Recruitment and employment
The Office for Science and Technology administers recruitments to teaching positions in the faculty. Recruitment and appointment are conducted as directed by governance documents.
Employment after the age of 69
What are the rules for employment after the age of 69?
Reception at interviews
Information about receiving applicants invited to interviews.
Exmployment profiles
Employment profiles for professor, senior lecturer, associate senior lecturer and assistant professor.
Needs analysis and person specification
A recruitment should always be preceded by a needs analysis. It is also important to have a well-justified basis for recruitment in the form of a carefully prepared person specification.
Needs analysis and requirement profile
Appointment of search committee
- In advance of a decision to recruit a professor, a search committee is to be appointed by the disciplinary domain board/faculty board, acting on a proposal from the relevant section dean. The search committee must include one or more representatives from the department/equivalent, one of whom is to convene the committee’s meetings. External representatives are also required. The committee must have a gender-balanced representation of women and men unless there are special reasons for some other arrangement.
- In advance of a review of a professorship, the search committee must submit supporting material for a proposal to refill the position or take some other conceivable action.
- In advance of a recruitment decision, the search committee is to identify and encourage suitable candidates and offer help in the search for referees.
- In advance of a decision to recruit a professor, the search committee is to provide support in formulating an appointment specification.
Initiation of appointment of search committee
When recruiting a professor, the following documents must be entered into Varbi.
- Proposed search committee (from the section dean)
Local HR sends information to the faculty officer via Varbi. If the proposal is correct the faculty officer tables the matter to the Working Committee for a decision to appoint the search committee. The faculty officer then sends the assignment to the search committee. When the search committee’s report (proposed appointment specification, list of potential candidates, reasons for the appointment, etc.) has been received, the faculty officer uploads the documents in Varbi and informs local HR and the head of department.
Department initiates recruitment
When the search committee’s report has been received, the department board considers the matter and takes a decision to propose to the Faculty Board that recruitment begin. The department board minutes, the request from the head of department and the proposed appointment specification are uploaded in Varbi. Local HR informs the faculty officer who takes the matter forward.
Varbi guide for recruitments to teaching positions in TekNat
The quick guide for HR generalists on recruitments to teaching positions in the Faculty of Science and Technology (sharepoint) describes the various types of recruitments and appointments and the documents needed in different cases.
The manual only describes the steps that differ from the Varbi manual for HR generalists (sharepoint) Remember to always take out a registration number from W3D3 and link it to the matter in Varbi.
Start of recruitment process and advertisement
The Working Committee proposes to the Faculty Board that it decide to start recruitment. This is followed by consultation with the Vice-Chancellor on the appointment specification, after which the Working Committee, acting on a mandate from the board, decides to adopt the appointment specification and start recruitment. The faculty officer then publishes the advertisement in the manner desired by the department.
The faculty officer published the advertisement in Varbi. The advertisement must be published for at least two weeks. The faculty pays for any advertisement that involves a cost but the cost needs to be approved by the Administrative Director (this is checked by the faculty officer).
Proposal and appointment of referees
Points to remember when preparing proposal for referees
Referees engaged in the recruitment of a professor receive remuneration (a fee) for the task they perform. This is a personal fee and is paid to them as a natural person. The size of the fee depends on the number of applications. The current fees are listed in the Faculty’s operational plan (last page).
When the referees’ opinions have been received, the processing begins, which involves the selection, interviews and choice of candidate.
Processing of professorial appointments
Appointment proposal submitted to department
The faculty officer sends the matter to the department for further administration and negotiation with the candidate.
Negotiation with the candidate
The head of department conducts negotiations with the candidate on proposed salary and starting date.
Offer of employment and salary
Appointment of final candidate
The department informs the faculty officer when the negotiations are completed.
The Working Committee proposes an appointment decision to the Vice-Chancellor. The faculty officer draws up an employment contract and an appointment decision. The Vice-Chancellor takes the decision to make the appointment and the faculty officer posts the decision.
Associate Professor
Needs analysis and person specification
A recruitment should always be preceded by a needs analysis. It is also important to have a well-justified basis for recruitment in the form of a carefully prepared person specification.
Need analysis and requirement profile
Appointment of search committee
- The department board must appoint a search committee for the recruitment of an associate professor. The committee must have a gender-balanced representation of women and men unless there are special reasons for some other arrangement.
- In cases where it is not clear which category of teacher is to be recruited to a certain subject area, the search committee’s report may provide a basis for the department’s decision.
- The search committee must include representatives from the department, one of whom is to convene the committee’s meetings. The committee can also include external representatives.
