Examination and follow-up sessions

A person in a blue shirt is sitting and writing on paper.

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Tests, retests and collection sessions

Hall exams or equivalent tests that require registration can be found via Ladok where you must register for the tests according to the specified deadline. These exams are given on one regular occasion, one re-examination occasion and one collection occasion (see also the guidelines for hall exams below).

If you as a student do not pass the course's exams after the semester's specified examination opportunities, you are referred to the next semester/year's regular examination opportunity on the corresponding course.

To participate in future courses' examination sessions, you do not need to re-register for the course, but it is enough that you have once been registered and that you via the course coordinator or course administrator find out when future examination sessions will take place, and register via Ladok. However, if you need to access the next course session's course material via Studium, you must be re-registered for the course. Contact administrator Karin Hellstadius.

Below are key points that apply to hall exams at IKV:

  1. For each exam, there is one regular exam session, one re-exam session, and one collection session in February and August for the fall and spring semesters respectively*. Thereafter, an additional exam session can take place in connection with the first regular exam session when the course is given again (next semester or next academic year). *The collection sessions are given on the same date for all courses at IKV and it is only possible to register for one exam at a time.
  2. Registration for the exam is done via Ladok, no later than 12 calendar days before the exam date. All exams are de-identified. It is not possible to register in the examination room.
  3. Valid photo identification (passport, driving license, national ID card) is required to take the exam. Tablets, smartphones or similar may not be used. E-identification is not accepted.
  4. After the regular exam, a review of the papers/exams is held and at the same time the student receives his/her exam in return. You as a student have the opportunity to make comments. Otherwise, the writing results should be posted promptly or within 25 calendar days after the exam. The first opportunity for a re-examination may occur 14 calendar days after the results have been posted.
  5. Registration for a re-examination must be made in Ladok no later than 12 calendar days before the examination date. If the student is prevented from participating in an exam for which registration has been made, the student is encouraged to notify the department's administrator.
  6. A student who has passed an examination may not take a new examination for a higher grade. Illness does not provide an additional writing opportunity. If a course is discontinued and will no longer be offered in its current form, the institution is obliged to offer three additional examinations, known as "closure examinations", during a period of at least three semesters after the course has been discontinued that covers at least three semesters after the end of the course. Thereafter, no further examination opportunities are given for the course. The student is responsible for keeping himself/herself updated on such changes, while the department shall assist with the information.

To take an e-exam, you must have an active student account. Your student account will be deactivated 18 months after registration on the last course you took. If you have any remaining exams to write, you must contact itsupport@uu.se and ask them to extend your student account for one month so that you can register for the exam in Ladok and write your exam. Should you need to extend the account several times you need to contact the course administrator at the department.

Regarding other compulsory examination elements such as seminars, laboratory sessions, presentations and assignments, no registration is usually required, but you are expected to participate at the specified time according to the schedule based on the specified group divisions, see carefully the course instructions regarding assignments via Studium. These elements are given at one regular session and one follow-up session. If you as a student do not pass all the course elements after the semester's specified examination/submission dates, you are referred to the next semester/year's examination date on the corresponding course. Sometimes supplementary residual- /replacement tasks may be relevant, which is determined by the respective course responsible teacher.

Being able to express yourself well in speech and writing and communicate your knowledge is important in today's labor market and thus also part of the education at the university. Writing memos, reports and essays or conducting an oral presentation is often part of the examination in various courses and instructions for this are given in relation to the task. At IKV, we have developed a guide (in swedish) for students for this form of writing and that document is found via the link below.

Om akademisk skrivande – en handledning för studenter vid Institutionen för kostvetenskap Pdf, 755 kB.

As a student at Uppsala University, you can also get help from staff at Språkverkstaden, which is open to all students at Uppsala University who want help with written or oral presentation. Språkverkstaden offers all students help in developing this ability. At Språkverkstaden you can book an appointment with a supervisor for free advice. You can get help with both Swedish and English.

When writing PM, reports and essays, you must cite the source of your information, formulate your text in your own words and take responsibility for the accuracy of the content. Plagiarism of already printed texts is not allowed and at UU we use the control system Ouriginal to detect any plagiarism. You may also not plagiarize each other's/other students' previous texts.

Plagiarism is defined as cheating and can lead to the disciplinary measures described above. Read carefully the given instructions for the assignment and ask the course coordinator before completing the assignment if anything is clear.

Grades, assessments, diplomas and certificates

Grades are set for all courses and reported in Ladok. Some courses may be divided into sub-courses/modules with separate exam codes, which are also reported in Ladok. Remember that all elements must be passed with at least a pass in order to receive a grade for the entire course. Via Studium, you can read which elements/assignments are included in the course's various grade modules (x credits), and how these are weighted together to give a grade for the entire course. Studium's assessment book continuously documents your completion of the assignments before the final entry of grades is made in Ladok. Only a full course can be included in a degree. As a student, you can check that your courses are documented in Ladok and take out a certificate of results and a registration certificate if you need to.

You must apply for a degree yourself after the end of the programme in Ladok. All your courses must be completed and reported before you apply for a degree.


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