Cell Biology

15 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 1MB102

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Biology G1F, Technology G1F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (3), Pass with credit (4), Pass with distinction (5)
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 29 October 2014
Responsible department
Biology Education Centre

Entry requirements

Introduction to biotechnology and bioinformatics 5 credits. Basic chemistry 10 credits.


The course gives basic knowledge about the structure and function of cells and biotechnical applications according to basic methods within biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics and bioinformatics.

Cell Biology is an interdisciplinary subject, and an important aim of the course is to integrate the fields of biochemistry, molecular cell biology, genetics and energetics.

The course discusses the following subjects:

The chemical composition of the cell. Cell organelles. Evolution from molecules to cells. How to study cells and cell components

microscopy techniques, methods to fractionate cells and cell components. The structure and information content of macromolecules.

Structure of nucleic acids, proteins, polysaccharides and lipids.

The structure and function of enzymes. The kinetics of enzyme reactions. Biochemical techniques

chromatography, electrophoresis, centrifugation. The structure of cell walls. Organisation of lipids, polysaccharides and proteins in the plasma membrane. Membrane transport of small molecules. Membrane potential. Biosynthesis of lipids and polysaccharides. Cellular energy metabolism. Catabolism and anabolism. Energy gain from organic and inorganic compounds in respiration and fermentation. Structure of mitochondria and chloroplasts. Photosynthesis. Nutrients. The structure, function and dynamics of the cytoskeleton. The coordination of the different membrane systems of the cell. The mechanisms behind: organelle transport, secretion, endocytosis and cell division. Cell communication; intercellular contacts, cell surface receptors, cell adhesion. Extracellular matrices. Signals over the plasma membrane. Cell motility and chemotaxis in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.

Biosynthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins. Genome organisation. Gene expression. Mutations. Genetic recombination. DNA repair The mechanisms behind genetic constancy and variation. The organisation of the cell nucleus. Chromatin. Chromosomes. The cell cycle. Mitosis and meiosis. Basic gene technology; cloning of DNA, plasmids, viruses. Laboratory sessions: Light microscopy.

Centrifugation. Electrophoresis. Chromatography. Spectroscopy. Culture of bacteria.

Reactions catalysed by enzymes.

Reconstruction of complex enzymatic reactions in vitro. PCR. DNA sequencing. Computer exercises. Ethic seminars.


The teaching comprises lectures, group work, seminars and laboratory sessions.


The course consists of a theoretical part (9 credits) with lectures and group work and two practical parts: laboratory sessions (5 credits) and an independent literature study (1 credit) that has to be presented orally and in writing.

