Checklist for requesting the appointment of a visiting professor
The Procedures for Visiting Professors (TEKNAT 2014/44) explain the conditions that apply to the appointment of a visiting professor.
The purpose of the checklist is to ensure that correct documentation is sent to the Faculty Office, so that the matter can be processed as efficiently as possible.
The request from the head of department must include:
- The department board's proposal for the appointment (extract from the department board's minutes)
- Subject area (visiting professor in subject)
- Reasons for the appointment
- Scope and duration of the appointment
- Funding plan for the appointment and associated costs
- The candidate’s CV and list of publications, containing:
- Personal information and contact details
- Education
- Previous appointments
- Current position
- Formal teacher training
- Supervision of doctoral students (indicating doctoral students for whom the candidate was principal supervisor and those for whom they were assistant supervisor)
- Supervision of undergraduate students, postdoctoral researchers, etc.
- Teaching experience (and which levels the candidate has taught at, for example, Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral levels)
- Course development
- List of publications (articles, chapters of books, reports, conference papers, etc.)
- Grants/funding obtained
- Distinctions/awards
- Administrative/management roles
- Other qualifications
- Statement from the section dean and proposed referees. (If the head of department considers that assessment by referees is manifestly unnecessary, the reasons for this must be given in the request.)