Applied Ecosystem Ecology

15 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 1BG305

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Biology A1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (3), Pass with credit (4), Pass with distinction (5)
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 15 April 2010
Responsible department
Biology Education Centre

Entry requirements

120 credits including alternative 1) 40 credit points/60 credits biology and 20 credit points/30 credits chemistry or 20 credit points/30 credits earth sciences; alternative 2) 60 credit points/90 credits biology. In both cases, the biology should contain Ecology MN1 or Limnology MN1.

Learning outcomes

The course builds further on the students' knowledge and experiences from earlier courses in ecology or limnology and aims at communicating an independent and source-critical working method for a future career in research or as professionals within the society, with sustainable development as the general aim. After passing the course the student should be able to

  • explain overall structure and function of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and interactions between them from a catchment perspective, and motivate the use of catchments as a the basis for nature conservation, environmental protection and other planning purposes in society
  • describe and apply the EU Water Framework Directive and generally know how water issues are handled also outside Europe
  • handle GPS equipment and geographic information systems using the software ArcGIS
  • independently plan, motivate and carry out sampling and analysis for monitoring of water quality in a catchment, and evaluate the result
  • explain and distinguish between different forms of anthropogenic influence on aquatic systems and use this in evaluations of nature values and damages on lakes and watercourses
  • critically review and communicate theories, complex problems and research results


Applied ecosystem ecology

The course handles catchment areas from an integrated ecosystem perspective, and the following parts are included:

  • The hydrological cycling and water as carrier of different substances
  • Definition and identification of catchment areas from map material and in field
  • Flow analyses of different substances in catchment areas
  • The structure and function of different catchment ecosystems, interactions between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
  • Global carbon cycling and climate change
  • Anthropogenically influenced versus natural systems. Effects of different land use on hydrological, chemical and biological processes in soil and water
  • Anthropogenic threats to aquatic ecosystems, in the form of hydromorphological changes (construction of dams and dikes,drainage of land), pollution (eutrophication, acidification, dangerous substances), introduction of non-native species and exploitation of species populations.
  • Case studies for assessing Natura 2000 object
  • Oral and written presentations and group assignment are included in the course

GIS training

Practical training in handling the software ArcGIS, to a large extent integrated in other parts of the course. An individual GIS project is also included.

Literature seminar; Water management

from Swedish, European and international perspective.


The teaching is given as lectures, seminars, computer exercises, laboratory sessions, field exercises and group assignments. Participation in seminars, computer exercises, laboratory sessions, field exercises and group assignments are compulsory. Integrated communication training with feedback and self evaluation is included in the course.


Modules: Applied ecosystem ecology 8 credits; GIS training 5 credits; Literature seminar 2 credits

Examination of the applied ecosystem ecology is continuously performed during the course through written reports, oral presentations and/or seminars.

Examination of the GIS training is made by written assignments and by individual tasks where the students produce and present an assignment where a GIS map is included. The literature seminar requires active participation in the discussions.

