 10 (2019): 1941. doi:10.3390/en12101941

Dalmo C.Silva Júnior, Janaína G.Oliveira, Pedro Almeida, Cecilia Boström, "Control of a multi-functional inverter in an AC microgrid – Real-time simulation with control hardware in the loop", Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 172, July 2019, Pages 201-212, doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2019.03.016

Ioannis Kougias, George Aggidis, Francois Avellan, Sabri Deniz, Urban Lundin, Alberto Moro, Sebastian Muntean, Daniele Novara, Juan Ignacio Perez-Diaz, Emanuele Quaranta, Phillipe Schild, and Nicolaos Theodossiou, "Analysis of emerging technologies in the hydropower sector", Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 113, 109257, 2019, doi:10.1016/j.rser.2019.109257

Jennifer Leijon, Cecilia Boström, "Lärarens arbete mot utveckling av generiska färdigheter och variation i teknikvetenskaplig utbildning genom relationsskapande åtgärder", Högre utbildning, Reflektioner, Vol. 9, Nr. 1, 2019, 85–97

S. Majdi, M. Gabrysch, N. Suntornwipat, F. Burmeister, R. Jansson, K. K. Kovi, A. Hallén, "High-temperature deep-level transient spectroscopy system for defect studies in wide-bandgap semiconductors", Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 063903 (2019), doi:10.1063/1.5097755

Victor Mendoza, Anders Goude, "Improving farm efficiency of interacting vertical‐axis wind turbines through wake deflection using pitched struts", Wind Energy, 2019;1–9, doi:10.1002/we.2305

Erik Nilsson, Anna Rutgersson, Adam Dingwell, Jan-Victor Björkqvist, Heidi Pettersson, Lars Axell, Johan Nyberg, Erland Strömstedt, "Characterization of Wave Energy Potential for the Baltic Sea with Focus on the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone", Energies 2019, vol. 12(5), 793, doi:10.3390/en12050793

Jonas Kristiansen Nøland, Fredrik Evestedt, Urban Lundin, "Failure Modes Demonstration and Redundant Postfault Operation of Rotating Thyristor Rectifiers on Brushless Dual-Star Exciters", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume: 66 , Issue: 2 , Feb. 2019, doi:10.1109/TIE.2018.2833044

Parwal, A., Fregelius, M., Almeida, P., Svensson, O., Temiz, I., Oliveira, J., Boström, C., & Leijon, M., "A Comparative Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Control of Wave Energy Converter for a Force Control Application", International Marine Energy Journal, 2(1 (Nov), 39-50, doi:10.36688/imej.2.39-50

Parwal, A., Fregelius, M., Silva, D.C., Potapenko, T., Hjalmarsson, J., Kelly, J., Temiz, I., de Oliveira, J.G., Boström, C., Leijon, M., "Virtual Synchronous Generator Based Current Synchronous Detection Scheme for a Virtual Inertia Emulation in SmartGrids", Energy and Power Engineering, Vol.11 No.03(2019), Article ID:91095,33 pages, doi:10.4236/epe.2019.113007

Arvind Parwal, Martin Fregelius, Jennifer Leijon, Maria Chatzigiannakou, Olle Svensson, Erland Strömstedt, Irina Temiz, Janaina Goncalves de Oliveira, Cecilia Boström, Mats Leijon, "Grid Integration and a Power Quality Assessment of a Wave Energy Park", IET Smart Grid, 2019, doi:10.1049/iet-stg.2019.0009

Brenda Rojas-Delgado, Monica Alonso, Hortensia Amaris, Juan de Santiago, "Wave Power Output Smoothing through the Use of a High-Speed Kinetic Buffer", Energies 2019, 12(11), 2196, doi:10.3390/en12112196

Linnea Sjökvist, Malin Göteman, "Peak forces on a point absorbing wave energy converter impacted by tsunami waves", Renewable Energy Volume 133, April 2019, Pages 1024-1033, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2018.10.092

