Research Centres

We run and participate in several research centers and have many collaborations within and outside Uppsala University.

CNDS is an interdisciplinary research centre that brings together researchers from engineering, social and earth sciences to work together on collaborative projects on natural hazards, socio-technological vulnerabilities, and societal security.

Learn more about Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science (CNDS)

StandUp for Energy brings together leading research groups from four Swedish universities to address some of today’s most critical energy problems. The groups within STandUP envision a future society that is provided with renewable, highly reliable and cost-efficient energy for all its residential, commercial, transportation and industrial needs. If large-scale provision of electricity from renewable sources is to become a reality, it is imperative that new and existing technologies are developed.

Visit STandUP for Energy's website

Swedish Centre for Sustainable Hydropower, SVC, is a competence centre where the hydropower industry, academia and governmental authorities collaborate to ensure that hydropower can continue to be an enabler for a well-balanced and environmentally sustainable Swedish energy system under changing conditions.

Visit Swedish Centre for Sustainable Hydropower´s (SVC) website

Swedish Electricity Storage and Balancing Centre is a hub for competence development in system flexibility, through scientific excellence, innovation and collaboration.

The centre has a clear research focus and connects a total of 35 stakeholders in a joint research and innovation environment. The stakeholders cover the entire flexibility chain “generation resources - storage – end use”, which will ensure a research boost and the needed interdisciplinary competence.

Learn more about the Swedish Electricity Storage and Balancing Centre (SEBSBC)

The Swedish Electromobility Centre is a national reseach centre for electromobility. It unifies Sweden´s competence and serves as a platform for interaction between academia, industry and society.

Visit the Swedish Electromobility Centre's (SEC) website

  • Centre for Renewable Electrical Power Conversion (CFE) (In Swedish)
  • KIC InnoEnergy: KIC InnoEnergy is a broad European investment to develop the entrepreneurs and companies that build the sustainable Europe of the future. We do this through master's and doctoral studies, support for new companies, and innovation projects where academia and industry jointly develop products and services in sustainable energy. In Sweden, KIC InnoEnergy is a partnership between Uppsala University, KTH, ABB, and Vattenfall. Our task is to develop technology and services for smart grids and electric energy storage by bringing forward innovative people and companies that drive development.

