Lessons and laboratory work in the kitchen and laboratory room

A picture of a kitchen with a roll up poster on the side


In kitchens and research kitchens, students must wear appropriate protective clothing. In the kitchens, chef's clothing (shirt and apron), chef's hat and indoor shoes (non-slip sole, covering top and a back cap to keep the foot in place) are required. The kitchen clothes are there to protect the food and therefore the apron should always be removed before going to the toilet, for example. For microbiology labs, a white lab coat is mandatory. For more information on microbiology labs, see the section "Instructions for working in a microbiological laboratory" further down on this page.

The chef's outfit must be washed if it gets dirty and the student is responsible for washing it during the course. Between laboratory sessions, lab coats and chef's clothing must be stored in the lockers in the changing rooms in A:0. The student must arrange for a padlock for the locker. The locker must be emptied at the end of the term. It is not allowed to bring outerwear, bags or your own food into the kitchen/laboratory.

Chef's clothes and white protective coats are available for loan to students on the courses Food Studies, Nutrition and Dietetics B, Food, Marketing and Leadership I and Sensory Science and Product Development. Students must pay for lost/unreturned borrowed clothes.

Hygiene and food safety

Hands should be washed regularly and thoroughly as instructed. Water-resistant plasters and gloves should be used for hand wounds. However, gloves do not replace hand washing and should be changed as regularly and in the same situations as hand washing. Gloves should only be worn when necessary. Jewellery on hands and wrists, such as rings, bracelets and watches, should be removed before laboratory sessions. Rings that cannot be removed must be covered with gloves. Hair should be worn up.

Order and safety

All students are responsible for cleaning the kitchen, dishwashing room and dining room and cleaning the kitchen appliances that have been used. All equipment should be put back in its place and dishcloths and towels should be put in the laundry basket. At each kitchen event, two kitchen managers (students) are appointed who have extra responsibility for ensuring that the rules of dress, hygiene and order are followed. The kitchen managers are also responsible for taking the trolley with rubbish and recycling to the rubbish room at C1:0 and emptying it. The compost is placed in brown bins outside entrance C1:1.

The main switch for stoves and electrical outlets is located inside the kitchen door and must be switched off before leaving the kitchen. There are fire blankets in the kitchen and fire extinguishers in the corridor.

Ordering food products

Orders in connection with laboratory sessions where students are instructed to order food must be received by the teacher responsible for the course no later than four full working days before the delivery is due, unless other instructions have been given. Those who do not submit their order in time will have to procure their own goods and thus also bear the cost.

Instructions for working in a microbiological laboratory

  • Always use a white protective coat (100% cotton). Immediately after completing the sub-module in food microbiology (after the fourth and final laboratory session), it should be submitted for laundering (≥90°C).
  • While in the laboratory, you must not eat or drink anything. Smoking or using snuff is also not permitted. In general, avoid any contact with the mouth, such as licking labels or tearing tape with your teeth.
  • Always wash your hands before and after laboratory work. Remove jewelry and wristwatches before starting work.
  • Clean your workbench with 70% ethanol both before and after work. Never touch bacterial cultures with your hands. Consider all used Petri dishes, bacterial tubes, etc., as pathogenic and therefore "contagious." Dispose of these items in the hazardous waste bin.
  • Use disposable gloves when necessary.
  • Dispose of all slides in the hazardous waste container on your bench (labeled "Used Tips").
  • Broken glass should be placed in the glass hazardous waste container (white plastic bucket).
  • Work neatly when using the microscope. Wipe the object table and knobs for coarse and fine adjustment with 70% ethanol afterwards if necessary.
  • In case of fire: familiarize yourself with how to act. Fire extinguishers and fire blankets are located in every corridor. Make sure you know how the fire extinguisher works - never spray it on a person!
  • Before leaving for the day, make sure water baths, gas flames, stirrers, and water taps are turned off. Wash and dry your hands thoroughly. Use warm water, soap, optionally alcohol, and disposable paper towels.

