Bachelor's Programme in Business and Economics

180 credits

Programme syllabus, SEK1K

A revised version of the programme syllabus is available.
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Social Sciences, 22 April 2021
Registration number
SAMFAK 2021/42 Doss:3:2:1, UFV 2021/1091
Responsible faculty
Faculty of Social Sciences
Responsible department
Department of Business Studies
Other participating department(s)
Department of Business Studies, Department of Economic History, Department of Economics, Department of Human Geography, Department of Statistics

Decisions and guidelines

The Bachelor Programme in Business and Economics equals fulltime studies and leads to a Bachelor Degree in Business and Economics. The programme prepares students for economically oriented positions in the private and public sectors, both nationally and internationally. The programme also gives students the opportunity to apply for the two-year Master's programmes at the advanced level during the third year.

Entry requirements

General entry requirements and Mathematics 3b or 3c/Mathematics C, Social Studies 1b or 1a1+1a2, English 6

Learning outcomes

For a Bachelor degree in Business and Economics, the student should demonstrate the knowledge and skills required for a qualified work within the fields of Business and Economics.

Knowledge and understanding

After completing the programme students should be able to

  • understand and apply advanced knowledge in the chosen main field of study
  • demonstrate broad knowledge in various areas of Business and Economics
  • demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding within the selected main field of study
  • understand and apply both qualitative and quantitative methods

Skills and abilities

After completing the programme students should be able to

  • demonstrate the ability to independently identify and formulate questions within the economic field
  • demonstrate the ability to independently identify, evaluate, and integrate information to analyse and provide solutions to problems and situations related to the economic field
  • independently search for and critically evaluate information in order to discuss and analyse economic issues and situations
  • propose solutions to economic problems and situations and perform tasks within specified time frames
  • communicate in written and oral form in issues concerning economy, as well as with other economists who lack specialist knowledge in the field
  • work independently as well as collaborate with others in problem solving situations
  • use basic information technology programs

Judgement and approach

After completing the programme students should be able to

  • demonstrate skills in the field of business and economics to make judgements with respect to scientific, social and ethical aspects
  • demonstrate knowledge of the importance of leadership and its practice
  • demonstrate knowledge of the role of knowledge in society and the responsibility for its use
  • demonstrate an ability to identify their need of further knowledge and development of their skills

Layout of the programme

The programme begins with an introduction to business studies that gives a first glimpse of accounting, finance, organisation, management and marketing. The second semester comprises of 30 credits of economics that provides a basic knowledge of micro- and macroeconomic theories. The third semester comprises of 15 credits of statistics in economics and an optional course 15 credits. The first three semesters aims to give a broad base within the economic fields and helps the student to put their studies in a historical and global context. The following semesters will give the student the opportunity to profile themselves by selecting the main field of study. During the fifth semester it is possible to choose optional courses either in Uppsala or at any of the partner universities we have around the world. During the last semester the student writes a Bachelor thesis.

The main fields of study is chosen between Economic History, Business Studies, Commercial Law, Economics and Statistics. The chosen main field of study will be studied during the fourth semester. With Business Studies or Economics as the main field of study an optional minor field of study will be studied during the fifth semester (30 credits). With any of the other chosen main fields of study optional courses will be studied during the second or fifth semester depending on the chosen main field of study.

Required courses in within the programme are Business Studies (30 credits), Economics (30 credits) and Statistics for Economists (15 credits).


During the programme, students will first obtain a wider knowledge of the whole subject and progressively acquire advanced knowledge in the chosen main field of study. The knowledge will be acquired through their own studies, teaching, group discussions and independent projects.

The student will also gradually acquire a deeper scientific approach, including for instance the ability to plan, execute, analyse and report scientific results. The student's ability to analyse and apply theoretical knowledge in practice will continuously be developed. Increased autonomy will be obtained inter alia during training where the student must take greater responsibility for their own learning. Training in both cooperation and oral and written communication and seminar and meeting culture is gradually deepened and both national and international contacts are encouraged.

Students present their knowledge and skills through various forms of examination. In the final thesis the student will demonstrate that he / she has achieved the goal of a more independent way to integrate knowledge.


The programme leads to a Bachelor Degree in Business and Economics 180 credits, including 90 credits within the main field of study including an individually performed project work of 15 credits in the main field. 30 credits Business Studies, 30 credits Economics and 15 credits Statistics are required. Main fields of study for the degree may be Economic History, Business Studies, Commercial Law, Economics, or Statistics.

Other directives

The programme provides eligibility to apply for Master programmes at the advanced level.

