Research at Department of Information Technology
Our research spans the following areas:
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to systems that display intelligent behaviour by analysing their environment and taking actions to achieve specific goals.

Computational Science
Simulation and data analysis can be used in various disciplines such as biology, physics, medicine, economics, chemistry and geology to explore different processes.

Computer Systems
Computer systems are a combination of hardware and software. Today's computer systems range from tiny sensing devices to extremely powerful supercomputers.

Computing Education Research
Computing Education Research addresses learning and teaching in the computing discipline. It is founded in an understanding of the discipline using theories and methods from education research and other relevant disciplines, such as psychology and sociology.

Control and Dynamical Systems
The world around us changes in time and space. This is why we say it is dynamic. We observe these changes, analyse them, predict them, try to align with them or adjust them to our benefit.

Cybersecurity deals with the protection of information systems, and the services and operations that they support, against unauthorised access and disruption.

Data Science
Data Science is about extracting knowledge from digital data. Given the ubiquitous availability of digital data, Data Science has a wide range of applications, from supporting discoveries in the life sciences to understanding the mechanisms through which disinformation spreads in social media.

Embedded and Real-Time Systems
An embedded system is a computer system — a combination of hardware and software — that has a single or multiple dedicated functions within a larger technical system such as a car, an aircraft or a pacemaker.

Human-Machine Interaction
Human-machine interaction studies the interplay between people and machines (e.g., information technology, automation, robots and intelligent interfaces).

Image Analysis
Computerised image analysis is about developing computational methods for extracting meaningful information from images - mainly from digital images - by means of digital image processing techniques, including neural networks and artificial intelligence (AI).

Solving an optimisation problem is about finding solutions that satisfy constraints. One is often interested in the best solutions.

Parallel and Distributed Computing
Parallel and distributed computing is a foundational part of the toolbox for the computational scientist.

Programming Language and Systems
A programming language is what a programmer uses to specify what a program should do. The program code acts as instructions for the computer as instructions for how to behave.

Semantics and Verification
Semantics concerns the exact meaning of programming languages and other formal notations such as design descriptions.

Software Engineering
Software engineering is concerned with all aspects of software production. Software engineering is about methods, models, processes, and tools for the development, operation, and maintenance of software systems.