Credit transfer, suspension and interruption of studies
Credit transfer
If you have previously studied courses at another Swedish or foreign university, it may be possible to include these courses/parts of these courses in your degree with us, which is called credit transfer. Different rules apply if you want to credit part of a course or a whole course, within a vocational degree or a general degree, and if the previous courses were taken at a Swedish or foreign university.
In all cases, the courses you have previously studied must be completed/approved, documented with certificates and that the courses, based on content, learning outcomes and bibliography, can be assessed as corresponding to the course/part of the course you intend the credit transfer to apply to.
Only when you are admitted to a program can you apply for credit transfer. The application should be made in reasonable time before the course concerned starts. See the information below for which form/link you should choose based on your case.
Credit in the dietetics program
If you are studying on the dietetics program and want to credit a course/part of a course that you have previously studied at other Swedish universities, apply via the link below. The application is assessed by the department's director of studies.
Credit within the food studies, nutrition and dietetics program or stand-alone course.
Food Studies, Nutrition and Dietetics program (bachelor's degree) or stand-alone course: If you are studying the food studies, nutrition and dietetics program or stand-alone course at the institution and want to credit part of a course that you have previously studied at other Swedish universities, apply via the link below. The application is assessed by the department's director of studies.
Please note that whole courses within the food studies, nutrition and dietetics program are not handled via the link above. Whole courses from other Swedish universities that are to be included in a general degree, such as a bachelor's degree in food science if you are studying the food science program, can usually be included without special credit transfer. This is handled when you apply for your degree certificate and refer to the courses to be included in your degree. These cases are handled by degree administrators at the central unit for study administration.
Credit of courses from foreign institutions
Courses from foreign universities that are intended to be included in a degree from Uppsala University must also be credited. If you have taken courses abroad, please contact Student Administration Unit to include these in your degree.
Study break
For example, in case of sickness, parental leave or other life circumstances, the planned education according to the program's study plan may be hampered and a study break may be needed. A study break is defined as a time-limited break in the regular course of study. As a rule, study leave is granted from the second semester onwards and is usually granted for one year at a time. The application should be supported by certificates.
If you apply for and are granted an interruption of studies, it is possible to resume your studies (with a guaranteed place) after the interruption. If you do not return as indicated in the decision, there is no longer a place guarantee. If you need guidance about your studies before applying for a break, contact the study counselor or director of studies at the department.
Interruption of studies
If you want to interrupt your program studies for good, you should notify the department via the link below. Please state the reason for the interruption, which is valuable for us at the department to know, but it is of course completely voluntary.
Application of interruption of studies on a program
If you study independent courses and want to discontinue them, you must make the study interruption on your own in Ladok ("terminate education"), and notify the institution via course administrator Karin Hellstadius.
In the case of an early documented interruption of a course (within three weeks after the start of the course), the student is given the opportunity to apply for the course again at a later date. NOTE: In case of interruption later than three weeks after the start of the course, you do not have the opportunity to reapply for the course. Any re-registration can be done subject to availability in consultation with the Director of Studies.