Nattakarn Suntornwipat, Saman Majdi, Markus Gabrysch, Ian Friel, Jan Isberg, "Observation of transferred-electron oscillations in diamond", Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 192101, 2019, doi:10.1063/1.5126058

Bahri Uzunoglu, "An adaptive Bayesian approach with subjective logic reliability networks for preventive maintenance", IEEE Transactions on reliability, 2019, doi:10.1109/TR.2019.2916722

Ines Würth, Laura Valldecabres, Elliot Simon, Corinna Möhrlen, Bahri Uzunoğlu, Ciaran Gilbert, Gregor Giebel, David Schlipf, Anton Kaifel, "Minute-Scale Forecasting of Wind Power - Results from the collaborative workshop of IEA Wind Task 32 and 36", Energies 2019, 12(4), 712, doi:10.3390/en12040712

Contributions to national and international conferences with refereed proceedings

Sara Anttila, Dalmo Cardoso da Silva Júnior, Irina Temiz, Janaína G. Oliveira, Jennifer Leijon, Arvind Parwal and Cecilia Boström, "Power control strategies for a smoother power output from a wave power plant", 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Napoli, Italy, September 1-6, 2019.

Anke Bender, Jan Sundberg, "Effects from Wave Power Generators on the Distribution of two Sea Pens Species on the Swedish West Coast", 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Napoli, Italy, September 1-6, 2019.

Madeleine Berry, Jan Sundberg, Francisco Francisco, "Salmonid response to a vertical axis hydrokinetic turbine in a stream aquarium", 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Napoli, Italy, September 1-6, 2019.

Ali Erduman, Bahri Uzunoğlu, "Optimized Mesoscale Wind Farm Placement Constrained by Power System Including Earthquake Damage Costs", IEEE ICSRS 2019 4th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety, November 20-22, 2019, Rome, Italy, doi:10.1109/ICSRS48664.2019.8987596

R. Felicetti, C. J. D. Abrahamsson, U. Lundin, "Experimentally validated model of a fast switched salient pole rotor winding", 2019 IEEE Workshop on Electrical Machines Design, Control and Diagnosis (WEMDCD), Athens, Greece, 2019, pp. 150-156, doi:10.1109/WEMDCD.2019.8887777

Jamie Fox, Giray Ökten, Bahri Uzunoğlu, "Global Sensitivity Analysis for Power Systems via Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods", IEEE ICSRS 2019 4th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety, November 20-22, 2019, Rome, Italy, doi:10.1109/ICSRS48664.2019.8987666

Anna E.Frost, Cecilia Boström, "Do Lab Introductions Matter for Electrical Engineering Students?", Den 7:e utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar, Luleå, Sweden, November 27th–28th, 2019.

Giassi M., Thomas S., Shahroozi Z., Engström J., Isberg J., Tosdevin T., Hann M., Göteman M., "Preliminary results from a scaled test of arrays of point-absorbers with 6 DOF", 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Napoli, Italy, September 1-6, 2019.

Marianna Giassi, Valeria Castellucci, Jens Engström, Malin Göteman, "An economical cost function for the optimization of wave energy converter arrays", 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference ISOPE, June 16-21, 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

Erik Hultman, Mats Leijon, "Integration of Real-World Project Tasks in a Course on Automation and Robot Engineering", Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Dubai, UAE, 9-11 April 2019.

K. Konishi, I. Akimoto, H. Matsuoka, I. Friel, J. Isberg, N. Naka, "Influence of internal strain on the carrier transport properties in diamond", Hasselt Diamond Workshop 2019, SBDD XXIV, March 13-15, Hasselt, Belgium.

K. Konishi, I Akimoto, H. Matsuoka, I. Friel, J. Isberg, N. Naka, "Intrinsic carrier mobility extracted from inhomogeneously broadened Landau levels in diamond", Japanese Physical Society. Cond. Mat. Phys., Gifu University, Sept 10-13, 2019.