- The search committee can provide support when formulating the criteria for assessing research and teaching expertise set out in the appointment specification.
Local HR can grant authorisation (read-only access) in Varbi to the search committee.
The search committee’s report is to be handed in to the department board. In cases where the department wishes the recruitment to include the possibility of immediate promotion, the search committee’s report identifying candidates with professorial qualifications should be made available to the Working Committee before a decision to start recruitment.
Initiation by the department
When recruiting an associate professor, the following documents must be entered into Varbi.
- Employment profiles
- Excerpt from department board minutes
- Request from head of department with reasons for the appointment
When the head of department has authorised the recruitment, local HR sends information to the faculty officer via Varbi. If all the documentation is correct the faculty officer tables the matter to the Working Committee for a decision to adopt the appointment specification and start the recruitment process. The faculty officer then publishes the advertisement in the manner desired by the department.
Varbi guide for recruitments to teaching positions in TekNat
The quick guide for HR generalists on recruitments to teaching positions in the Faculty of Science and Technology (sharepoint) describes the various types of recruitments and appointments and the documents needed in different cases.
The manual only describes the steps that differ from the Varbi manual for HR generalists (sharepoint) Remember to always take out a registration number from W3D3 and link it to the matter in Varbi.
Start of recruitment process and advertisement
The Working Committee decides to start the recruitment and adopt the appointment specification following a proposal from the department board.
The faculty officer publishes the advertisement in Varbi. The advertisement must be published for at least two weeks. The department pays for any advertisement that involves a cost.
Proposal and appointment of referees
- An assessment of the applicants’ expertise must be obtained from referees.
- The referees must both have been approached and have accepted the assignment when the proposal is sent to
- The referees must have accepted that they may be expected to take part in an initial meeting and attend a second meeting of the Recruitment Committee via Zoom.
- The disciplinary domain/faculty board has delegated the power to appoint referees to the section dean of the section in which the position is placed, following a proposal from the head of department. The head of department must ensure that there are no conflicts of interest.
- At least two referees must be appointed when recruiting an associate professor.
- There must be at least one woman and at least one man among the referees, unless there are special reasons for some other arrangement.
- All referees must evaluate all criteria for assessment.
Points to remember when preparing proposal for referees
Proposal and appointment of subject representatives
Suggestions for subject representatives
When the referees’ opinions have been received, the processing begins, which involves the selection, interviews and choice of candidate.
Beredningsprocessen för universitetslektor
Appointment proposal submitted to department
The faculty officer sends the matter to the department for further administration and decision.
Negotiation with the candidate
Anställningserbjudande och lönesättning (only in Swedish)
Appointment of final candidate
Beslut om anställning och anställningsavtal (only in Swedish
Assistant Professor
Needs analysis and person specification
A recruitment should always be preceded by a needs analysis. It is also important to have a well-justified basis for recruitment in the form of a carefully prepared person specification.
Appointment of search committee
- The department board must appoint a search committee for the recruitment of an associate professor. The committee must have a gender-balanced representation of women and men unless there are special reasons for some other arrangement.
- In cases where it is not clear which category of teacher is to be recruited to a certain subject area, the search committee’s report may provide a basis for the department’s decision.
- The search committee must include representatives from the department, one of whom is to convene the committee’s meetings. The committee can also include external representatives.
- The search committee can provide support when formulating the criteria for assessing research and teaching expertise set out in the appointment specification.
The search committee is to identify and encourage suitable candidates both in Sweden and internationally, including women as well as men.
Local HR can grant authorisation (read-only access) in Varbi to the search committee.
The search committee’s report is to be handed in to the department board.
Initiation by the department
When recruiting an assistant professor, the following documents must be entered into Varbi:
- Proposed appointment specification
- Excerpt from department board minutes
- Request from head of department with reasons for the appointment.
When the head of department has authorised the recruitment, local HR sends information to the faculty officer via Varbi. If all the documentation is correct the faculty officer tables the matter to the Working Committee for a decision to adopt the appointment specification and start the recruitment process. The faculty officer then publishes the advertisement in the manner desired by the department.
Varbi guide for recruitments to teaching positions in TekNat
The quick guide for HR generalists on recruitments to teaching positions in the Faculty of Science and Technology (sharepoint) describes the various types of recruitments and appointments and the documents needed in different cases.
The manual only describes the steps that differ from the Varbi manual for HR generalists (sharepoint) Remember to always take out a registration number from W3D3 and link it to the matter in Varbi.
Start of recruitment process and advertisement
The Working Committee decides to start the recruitment and adopt the appointment specification following a proposal from the department board.
