Publications, FJS

Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: Uppsala Jewish Studies

Publication: Uppsala Jewish Studies

Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: Uppsala Jewish Studies

Publication: Uppsala Jewish Studies

About Uppsala Jewish Studies

Forum for Jewish Studies publishes the series Uppsala Jewish Studies, UJS, which is part of Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis (AUU)

UJS publishes mainly new Swedish research in Jewish studies in a broad sense. The series publishes monographs, anthologies, lecture series, conference papers, and primary sources.

The two directors for FJS, Lars M Andersson and Cecilia Wassén, serve as the general editors for the series. The editorial board consists of faculty representatives from FJS's general board and scholars in Jewish studies from different Swedish and international universities. The editorial board members take turns having the responsibility for the individual volumes. At times, we also invite guest editors. Two scholars independently peer-review the submitted papers anonymously (Double-blind peer-review). The publications are available in paperback editions (Danish binding) and digitally via DIVA.

Uppsala Jewish Studies is primarily geared towards scholars, academics, and students in Jewish studies in a broad sense, but also towards the public. The editors welcome proposals for publication in Jewish Studies broadly.


By submitting material to the editors, the author guarantees that the text has not previously been published elsewhere, neither in full nor in significant parts, in Swedish or any other language. In addition, the author thereby guarantees that the material has not been offered, nor will be offered, for publication elsewhere before the editors have decided on publication in Uppsala Jewish Studies.

Uppsala Jewish Studies accepts manuscripts written in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, English, German, and French. To be considered for publication, the manuscript must follow the style guide for Uppsala Jewish Studies and be well-written stylistically and grammatically. The guidelines are based on the style guide for Historisk tidskrift (Journal of History; see here), which is supplemented with rules for transliterations of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek ​​(pp 56-60 in SBL Handbook Pdf, 176 kB.of Style, 2nd ed. Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2014) and a template from the Acta series.

Upcoming publications

In June 2024, UJS will publish a monograph by Carl Henrik Carlsson. It is a cohort study on the integration into Swedish society of all children to Jews born in Tsarist Russia living in Sweden in 1880. Carlsson has followed every individual in the group until 1920, studying their social, economic, and geographical mobility, marriage patterns (exogenous and endogenous), conversions, name changes, etc.

In the fall of 2024, an anthology on Swedish antisemitism, edited by Lars M Andersson and Karin Kvist Geverts will be published.

Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis beslut

Arbetsordning för Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis (AUU) Pdf, 15 kB.

Manual of style

Opuscula Word, 18 kB.
Formalia Palatino Word, 50 kB.
Chapter Word, 21 kB.

Antisemitism, anti-sionism. Exemplet Polen

Alvar Alsterdals bok Antisemitism, antisionism. Exemplet Polen gavs ursprungligen ut 1969. Till denna nya utgåva har historikern Lars M Andersson skrivit en utförlig introduktion om Alstersdals yrkesliv och författarskap, där arbetarrörelsen, europeisk kultur samt det judiska folkets historia och öden utgör centrala teman. Nyutgåvan har försetts med två efterskrifter, av Lars Dencik respektive Weddig Runquist.

Alsterdal skildrar den våg av antisemitism i Polen som utlöstes efter det junikriget 1967 mellan Israel och dess grannländer. Judarna utpekades av regimen som en femtekolonn i landet, och anklagades för att vara sionister och för ideologisk opålitlighet, trots att de tidigare ansetts vara ”goda kommunister”. Deras kamp och insatser under andra världskriget nedvärderades. Studentprotesterna våren 1968 brännmärktes av regimen som iscensatt av sionister. På två månader avsattes ett åttiotal statstjänstemän av judisk börd. Utlandets kritik av den statskontrollerade antisemitismen kallades av regimen för ”en världssionistisk antipolsk kampanj”. Antisionism kom i realiteten att bli ett täckord för antisemitism. Tusentals polska judar emigrerade, bl.a. till Sverige.

Matthew within judaism Israel and the nations the nations in the first gospel

Wassén, Cecilia auther/editor

In this collection of essays, leading New Testament scholars reassess the reciprocal relationship between Matthew and Second Temple Judaism. Some contributions focus on the relationship of the Matthean Jesus to torah, temple, and synagogue, while others explore theological issues of Jewish and gentile ethnicity and universalism within and behind the text.

Ingår i: Matthew within Judaism: Israel and the Nations in the First Gospel Pdf, 228 kB./ [ed] Anders Runesson and Daniel G. Gurtner, Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature , 2020, s. 285-308

”Jag må bo mitt ibland dem” - Stockholms stora synagoga 150 år

Den lilla judiska menigheten bosatt i Stockholm låter på 1860-talet bygga en synagoga så stor att den rymmer alla Stockholms judar och fler därtill. Den placeras inte i skymundan utan byggs på en för ändamålet inköpt tomt, mitt i centrala Stockholm och på gångavstånd från det kungliga slottet.

Hur gick det till? Vilken mannakraft, mod (eller övermod) och framtidstro hade inte dessa judar besjälade av upplysningens idéer om kunskap, tolerans och rättvisa! Och än står hon kvar.

