Professional Logopedics II

4.5 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 3LG111

Education cycle
First cycle
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G)
Finalised by
The Board of the Speech and Language Pathology Programme, 22 May 2013
Responsible department
Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences

Entry requirements

For admission to semester 2, 22.5 passed credits are required from programme courses from earlier semesters. The programme is based on clear progression, which is why the student should follow the courses in order.

Learning outcomes

After the course, the student should

- be able to apply basic voice and speech training to their own voice.

- be able to explain the relationship between respiration, relaxation, attitude and voice as well as independently carry out exercises to train respiration, relaxation, attitude and voice.

- be able to reflect on basic principles of an ethical and therapeutic attitude as well as combine these in possible solutions to health care situations.

- be able to interact in groups and present the work of the group orally.


This is the second of the courses in Professional Logopedics. Recurring strands for these courses are oral and written presentation, including voice and speech training, as well as professional attitude.

The course is based on earlier teaching of the anatomy and phonation of the voice. In the course, the students are taught about the basics of voice production, voice disturbances and voice treatment as well as the voice as a means of communication. The students in group work learn the relationship between respiration, relaxation, attitude and voice and may further learn technologies to train this. The students, together with an active speech therapist, participate in five individual treatments sessions that aim for the student to learn to master their own voice function and gain an optimal voice and speech technique, which may then be utilised in treatment of patients with voice disorders as well as other patient groups. The component is required for admission to the placement courses and the course Functional and organic voice disorders of adults and children, semester 5 (see course syllabus of this course).

In conversations, discussions and exercises, the student may reflect on the situation as a patient, a family-member and as a speech therapist. The students apply the basics of a therapeutic attitude practically and discuss the consequences of the same. The component is required for the placement courses as well as the course Professional Logopedics III semester 6 (see course syllabus of this course).

The course also includes teaching in statistics. The student should, before beginning placement courses, be able to apply knowledge of basic statistics that is relevant when using speech therapy test materials.

Child observation semester 2. The course includes observation of a child at the age of one.

A pass mark on course is required for entry requirements to the courses Functional and organic voice disorders of adults and children and Professional Logopedics III. The course also includes teaching of basic statistics.

The student is given initial teaching of different aspects at oral and written presentation.


The teaching is given as lectures, seminars, discussions, group work and individual exercise with active speech therapist.


The students show results of their learning through examined components. These components can be oral and written. Passing the course requires both active participation in compulsory learning activities and passed results of examining components. Information about examining components or compulsory learning activities are given at the beginning of the course.

A pass mark on course As grade in the course, Pass (G) is used or Fail (U). To pass the course, active participation as well as passed oral and written presentations are required.

Students who fail to pass the examination have the right to retake the examination on 4 additional occasions (= a total of 5 examination attempts). If special circumstances apply, the programme committee can admit additional examination. Each occasion the student participates in an examination is regarded as one examination attempt. Submission of a so-called blank examination counts as an examination attempt.

