Research centres and infrastructures

Research centres are structured, long-term collaborations in strategically important areas. The Department of Information Technology currently hosts a number of important research centres:

  • BIIF (The BioImage Informatics Unit) is part of NBIS and SciLifeLab. We are a national infrastructure placed at the Dept. IT, providing support and training to enable researchers to do advanced analyses of image data. We work with new as well as existing software solutions and help researchers to develop custom workflows ranging from image processing and analysis to machine learning and AI solutions – see examples in our project database.

  • CBA (Center for Image Analysis) conducts and promotes research in computerised image analysis and perceptualisation. CBA actively supports interdisciplinary collaboration, facilitates knowledge exchange, and encourages the adoption of image processing techniques in life sciences, medicine, digital humanities, and many other research fields, at Uppsala University, in Sweden, and worldwide.

  • eSSENCE is an e-Science collaboration for the development of computational methods and software for simulating and managing large data sets in physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, social sciences, and humanities.

  • InfraVis is a national research infrastructure for visualization of scientific data from all disciplines. Visualization provides researchers with efficient tools for analysing patterns and complex relationships in large datasets. InfraVis provides support to researchers to improve the understanding of theories and results. InfraVis is built up by ninie universities with Chalmers as the host university.

  • UPPMAX (Uppsala Multidisciplinary Center for Advanced Computational Science) is Uppsala University's resource for high-performance computing, large-scale data storage, and expertise in high-performance computing.

  • UPMARC (Uppsala Programming for Multicore Architectures Research Center) developed insights into parallel programming and demonstrated its effectiveness by prototypes for real-world problems.

  • WISENET (Uppsala Center for Wireless Sensor Networks): 2007 – 2014.

  • HEdCom was a collaborative nexus for research groups in disciplinary didactics for higher education at Uppsala University.

  • ARTES (A network for Real-Time research and Education in Sweden): 1997 – 2007.

  • ASTEC (Advanced Software Technology): 1995 – 2005.

  • PSCI (Parallel and Scientific Computing Institute): 1997 – 2005.

  • NITA (Nationellt IT-användarcentrum): The aim was to provide a hub around which various stakeholders in the ICT community revolve, with the goal of promoting the conscious use of IT in Sweden. NITA's activities covered several sectors of society: researchers, the public sector, business, and everyday life.

  • Uppsala STS (Science and Technology Studies Center): The Department of IT previously hosted this multidisciplinary centre for research on the links between science, technology, and society.

