Toxicology and Risk Assessment

15 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 1BG377

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Biology A1F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (3), Pass with credit (4), Pass with distinction (5)
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 15 April 2010
Responsible department
Biology Education Centre

Entry requirements

150 credits completed courses including 60 credits biology and 30 credits chemistry or 30 credits earth science.

Learning outcomes

The main objectives of the course are to give the students knowledge about toxicological mechanisms and understanding as well as training in the risk assessment process for chemicals. After having completed the course the students should be able to:


<li>Explain how tissue-specific toxicity depends on presence and activity of transport proteins and enzymes in different cells and tissues </li>

<li>Understand and use histopathological terminology and evaluate histopathological changes in different organs </li>

<li>Carry out dissections and identify anatomical changes in animals exposed to chemicals </li>

<li>Explain why animals are particularly sensitive to adverse effects by chemicals during different developmental periods </li>

<li>Interpret results from different toxicological tests and evaluate their significance for risk assessment </li>

<li>Critically review and evaluate toxicological studies </li>

<li>Carry out a risk assessment and present it orally and in writing </li>

<li>Critically review risk assessments </li>



The course contains the following part:

Metabolism-dependent toxicity: An overview of how chemicals can be activated through biotransformation that catalyses enzymes in different tissues.

Toxicity at the histological level: Basic histology and histopatologi and present mechanisms for injuries at the cellular level. The students perform studies of histological samples.

Anatomic changes: Basic anatomy and anatomic changes as a consequence of exposure for toxic chemicals. Dissections and autopsy auscultations are included.

Comparing development toxicology: Presentation of structural and functional changes that can be induced during the development of animals of different classes.

Toxicologically mechanisms: Description of different mechanisms for genetic injuries, cell mortality, organ toxicity when exposure for chemicals.

Exposure for chemicals: Presentation of different paths by which animals and people are exposed to different chemicals.

Epidemiology: Description of principles and methods for carrying out epidemiological studies. Example of epidemiological studies are presented.

Risk assessment: Studies of health risk assessments of chemicals and individual project dealing with risk assessment of some chemical. The project is completed with oral and written presentation of the risk assessment. During this part, lecturers are included from risk assessing authorities

Modules: Theory 10 credits; Project Work 3 credits; Exercises and laboratory sessions 2 credits


Teaching includes lectures, seminars, laboratory practicals, computer exercises and an individual project. Participation in seminars, practicals, exercises and the individual project is compulsory.


Modules: Theory 9 credits Project Work 4 HE credits; Exercises and laboratory sessions 2 HE credits

Theory is examined through a written exam. The project is examined through written and oral presentations and critical review of other course participants' project presentations. Exercises and practicals: require active participation and a written exam is given on the histology and histopathology part.

