About us - FJS
Forum for Jewish Studies (FJS) is an interdisciplinary organization and network at Uppsala University. Our mission is to support research and education in Jewish studies broadly, e.g., Jewish history, Judaism, Jewish culture, Hebrew language, and the Jewish minority in Sweden. FJS cooperates with other universities in Sweden, Europe, and Israel. The Forum offers seminars, both on campus and online, together with Paideia – The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden.
In addition, FJS organizes lectures as well as conferences and publishes the series Uppsala Jewish Studies (from 2020) as part of the Uppsala University series Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
Cecilia Wassén, Professor of New Testament exegesis. My area of research is the Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament, with a special focus on meals, gender, laws of purity, angels and demons. My latest book, written together with Tobias Hägerland, is book about the historical Jesus: “Jesus, the Apocalyptic Prophet,” T & T Clark / Bloomsbury (2021). I am the editor for a volume on the Dead Sea Scrolls, which part of the ten-volume series Ancient Literature for New Testament Studies (Zondervan Academic), for which I am one of two General editors.
Lars M Andersson, b. 1961, senior lecturer. Anderson has mainly done research on Swedish antisemitism and refugee policy but has also published high school textbooks on history and religious studies, anthologies on contemporary history, counterfactual history, the image as a historical source, liability issues and moral debate in historical accounts, migration and Swedish Jewish history. Furthermore he has co-edited three Festschrifts. In 2002-2006, he was the editor of Historisk tidskrift and has also served as editor of the Lagerbringbiblioteket series with Ulf Zander. Currently he is on the editorial board of Historisk tidskrift, Scandinavian Jewish Studies and Opuscula Historica Upsaleinsia.
Forum for Jewish Studies is led by a board where the board members are appointed by the dean of the Faculty of Theology following consultations with the faculty board. The directors of Forum for Jewish Studies have the right to attend and speak at the board meetings. They are also expected to keep the board of the Faculty of Theology informed.
Board and documents