Development Studies C

30 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 2SK041

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Development Studies G2E
Grading system
Pass with distinction (VG), Pass (G), Fail (U)
Finalised by
The Board of the Department of Government, 13 June 2012
Responsible department
Department of Government

Entry requirements

Development Studies second year level or equivalent education.

Learning outcomes

After completion of Development Studies C the students are expected to:

• have strengthened their knowledge of social science methods which they have gained from Development Studies B.

• to get a deepened knowledge within a specialised field in development studies

• independently formulate a researchable problem within development studies based on previous research and with the help of one or several methods answer the question in their own study and critically reflect on the results of the study


The course has three sub-courses:

1. Methods, 7.5 ECTS

2. Tragedy of the Commons.5 ECTS

Other relevant courses can be chosen. Contact Director of Development Studies, Hans Blomkvist.

3. Independent study (thesis work)15 ECTS

1. Methods, 7.5 credits


The focus of this course is on various research methods used in political science. It explains basic methodological concepts and discusses the main steps of the research process. Students are introduced to quantitative as well as qualitative analysis techniques, albeit with a special emphasis on the quantitative side. An important additional aim is to communicate an understanding of the relative strengths and weaknesses of quantitative versus qualitative techniques. The question of how to provide evidence for the existence of causal relationships in political science constitutes another central aspect of the course.


After completing the course, student are expected to possess:

- the ability to undertake basic empirical research using quantitative as well as qualitative techniques.

- satisfactory knowledge of the difference between descriptive and causal research questions

- satisfactory knowledge of the relative advantages and disadvantages of quantitative and qualitative techniques

- satisfactory knowledge of the problems involved in establishing causal relationships

- satisfactory skills in interpreting results from basic quantitative and qualitative analyses

- basic skills in computer-based statistical analysis

- basic knowledge of statistical inference


Teaching takes the form of lectures and mandatory seminars. The lectures cover the central topics of the course and give an introduction to computer-based statistical analysis. The seminars are the most important part of the course. They provide students with an opportunity to exercise their skills with regard to the main steps of the research process. At each seminar, the students are required to hand in individual, written solutions to a set of assignments. These solutions are then extensively discussed during the subsequent seminar under the guidance of a seminar teacher.


The course ends with a written exam. The purpose of the exam is twofold. First, it provides the basis for grading the students. Second, it encourages the students to review the contents of the course, thereby consolidating the knowledge they have acquired.

Grades are awarded on a scale comprising the grades VG (pass with distinction), G (pass), and U (fail).

To reach the grade G (pass), students must:

- participate in all mandatory seminars as well as present serious attempts to solve all exercise assignments

- reach at least the grade G (pass) on the written exam.

After completing the course, students are expected to possess:

- satisfactory methodological knowledge relevant to the main areas of political science

- sufficient methodological skill to formulate research questions and undertake basic empirical research on their own

2. Tragedy of the Commons? Climate Change, Energy, and the Politics of Resource Management, 7.5 credits

Goal (expected study results)

The course has two overarching goals. The first is to deepen the students’ knowledge and understanding of the ‘collective action dilemma’ from a social science perspective. The second goal is to acquaint the students with two crucial, and interdependent, global problems: climate change and energy. As a corollary to these two goals the course will also analyse and discuss possible political solutions to the management of climate and energy issues (as well as dilemmas over natural resources more generally). To this end, the course will examine possible solutions at the international, regional, and local levels. At the global level, emphasis will be placed on international regimes such as the Kyoto Protocol. At the regional level, the European Union’s efforts to combat climate change will be examined. Lastly, the course will consider how energy and climate politics are played out in the localities of developing countries. The latter includes the confluence of state policies and norms in the local community. Upon the completion of this course the students are expected to thoroughly understand the interface between politics and the challenge of addressing environmental problems and managing limited natural resources. The intent is also to provide a good foundation for students who want to pursue this topic in a C level essay in Development studies or Political Science.

Content of the course

The course consists of three parts: 1) Energy and Climate in Developing Countries;

2) Energy and Technology; 3) International Cooperation on Climate Change.


The course consists of lectures and seminars.

Examination and course requirements

The students are examined by means of (active participation in) the seminars, written seminar assignments, and a final written exam.

A summary grade for the whole course will be given according to the scale Underkänt (U), Godkänt (G) or Väl godkänt (VG).

Further instructions for the course will be added when the course starts in January 2013.

3. Independent study (thesis work), 15 credits


After completion of the course the students are expected to:

• carry out an independent study on development and/or development theory based on the empirical, methodological, and theoretical knowledge gained during the preceding 75 points in Development Studies


Teaching is done in the form of supervision, individually or in groups, of the thesis work and through active participation in (at least seven) thesis seminars.


The thesis is examined in connection with the thesis seminars. The grade summarises the evaluation of the thesis, oral presentation and defence of the thesis, comments (opposition), and active participation in the other thesis seminars. The criteria and how they are combined are formulated in the course presentation handed out in the beginning of the semester. Grades are awarded according the scale “failed”, "pass" or "pass with distinction".


The teaching consists of lectures and seminars.


The students are examined by means of a written test, assignments, and active participation in seminars. The third part is examined by means of writing and defending a thesis, commenting on a thesis and active participation in (at least five) theses seminars. An opportunity for a re-test is given ca 3-4 weeks after the first exam. The time and place for the written tests is announced in the schedule on the website of the Department of Government and on the Student Portal. Grades are awarded according the scale “failed”, "pass" or "pass with distinction". To get the grade “pass with distinction” for the whole C course that grade is needed for at least 15 points of the totally 30 points.