Jennifer Leijon, Sara Anttila, Anna Frost, Kontos, S., Jens Engström, Mats Leijon, Cecila Boström, "Marine Renewable Energy Sources for Desalination, Generating Freshwater and Lithium", 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference ISOPE, June 16-21, 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

C.U. Lundin, C.J.D. Abrahamsson, J.J. Perez-Loya, "Magnetic balancing bystem to neutralize lateral forces tested on a 10 MW hydropower generator", HYDRO 2019, Porto, Portugal 14-16 October 2019.

Minh Thao Nguyen, Johan Forslund Karin Thomas and Anders Goude, "Fault analysis of a marine current vertical-axis turbine missing two blades", 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Napoli, Italy, September 1-6, 2019.

Tatiana Potapenko, Arvind Parwal, J. F. Kelly, Jennifer Leijon, Johannes Hjalmarsson, Sara Anttila, Cecilia Boström, Irina Temiz, "Power Hardware in the Loop Real Time Modelling Using Hydrodynamic Model of a Wave Energy Converter With Linear Generator Power Take Off", 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference ISOPE, June 16-21, 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

Irina Temiz, Arvind Parwal, James Kelly, Tatiana Potapenko, Jennifer Leijon, Anttila Sara, Johannes Hjalmarsson, Hebert Laure, Cecilia Boström, "Power Hardware-in-the-loop simulations of Grid-Integration of a Wave Power Park", 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Napoli, Italy, September 1-6, 2019.

Tom Tosdevin, Marianna Giassi, Simon Thomas, Jens Engström, Martyn Hann, Jan Isberg, Malin Göteman, Edward Ransley, Pierre-Henri Musiedlak, David Simmonds, Deborah Greaves, "On the calibration of a WEC-Sim model for heaving point absorbers", 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Napoli, Italy, September 1-6, 2019.

Bahri Uzunoğlu, "Implicit 4DVar particle filter state estimation of dynamic power systems: Preliminary results", IEEE ICSRS 2019 4th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety, November 20-22, 2019, Rome, Italy, doi:10.1109/ICSRS48664.2019.8987651

Non refereed conference article

Hana Barankova, Ladislav Bardos, PLENARY PAPER, "Ionized PVD and Hybrid Processes", SurfCoat Korea 2019, Incheon, Korea, March 27-29, 2019.

Hana Baránková, Ladislav Bardos, PLENARY INNOVATION PRIZE, "Hollow cathode plasma processes and applications", 46th Conf. on Plasma Physics EPS 2019, Milan, July 8-12, 2019.

Master thesis

Sophia Appelstål, "Teknisk utvärdering av befintliga och potentiella teknologier för automatisk frekvensreglering i det svenska elnätet", UPTEC ES, 19015 , Abstract + Fulltext

Gabriel Båverman, Edris Tavoosi, "Evaluation of a solar powered water pumping system in Mutomo, Kenya: Comparison between a submersible induction motor and a PMSM system", UPTEC ES, 19012, Abstract + Fulltext

Melissa Eklund, "The potential benefits to balance power shortage in future mobility houses with hydrogen energy storages", UPTEC STS, 19038, Abstract + Fulltext

Chisom Miriam Ekweoba, "Power cables in battery electric vehicles used in underground mining: Analysis of electromagnetic dynamics in high-power cables and development of application-specific design strategies for reduction of EMI", TVE-MFE, 19005, Abstract + Fulltext

Johannes Eriksson, Henrik Erlandsson, Jerker Ortman, Viktor Sköldheden, "High resolution power measurement", TVE-E, 19002, Abstract + Fulltext

Kristian Flodström, Simon, Andersson, "Automated regression testing in Power Grids applications", ABB AB , Abstract + Fulltext

