Support, advice and networks

The department's study advisors Clara Gauffin (Bachelor's programme) and Kibret Sigstam (Master's programme) offer you support and guidance in matters related to your studies, study situation and future career. Welcome to contact and visit us!

No matter what questions you have, the study advisor is a professional partner whose job is to help you further. This may, for example, be about your choices of further studies or discussing which career paths are available to you. Maybe you are struggeling with your studies or just feel that you have made the wrong choice and want to change the focus of your studies. The study advisor can assist you, and help get you on the right track.

The study advicor is bound to professional secrecy with regard to your personal circumstances. You also have Student Health Service to turn to. They offer induvidual counselling, courses and workshops to promote your well-being and ensure that you have a balanced student life.

In addition to the study advisors, you are also welcome to contact the programme coordinator Benny Avelin, with questions regarding your studies and career considerations.

If you need special support due to a long-term disability, you can apply for targeted pedagogical support.

Targeted study support is coordinated by Teknat Student Services

At Maths Support, you can get help from an experienced student to solve problems and understand theory on all our courses on basic level**. You can ask questions about everything from the simplest maths to the most difficult problems.

Maths support is provided during weeks 36-50 in the autumn and 4-22 in the spring (except week 18 due to "Valborg"). We also have rehearsal week in august.

Time of day

Monday-Thursday, 17.15-19.00 hrs.


Ångström Laboratory, room Å2002 and Å2003.

**Maths Support is only for courses on basic level. If you need support for an advanced level course do not hesitate to ask your teachers. They want everyone to do well and it is their job to help you.

Rehearsal week

We provide a rehearsal week for the re-examination period in week 32. We have sessions at 10-12 and 13-15 from Monday the 7th to Friday the 11th of August in room Å101130 and Å101132.


Brian Rydgren

The Student Health Service is there to help you with issues related to student life. These may include stress, insomnia, low self-confidence, performance anxiety, speech anxiety, alcohol or other things that can make student life complicated.

Student Health Services' range of support and advice

As female students are underrepresented on the Bachelor's and Master's programmes in Mathematics, we have a network for them coordinated by our equal opportunities coordinator. Women's breakfasts and women's evenings are organised and advertised on the programme pages in Studium.

There are many student associations, unions and nations to join and get involved in.

Subject specific for you as a maths student are:

  • The NVM section is the section within UTN for students studying Bachelor's and Master's programmes in mathematics and it consists of the NVM student council and the Möbius student association
  • UTN is the student union for you who are a technology or science student at Uppsala University
  • The Mathematical Society of Uppsala has existed for over 125 years and works to promote interest in mathematics in and around Uppsala. The association holds two meetings a year where participants are invited to popular science lectures and coffee. Another appreciated event is the awarding of prizes for meritorious exam papers and degree projects in mathematics. All students are welcome to attend the meetings.

Getting involved in an organisation provides unique experiences and opportunities to grow, learn and contribute. Whether it's planning events, managing communications, or representing student interests, there is always room for committed individuals who want to make a difference and develop professionally.

Use your study years not only to learn in the classroom, but also to gain other valuable contacts, skills and experiences.

Information on how to involve in different posts appointed by the student organisations student asociations.

The Department of Mathematics has a LinkedIn group for mathematics alumni from Uppsala University where students are also welcome to join. By definition, you are an alumni as soon as you have taken course credits with us. There are more than 300 alumni in the group, which gives you examples of possible career paths and networking opportunities. Many alumni welcome questions from students and are happy to answer them.

Every autumn, we organise an alumni event to which we also invite our students. It is a good opportunity to get inspiration and contacts. The event is advertised on our programme pages in Studium.

