Cultural and Natural Heritage
7.5 credits
Reading list, Master's level, 5EE003
Main group 1
- Dicks, Bella., Culture on display: the production of contemporary visitability, Berkshire, England, Open University Press, 2004
- Eriksen, Anne, From antiquities to heritage: transformations of cultural memory, New York, Berghahn Books, 2014
- Kapchan, Deborah, Cultural Heritage in Transit, University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., 2014
- Löfgren, Orvar., On holiday: a history of vacationing, Berkeley, University of California Press, c1999
- Sassatelli, Monica, Becoming Europeans: cultural identity and cultural policies, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009
- Waterton, Emma., The semiotics of heritage tourism
Further reading will be assigned.