Microwave Technology

Porträtt av forskare Dragos Dancila och doktorand Long Hoang Duc

The Microwave Group (MG) at the Department of Engineering Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden has a broad expertise in wireless sensors, monolithic and hybrid antenna integration, antenna arrays and high power RF and microwave amplifiers.

The MG is presently involved with: (i) Eurostars project ENEFRF (Dancila as Principal Investigator). The investigation in this project is related to the increase in power of RF sources using solid-state amplifiers for particle accelerators. This is highly complementary to the present application.

Other ongoing projects in the group are: (ii) “MEMS THz systems – a new concept for enabling the large-scale industrial exploitation of the terahertz spectrum” and (iii) “60GHz RF beam-steering solution including phased array antenna for Small Cell Wireless Backhaul and wireless access points”. The MG presently hosts 3 PhD students and 2 researchers in addtion of some other 15 physicists and engineers working on particle accelerator related research topics at the FREIA laboratory.

Group members

Research leader: Dragos Dancila
Group members: Abhinav Jain, Anshu Sharan Singh, Kiran Nadeem, Tauseef Siddiqui


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