The faculty officer publishes the advertisement in Varbi. The advertisement must be published for at least two weeks. The department pays for any advertisement that involves a cost.
Proposal and appointment of referees
- An assessment of the applicants’ expertise must be obtained from referees, unless this is manifestly unnecessary for appraisal of their expertise.
- The referees must both have been approached and have accepted the assignment when the proposal is sent to
- The referees must have accepted that they may be expected to take part in an initial meeting and attend a second meeting of the Recruitment Committee via Zoom.
- The disciplinary domain/faculty board has delegated the power to appoint referees to the section dean of the section in which the position is placed, following a proposal from the head of department. The head of department must ensure that there are no conflicts of interest.
- At least two referees must be appointed when recruiting an associate professor.
- There must be at least one woman and at least one man among the referees, unless there are special reasons for some other arrangement.
- All referees must evaluate all criteria for assessment.
Points to remember when preparing proposal for referees
Proposal and appointment of subject representatives
Appointment of subject representatives
When the referees’ opinions have been received, the processing begins, which involves the selection, interviews and choice of candidate.
Processing of assistant professor appointments
Appointment proposal submitted to department
The faculty officer sends the matter to the department for further administration and decision.
Negotiation with the candidate
Offer of employment and salary
Appointment of final candidate
Recruitment of lecturer (permanent position)
Matters regarding the appointment of lecturers are dealt with by the department at which the position is placed. When recruiting a lecturer (permanent position), the following documents must be entered into Varbi.
- Proposed employment profiles
- Excerpt from department board minutes
- Request from head of department with reasons for the appointment
When the head of department has authorised the recruitment, local HR sends information to the faculty officer via Varbi. If all the documentation is correct the faculty officer tables the matter to the Working Committee for a decision to adopt the appointment specification and start the recruitment process. Local HR publishes the advertisement and the recruitment process is then dealt with at department level.
Varbi guide for recruitments to teaching positions in TekNat
The quick guide for HR generalists on recruitments to teaching positions in the Faculty of Science and Technology (sharepoint) describes the various types of recruitments and appointments and the documents needed in different cases.
The manual only describes the steps that differ from the Varbi manual for HR generalists (sharepoint) Remember to always take out a registration number from W3D3 and link it to the matter in Varbi.
Proposal and appointment of referees (if referee assessment is involved)
- One or more referees may be appointed when recruiting a lecturer. In such cases, referees are to be appointed by the head of the department at which the position is placed.
- If more than one referee is appointed, there must be at least one woman and at least one man among the referees, unless there are special reasons for some other arrangement.
- The head of department must ensure that there are no conflicts of interest.
- The head of department decides what assessment criteria the referees are to consider.
Adjunct Professor
The purpose of appointing an adjunct professor is to provide an opportunity to engage well-qualified people whose main professional activity is outside academia (in the business sector and in society at large) in the University’s research and teaching.
The appointment as an adjunct professor:
- must be based on the faculty’s needs
- is personal and is not advertised
- cannot be combined with another appointment at Uppsala University
- can be held for a maximum of 12 years (Higher Education Ordinance)
Initiation by the department
The procedures describe the various steps in the process of appointing an adjunct professor.
Procedures for appointing an adjunct professor
Before an adjunct professor is appointed, a proposal must be drawn up for an agreement with the principal employer. Guidelines for entering into an agreement concerning an adjunct professor (only available in Swedish). The department is responsible for checking the proposal with the Legal Affairs Division before the agreement is uploaded in Varbi and sent to the faculty officer. If the Legal Affairs Division has any comments on the proposal, these must be attached to the matter.
Varbi guide for recruitments to teaching positions in TekNat
The quick guide for HR generalists on recruitments to teaching positions in the Faculty of Science and Technology (sharepoint) describes the various types of recruitments and appointments and the documents needed in different cases.
The manual only describes the steps that differ from the Varbi manual for HR generalists (sharepoint) Remember to always take out a registration number from W3D3 and link it to the matter in Varbi.
Adjunct Associate Professor
The purpose of appointing an adjunct teacher is to temporarily bring valuable expertise to the University or to strengthen connections with the business sector or the wider community.
Adjunct teachers must be principally employed outside the higher education system. At present, such an appointment normally corresponds to approximately 20 per cent of a full-time position. In certain cases, a higher rate may be appropriate, but no more than 49 per cent of full time.
Adjunct associate professors are employed under collective agreements for a maximum of two years at a time.
