Anna Fornell


Anna joined the EMBLA research group in September 2023. Her research is focused on the combination of acoustofluidics and droplet microfluidics.

Short CV

  • 2023 - current, Researcher in EMBLA group, Uppsala University
  • 2022 - 2023, High school teacher, Carl Engström gymnasiet
  • 2020 - 2022, PostDoc, Lund University
  • 2019 - 2020, PostDoc in EMBLA group, Uppsala University
  • 2018, PhD in Biomedical Engineering, Lund University
  • 2012, MSc in Engineering Nanoscience, Lund University
Bild på man i orange tröja. Han ler.

Research Project

Acoustic particle focusing in droplet microfluidics


In droplet microfluidics nL-pL small droplets are generated, and the idea is that each droplet can be viewed as a small container for biological experiments. The advantages of using droplets are that less reagents are required for each experiment and thousands of droplets can be generated per minute. In my research I am especially interested in using acoustic forces (acoustophoresis) to manipulate microparticles and cells encapsulated inside droplets. This can be used for example to enrich particles inside droplets, align particles in droplets or change the medium inside droplets. All of these droplet unit operations are important to be able to minaturise biological assays on chip.

Rare-earth-free magnesium metallic glasses enabled by additive manufacturing

Research Themes

The Biomedical Engineering Division's research is consolidated under four key research themes; precision medicine, sustainability, antimicrobial resistance and data driven life science. My research is focused on sustainability.

Key Competences

  • Microfabrication
  • Microfluidics
  • Droplet microfluidics
  • Acoustofluidics
  • Acoustic trapping


ORCiD: 0000-0001-7980-376x


Funding from the Richterska Foundation is gratefully acknowleged.

