Magnetic nanoparticles for diagnostic applications

Develops rapid and simple diagnostic methods based on the use of magnetic nanoparticles for the detection of pathogenic viruses and bacteria.

Magnetic nanoparticles for diagnostic applications

The purpose of this project is to bring forward rapid, low-cost and easy-to-use molecular diagnostic methods based on magnetic nanoparticles for detection of pathogenic viruses and bacteria. The methods are based on magnetic detection of changes in the motion (Brownian relaxation) of suspended functionalized magnetic nanoparticles when they interact with DNA molecules from pathogens. The method also involves different DNA amplification techniques of the probe-target DNA complex. These diagnostic tools can serve as efficient analytical platforms for use at local health centers or at home, allowing for simple individual healthcare solutions as well as more advanced clinical analysis.

Illustration of magnetic nanoparticles.

Illustration of magnetic nanoparticles.


Analysis and determination of antibiotic resistance (ongoing)

A new detection approach is being developed for the identification of bacteria resistant to antibiotics. The new detection approach is based on the formation of large and visible aggregates resulting from the interaction between magnetic nanoparticles and DNA products. This method is a versatile tool for detecting DNA in point-of-care diagnostics. The project aims to study, adapt and optimize the biosensing method.

Development of magnetic bead-based diagnostic assays for detection of pathogens for zoonotic diseases (2012-2020)

The objective of this project was to develop bioassays based on isothermal DNA amplification and magnetic nanoparticle targeting for the detection of pathogens that present zoonotic threat to humans, such as Salmonella and Newcastle Disease.

FLU-ID (2015-2020)

The purpose of this project was to develop a low-cost and portable nano-diagnostics unit, which would provide an efficient analytical platform for rapid detection of pandemic influenza directly at the point of care. The bioassay principle was based on the ligation and rolling circle amplification techniques in combination with magnetic readout. The project was in collaboration between Uppsala University, Stockholm University, Karolinska Institute, Chalmers and Acreo Swedish ICT.

