By bike to Linnaeus' Hammarby
You can go by bike to Linnaeus' Hammarby. The distance is between 12 kilometers and 15 kilometers depending of your choice of route. The last 5–6 kilometers are on narrow roads with car traffic.
Route passing Kungsängen and Linnaeus' Sävja
This route takes you southward along the river Fyrisån through the nature reserve Årike Fyris. In May, you can see the famous river meadows at Kungsängen covered with flowering snake's head (Fritillaria meleagris). Further south, after leaving the river behind you, you reach Sävja. Carl Linnaeus used to own the heritage farm which now houses a museum, herbary, and café and holds cultural events. The remaining part of the route follows car roads. You pass the medieval Danmark church, which the Linnaeus’ family used to frequent. A narrow road, winding through the agricultural landscape, takes you the last three kilometers to the Hammarby estate.
Shorter route through Fålhagen and Slavsta
This route takes you through a green corridor to the eastern parts of Uppsala, passing Fålhagen and parts of Årsta. With some luck you will see the Lennakatten steam train working its way out of town. From Slavsta you will follow a car road to Danmark where you pass the church the Linnaeus family used to frequent. Be careful when you cross road 288 which has heavy traffic. A narrow road, winding through the agricultural landscape, takes you the last three kilometers to the Hammarby estate.