Local HR registers the matter in Varbi and the head of department authorises it. When the head of department has authorised the matter, local HR sends information to the faculty officer via Varbi. If all the documentation is correct and there is no question of referee assessment the faculty officer tables the matter to the Working Committee for a decision. If the Working Committee approves the appointment, the matter is processed further at department level. If referee assessments are used, the matter is handled by the Recruitment Committee.
The following documents are to be entered into Varbi:
- Request from head of department with reasons for the appointment and financing arrangements. If referee assessments are deemed manifestly unnecessary this must be clearly justified; otherwise, a proposal concerning referees must be attached.
- Excerpt from department board minutes.
- Application documents (CV etc.) are to be registered as a manual application.
- Draft three-party agreement (must have been checked with the Legal Affairs Division,
Varbi guide for recruitments to teaching positions in TekNat
The quick guide for HR generalists on recruitments to teaching positions in the Faculty of Science and Technology (sharepoint) describes the various types of recruitments and appointments and the documents needed in different cases.
The manual only describes the steps that differ from the Varbi manual for HR generalists (sharepoint) Remember to always take out a registration number from W3D3 and link it to the matter in Varbi.
Adjunct Lecturer
The purpose of appointing an adjunct teacher is to temporarily bring valuable expertise to the University or to strengthen connections with the business sector or the wider community.
Adjunct teachers must be principally employed outside the higher education system. At present, such an appointment normally corresponds to approximately 20 per cent of a full-time position. In certain cases, a higher rate may be appropriate, but no more than 49 per cent of full time.
Adjunct lecturers are employed under collective agreements for a maximum of two years at a time.
Local HR registers the matter in Varbi and the head of department authorises it. When the head of department has authorised the matter, local HR sends information to the faculty officer via Varbi. If all the documentation is correct the faculty officer tables the matter to the Working Committee for a decision. If the Working Committee approves the appointment, the matter is processed further at department level.
The following documents are to be entered into Varbi:
- Request from head of department with reasons for the appointment and financing arrangements
- Excerpt from department board minutes
- Application documents (CV etc.) are to be registered as a manual application
- Draft three-party agreement (must have been checked with the Legal Affairs Division,
Varbi guide for recruitments to teaching positions in TekNat
The quick guide for HR generalists on recruitments to teaching positions in the Faculty of Science and Technology (sharepoint) describes the various types of recruitments and appointments and the documents needed in different cases.
The manual only describes the steps that differ from the Varbi manual for HR generalists (sharepoint) Remember to always take out a registration number from W3D3 and link it to the matter in Varbi.
Visiting Professor
The purpose of appointing a visiting professor is to provide the opportunity to engage well-qualified people who are principally employed at another higher education institution in the University’s research and teaching.
The appointment as a visiting professor
- must be based on the faculty's needs
- is personal and is not advertised
- cannot be combined with another appointment at Uppsala University
- can be held for a maximum of five years (as prescribed in the Higher Education Ordinance)
The procedures describe the various steps in the process of appointing a visiting professor. Use the checklist before submitting a request to appoint a visiting professor.
Initiation by the department
The processing procedures describe the various steps in the process of appointing a visiting professor. Use the checklist before submitting a request to appoint a visiting professor.
Procedures for visiting professors
Checklist for requesting the appointment of a visiting professor
Varbi guide for recruitments to teaching positions in TekNat
The quick guide for HR generalists on recruitments to teaching positions in the Faculty of Science and Technology (sharepoint) describes the various types of recruitments and appointments and the documents needed in different cases.
The manual only describes the steps that differ from the Varbi manual for HR generalists (sharepoint) Remember to always take out a registration number from W3D3 and link it to the matter in Varbi.
Employment of individuals who have been awarded certain research grants
As a rule, teachers at Uppsala University receive permanent appointments after a competitive process and referee assessment. Exceptions are specified in the Employment Protection Act (LAS), the Higher Education Ordinance, the Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University and collective agreements. Individuals receiving external research funding who do not hold a teaching post are normally appointed as researchers, without prior advertisement.
I vissa undantagsfall kan det finnas skäl att frångå huvudregeln och anställa en person på läraranställning utan föregående utlysning med anledning av erhållet forskningsanslag. Sådant undantag från huvudregeln kan enbart ske efter prövning mot gällande regelverk och i enlighet med den universitetsgemensamma rutinen.
Appointment as teachers of individuals awarded certain external research grants (only in Swedish)
Recruitment of a fixed-term Associate Professor / Lecturer (permanent or temporary position)
Processing of cases concerning the employment of fixed-term Associate Professor and Lecture takes place at the department where the employment is placed. A request is not needed and the case is handled as a TA employment in Varbi.
Governance documents
Faculty officer: