Pharmaceutical cellbiology


The research area consists of four PI:s that work on different aspects of cell biology; development of novel molecular biology tools (professor Ola Söderberg), investigation of the role of vitamin D and other steroids in cell function (senior lecturer Maria Norlin), analysis of cell signaling in tumors (professor Johan Lennartsson) and the oncoprotein Myc (senior professor Lars-Gunnar Larsson) The research environment joins researchers with different expertize around a common goal: to understand the cell biology in health and disease, and to employ this knowledge for improved diagnostics and therapy. The unit works in close collaboration around four main projects: Method development, Vitamin D, Cell signaling and Myc.

Raykova D, Kermpatsou D, Malmqvist T, Harrison PJ, Rubin Sander M, Stiller C, Heldin J, Leino M, Ricardo S, Klemm A, David L, Spjuth O, Vemuri K, Dimberg A, Sundqvist A, Norlin M, Klaesson A, Kampf C & Söderberg O
“A method for Boolean Analysis of Protein Interactions at a Molecular Level”
Nature Communications, 2022, 13(1):4755

Wåhlén E, Olsson F, Söderberg O, Lennartsson J & Heldin J
”Differential impact on lipid raft depletion on platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-induced ERK1/2 MAP-kinase, SRC and AKT signaling”
Cell Signal, 2022, 96:110356

Olsson F, Sarri N, Papadopoulos N, Lennartsson J & Norlin M.
“Effects of 1a,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and tacalcitol on cell signaling and anchorage-independent growth in T98G and U251 glioblastoma cells”
Biochem Biophys Rep, 2022, Jul 31;31:101313

Tsioumpekou M, Cunha SI, Ma H, Åhgren A, Cedervall J, Olsson AK, Heldin CH & Lennartsson J
“Specific targeting of PDGFRb in the stroma inhibits growth and angiogenesis in tumors with high PDGF-BB expression”
Theranostics, 2020, 10(3):1122-1135

Yin R, Eger G, Sarri N, Rorsman C, Heldin CH & Lennartsson J
“Dual specificity phosphatase (DUSP)-4 is induced by platelet-derived growth factor-BB in an Erk1/2, STAT3- and p53-dependent manner”
Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2019, 519(3):469-474

Leino M, Heldin J, Rubin Sander M, Kermpatsou D, Raykova D, Koos B & Söderberg O “Optimization of proximity-dependent initiation of hybridization chain reaction for improved performance”
Mol Syst Des Eng, 2019, 4: 1058-65

Heldin J, Sander M, Leino M, Thomsson S, Lennartsson J & Söderberg O
“Dynamin inhibitors impair platelet-derived growth factor b-receptor dimerization and signaling”
Exp Cell Res, 2019, 380(1): 69-79

Zainy A, Almokhtar M, Wikvall K, Ljunggren Ö, Ubhayasekera K, Bergquist J, Kibar P & Norlin M “Effects of glucocorticoids on vitamin D3- metabolizing 24-hydroxylase (CYP24A1) in Saos-2 cells and primary human osteoblasts”
Mol. Cell. Endocrinol, 2019, 496, 110525

Emanuelsson I, Almokhtar M, Wikvall K, Grönbladh A, Nylander E, Svensson AL, Fex Svenningsen Å & Norlin M
“Expression and regulation of CYP17A1 and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in cells of the nervous system: Potential effects of vitamin D on brain steroidogenesis.”
Neurochem Int, 2018, 113, 46-55

Klaesson A, Grannas K, Ebai T, Heldin J, Zieba A, Koos B, Leino M, Raykova D, Oelrich J, Arngården L, Söderberg O & Landegren U
“Improved efficiency of in situ protein analysis by proximity ligation using UnFold probes”
Sci Rep, 2018, 8(1):5400

Hanna Pettersson “Steroid-Metabolizing Cytochrome P450 (CYP) Enzymes in the Maintenance of Cholesterol and Sex Hormone Levels”

Karl-Johan Leuchowius ” High Content Analysis of Proteins and Protein Interactions by Proximity Ligation”

Piotr Wardega,”Regulation of PDGFRb signaling”,

Irene Weibrecht “Visualizing Interacting Biomolecules In Situ”

Johan Lundqvist “Enzymatic Regulation of Steroidogenesis and Nuclear Receptor Activation: Special Focus on Vitamin D and Sex Hormones”

Agata Zieba “Application of Proximity Ligation Assay for Multidirectional Studies on Transforming Growth Factor Receptor-β Pathway”

Carl-Magnus Clausson “Making Visible the Proximity Between Proteins”

Karin Grannas “Improvements and Applications of in situ Proximity Ligation Assays”

Haisha Ma, “Regulation of Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor Signaling and its Targeting in Cancer Therapy”,

Linda Arngården “Analysis of signaling pathway activity in single cells using the in situ Proximity Ligation Assay”

Glenda Eger, “Regulation and Function of MAP Kinases in PDGF Signaling”

Ida Emanuelsson “Steroids and steroid-metabolizing enzymes in the nervous system: Special focus on cell survival and sex hormone synthesis”

Axel Klaesson “Development of DNA-based methods for analysis of protein interactions”

Mokhtar Almokhtar “Expression and regulation of steroid metabolizing enzymes in cells of the nervous and skeletal systems: Special focus on vitamin D metabolism”

Ahmad Zayny “Vitamin D metabolism in osteoblast-like cells: effects of drugs on inactivation by CYP24A1”

Maria Tsioumpekou, “Studies of PDGF receptor signaling in vitro and in vivo”


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