Seminars and conferences

Forum for Jewish Studies (FJS) regularly organizes seminars, lectures and workshops with both Swedish and international scholars. International speakers usually participate at our seminars as part of our collaborations with Paideia - The European Institute for Jewish Studies. FJS usually organizes between six and eight seminars / lectures per semester. In addition, an annual workshop is arranged for doctoral students at Swedish universities in the field of Jewish studies. We offer the possibility to present texts and applications for funds within FJS's area of ​​activity at FJS 'seminars. The seminars are often organized together with other departments within Uppsala University and are held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays (which is most common) or Thursdays 15.15–17.00 or (less commonly) 13.15-15.00.

Forum for Jewish Studies also organizes conferences. To date two major international conferences have been held: “Deutschsprachige jüdische Emigration nach Schweden,” together with Moses Mendelsohn Zentrum in Potsdam, and “Children of Abraham: Jewish and Islamic Studies in an Academic Setting” (2019). In addition, FJS regularly participates as a co-organizer of conferences organized by other institutions at Uppsala University and different collaboration partners.


Goggan, avocado plants and Stockholmskosher: Doing Jewish in Contemporary Sweden

Datum: 13 Februari
Tid: 15.15–17.00
För uppgift om lokal, vänligen kontakta

Hanna Nir, nyantagen doktorand vid Teologiska institutionen (Religionssociologi), Uppsala universitet,”Goggan, avocado plants and Stockholmskosher: Doing Jewish in Contemporary Sweden”. Presentation av avhandlingsprojekt

Malmöjudiskt: 1972–2021

Datum: 20 februari
Tid: 15.15–17.00
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Journalisten och författaren Arne Järtelius, Malmö, pratar om sin bok Malmöjudiskt: 1972–2021 med docent Pontus Rudberg, Segerstedtinstitutet, GU.

You are Making Me Uncomfortable: Holocaust as a Source of Poland’s Unease

Datum: 5 mars
Tid: 15.15–17.00
För uppgift om lokal, vänligen kontakta

Dr. Tadek Markiewicz, postdoc vid Hugo Valentin-center, You are Making Me Uncomfortable: Holocaust as a Source of Poland’s Unease.”

Plats i staden

Datum: 19 mars
Tid: 15.15–17.00
För uppgift om lokal, vänligen kontakta

Docent Pia Lundquist, Institutionen för historiska studier, Göteborgs universitet, presenterar sin uppmmärksammade bok Plats i staden, om judiskt liv i Göteborg under 1800-talet.

"Can Two Kings Use One Crown?": The Myths of the Diminishing of the Moon and a Rabbinic Critique of the Tetrarchy

Datum: 26 mars
Tid: 16.15–18.00
För uppgift om Zoom-länk, vänligen kontakta

Professor Yakir Paz, Hebrew University, “Rabbinics”

The Excavation of the Late Roman (early fifth century C.E.) Synagogue at Huqoq in Galilee

Datum: 11 april
Tid: 15.15–17.00
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Dennis Mizzi, lecturer in Hebrew and Ancient Judaism at the University of Malta, “The Excavation of the Late Roman (early fifth century C.E.) Synagogue at Huqoq in Galilee”. Samarrangemang med det Bibelvetenskapliga ämnet.

The Jews of Denmark in the Holocaust: Life and Death in the Theresienstadt Ghetto

Datum: 16 april
Tid: 15.15–17.00
För uppgift om lokal, vänligen kontakta

Silvia Goldbaum Tarabini, Rigsarkivet, Köpenhamn, “The Jews of Denmark in the Holocaust: Life and Death in the Theresienstadt Ghetto”.

Ritual and the Spectacular Imagination: An Episode in the Performance Reception of the Mishnah

Datum: 14 maj
Tid: 15.15–17.00
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Professor, Yair Lipshitz, Tel Aviv University, “Ritual and the Spectacular Imagination: An Episode in the Performance Reception of the Mishnah”. Efterföljande middag

The Fabrics of Resistance: The Contribution of Female Jewish Couriers in the Second World War.

Datum: 15 maj
Tid: 15.15–17.00
För uppgift om lokal, vänligen kontakta

Dr. Sylwia Szymańska-Smolkin, Institutionen för historia och samtidshistoria, Södertörns högskola, ”The Fabrics of Resistance: The Contribution of Female Jewish Couriers in the Second World War.”

Jewish-Christian Relations

Datum: 27 maj
Tid: 16.15–18.00
För uppgift om Zoom-länk, vänligen kontakta

Professor Karma Ben-Johanan, Hebrew University, “Jewish-Christian Relations”

Fostran till radikalism. Chabad och barnen

Datum: 4 juni
Tid: 15.15–17.00
För uppgift om lokal, vänligen kontakta

Doktorand Hannes Sonnenschein, Institutionen för idé och samhällsstudier, Umeå Universitet, ”Fostran till radikalism. Chabad och barnen”. Presentation av ett avhandlingsprojekt

