SwedNMR – Swedish Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

SwedNMR (Swedish Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) is an infrastructure that provides researchers in Sweden with access to NMR resources of the highest available quality. By coordinating a wealth of specialised NMR resources, it provides a node-based infrastructure for a wide range of applications for analysing the structure of matter at the atomic level – in everything from organic and pharmaceutical molecules, proteins, RNA and DNA to batteries, solar cells and patient samples. Uppsala University contributes to the national NMR network with a node specialised in NMR spectroscopic analysis of small molecules such as drug candidates, short-lived intermediates in organic reactions. The NMR Uppsala infrastructure also offers the possibility for measurements at very low or high temperatures as well as for the detection of less common atomic nuclei.

The University of Gothenburg serves as the host of SwedNMR, and the other partner universities are Uppsala University, Stockholm University, Lund University, the Royal Institute of Technology, Karolinska Institutet, Linköping University, Umeå University, Chalmers University of Technology and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Related information

SwedNMR – Swedish Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

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