Degree Project in Industrial Engineering and Management

30 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 1TE962

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Industrial Engineering and Management A2E
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G)
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 6 May 2015
Responsible department
Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering

Learning outcomes

After a completed course, the student should be able to:

  • search for, collect, evaluate and critically interpret relevant information for a problem and critically discuss this, as well as issues and situations encountered based on scientific, social and ethical dimensions,
  • independently identify, formulate and solve problems, even with limited information, and plan and carry out advanced tasks within given time frames,
  • orally and in writing present and discuss problems, solutions and conclusions with different audiences,
  • give constructive criticism to others' texts,
  • work independently with qualified tasks in the field of industrial engineering and management,
  • demonstrate a scientific approach.


In the thesis, students should independently apply the knowledge acquired during the studies present the task within the planned time. The task should be chosen so that the knowledge gained from previous studies can be applied, broadened and deepened. The task chosen should be such that it can be resolved and reported within the given time frame.

To achieve these goals, the student should during the course:

  • independently but under supervision delimit a socio-technical problem, investigate it, interpret and evaluate the results from the study and present the work orally and in writing
  • search, evaluate and compile information relevant for the chosen problem
  • actively participate in seminars or, if possible, other activities available at the place where the work is performed


The course is offered as a seminar series consisting of seven occasions that a) addresses the expectations of a thesis, b) covers the essential components of a thesis (problematisation, theory / literature, methodology, analysis / results), c) discuss the ethical aspects of the thesis, and d) ends with a final presentation. Participation in seminars is compulsory and means that each student both present and discuss (in oral and written form) other students' work. In addition to the seminars, also individual supervision is given.


The thesis and its essential elements should be presented both orally and in writing (see Other Regulations). The examination also includes discussion of another thesis and its essential elements, typically within the same program, or performing a similar task defined by the examiner.

Other directives

The student is admitted to the course by the examiner. Before this can happen, the student's proposed outline for a thesis project together with a plan for the project with a time schedule and activities to be performed should be approved.

The written thesis should consist of a scientific report, as well as a summary, and should be written in English or Swedish. A report written in Swedish should also include a short summary (abstract) in English. The report should include such parts as problematisation, purpose specification and scope, method discussions, theoretical discussions, ethical and societal discussions, findings and conclusions, discussion of the results and conclusions, and a list of literature used for the work performed. The report should be linguistically correct.

The thesis is an independent work. This does not preclude that two students can collaborate on a major task and present the work in a joint report. If so, each student should carry out her/his own oral presentation of the work and then clearly state her/his own work. The participants' work should also be stated in the introduction of the common written report.

In thesis work performed in the School of Entrepreneurship in Uppsala, a group of students (max 3) collaborates with a larger task (equivalent to 30 credits for each student). The task is defined in the framework of the School of Entrepreneurship, and should be conducted as an integral part of this training. The work should be reported in a single written report for the group. Each student in the group conducts her/his own oral presentation of the work and clearly states her/his own work. The participants' work should also be stated in the introduction of the common written report. MasILI students participating in the School of Entrepreneurship will participate in the seminar series that make up this course as above, or other equivalent series organised by the School of Entrepreneurship. Furthermore, it is required that these students' theses include a specialisation within Industrial Engineering.

The oral presentation and discussion of classified theses take place within the framework of existing cooperation agreements with the project owner. The examiner and the subject examiners should attend.

Plagiarism Review always takes place during the course.

Other instructions for the thesis are available at

