Winners of the 2023 Distinguished Teaching Awards selected
The winners of this year’s Uppsala University Distinguished Teaching Awards in Religious Studies, Business Studies, Paediatrics and Chemistry. This year, the Free Distinguished Teaching Award on the theme “Creative teaching” is awarded to Karen Brounéus at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research.
The recipients of the Distinguished Teaching Awards are selected from nominations made by students and colleagues. The selection is made by the Vice-Chancellor after proposals from a preparatory committee.
Karen Brounéus, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, has been awarded the 2023 Free Distinguished Teaching Award on the theme “Creative teaching”.
Brounéus connects clinical psychology and mindfulness with peace and conflict research – inner peace with external peace – in a unique manner. She tackles complicated issues such as trauma and reconciliation with great expertise and empathic dedication. Karin is passionate about students’ well-being and teaches how mindfulness-based stress management can prepare them for tackling challenges in their lives and professions. Students testify to an outstanding ability to create an atmosphere in the classroom in which everyone feels involved and heard.
Theology, Humanities and Educational Sciences
Senior Lecturer Maria Klingenberg at the Department of Theology has been awarded the 2023 Distinguished Teaching Award in Theology, Humanities and Educational Sciences.
Klingenberg is a very committed teacher who brings religious studies to life in a way that inspires students in their own learning. Her teaching is characterised by theoretical awareness and methodological rigour as well as warmth and great dedication. She is direct and clear in her communication, not least in terms of feedback on students’ learning, and she always has a conscious eye on progression. Klingenberg also contributes to the development of colleagues’ teaching by generously sharing her solid teaching experience and genuine interest in teaching development.
Law and Social Sciences
Professor Henrik Dellestrand at the Department of Business Studies has been awarded the 2023 Distinguished Teaching Award in Law and Social Sciences.
Dellestrand is a highly esteemed teacher with a broad competence profile. His teaching is permeated by a genuine interest in the field of economics and an ambition to pique the curiosity of students. He often uses innovative teaching tools, which helps ensure that the teaching is suitable for students’ varying learning processes. By interspersing theory and practice, students gain theoretical knowledge as well as contextual understanding. His solid commitment to the subject has given his teaching a special depth that is greatly appreciated by his students and that has enriched the department’s teaching development.
Medicine and Pharmacy
Professor Tryggve Nevéus at the Department of Women's and Children's Health has been awarded the 2023 Distinguished Teaching Award in Medicine and Pharmacy.
Nevéus has great enthusiasm for teaching, something which is appreciated by both students and colleagues. The teaching in paediatrics he provides is clearly anchored in current research while simultaneously preparing the students for the practical reality of clinical professional practice, including through a highly valued student clinic at the children’s intensive care unit. He develops his teaching in consultation with students, even as courses are under way. Nevéus has been an important educational leader for many years now, playing a central role in collegial interaction at the department.
Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology
Senior Lecturer Christer Elvingson at the Department of Chemistry – Ångström Laboratory has been awarded the 2023 Distinguished Teaching Award in Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology.
Through his great commitment to students, his mentoring and his excellent teaching ability, as well as through a number of management assignments in the field of education, Elvingson has become a highly valued teacher at the Section of Chemistry. He has created new courses included in several different degree programmes and has also run targeted educational projects, including to improve students’ chances to prepare for laboratory sessions. Elvingson has been described as a hero among students and staff for his teaching initiatives.
Anders Berndt
The Distinguished Teaching Awards
Each year, Uppsala University presents distinguished teaching awards for outstanding contributions in undergraduate education according to specific nomination categories.
Four of the awards are given to teachers in the following areas:
- Theology, Humanities and Educational Sciences
- Law and Social Sciences
- Medicine and Pharmacy
- Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology.
The fifth prize is awarded for educational achievements in an area chosen for special priority that year.