Course evaluation and course report – your opinions are valuable
Photo by Christin Hume at Unsplash
Course evaluation
After each course, students are given the opportunity to complete a course evaluation. The questions in a course evaluation are intended to capture both what has worked well and what needs to be improved with a course, preferably in the form of constructive examples/suggestions. The answers can help the department to develop the courses, which is of benefit to all students. Examples of what has previously been changed in courses with the support of course evaluations are changed schedules, addition or change of course literature, more or less time for different forms of teaching and clarification of instructions.
The course evaluation is answered anonymously via Studium. It is therefore not possible to trace the answers in a course evaluation to an individual student. The students who can also contribute with their opinions orally directly to participating teachers during the course.
Course report
The results of the course evaluation are compiled by the teacher responsible for the course. It is published in the form of a course report and is available for the current course session via Studium. A course report summarises both student and teacher views, presents the strengths and weaknesses of the course and suggests possible changes. In addition to the role of the course evaluation in the department's quality work, it gives you as a student support in reflecting on your education, your
study technique and collaboration with other students and teachers in the learning process.
If you are interested in reading past course reports and course evaluations from different courses, a search function is available: