Drugs and the Elderly

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 3FB204

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Drug Management A1N, Pharmaceutical Sciences A1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Educational Board of Pharmacy, 24 August 2017
Responsible department
Department of Pharmacy

General provisions

This course replaces and corresponds to 3FB060 or 3FB415, Drugs and the Elderly.

Entry requirements

For students on the Bachelor of Science Programme in Pharmacy , it is required that 120 credits should be approved and gone through all earlier courses on the programme. The student should also have passed results of basic courses within: physiology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and pharmacotherapy.

For students on the Master of Science Programme in Pharmacy, it is required that 150 credits should be approved and going through earlier courses within the programme. The student should also have passed results of basic courses within: physiology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and pharmacotherapy.

For students on the Master Programme in Drug Management it is required that at least 7.5 credits pharmacokinetics and 7.5 credits pharmacotherapy should be approved.

Qualified to single subject course is the one that has 150 credits. Passed courses about lowest 60 credits within pharmaceutical bioscience, pharmaceutical science and/or pharmacy, of which at least 7.5 credits pharmacokinetics and 7.5 credits pharmacotherapy and basic course in physiology and pharmacology or the equivalent knowledge which are tested individually. Knowledge in Swedish and English equivalent to that required for basic level entry into Swedish higher education. Older degree or the equivalent education is tested in each individual case.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course the student should be able to contribute to a better use of drugs in the elderly.

After examination, the student should be able to:

- evaluate drug therapy based on older patients' specific conditions and explain why certain drugs are unsuitable for the elderly patient.

- identify medication-related problems in a given elderly patient from drug list, symptom rating scale and patient records.

- address the identified drug-related problems by selecting and motivating the appropriate drug therapy for medication, dosage, dosage intervals, dosage form and duration of treatment tailored to a given elderly patient, other medications, and current recommendations.

- evaluate the identified drug-related problems by selecting and justifying a priority for them.

- identify drugs that require phasing, explain the reasons behind this, and state phase-out schedule.

- choose appropriate non-pharmacological treatment with regard to a given elderly patient and current recommendations.

- describe and discuss how drug use is at a nursing facility in relation to the indicators and other studies.

- produce written reports with adequate language that clearly summarises the relevant content.


The course includes common diseases among older patients. The student works with and discusses patient case from medication list, symptom assessment scale and medical records. The student also obtains an insight in Swedish geriatric care through practice on specific housing. During practice, the student documents a patient case and make an investigative assignment.

During the course, the student may also train:

- the ability to communicate with patients and health-care personnel

- the ability to search, sort, critically review and pass on drug-related information

- oral presentation

- decision making

- independent thinking

- work in groups


The teaching is given in the form of lectures, group discussions, seminars, study visit, self-study of literature and practice. Problem-based learning is included as a working method.

Compulsory parts of the course:

Course introduction, group discussions, seminars, practice, written assignments, oral presentations and exam follow-up.


Examination takes place at the end of the course. For a passing grade the student must pass the examination (3 hp) and all portions of the course that are obligatory (2,5 hp) and clinical attachment (2 hp). A chance to finalise a failed compulsory part can be arranged only at the next course occasion and only in case of a vacancy.

Each student has the right to in all six examinations, i.e. one examination and five re-examinations.

Other directives

During practice (VFU), working hours other than Monday to Friday at 08:00 to 17:00 may occur. Under the VFU, basic hygiene routines should be applied, for example concerning short-sleeves, jewelry and artificial nails. The examiner may interrupt the current VFU. For a passing grade, the student must attend all the VFU days of the course.

