Instructions for docentship application
- Letter of application
- Subject of the doctorate
- List of attachments
2. Recommendation by the professor in charge of the doctoral programme (1-2 pages)
- Summary of the applicant's scientific merits
- Summary of the applicant's pedagogical credentials
- Applicant's independence
- The benefit of the doctorate to the field of science (nature and extent of
- expected contribution).
- Proposal for an unbiased expert professor (who must be interviewed and have accepted) from another faculty than the applicant.
3. CV (summary of achievements)
- Scientific qualifications:
- Doctorate (institution and date)
- Postdoctoral stays (location and year)
- Current employment, period of appointment
- Previous employment and term of appointment
- List of research grants received (funder, project name, year, amount received, degree of responsibility: main applicant or co-applicant).
- Other scientific qualifications
- Doctorate (institution and date)
- Pedagogical qualifications:
- Own higher education pedagogical education:
- Courses in pedagogy and supervision (course name, scope)
- Courses in pedagogy and supervision (course name, scope)
- Own higher education pedagogical education:
- Teaching experience:
- Course name, credits, level (first level, second level), teaching element (e.g. lesson, laboratory), scope (number of hours or per cent taught), teaching language, number of students.
- Supervisory experience:
- Nature of supervision, level (bachelor, master, doctoral student, postdoctoral researcher), scope and degree of responsibility (primary or secondary).
- Other pedagogical qualifications
- Nature of supervision, level (bachelor, master, doctoral student, postdoctoral researcher), scope and degree of responsibility (primary or secondary).
- Other qualifications
- For example, honours, prizes and assignments/memberships (expert, opponent, examining committee, research council, evaluator, etc.)
4. Scientific activities
Short (1-2 pages) account and reflection on your own scientific activities.
5. Educational activities
Brief (1-2 pages) account of and reflection on your own pedagogical activities.
6. Presentation of scientific work
Organised as follows:
- Doctoral thesis (work included in the doctoral thesis is clearly indicated).
- Articles in international scientific journals (for each publication with multiple authors, the contribution of the applicant should be clearly indicated).
- Scientific conference contributions
- Books and book chapters
- Other scientific publications/reports
- Patents
7. Förteckning över bifogade publikationer
Lista med maximalt 10 utvalda publikationer som bifogas under punkt 11.
8. Doktorsexamensbevis
9. Kursintyg från utbildning i pedagogik och handledning
10. Eventuellt övrigt material som kan styrka sökandes kompetens
11. Eget urval av högst tio vetenskapliga arbeten i fulltext
Här bifogas de publikationer som listas under punkt 7.