An unusually sunny Last Day of April

Many people crowded onto the balcony, including financier Anders Wall, Chair of the University Board Anne Ramberg, former Vice-Chancellors Stig Strömholm, Bo Sundqvist and Anders Hallberg, and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Coco Norén. Photo: Johannes Borgegård
This year, the Last Day of April celebrations in Uppsala were particularly lucky with the weather. The sun shone from dawn till dusk and the weather was perfect for the running of the falls and picnics in the greenery. As the clock struck three, an unusually large number of people had gathered on Carolina Hill for the traditional donning of the caps.
The 30 April celebrations at Uppsala University started as early as eight o’clock that morning, when the flag was raised on the roof of Carolina Rediviva. This year, Library Director Lars Burman had the honour of raising the flag.
Thenext item on the programme was the running of the falls, in which120 colourful rafts made their way along the Fyris river, from Eddaspången to Islandsbron. Vice-Rector Charlotte Platzer Björkman and her team were among the first out.

Vice-Rector Charlotte Platzer Björkman and her team were first out for the running of the falls on the Fyris river. Photo: Johannes Borgegård
This was followed by a herring lunch at Uppsala Konsert & Kongress with guests from the municipality, the University and Uppsala’s business community. Then it was time to head for Carolina Hill.

The calm before the storm. Vice-Chancellor Anders Hagfeldt on his way to Carolina Hill, which still looks quite empty. Photo: Johannes Borgegård
There was not much room to move on the balcony of Carolina Rediviva. As usual, it brought together the University’s management and Board, but also partners and former Vice-Chancellors.

Gathering on Carolina Rediviva’s balcony. The current Vice-Chancellor Anders Hagfeldt can be seen here with three of his predecessors: Stig Strömholm, Bo Sundqvist and Anders Hallberg. Photo: Johannes Borgegård
At the stroke of three, it was time to greet the spring with the voices of the OD male choir’s spring songs, all in glorious sunshine. As ever, the sea of people was a powerful sight, as everyone waved their white caps on cue.
Text: Annica Hulth
Photo: Johannes Borgegård

View from the balcony. At three o'clock, an unusually large number of people had gathered on Carolina Hill to greet the spring on Vice-Chancellor Anders Hagfeldt’s signal. Photo: Johannes Borgegård
The Last Day of April in Uppsala
The Last Day of April, May Day Eve or Valborg. No matter what we call it, it’s the most important student festival of the year in Uppsala, with picnics in Ekonomikum Park, the donning of student caps on the hill below Carolina Rediviva, the running of the falls, spring songs by the Gunilla Bell and much more.