Eric Fjärstedt, "Implementation of an Automatic Voltage Regulator for Synchronous Machines on an FPGA", UPTEC E, 19013, Abstract + Fulltext

Jonatan Fredriksson, "Anpassning av småskaliga vatten- kraftverk för ö-drift av lokalt elnät", UPTEC ES, 19018, Abstract + Fulltext

Micaela Hamberg, Signe Dahlin, "Numerical Study on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Flood Discharge Tunnel in Zipingpu Water Conservancy Project: Using RANS equations and the VOF model", UPTEC F, 19018, Abstract + Fulltext

Tomas Hammarlund, "Elbilens påverkan på Falunslågspänningsnät vid hemmaladdning", UPTEC E, 19012, Abstract + Fulltext


Henrik Lindblom, "Design and construction of a voltage source converter for a laboratory setup", TVE-MFE, 19001, Abstract + Fulltext

Samuel Jansson, "Evaluation of KPIs and Battery Usage of Li-ion BESS for FCR Application", UPTEC ES, ES19026, Abstract + Fulltext

Vincent Jansson, David Bergman, Niklas Hermansson, "High Frequency Transformer: Implementation of prototype", TVE-E, 19003, Abstract + Fulltext

Niklas Könberg, "Statistisk modellering av vindkraftsobalanser I Sveriges elområden", UPTEC ES, 19021, Abstract + Fulltext

Fausto Lopez Gomez Partida, "Design of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator with Alnico Magnets", TVE-MFE, 19007, Abstract + Fulltext

Andreas Makronikos Asp, "Thermal simulation of an electric motor for an airplane application", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2019/011-SE, Abstract + Fulltext

Caroline Moberg, "Development of measurement algorithm in an industrial PLC", UPTEC ES, 19017, Abstract + Fulltext

Adam Mårtenson, "Modernisering och utveckling av befintligt beräkningsprogram för prestandauppföljning av ånggeneratorer", UPTEC F, 18063, Abstract + Fulltext

Albert Nilsson, "Modellering av Forsmarks 10 kV nät system 637 i PowerFactory: Undersökning med avseende på belastning och selektivitet", UPTEC ES, 19022, Abstract + Fulltext

Eduard Overmaat, "Balancing Contributions in the Nordic Electricity System: Who bears the brunt of electricity production and consumption patterns?", TVE-MFE, 19004, Abstract + Fulltext

Emma Pålsson, "Vibration analysis of a fast response brushless excitation system", UPTEC STS, 19045, Abstract + Fulltext

Vilhelm Rosén, "Mekanisk dimensionering av enkelstolpar i naturvuxet trä: Vid kraftledningsberedning med konstruktionsspänning upp till 52kV enligt EBR", Kraftkonsult i Skandinavien AB , Abstract + Fulltext

Lukas Rydén, "Redundant elkraftsförsörjning för autonoma fordon", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2019/013-SE, Abstract + Fulltext

Leandra Scharnhorst, "Impact of Extreme Scenarios on the European Industry in 2050: Model Expansion and Computation of a High Efficiency Scenario for Germany and its Electrical Neighbors", MSc ET, 19005, Abstract + Fulltext

Vincent Sollie, Johannes Malmström, "Automation of refilling station in clean room", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2019/001-SE, Abstract + Fulltext

Oscar Söderlund, Johan Nyström, "Konstruktion av pedagogisk Borstlös DC-motor för undervisning", UTH-INGUTB-EX-E-2019/015-SE, Abstract + Fulltext

Julia Törnqvist, "Electromagnetic Homogenization-simulations of Materials", UPTEC E, 19024, Abstract + Fulltext

Julia Walgern, "Impact of Wind Farm Control Technologies on Wind Turbine Reliability", MSc ET, 19002, Abstract + Fulltext

Alexander Wallberg, "Design and construction of a bidirectional DC/DC converter", UPTEC E, ISSN 1654-7616 ; 19009, Abstract + Fulltext

