Developmental Psychology, Specifically Social Functioning

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 2PS746

Education cycle
Second cycle
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 30 August 2022
Responsible department
Department of Psychology

Entry requirements

Admitted to the Master's Programme in Social Sciences, specialising in Psychology.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

- Account for current research and state of knowledge within the area of developmental psychology, with a specific focus on early development and developmental processes of significance for social functioning.

- Explain the importance of genes and environment which account for individual differences in typical ad atypical development.

- Critically review developmental psychology research on basis of insights about state of research and limitations of central methods within the area.

- Describe the method of corneal eye tracking and how it is applied within developmental psychology research.

- Apply the corneal reflection eye tracking method.

- Demonstrate awareness of ethical aspects of developmental psychology research.

- Analyze and discuss how knowledge within the field of developmental psychology can be applied and contribute to the sustainable development of society.


The course addresses current theory and empirical work within the field of developmental psychology. The course content will be related to and exemplified by the department's own research in the field. Laboratory sessions are carried out at Uppsala Child and Baby Lab. Starting from the innate predispositions of the infant and its early experiences, the development of thinking, action, and social functioning is described, as well as its importance for later development.


Teaching is given in the form of lectures, demonstrations, laboratory work, seminars and course assignments. Students are also expected to engage in independent studies. Teaching is done in English.


Students' knowledge is assessed via written and oral examinations. The course is examined by individually written exams, mandatory course assignments, and active participation in seminars and other teaching sessions.

