Study at the Department of Food Studies, Nutrition and Dietetics
We offer The Food Science and Nutrition programme and The Dietetics programme, independent courses at undergraduate and graduate level as well as postgraduate education.
Our courses and programmes
The Food service and Nutrition programme
The Food service and Nutrition programme starts every autumn semester. After completed studies you mainly work with meal and food-related issues, e.g. in meal development, trade and industry. The focus is on food, meals, health and its role in sustainable development.
The Dietetics programme
The Dietetics programme starts every spring semester. Dietitians work mainly in the health care sector with patients and dietary treatment of various disease symptoms or for public health prevention purposes. The focus is on the complex importance of food for people in different life situations from different perspectives.
Courses in Home and Consumer Studies
If you want to become a qualified teacher in Home and Consumer Studies or to improve your skills as a teacher, welcome to our courses!
Independent courses in Food studies, Nutrition and Dietetics
We also offer independent courses in Food Science and Nutrition at both undergraduate and graduate level.
Master's degree
After completing your undergraduate level education, you can continue your studies at graduate level.
Postgraduate education
The doctoral program in Food Science and Nutrition comprises four years of full-time study for a doctoral degree.
All the University’s courses and programmes
Browse the University’s full offering of courses and programmes.