Intervention, Evolution and Control of Microbes

30 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 3MK006

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Infection Biology A1F, Medical Science A1F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Master Programmes Board of the Faculty of Medicine/Chair, 18 August 2010
Responsible department
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology

Entry requirements

One year of studies at the Infection Biology Master programme or correlative. Proficiency in English.

Learning outcomes

After completion of the course the student should

-Be able to describe and explain the principles behind the formation and genetic evolution of pathogenic microorganisms.

-Be able to apply and critically examine the bioinformatics methods used to genetically determine the origin and development of a pathogenic microbe.

-Have detailed knowledge of propagation paths (air, soil, water, body fluids, food etc.) of pathogenic microorganisms from the epidemiological perspective and be able to discuss the factors of importance for the dissemination of these.

-Be able to account for existing organisations and their rules and practices for reporting, monitoring, risk assessment and prevention of proliferation and presence of microbes.

-Be able to explain the laws and practices regarding work with infectious microbes as well as measures to minimise contamination when working with them.

-Be able to describe and evaluate effectiveness, practical applicability and cost effectiveness of immunisation against pathogenic microorganisms in the choice of immunogen, adjuvant and route of administration.

-Be able to explain the regulatory aspects in the development of antimicrobal drugs, and general principles for the conduct of clinical trials.

-Be able to descuss the ethical issues and evaluate the potential for abuse, so called dual use, when working with different pathogenic microbes and to propose methods to minimise these risks.


The course constitutes the third semester (of four) of the Master programme in infection biology. The elements of the course will complement the previously acquired more molecular and biomedical knowledge of infectious biology and provide a comprehensive understanding of infectious disease emergence and spread, as well as tools for control and prevention of these at a local as well as international level. The course is divided into three parts

A)Evolution and Ecology, B) Epidemiology and C) Intervention and Control


Teaching is conducted as lectures in the morning, given by specialists from academia, hospital, government agencies, authorities and pharmaceutical industry. In the afternoon teaching is given as mandatory seminars and practical exercises and other activities such as field trips. These elements aim at giving an increased practical and theoretical knowledge and a possibility for deeper understanding of the different topics of the course. For students, which after a specific application have been selected for parallel research training, the lab-rotations will substitute the seminars and presentations.

The course is taught in English.


Examination includes written exams as well as written and/or oral presentations at seminars. Passing of the course demands passing of all written exams, approved written and oral presentations of teamwork, as well as approved attention in mandatory elements. Grading criteria is set by the examiner and shall be attached to the syllabus at the beginning of the course. Students selected for parallel research training, should report performed lab projects according to specific instructions in addition to passing the written exams.

